Super Insight System

Chapter 7: Blood is thicker than water


Soon Li Yu found a troublesome thing, because he likes to be quiet and his secrets are not exposed, so he chooses the location of the villa a little bit. It takes a long time to walk to the gate of the community, which is very inconvenient.

It seems that I have to buy a car. Li Yu doesn't know how to drive. After graduating from high school, he goes out to work. There is no time to learn to drive, and there is no spare money. However, there is a system and driving skills are not a problem at all.

Li Yu, who walked out of the community, first bought a mobile phone, and then called Gu Ji and asked him to help apply for a driver’s license. Attorney Gu hesitated. He didn’t want to do such a trivial matter, but thought that Li Yu had 90 million in his hands. It was a potential customer and didn't want to offend him. Finally, he said that he had to determine Li Yu's driving level to make a decision.

Li Yu is not afraid of himself. If there is driving information in his system information, he immediately spent two energy points to learn how to drive in a small car. After a while, Lawyer Gu drove to Li Yu's position.

I drove Li Yu to an empty field and changed Li Yu's driver. After seeing Li Yu driving smoothly and proficiently and without the unfamiliarity of a novice at all, he agreed to the matter, but clearly stated that this kind of driving through the back door to obtain a driver's license. It would cost several times more money, Li Yu would not care.

Although the driver's license has not yet been obtained, it does not prevent him from buying a car. He doesn't know much about the car. He came to a large car plaza. Under the recommendation of the sales lady, he spent more than 800,000 yuan to buy a car. It's a pretty good off-road vehicle, let people get a license plate and send it to his villa. Now he doesn't have a driver's license and dare not go on the road.

After living in the villa for a few days, Li Yu didn’t go to another world for the time being. He was a bit distressed. Now he has enough money, but he doesn’t know how to tell his family that the Wisdom Eye System must never be mentioned to outsiders. The source of the money has to be a lie.

A few days later, the real estate certificate was processed, and the driving license lawyer Gu also sent over. Li Yu’s lies were made up full of loopholes. When he said it, he was a little unbelievable, mainly because he felt that he was lying to his family and felt guilty and didn’t want to. Edit it down.

Forget it, don't make up, believe it or not, drove in the car, took many things I bought in the past few days, and drove home.

Li Yu’s home is in the rural village of Rongcheng. It only takes more than an hour to drive. The village has a small land and a large number of people. There is really no money to earn from farming. If you want to earn more money by that little land, you must make more efforts. This is the case with his parents, busy every day, working hard for the tuition fees of their three children, and thus borrowed a large amount of foreign debt.

Just because they can't afford it, not only are their bodies tired, but their hearts are also tired. Their heads are all white, and Li Yu can't stand it anymore. He just graduated from high school and went out to work, hoping to reduce the burden on the family.

When returning home, the door of the house was closed tightly. Li Yu knew that his parents must be busy with farming in the field again. This is the summer, and the weather is over 30 degrees, so why don't you know how to take a break!

After he parked the car, Li Yu walked to the field at home. Sure enough, in the field, he saw his parents picking up manure to fertilize the crops in the field. The heavy load bent their backs and their clothes were soaked with sweat. On their thin backs and their gray heads, it looks like they are much older again, and their eye sockets are unconsciously wet.

The younger brother and sister are also helping out in the field. They are still young and can't carry any burdens, but they can pick off the vegetables in the field and put them in well-equipped baskets, which are ready to be sold in the market.

"Big brother! Big brother is back." The younger sister was a little distracted at work, but her eyes were the brightest. She first saw Li Yu and happily put down her work and shouted with joy.

When the parents heard the little girl's voice, they all put aside their burdens and looked in Li Yu's direction with a happy smile on their faces.

The parents who had to finish watering the ground had to give up under Li Yu’s persuasion. Li Yu helped his mother carry an empty load and a large basket of vegetables in one hand. They carried the bag outside for more than a year. This weight was not at all concerned. , The younger siblings also took the basket and went home together.

"Whose car is this? Why is it parked in front of our door? It's really annoying. It blocked the road." The little girl pouted with an unhappy face.

"Xiaoxue, don't say strange things. They are all in the same village. It's okay to park the car." Father Li glared at the little girl and said.

Little brother Li Zhou didn't say anything, but his eyes were staring at the car, full of envy.

"Xiaoxue, why did this car provoke you? Didn't I leave you such a wide road? Cows can pass, why can't you pass?" Li Yu quipped.

Xiaoxue's face was aggrieved. Dad said she would forget it. The elder brother who loved her the most in the past also said that she didn’t love her anymore... Hey, no, eldest brother said, “Didn’t I leave you such a wide road? ', there is a problem with this, the eldest brother drove this car back? Xiaoxue looked at her elder brother in disbelief, but saw that he was looking at her with a smile.

"Brother, you... this car..." Xiaoxue didn't know how to express.

Others also reacted at this time, all looking at Li Yu, Li Yu also looked at everyone, and said with a smile: "I just bought this car a few days ago."

"The car you bought? Where did you get the money?" When learning that Li Yu bought the car, his parents' expressions were not happy, but worried.

When Li Yu saw it was broken, he quickly explained: "Dad and Mom, don't worry, my money is on the right path. Shall we go in first, can we not say at the gate?"

The family finally entered the house, and Li Yu took the transaction contract from the car. Without asking his parents, Li Yu put the contract on the table and said: "I helped people deliver the goods at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, in the mountains. Seeing the two stones, they felt like gold and jadeites at the time, so they picked them up. After taking the photos to the auction house, they sent someone to appraise them and bought them. They sold for 90 million in total."

Anyone with a bit of common sense knows that Li Yu is talking nonsense, and Qingcheng Mountain does not produce jade, how could it be possible to pick up jade ore, and how could this dog's head gold appear together with jade? However, his parents were farmers who had never seen the world before, and had no idea about jade and kotoujin.


"Of course it is true. If you don’t believe me, there is a contract here, signed and stamped by a lawyer and the justice department." Li Yu showed the contract to everyone. Although he didn’t understand it, the contract looked formal and everyone believed it. Li Yu, accepted this fact.

Knowing that Li Yu has made a lot of money, his family members are naturally very happy. Li Yu also told them that he had bought a big villa in Rongcheng and asked them to move in.

Who knows that the parents are unwilling. They are familiar people in the countryside. When they go to the city, half of them don’t know each other, and they can smother people to death.

Li Yu also understands, but they don’t worry about their parents when they live in the countryside. They will go to farm work if they are free. Finally, they negotiated and decided to buy a house with a paved floor in the town. The small shop is not tiring either. Their village is close to the town, and there are familiar people in the town. I am not afraid that no one will chat.

In this way, the parents still disagree. In the end, Li Yu had to move out his brother and sister to study in the town, and it was convenient to live in the town, so they agreed.

"Xiaoyu, our family still owes 20,000 yuan to your uncle's family, and more than 10,000 yuan to your uncle's family, and owes..." My father was a little embarrassed to count the debts of the family.

Li Yu was a little funny. It was the first time he saw his father's expression. Before his father finished speaking, he immediately said: "I know, when I came back, I had already raised 200,000 cash, enough to pay off the debts of the family. ."

"Okay! Okay!" Father finally showed a happy expression. Although the creditor was a relative and he was not forced to pay it back, he owed other people's money. When he saw them, his father always felt inferior. At this time, Li Yu agreed. Paying back the money, he felt that he was debt-free and light-hearted. He felt that the heavy burden on his body was relieved, and the whole person was much more energetic.

When Li Yu came back, he bought a lot of meat, his mother cooked, and his brother and sister helped, while Li Yu drove his father in the car to invite relatives to eat at home and pay back the money by the way. The one who was far away came back by Li Yu’s car, and the one who was near came back by himself. They were all relatives. Naturally, they could chat together. They were a little curious. How could Li Yu’s family invite everyone to dinner without prior notice. A bit of news, someone who saw Li Yu's car guessed that Li Yu might have made a fortune outside.

"Uncle, second uncle, third aunt, first uncle, second aunt..." Li Yu respects these relatives and elders very much. Although these relatives are not too rich, when their parents borrow money, they usually borrow as much. Li Yu still remembered that when he was in high school, his family had no money. His parents borrowed from his uncle's house, and his uncle's house also had no money, so he just sold the pigs he hadn't grown up to lend to Li Yu's tuition.

"Xiaoyu, is this making money outside?" the uncle asked concerned.

"Recently, I made some money in an antique jade business with a friend. I don't want to owe money to a few elders. Everyone is not rich and plans to return the money to everyone." Li Yu didn't deliberately deceive them, but he did. I don't want too many people to know that he earned 90 million. This figure will cause a lot of trouble. Although these relatives are trustworthy and they lie, Li Yu feels very uncomfortable.

Li Yu took out the money, and in addition to the debt he owed, he also gave an extra 10,000.

"Xiaoyu, what are you doing? What can we still ask for your interest? If I collect it, I will have to be pierced in the backbone when I go out!" Seeing that the uncle paid the extra money, he hurriedly returned the extra money.

Li Yu quickly explained: "This money is deposited in the bank and there is still interest. Besides, I don't have any interest. This is because I earn money and honor several elders."

"Just be filial and have the intention to do it, you can't collect it!" In the end, the family confiscates the interest and only takes back the loaned amount, which makes Li Yu very touched. This is a rare situation now, and I am a good relative, but I am a pity. The business we are doing now is not suitable to bring them together, or we must bring them to get rich together.

The parents also knew that the two stones that Li Yu picked up to sell for the money was not really a business, so they didn't say much about it. They just said that Li Yu is making money now, and I can say if I can help.

The next day, I took my family and lived in the new villa he bought for a few days in the city. My parents were not used to staying and going home. Li Yu had to help his parents buy a house in the town, open a small shop, and sell some groceries. He didn't try to make money from this small shop, just let them have something to do instead of being so tired in the field.

After living in the town for a few days, when he left, Li Yu gave his parents a ten million card, and also gave some pocket money to his younger brothers and sisters, and bought them mobile phones and computers. The last person returned to Rongcheng and settled. Problems at home. Li Yu can finally put his mind on the gods.

When he set foot on the 6th of the Gods again, Li Yu’s mentality was already very different from the previous time. He also carried a backpack with fifty lighters in it. This thing should be very marketable. In addition, he brought a small amount of candy and salt. In the end, he downloaded a lot of useful knowledge on his mobile phone. He was going to stay in the plane of the gods for a while, and he had already said to his home that he would travel far away during this time, and he could not call home so that the family didn’t have to worry about it. .

Li Yu’s goal this time is the Cathedral of Light, and so can the Wizards’ Guild.

The status of nobles in the Gods 6 is the most noble, with superior status, but it is not easy to become a noble, and there are a group of people in the Gods 6 that can compare with the nobles, that is, priests and magicians. , Their identities are also very noble, even some powerful priests and magicians, various countries are vying to give them titles of nobles.