Super Insight System

Chapter 75: Qingcheng International


Following Li Yu's experience in different worlds, Annie also understood that the so-called demigods are cultivators at the initial level of the golden core. In the world of cultivating immortals and martial arts, they can only be regarded as average. The masters of the late Jindan, and even the legendary Yuanshen realm, will go to more worlds in the future, and there will be more and stronger realms.

He took out a sword presented by Jin Duoli and danced it lightly. The faintly hot sword energy swallowed on the sword, the sword energy was extremely sharp, and the heat could burn the sky.

After regaining the sword qi, Annie looked at the sword and frowned: "This sword is still too bad. I can't bear the full force of the Fiery Fire Sword Art. I need a better sword."

Annie's cultivation level has been improved. For those who have been repairing swords for a lifetime, she is very anxious for a good sword at this time, but Li Yu is anxious to go back to reunite with his family.

"Well, I will teach you the method of refining forging. You bring the materials and go to the desert city to cast a sword that suits you, okay?"

Annie shook her head: "Then I'll wait, I am the master and your contractor, and I want to stay by your side to protect you at any time."

Seeing Annie's tangled look, Li Yu gently hugged her and said: "What is the danger if I return to Earth? With my current cultivation base, who can hurt me? If you really need you then, I will pass. The summoning formation summoned you."

In the end, Annie obeyed Li Yu's arrangement, accepted Li Yu's sword-making skills of refining weapons, and brought the refining materials to the border desert city to refining swords.

Refining involves a lot of knowledge. If you learn all of it, Li Yu's energy is not enough, so she only learns the art of sword-making. Through systematic teaching, her current sword-making level is better than the most outstanding master craftsman in the deserted city. The level is still high, and the reason why I have to go to the borderland city is mainly because the sword requires ground fire, which is only available in the special refining workshop in the borderland city. There are other auxiliary refining materials, such as annealed ice pool water. , Only special refining workshops are available, of course, some large sect refining rooms also have them, but they are generally not open to outsiders.

Annie has the cultivation base of the golden core mid-term, the swordsmanship cultivation base is also very high, and has the experience of walking the rivers and lakes, Li Yu is very relieved that she will act alone.

Sending away Annie, Li Yu took Jian Ji back to Earth, turned on the phone, countless missed calls, and many text messages. First look at the text messages. Some of them were given to him by my younger sister and younger brother. They said they were asked by my parents for the New Year’s Eve. not going home.

Then Qin Yuxin also texted him, saying that he couldn't get through his phone again, and the person who couldn't find him wanted to eat the food he cooked.

Sun Bufan has a text message asking if there are any good medicines. He wants to buy some at a high price.

Qin Yuru also had a text message, it was their jewelry company celebrating the New Year and invited herself to participate.

Gu Ji also has an article saying that he is Li Yu’s personal lawyer. For legal matters, don’t forget to find him. Otherwise, he only collects money and doesn’t work, so he is embarrassed to collect money. In addition, their law firm has a client. Please attend the annual meeting, Li Yu.

Well, there are also a few advertisements, scam text messages... What is this, your son is ill and is in urgent need of medical expenses? Lao Tzu is still a virgin, where's the son

What is your credit card spending half a million dollars in the United States, do you use it yourself

What, Li Daoyou, there is a gathering of Chinese cultivators in Qingcheng in the next year... Well, this doesn't seem to be an advertisement.

I sent back text messages to Qin Yuru and Guji, and the New Year celebrations and annual meetings were gone. Li Yu was not used to gatherings of rich people. He wanted to go back to his hometown in the countryside and get together again when he had time.

Sun Bufan also replied, just one word directly, no! Now he is not short of money, and he has been collecting medicinal materials for alchemy in the future.

With this text message from the Qingcheng faction, Li Yu directly answered the call, and it was Daoist Qingjiang who answered the call.

"Hey... Is it Daoist Li Yu... You won't go to retreat, right? I have been calling you a few days ago and I can't get through, haha... You are really in retreat, you are diligent enough, how about it? Are you late? … What? Golden Core Period? You... You... "

Hearing that Li Yu rushed to the Golden Core stage, Qing Jiang couldn’t accept it for a while. He didn’t even know how to say it. But thinking about it, it seemed a bit reasonable. I remember that Sect Master Mingyang said that Li Yu’s spiritual knowledge is just as good. Compared with the early days of the Golden Core, generally speaking, only the Taoism is higher, the spiritual consciousness will be strong. That is to say, a long time ago, Li Yu's Taoism and spiritual consciousness reached the initial level of the Golden Core. To make up, Dao has enough, and it is very safe and fast to upgrade the cultivation base, so it was just a surprise, Qing Jiang quickly recovered.

"You will really hit people. Let's not talk about this. By the way, it is like this. On the tenth day of the first lunar month, there will be a gathering at the Qingcheng Juling Mountain Villa. There will be many fellow practitioners to exchange their cultivation experience. Will you come?"

"Naturally going, I haven't attended this kind of gathering yet." Hearing this, Li Yu was not as embarrassed to say that he was not only in the early stage of the Golden Core, but also in the middle stage of the Golden Core.

"That's great, I'll let someone send you an invitation."

"When will the invitation arrive? I'm still going home."

"Soon, one of my disciples will be in Rongcheng, maybe within ten minutes."

Within a minute of hanging up the phone, a call came in and said that he had sent an invitation to Li Yu and asked him where Li Yu was. The other party said that he would be there in ten minutes.

I really hate fast. In about ten minutes, someone knocked on Li Yu’s door and came too fast. If Li Yu could not sense that this person came in from outside the community, he would wonder if he had been guarding the community. inside.

"Uncle Li, this is your invitation." The visitor is a middle-aged man in his forties. He is well-dressed and calm. He doesn't look like an errand runner at all, and he seems to be familiar with him. pass.

While accepting the invitation, Li Yu invited people in: "Thanks for your hard work, come in for a cup of tea."

"Uncle Li, no need. It is my blessing to be able to send you an invitation." The person who came should know Li Yu's identity, and his attitude is very respectful.

"Don't call Master Uncle, you see that I am much younger than you, I have to call your uncle, come in and sit." Li Yu is really not used to the current generation, this person is about the same age as his father, and I observed it. , This person's cultivation is only an acquired level, not congenital.

"This... You are my master’s peers, so naturally I call you Uncle Uncle. Uncle I’m Li Jiangcheng. You call me Xiaocheng or Xiaojiang Ducheng. You must not call my uncle. If you let my master know, It will definitely take my skin off." The middle-aged man seems to be very familiar with others, and speaks decently and generously.

After he invited people in, Li Yu remembered that he had no tea here. It was a bit embarrassing, but it didn't matter. He took a fragrant wood plate, washed a few fruits and brought it out.

"Then call you Jiang Cheng, I'm so sorry. I haven't come back for a while and I didn't prepare tea at home, but I just bought some fruit, come, eat fruit, you are welcome." Li Yu followed his intentions and called him Jiang Cheng, really. He didn't dare to call his uncle, he called him Xiaojiang and Xiaocheng. They were a lot older, so let's call him Jiang Cheng.

Li Jiangcheng just sat down and stood up immediately: "Uncle Master, you are welcome, I'm not thirsty."

Li Jiangcheng insisted on calling Master Uncle. Seeing that he called so naturally, without any embarrassment, Li Yu didn't bother with the problem of addressing. He picked up a piece of fruit and handed it to him: "Eat it, if your master knows you come to me. Here, I didn’t even take a sip of the water. I would definitely say that I was stingy, eat a fruit, and block his mouth."


Li Jiangcheng refused, and took the fruit. What kind of fruit is this delicious? He took a bite involuntarily, and then he was stunned. The fruit was not only delicious, but also filled with aura. He looked at Li Yu in disbelief. .

"This... Is this a spirit fruit?"

"Let you eat it, no matter what kind of fruit it is." Li Yu smiled, this is the worst spirit fruit here, suitable for ordinary people to eat, thinking of entertaining guests during the New Year, and they are ordinary people, so in In Duoruo City, I bought a lot of these low-level spirit fruits. There are not many auras in this low-level spirit fruit. Only cultivators can feel it. Ordinary people will only find it delicious. They don’t know the reason for the aura, or ordinary people at all. I don't know the existence of spiritual energy, let alone what spiritual fruit is.

"Ha ha… "

"Jiang Cheng, why don't you stay in Qingcheng and come to Rongcheng, wouldn't you just send me invitations?"

Li Yu’s question made Li Jiangcheng a little embarrassed: "I... I have limited qualifications. After I joined the master, I have not been able to advance to the innate. I don’t want to stay in the denomination and lose Master’s face. In Rongcheng."

Li Yu looked at Li Jiangcheng, the disciple of Qingjiang Daoist Chief, who was in his forties but couldn't advance to Innate. It was indeed a shame. However, this qualification restriction could not be made up by diligence, and he was no wonder.

Avoiding this embarrassing topic, Li Yu asked curiously: "The secular industry of your sect? Is it those villas in the back mountains of Qingcheng? Hotels?"

When Li Jiangcheng talked about this, he felt a little complacent: "No, those mountain villas and hotel owners are used to receive sectarian guests. They usually entertain some tourists. Our Qingcheng industry is more than that. I The main business is Qingcheng International. I wonder if Senior Uncle Li has heard of it?"

"Qingcheng International, I have naturally heard that there are famous big companies all over the country. By the way, I mean how you look so familiar with you, aren't you the chairman of Qingcheng International, the rich of Rongcheng? I'm on TV. I've seen you, how did they let you, such a big man, send me an invitation." Now it's Li Yu's turn to be embarrassed/forced, do you want to make it so grand and send a big boss to send an invitation to yourself

"Uncle Li, you must not say that. You know, I am the chairman of Qingcheng International in honor, but in fact I am just helping the sect to manage. Besides, sending invitations to Uncle Li is arranged by my teacher's father, and it is my honor."

Next, the two chatted very harmoniously. Li Jiang became a shopping mall. He had never seen any big scenes. He spoke very decently and made people feel comfortable. Li Yu used to be a bitter, a person from the bottom of society and was photographed by such a big man. A few flattering words immediately felt a little light and flirty, and he said happily that he would give him some spirit fruits when he left.

"I heard that Uncle Li will go home after the meeting. I don't know if I need to send you a car?" After chatting, Li Jiangcheng was very witty and prepared to leave.

"No, I have a car here, and the journey is not far away. By the way, I was fortunate to listen to your Sovereign’s sermon last time. Sect master, elders, and your master and uncle dao friends try it." Li Yu said, took out a treasure bag, and handed it to Li Jiangcheng.

Li Jiangcheng didn't know why, how could he give himself a sachet? What about the good prey? He took it stupidly/forcedly.