Super Insight System

Chapter 8: Bright celebration


Li Yu didn’t rush to the cathedral and the magic guild, but sold the lighters he brought in the big market. He thought it would be a little troublesome. Who knew the lighters were already familiar to the people in the big market. The lighters he sold last time It was bought by a nobleman with two hundred gold coins. This kind of "magic props" that can be easily retracted and easily ignited was sought after by the nobles. As soon as Li Yu appeared, countless merchants surrounded him.

A unique lighter can sell for two hundred gold coins. There are dozens of them now, but they can’t be sold so expensive. After all, lighters are not really “magic props”, and Li Yu doesn’t want to get into trouble. He takes the shortcomings of lighters to everyone. I said it again, but there are still many people who want to buy it. Li Yu, based on the principle of small profits but quick turnover, and no trouble, a total of 20 gold coins, a total of 1,000 gold coins.

During the transaction, Li Yu also inquired about the cathedral and the Magic Guild. Ordinary people in the cathedral can go in and listen to the preaching of the priests, and even if they pay a certain price, the priest can baptize the children. However, the magic guild is only for magicians to enter. If ordinary people break into the magic guild, they are likely to be killed by the magic guard and will not be punished.

Hearing this news, Li Yu had no choice but to choose the cathedral, but he cannot go to the cathedral today. The cathedral is not accessible at all times. Only on Sundays, ordinary people can enter, and there will be priests who will preside over the service. .

Li Yu was not in a hurry to return to the earth, but found a hotel near the cathedral to stay. Because the hotel is located in the center of the city, usually nobles or wealthy professionals live, so the price is very high, five gold coins a day , But the environment is indeed good, comparable to a five-star hotel on the earth. Although Li Yu has never been to a five-star hotel, he is very satisfied.

The hotel is called Guangming Hotel, and it is known at first glance that it is the property of the Guangming Empire. It is safe and secure, and you can stay at ease. However, when the night came, Li Yu got an unexpected surprise.

The system prompts that it has absorbed light prayer (light magic meditation, completeness 8o%, perfection 8o%, information source 1 person).

Brightness (first-level light magic, completeness 9o%, perfection 7o%, information source 1 person)

Light bullet (first-level light magic, completeness 9o%, perfection 75%, information source 1 person)

Weak Healing (first-level light magic, completeness 9o%, perfection 85%, information source 1 person)

Illumination (first-level light magic, completeness 9o%, perfection 7o%, information source 1 person)

Blessing (Level 2 light magic, completeness 9o%, perfection 8o%, information source 1 person)

Healing (Level 2 light magic, completeness 9o%, perfection 8o%, information source 1 person)

Healing technique (level 2 bright magic, completeness 9o%, perfection 7o%, information source 1 person)

Healing (three-level light magic, completeness 8o%, perfection 5o%, perfection is too low, it is not recommended to learn, information source 1 person)

Li Yu simply couldn't believe it. When did Pastor Guangming approach him within ten meters? After eating, he stayed in the hotel and never went out? Is it because the pastor Guangming enters next to the hotel room? But what does it mean that the priest Guangming does not live in the Cathedral of Guangming. What does it mean to live in a hotel? Is it here to monitor yourself

After thinking about it, I felt that I was thinking too much. Now that I am an ordinary person, how could I attract a noble pastor to watch him.

From these skills, Li Yu can also see that this bright pastor should be a third-level pastor, perhaps he has not yet reached the third level, because the pastor’s only third-level magic has not yet mastered, only mastered 5o%, and only reached 6o. % Can be used successfully.

Li Yu is a little excited, the information about his skills has been collected, as long as he has enough energy, right, let’s see how much energy he has now

Reserve energy: 14o points, when you came, it was 45 points when you left last time. It takes ten points to turn on the network function and 2 points to learn driving skills. Now it takes 5 points to transmit once, and 1o points of energy to go back and forth. The earth did not specifically collect it during this time, only absorbed 22 points of energy. Today, it absorbed 95 points of energy during the day.

The skills here are all first-level, and first-level spiritual enhancement is required. First-level enhancement consumes 1oo points of energy. Without hesitation, Li Yu chose immediate first-level spiritual enhancement.

As for the first-level skills, it’s best to go to the Cathedral of Light to absorb some more perfect information. Besides, the energy is not enough. If you want to learn the first-level skills, you must first learn the non-level light prayer. Only by learning light prayer and condensing the core of light magic can you learn other light spells. Light prayer is the foundation of all light magic. Although Prayer of Light is a non-level skill, it requires 64o points of energy, almost blinding Li Yu's eyes. The system also says that the higher the degree of completeness, the higher the degree of perfection, and the more energy is required. If both of them reach 1oo%, it will consume 1ooo points of energy.

Other first-level skills don’t need so much energy, but they are also a lot. The simplest light technique requires 63 energy.

Li Yu, who thought that more than a hundred energy would be enough, realized that he was very poor, and that he had to absorb more energy in the coming days.

The first-level mental enhancement is really extraordinary. Li Yu can clearly feel that his spirit is more solid this time. He seems to have a sense of a few meters away from him, but he can't use his mental power, and it doesn't feel very clear.

In the next two days, Li Yu will go to the big market during the daytime. First, he will see if there are any good things, move the position by the way, and absorb a lot of energy. Something, but I met the old man who sold him the stone that day.

This time, there was no ore that Li Yu could sell in his booth. He traded once, and he was considered an acquaintance. Li Yu chatted with the old man. It turned out that the old man’s name was Ning Jian, who was also a mercenary before. He was injured and didn’t get treatment in time. As he grew older, he was not in good health. He could no longer be a mercenary. With his previous knowledge of traveling north and south, he started a deceitful business, uh, of course Ning Jian didn’t think he was a lie. people.

Li Yu doesn't care if he is a lie, as long as he can bring out what he wants, Li Yu mainly asks Ning Jian for news about Greenstone (Emerald).

Ning Jian is a shrewd old fox. Although he doesn't understand why Li Yu likes greenstone so much, he doesn't say anything. He just said that if Li Yu wants greenstone, he can sell it to him, but there is news about greenstone. Well... Not too clear.

Li Yu was also not angry. It was a means of earning a living. It was impossible to tell others casually, so he had to ask again: "I don't ask the source of the green stone. I just want to know if you saw it when you dig the green stone. Are there stones of other colors, such as red stone (red jade), purple stone (purple jade), blue stone (blue jade), etc.? If so, I will also buy it at the price of green stone."

Ning Jian's eyes lit up: "Yes, but the quantity is too small. It is impossible to buy at the price of green stone. At least ten gold coins. If the price is too low, I am not in the mood to look for it. You know, these stones are all on the surface. There is a layer of stone skin, you can't see the inside without cutting it, and some cuts are full of rotten stones, which is very troublesome to find."

Knowing that Li Yu might be a magician, Ning Jian didn't dare to shout prices like last time, but he wouldn't give it away for nothing. The money he should earn is still to be earned.

There was a scene, but Li Yu shook his head and said, "Although I don’t know where you found green stones, there must be a lot of green stones. It’s definitely not as troublesome as you said. Ten gold coins are too much. I gave five gold coins for the big stones of various colors that day, and if there are bigger ones, how about giving the money according to the size?"

"No, five gold coins are too few, and eight gold coins can't be less."

"At most six gold coins, if I say it again, I don't want it. I don't believe that you alone know the green stone." Li Yu directly set the price at six gold coins and refused to increase it.

Ning Jian was unwilling, but had to bow his head. Li Yu was right. As long as he gave out the news, six gold coins and one green stone, there must be many to help him find the green stone.

Li Yu inquired about the news of kotou gold, but kotou gold was not as much as green stone. Ning Jian also said that it was a rare encounter. The asking price was at least fifty gold coins, and it was not necessarily there.

Li Yu thought for a while. There are not too many gold coins in his hand. Just collect green stones. Green stones (emeralds) are more expensive on the earth than nugget gold. If you can buy them, you can buy them. use.

Li Yu also saw the little girl I met that day and brought her chocolates very faithfully. The little girl was very happy and kept calling his brother.

Li Yu also knew about the little girl’s home. The little girl’s father was a member of the hunting group, who specialized in hunting and selling low-level monsters. However, he was seriously injured during a hunting mission and had no money to ask the priest for medical treatment. He could only lie at home slowly. Slow recovery, their head is still taking care of him, although there is no extra money to help him hire the pastor, but every time he will distribute more green beef to their family, let his wife sell the green beef in the big market. It is more expensive than the whole cow, and it can be considered sustainable.

After Li Yu left, the old man looked at the little girl enviously and smiled and said to the proprietress: "Wang's daughter-in-law, I can see that this aristocratic young master really likes a small nun. This aristocratic young master is a powerful magician."

The proprietress looked at the direction where Li Yu was leaving. She also heard some rumors in the big market that Li Yu might have space magic. She shook her head and said: "The son said that day, he has a younger sister, he should think Xiaonian looks like his younger sister. , Xiaonan is not his real sister, so what's so envious."

At this time, the little girl was holding the candy that Li Yu gave in her hand, and she looked at Li Yu's away figure with tears in her eyes, full of guilt.

When Li Yu returned to the hotel, the waiter gave him a good news. Tomorrow, the Bright Cathedral will hold a goddess ceremony, which will be hosted by the Virgin of the Light. Upon receiving this news, Li Yu was happy and gave the waiter a gold coin reward.

The waiter who received the reward was happy. He worked here for a month and only earned one gold coin and fifty silver coins. Besides, they have the obligation to publicize the saintess who hangs on the goddess ceremony. What he should do.

Early the next morning, Li Yu got up and came outside the Guangming Cathedral. He thought he had gotten up early. Unexpectedly, there were already many believers who came to the celebration outside the Cathedral. These believers all waited quietly. So Li Yu was embarrassed to squeeze forward, and could only line up behind the crowd, and those who came back would automatically line up behind him.

The Bright Cathedral is worthy of a big character. It is really big. There is a huge Angel Square in front of the church. It is not a problem to stand on tens of thousands of people. There are already thousands of people standing at this time. There is still a large open space, mainly because people are crowded. Go ahead.

Near the cathedral are twelve statues of angels. There are also statues around the square. They are just some statues of knights of light. All of them radiate a misty white light. They are very holy and sacred. I don’t know the reason for the stone, but they are blessed. Magic, Li Yu still doesn't know how to magic, and he can't feel the wave of magic.

The moment the sun came out, the celebration began. Li Yu looked around and found something wrong. He said that the celebration would allow everyone to enter the cathedral. Who knew it was held in the square. He stood in the middle of the square, causing him to be physically present. Zhou Quan is a believer. There is not even a pastor of the Bright Church. The pastors are too far away. He can't collect any information. But the believers are standing still and he doesn't dare to mess up. I am not a person of six major gods, but I also know that believers are crazy. If they mess around, they might be burned to death as infidels.

Forget it, safety is the most important thing. In short, I haven't absorbed enough energy. If I have experience in the future, I must choose a good position.