Super Insight System

Chapter 84: Really real fire


Hmm... Real Fire Condensation Method... I didn't expect a real fire secret method to be involved in a refining technique, which was not there when Annie Refining Art was taught last time.

Real fire can be interpreted as the fire of true qi, the fire of true essence, the inner alchemy can be made inside, and the outer alchemy can be made outside.

Real fire refines the inner alchemy, which can remove the impurities in the inner alchemy and make it truly pure, so that the success rate of the inner alchemy in transforming the golden alchemy is increased by a hundredfold. Almost as long as the martial artist who has learned the method of real fire condensing, after the inner alchemy is gathered , Can make a golden core, it can even be said that the condensed core is directly a golden core, there is no such thing as an inner core.

It's really a magical secret method, but it's a pity that this secret method has not been spread among human martial arts, otherwise the strength of human beings will be greatly improved.

Slowly comprehending the method of real fire condensing, Li Yuxian, he took it for granted. This real fire secret technique is excellent, but condensing real fire is no easier than condensing inner alchemy to achieve golden pill, that is, it is There are no more people who can condense the real fire by making the secret law public than those who have achieved the golden core.

The true spirit is a ray of fire, and the true essence is blazing!

What is true spirit? The mystery pointed out that people have souls, but souls are not pure and flawless. Only pure and flawless souls can be called true spirits. If you want to condense the true fire, you need to find the true spirit first, or expel the impurities in the soul. , To condense the remaining soul essence is the true spirit.

Condensing the true spirit has many benefits. In addition to condensing real fire, only the true spirit can live forever!

Do you want to be so mysterious? Li Yu is a little skeptical, um, if the true spirit is immortal, you can live forever. Isn't this nonsense? What if it goes out

In the world of cultivation, the soul can be free from existence, but there are many restrictions. For example, the soul is afraid of the sun, the wind, the fear of being swallowed by some monsters, and the fear of being caught by someone to erase the consciousness and refine it into a puppet. But what about the real spirit? After being free from the sex, you are not afraid of the sun, the wind, and the monsters can’t be swallowed or digested. The general refining methods cannot erase the true spirit's consciousness. The true spirit can always stay awake and will not be wiped out. .

Li Yu couldn't help but swallowed. If it is so magical, isn't the true spirit stronger than the soul? Naturally not. True spirits can only be used when fleeing at critical moments. Apart from being able to seize the house, they have no attack or defensive abilities. Unlike the Primordial Spirit, the Primordial Spirit is a combination of the original spirit and the soul. It can perform some basic spells and possess Certain combat effectiveness.

There is another advantage of condensing the true spirit, which is that it will be easier to advance to the realm of the soul in the future. The true spirit is the soul, and the soul is also the advanced stage of the soul. Now the soul is exercised earlier, and the true spirit will be stronger in the future. Naturally, it can become the soul!

Li Yu's current cultivation is not enough to condense the soul, but he can condense the true spirit. Without hesitation, Li Yu started to condense the true spirit according to the secret technique.

"what… "

It is painful to condense the true spirit. It is to exercise the soul repeatedly. The pain from the depths of the soul does not work if you want to faint, but now that you have chosen, you can’t retreat, and there is no way to retreat, you have to grit your teeth and bite the scalp. .

I don't know how long it has passed, or how many times the soul has been tempered. Li Yu was numb in the end, and in the end he was tempering the soul instinctively. Li Yu didn't stop the exercise until the system reminded him.

Li Yu is now in the Sea of Consciousness, a tiny starlight, knowing that this is his true spirit, can’t help being shocked, you know, when it turned out, the soul was filled with the entire Sea of Consciousness, but at this time, the true spirit was just a little bit. , It is equivalent to a soul the size of the Pacific Ocean, condensed into a true spirit the size of a small diamond, this ratio is too terrifying, right? I don't know if it will have a bad effect on the soul.

Although the true spirit is small, it contains everything a soul should have, and the law of thunder that Li Yu felt is also in it, and there is a faint law of light. As for the laws of the water system, there is no law. The low-level water magic does not involve laws at all.

After moving my thoughts, the numbness of the brain disappeared instantly, and the whole brain was extremely flexible and felt infinitely good!

The true spirit is a ray of fire, and the true essence is blazing!

It is very mysterious. After Li Yu understands the truth, he really wants to kill the person who created this formula. To put it so mysterious, in fact, it is to use true inspiration to understand the law of fire. True spirit has another advantage, that is, It's easier when perceiving the law.

Li Yu quickly realized it through the insights in the secret technique, but how could this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of the law of perception be let go? The fire is so fierce that it can burn everything and destroy...

Absorb and digest the insights of the predecessors and carry out your own insights, which will be deeper than the insights of the predecessors...

The law of fire was first involved, and the comprehension of the law of fire of this predecessor was not too deep. Li Yu felt for a while, and after little gain, he could not go further, so he had to stop understanding.

As soon as the mind moved, the real essence of the dantian rolled, a fierce sensation arose, and a group of flames appeared on the surface of the gold core. This was the real fire, the fire of the real essence.

The already pure golden core is tighter and more golden and rotten under the real fire.

Temporarily not having time to deal with the golden core business, Li Yu then began to organize the refining technique that he had just absorbed. Refining is a systematic project, and real fire is just a tool for refining. In addition, there are refining tools. Time needs to master the fire conditions, understanding of refining materials, refining techniques, and refining different tools require different insights. For example, refining a space ring requires a certain understanding of the laws of space.

Only the combination of refining materials, space laws, refining techniques, and fire control can make a good space ring.

Li Yu is now mainly refining the space ring. He didn’t understand the laws of space before, so he took this opportunity to comprehend the laws of space collected by the system...

There are not many space laws collected by the system. Only the rules related to the storage space in the empty stone are needed to make the space ring. If you think you can understand the space laws and learn the space spells, it seems that it won't be possible.

It is one thing to realize the law. How to apply the law of space to the magic weapon is another matter. This requires the law to be imprinted on the magic weapon. How to imprint? That is rune...

Wake up from the state of learning, Li Yu feels that these two million energies are really worthwhile. Originally, he was still curious. How could it consume two million intermediate energy just to learn a refining technique? Only now I understand that the knowledge involved in refining is too much. There are too many things to learn. This is just to refine the space magic weapon. If you want to learn all the refining techniques, the energy required is probably an astronomical figure.

Now consume 2 million intermediate energy, learn true spirit secrets to condense true spirits, perceive the law of fire to condense real fire, perceive the laws of space to learn runes, as well as refining techniques, fire control, identification and selection of refining materials, etc. Waiting for knowledge, these things need to be learned by the master refiner for a lifetime, but he only learned it in a few hours and passed these masters.

After learning the art of refining the space magic weapon, Li Yu learned that the best fire for refining the space magic weapon is not ground fire, but real fire. The ground fire is very strong and the temperature is very high. If it is used to forge swords Naturally, ground fire is the best, but the refining of Kongming Stone does not require too high temperature. On the contrary, it requires high temperature changes. Ground fire is naturally not as flexible as real fire.

Having learned the technique of refining, Li Yu was full of energy at this time, and Li Yu didn’t want to wait any longer. He immediately took out the empty Mingshi, his mind moved, a group of real fire appeared in front of him out of thin air, and his mind changed from time to time. He even simulated a lively fire phoenix according to his intentions, screaming and dancing in the air...

He stretched out his hand to open his palm, and the real fire fell on Li Yu's palm, but it didn't hurt him at all, and he didn't even feel a trace of heat, but it was obviously not a cold flame, because the empty Mingshi in the palm of the palm had slowly melted.

As for the shape of the good design space ring, Li Yu has already had a belly draft just now, so he uses the shape of the original space ring. The style of the ring in the movie is very classic, simple and mysterious. It is worn on the hand, outsiders. When I saw it, I only regarded it as a fan of the Lord of the Rings.

Well, this is not a design at all, it is just an iron ring, simple, generous and mysterious. It turns out that the Lord of the Rings uses a strange text, and the space rune used on my space ring is more mysterious and more mysterious. strangeness.

Under Li Yu’s mind, the melted empty stone turned into a ring, and the real fire was removed. Li Yu held the magic trick with both hands, and the space runes appeared in the true spirit, as the magic tricks of both hands were hitting one by one. To the ring.

As Li Yu’s two-handed tactics appeared one by one, Li Yu felt strenuous every time he played a tactic. By the time of the eighth tactic, Li Yu already felt a little overwhelmed, but he pursued perfection. , He still insisted on playing nine tactics, and finally he collapsed on the ground with exhaustion.

When the nine spatial runes were connected in a circle on the ring, a wave of spatial fluctuations agitated on the ring, and the powerhouses of the entire frontier city could feel it, but the spatial fluctuations disappeared in a flash, making people unable to find them. To the root cause, I don't understand what happened.

At this time, the ring is ordinary and unremarkable. Just look at it and you don’t know that it is a magic weapon of space. Even if you sense it, you can’t sense that it is a magic weapon of space.

Don't worry about getting tired, quickly put a trace of spiritual chrome in the space ring! Suddenly, he felt a huge space in the space ring.

A smile appeared on Li Yu’s tired face. He used nine layers of superimposed runes. The refined space ring has nine independent spaces, each of which is 9x9x9=729 cubic meters. The nine spaces can also be combined. There is 6561 cubic meters of space.

Immediately replace the original space ring, replace this new space ring, and change everything into this space ring. This space ring should last a long time.

The replaced space ring should be reusable. You only need to erase the original rune and melt it with real fire. Now there are two empty space rings, which can be re-refined for two demons. .