Super Insight System

Chapter 88: Suet jade


Li Yu’s alchemy pills were all received in the space ring. It was a huge pile. I always felt not so good. I remembered that the pills were all packed in jade bottles, so I asked Annie to ask the owner of the alchemy room where he could sell the pills. The bottle, who knows, attracted the boss of the alchemy room.

"This lord, my next person, Luo Wandan, there are pill bottles for sale in this alchemy room. I don't know what quality pill bottles you need?"

Li Yu recalled for a while, and said, "We will have two hundred top-grade white jade bottles."

"Huh?" The boss was shocked, but he reacted quickly and nodded again and again: "Okay, the villain will help the adults prepare."

Soon, Luo Wanquan brought a large box of white jade bottles with the shop assistants. Li Yu picked up a bottle and looked at it. The quality of the bottles is no problem. They are all made of white jade. The jade of this kind of jade bottle is on the earth. It's mutton jade, but I didn’t expect it to be made of mutton jade.

The bottle is not cheap either. I used a level 6 monster inner pill as a purchase cost. Seeing the boss's happy look, you know that he has made a lot of money.

Li Yu now probably knows the prices here. If he bargained, he should still be able to lower the price, but for him, buying a few bottles would cost half a day, which is really just a bit more expensive.

Just as Li Yu was about to leave, Luo Wanjin suddenly thought of something and cautiously said to Li Yu: "My lord, the pill made by an adult like you... If you accidentally produce something inferior, you can sell it. Give it to the store."

"Well... what did you buy the inferior products for? Use it to harm people?" Li Yu couldn't help thinking of the unscrupulous merchants on earth who sold the inferior products as genuine products.

Luo Wanquan was shocked and quickly explained: "My lord, you have been wronged. We sell medicines at clear prices. Don't dare to shoddy. You may not know it, adults, not everyone can do it. Those who can afford good medicines, and some Wuxiu who don’t have enough money, will buy inferior products for use. Although they are slightly toxic, they are also effective? There is no problem in taking a small amount."

Hearing what Luo Wanquan said, Li Yu finally realized that not everyone can easily upgrade with a system like him. Ordinary martial arts training is very difficult. If you add no money, in order to make a breakthrough, Really buy inferior products to use.

The alchemists who rent the alchemy room are usually alchemists, and they will always make some dissatisfied pills. These are not high-quality pills themselves, and they don’t have much value. They are sold in pill specialty stores, and I feel a little bit. It's embarrassing that what people want is all medicinal pills of above-normal quality.

If someone needs it, it is impossible for the alchemist to peddle it by himself, and the shopkeepers of these alchemy rooms have become the second-level dealers, earning some price difference, and making money, while also facilitating the martial arts and alchemists. It is a win-win situation. .

Li Yu gave all the inferior medicine pills to the shopkeeper, and replaced them with ten bottles of sheep finger jade pills. By the way, he also inquired about the source of suet jade. Suet jade is not valuable in the Xianwu world, except that the jade must be carved into a pill. It is not easy to make the medicine bottle finely sealed, so the jade bottle is sold so expensively for handmade money.

In addition, Li Yu also learned from the shopkeeper that the pill is also a hard currency in the world of Xianwu. Generally, the hard currency of the mainstream pill is mainly the acquired true Qi pill; the congenital true yuan pill; the golden pill period gold. Yuan Dan; the God Yuan Dan of the Yuanshen Realm.

These four medicines are mainly used to replenish Zhen Qi, Zhen Yuan, Jin Yuan, and Yuanshen. The first two are the most common. The Golden Yuan Pill is relatively rare. The Shen Yuan Pill is used by the strong in the Yuanshen realm. Naturally, it is used for communication among the strong masters of the Primordial God Realm.

I originally decided to sell all the medicinal pills of ordinary quality, and then buy some medicinal materials, jade, etc. I needed. After hearing this news, I didn’t plan to sell anymore. I still kept the medicinal pills and took so many Immortal Martial World. The coins are also useless. If you really encounter something you want to buy, you can directly use the pill to pay the bill, and these pill can be used in other worlds.

According to the owner’s instructions, Li Yu took the two girls to the jade bottle production site next to the Lianfang. After arriving here, Li Yu couldn’t believe it. It was a small alley in a slum area with low houses and piles everywhere. There was no odor, but the dust was very large. Li Yu quickly added a shield of light to the three of him to isolate the dust.

Walking into a small alley, the street is narrow. On the doorways of houses on both sides of the street, there are some people sitting in twos and threes, holding carving knives and carving jade bottles. These people are ordinary people who live by carving jade bottles.

Seeing Li Yu and the three walking into the small alley, many people were surprised to stop their work. Li Yu and the three were obviously warriors, how could they enter this area

Li Yu didn't stay here much to influence other people's work. Walking through the alleys, there is a big courtyard with people coming and going, and there are a lot of jade piled up in the courtyard. This is the purpose of Li Yu's coming here.

"My lord, are you here?" As soon as the three of Li Yu appeared, the owner of the yard greeted them with a respectful attitude. The owner of the yard is in his forties and is an acquired martial artist. Although his cultivation level is not high, he seems to be very shrewd.

"I heard that you approve jade here, I want to buy some good quality." Li Yu explained his intention.

Hearing that Li Yu was only here to buy jade, the owner of the yard was obviously relieved and smiled even more. He led Li Yu into the yard, came to a warehouse, and introduced Li Yu: "My lord, the man in this warehouse The jade is the best. They are all top-quality jade with aura, and they can't be used to make top-class pill bottles."

When Li Yu looked at the jade here, he couldn’t believe it. When he was on the earth, the jade that he saw in books, TV, and movies was not big, but here, the smallest jade is as big as a brick, and the bigger ones are. The desktop is large, weighing several tons! Moreover, the quality of jade is top-notch. Not only does it have good color and luster, like a pile of mutton fat, it can also sense a strong aura. In these people's eyes, all such spirit jade is the stone for making jade bottles.

Li Yu came to buy jade, not to make jade bottles, but to make jade charms and formations that he collected when he was on the earth. These spirit jade are all excellent materials.

These jade stones are all good things, and they all add up to a dozen squares. Li Yu decided to buy them all. He refined a lot of medicines this time. Naturally, he had to use the high-quality medicines that he kept to eat. Both the ordinary and top-grade medicines were prepared to be used as hard currency.

"I want to buy all these jade stones, I will buy them with pill."

"Buy it all?" The owner of the yard was stunned, immediately ecstatic, and nodded fiercely: "It is natural for an adult to buy it, because these top jade stones are selected from all the jade stones, so they are more expensive. One hundred infuriating pills."

"A True Essence Pill!" Among the pill that Li Yu refined this time, the lowest was the True Essence Pill that he used innately. The True Qi Pill was too low-level, so he didn't refine it.

"One? My lord, you are joking, my labor costs are all... My lord, you mean the true essence pill! Good! Good!" The ecstatic expression on the face of the owner of the yard couldn't hold back. The official price for a real one Yuan Dan is equivalent to one hundred True Qi Pills, but under normal circumstances, if you want to exchange True Qi Pills for True Qi Pills, you need one hundred and ten to get it, and he is now at the peak of the day after tomorrow, and is about to buy one. The true essence pill was used to break through the innate, and this nobleman appeared.

After completing the transaction, Li Yu also inquired about the origin of the jade from the owner of the yard. It was just outside the deserted city. There was a jade mountain. The mutton jade, which was regarded as a treasure by the people of the earth, became an ordinary ore here. It was used to make utensils. It is used to make bottles for immortality, and it can also be used to make jade boxes for precious medicinal materials.

Ordinary warriors don’t earn these hard money. They are ordinary people who go to the Yushan Mountain outside the city to dig out the jade, and then transport it to the city to sell it to jade dealers like the owner of the yard. artisan.

The owner of the yard is not afraid of Li Yu going outside the city to collect it. After all, an expert like Li Yu only needs top-quality jade, and he will only look for them like second-tier dealers, because the jade outside the city can’t be top-quality, so you have to collect it. It takes a long time. Does such an expert have so much free time? It is better to spend a little more and let them help, which will save a lot of trouble.

After Li Yu bought the jade, he didn't leave immediately. He wants to use these jade to make jade charms, which requires preliminary processing. If he does it himself, when will he have to get so many jade? Let the owner of the yard find some skilled craftsmen to help solve these jade stones into the standard specifications required by jade symbols.

The owner of the yard didn't get back to Li Yu's request for a long time. Didn't this adult buy jade to make a jade bottle? What does it mean to make a small piece

Looking at Li Yu, the owner of the yard did not dare to ask more. There are many artisans in this area. Those artisans who make jade eat this kind of food. They can make jade bottles, but can't they make small jade blocks? Ten skilled craftsmen were quickly found.

Li Yu put the largest piece of jade into the space ring. It’s such a big one. It’s a pity to use it to make jade charms. Keep it for now. Maybe you will need it later. Now his space ring is big enough. The head is big enough, but it is only four cubic meters, and it only occupies a small space in the space ring.

Li Yu watched the craftsmen processing jade in the yard. He thought it would take some time to process the jade. Who knows, in this immortal martial world without industrial machines, people’s wisdom is not to be underestimated, and they Although his tool is not a machine, it can be processed beyond Li Yu's imagination.

The craftsmen have a tool that is the same as a thin wire. Two of them hold it as a saw. By pulling it back and forth a few times, they can saw a piece of jade open, which is much sharper than the earth's saw.

The craftsmen took out another file and filed the raw edges of the cut jade block, and it became the jade block that Li Yu needed.

Within two hours, a lot of jade was processed. Li Yu was very satisfied. I thought it would take some effort. Although it was much easier than I thought, it was the wisdom of others, and Li Yu generously gave it. A True Essence Pill was made and ten people divided it.