Super Insight System

Chapter 9: Magic apprentice


The solemn and sacred music sounded, and countless church pastors slowly walked out of the church and walked towards the square. The believers were very excited and separated automatically so that the pastors could come over.

Quickly follow the believers and move away from the most central position. At this time, he realized that his position is quite good. As long as these priests come over, they will definitely pass by ten meters away from him.

After the priest, a team of light paladins held a celebration. The knights did not ride horses, but wore beautiful white armor. A woman appeared in the middle of the knights. There was only one woman, who should be a holy woman, but let Li Yu Disappointingly, the saint is not as young as in the legend. Although the age cannot be seen, it is certainly not young.

The saint's face is full of sacred temperament, which is not to be looked at directly. The sun shines on her face, and she smiles slightly, which makes all believers feel a burst of warmth.

"The saint is eternal! The goddess of light is eternal!" The believers screamed frantically, making Li Yu a little caught off guard, and shouting together, lest he look strange.

After coming over, the pastors walked slowly. The pastors looked at the believers with gentle eyes. They were very warm, but Li Yu could feel that he was being scanned. He didn't even dare to inquire the system and didn't even think about anything. Follow the believers to scream madly.

The light knights also came over. If the priests just had sharp eyes and could see through people's hearts, then these light knights were overwhelming in momentum, making people feel an invisible pressure, and they could barely breathe.

Fortunately, just when everyone felt uncomfortable, a voice that was as light and crisp as the sky sounded in everyone's ears: "Pious believers, the goddess of light bless you!"

A burst of light rain fell from the sky and fell on everyone, everyone felt a burst of incomparable ease, just now there was no trace of the oppression of the momentum, and the spirit of incomparable joy.

The goddess of light is so great, the saint is so sacred!

Li Yu felt that his whole body and mind was immersed in the light of the Goddess of Light, and his whole body was warm. At this time, he didn't have to think about anything...

"wake up!"

A voice awakened Li Yu. Li Yu looked around blankly. The priest, the knight, and the saint of light had disappeared. Even the believers had gone seven or eighty-eight. Of course, Li Yu didn't seem to appear. Another kind, there are many believers standing in the square with the same enthusiastic faces as he just now, muttering words such as the goddess of light and the saint of light.

"Master, that is the Holy Maiden of Light used the fifth-level light magic light purification technique. This magic can remove the dark curse on the human body, soothe the soul, and also purify people's thoughts, making them more pious to the Goddess of Light, and has brainwashing. Function."

There was a cold sweat on Li Yu's head, Nima, and almost unconsciously the way of the saint of light. Fortunately, he has a system and reminded him in time, otherwise it would be troublesome. Li Yu still doesn't want to be brainwashed and lost. self.

Looking at the crazy believers, Li Yu felt a little scared from the bottom of his heart, and quickly left and returned to the hotel not far away.

"System, take a look at today's harvest!" After being afraid, Li Yu became excited again. Today, the Saint of Light passed by less than ten meters away from him, and she must be able to gain a lot of skills.

Prayer of Light (1oo%, 1oo%). Li Yu was excited when he saw this first skill. With this level of data, shouldn't it be so bad!

"System, is this skill collected from the Saint of Light?" Li Yu asked excitedly.

System: "The Prayer of the Holy Lady of Light is only up to (1oo%, 98%). Your current skill is that the system has collected information on the thought power of 112 priests and saints who know the Prayer of Light. The optimized skill, this light prayer technique eliminates useless religious confusing language, making it more concise, but more subtle, this is even more authentic light prayer technique than that of the Holy Maiden of Light."

Li Yu is speechless. If he learns it, he will be more professional than other professionals. Would you like to be so good

It’s a pity that there’s not enough energy. Hey, enough energy. Is it possible that a celebration can absorb hundreds of points of energy? After asking the system, I found out that it was actually absorbed during the celebration. In order to create a greater celebration effect, Bright The saint and hundreds of priests performed large-scale light magic together. The light magic power in the air is full, and these light magic power and light elements are all low-level auras from the system's point of view, and they are all collected as a single item. , In just a short while, it absorbed 800 points of energy.

Without hesitation, Li Yu chose to learn the optimized light prayer technique. After consuming a thousand points of energy, a lot of information poured into his brain, and another energy followed the prayer request to gather at the dantian. After a while, it formed a Slowly rotating the bright magic core like a galaxy. As soon as the bright magic core formed, the surrounding bright elements immediately flooded Li Yu as if they had found their own home.

There are a lot of light element fluctuations in the Guangming Hotel. Naturally, there is no magic to hide it. However, after seeing that it is the Guangming Hotel that caused the fluctuation of the light element, everyone did not care. Today, during the celebration of the Goddess of Light, many Guangming priests stayed at the Guangming Hotel. These pastors are all masters of the Light Department. It is normal to cause a little light element to fluctuate. The pastors living in the hotel thought it was made by their colleagues. Without going into the details, Li Yu chose this hotel and saved him from it. Risk of exposure.

The fluctuation of the light element lasted for almost an hour before it stopped. Li Yuxian’s newly formed magic core was filled with light mana. These light mana gave him a powerful feeling. This should be an illusion. Li Yu told himself that if If the first-level magic core is powerful, then the second-level and third-level ones are not going to be against the sky.

The core of magic is condensed, and the next step is to learn magic. Just look at the magic collected. Li Yu had to press it down. Now only one level magic can be learned. This time I have also harvested a few level one magic. The light healing technique (99%, 99%) and photoelastic technique (99%, 99%) he wants to learn both require 49o energy, and now he only has 2oo energy points left and he can’t learn one. If he wants to learn it, he will have to wait two days. Row.

Brightness (99%, 99%) requires only 98 energy points, but what is the use of learning? As a flashlight? Li Yu thinks that it is better not to be so boring. Learning something practical is the real thing. When you have enough energy in the future, learn these boring skills.

"System, what's going on? Why is there only level three skills? The Saint of Light can't only have level three, right?" Li Yu asked the system suspiciously, there was a problem with the system

System: "Master, don’t be angry. The current system is only level one and its analytical ability is still too weak. For the collected advanced magic skill information, you need to be upgraded to a higher level to be able to organize, integrate, analyze, and optimize it before giving it to the owner. You use it, you can rest assured that the level of the Saint of Light will not be only three."

It turns out that the information has not been processed yet, so it will not be displayed for the time being, so you can rest assured.

In the following time, Li Yu wandered around the city of Searle, almost the whole city, perhaps because he had been walking frequently enough, he absorbed 300 points of energy in one day, and immediately learned the slight healing technique.

After learning magic, Li Yu was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night. Starting today, he is an official light magician, always thinking about going out and finding someone who is injured to get him to heal.

After waking up for a while, Li Yu felt that only one healing magic was not enough. How could the magician not have the means of attack, so he went out for two more days, accumulated 600 points of energy, and learned the light bullet technique.

It’s just that he’s been wandering around in the past two days, allowing him to see a lot of professionals, and it also makes him realize that he is really nothing like a first-level magician, a first-level magician, he is only a magic apprentice in the 6th of the gods, yes. The lowest level of professionals is nothing to be proud of.

In addition, he also learned that professionals will choose one power, and there are few lone rangers, and he has two powers to choose from, one is the Church of Light and the other is the Guild of Wizards.

After analyzing the two forces, Li Yu chose the Wizards’ Guild, and the Bright Church is a religious form, and it has a strong binding force on the priests in the church. In particular, the brainwashing made Li Yu a little disgusted and scared.

The wizard guild is a relatively loose organization, and the general guild will not take care of the magicians, unless you damage the interests of most magicians.

Of course, the Bright Church is very binding and provides better conditions. It will give the pastor of the teaching a lot of cultivation resources, while the Magic Guild will not give any resources. Unless you serve in the guild, otherwise it only has ten every month. One gold coin (magic apprentice level) subsidy, ten gold coins are enough for ordinary ordinary people to live, but for professionals, it belongs to the minimum living standard and can only guarantee the minimum standard of living.

The Magic Guild is not as sacred as the Bright Cathedral, but it is more mysterious. When Li Yu came to the gate of the Magic Guild, an old man in a magic robe immediately stopped him and looked at him in a camouflage uniform coldly.

"Please show proof of magic identity."

Li Yu said honestly: "I'm here to test the magic apprenticeship level, and there is no magic certificate for now."

The old magician looked at Li Yu coldly, shook his head and said, "Little guy, you should leave. You don't have any magic fluctuations on your body. Are you wearing magic accessories that cover up magic fluctuations."

Li Yu couldn't help but be surprised. He believed that the old man didn't lie, but how could he have no magic wave, he condensed the core of magic

"I really condensed the core of magic, and also learned two magics."

There was an impatient expression on the old magician's face: "Little guy, don't make me angry."

Seeing that the old magic did not believe him, Li Yu had to raise his hand, and a healing technique was formed in his hand. The magic had not been fully used. The old magician was already stunned. He couldn't believe the healing technique in Li Yu's hand and muttered in his mouth. : "How is this possible, there is no magic wave when you don't cast a spell, and the spellcasting is so smooth, can there be magic apprentices who can cast spells instantaneously?"

Li Yu held up a healing magic, saw the stunned old magician, and asked again: "You should believe it now, right?"

"Believe it, believe it! Quickly follow me in." The old magician looked around and just saw a figure disappearing in the corner in the distance, his face sinking.

He sighed secretly, but ignored it. He became enthusiastic about Li Yu, smiled and pulled Li Yu into the wizarding guild. As he walked, he asked, "Are you from the magic school or from the master? It shouldn't be a school." At the school, it should be proved by the collective examination, and if you are excellent, you should focus on training, like the master... What about your master?"

Li Yu made up a lie early: "I was born in China. After teaching me magic, my master sent me out, saying that he would let me practice on the sixth year, saying that reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles. , Gems (jade) cannot be made without cutting."