Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 100: About the ambitions of the world arms market!


early morning.

As the sun's outline appeared above the sea level, the entire Emerald Island was bathed in the morning light.

It was still early, but the countless tourists who had come to Emerald Island had already dressed up and boarded the sightseeing buses specially prepared for tourists.

At this time, you can see that every tourist has an unconcealable look of excitement on his face.

Emerald Island’s first science and technology expo is finally about to have its opening ceremony.

In the past few days, the sci-fi architectural style of the big flying saucer has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of every tourist.

Therefore, this day has been long awaited for them.

In order to meet the sightseeing needs of every tourist as much as possible, the Emerald Island government specially provides free sightseeing bus services for all tourists, so that they can go to the White House River in an orderly manner and witness a world-class technological event with their own eyes.

As luxury sightseeing buses were driving along the winding highway towards the giant flying saucer, high in the sky, flying cars of various styles were also humming and going along with them.

However, those sitting in these flying cars are all VIPs officially invited by Emerald Island. They are all important partners that have cooperative relations with Emerald Island, so the specifications are naturally different.

At this moment, in a luxury flying car flying high in the sky, old Rockefeller and old Mellon were watching the scenery on the ground and chatting casually.

"Oh, my God, the scenery here is so beautiful!" Old Rockefeller almost stuck his head out of the window, his eyes full of admiration.

"David, you've said these words too much in the past few days. Haven't you already obtained the green card of Emerald Island? You have also built a private estate in Laputa City. I think you can enjoy your old age here." Thomas Mellon, who was sitting next to him, shook his head speechlessly.

"Thomas, are you hoping that I will quit business?" After hearing what Thomas Mellon said, old Rockefeller retracted his head and said with dissatisfaction on his face.

"That's not what I meant." Thomas Mellon spread his hands and said disapprovingly.

"No, that's what you mean, old fox. Don't expect me to give up. Humph, with Island Master Jiang as a partner, our Rockefeller family still has a lot to do!"

"Really? What ideas do you have now?" Thomas Mellon shook his head helplessly and asked.

"Do I need to ask? Don't you have any ideas about those new warships on Emerald Island?" Old Rockefeller said with a cunning look in his eyes.

After hearing this, Thomas Mellon nodded slightly, and then said: "Of course I have an idea, but do you think Island Master Jiang will sell him to us?"

"That's not impossible. It just depends on the price we pay!" Old Rockefeller said quite naturally.

"Oh? What does this mean? Tell me about it." Hearing this, Thomas Mellon seemed very interested and couldn't help but speak.

Thomas Mellon has thought a lot about how to purchase those new warships from Emerald Island these days, but in the end he held back and did not ask Jiang Cheng.

There is no other reason, it is just that this type of warship is too lethal. Both in speed and long-range attack firepower, it far exceeds the most advanced warships in the world today.

Who wouldn't be interested in such a powerful naval weapon

For the Mellon family, the arms business is actually an important pillar industry of their family.

Although they cannot compare with the Lockheed family and the Rothschild family in the arms business, they have put a lot of effort into it. In recent years, they have successively acquired several US arms companies in order to gain more wealth in the increasingly hot world arms market.

However, since they have lost the initiative and the arms business requires a deep accumulation of technical strength, they have worked very hard but gained very little, so they are deeply distressed about this.

However, all these troubles finally gave him a glimmer of hope after he witnessed the strength of Emerald Island's powerful warships at a dinner a few days ago.

If they can cooperate with Emerald Island, then a large part of the world's future arms market will inevitably be allocated to the Mellon family!

This is a huge business opportunity!

However, although old Mellon was well aware of the rarity of this business opportunity, he was still hesitant.

Because he knew the owner of Emerald Island very well.

Although the other party is just a young man, he is very shrewd. He will definitely not easily sell such a groundbreaking super weapon.

It was based on this consideration that he had not taken any action.

However, from what David said just now, it seemed that the other party already had some ideas, which made him very curious.

"Our island master Jiang is very smart. It is definitely impossible to ask him to sell this kind of weapon directly. But we can try another way. We can seize the future market share by proposing to him to jointly set up a factory!" Old Rockefeller said with a deep look in his eyes.

"Cooperate in setting up a factory? Will the other party agree?" Thomas Mellon had a look of deep doubt on his face.

"Why not! We can choose not to participate in the production of core components, but we must take the production of those other components into our own hands!"

Hearing this, a light lit up in Thomas Mellon's eyes!

What old Rockefeller said was right. I think Island Master Jiang would not refuse their way of cooperation.

The production of a warship involves countless parts. Although they cannot participate in the production of core components, if they can firmly control the production of some minor core components in their own hands, it is equivalent to becoming an indispensable part of it.

Moreover, it is conceivable that this new type of warship will inevitably become the world's mainstream warship in the future.

By then, countries around the world will inevitably begin the research, development and production of such warships.

And if they control the market for some of these important accessories, they will definitely be able to stand out in the world arms market and become a newly emerging arms giant!

Thinking of this, Thomas Mellon became slightly excited and looked at Old Rockefeller and said, "But how can we convince this shrewd Lord Jiang?"

"It's very simple. Emerald Island now seems to be interested in expanding into markets around the world, but it lacks some strong partners, and this is exactly our specialty!"

Just as the two world-class tycoons were secretly negotiating, the flying car they were riding in had slowly slowed down.

At this moment, the two of them looked out the window at the same time, and then their eyes widened, their mouths opened, and they fell into complete shock.

"Oh my God! I must have seen a miracle!"

Looking at the buildings outside the window that looked like an alien base, old Rockefeller covered his smooth forehead and let out a deep sigh of admiration!

(End of this chapter)