Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 112: The beginning of Operation Thunder!


While the flapping-wing aircraft factory and the Thunder Force were operating in secret, everything on Emerald Island was developing in a thriving manner.

In particular, after the successful holding of the Emerald Island Science and Technology Expo, Emerald Island's series of high-end technology products have suddenly caught the world's attention. People from all countries are eagerly looking forward to when they can use Emerald Island's most advanced technology products.

Against this backdrop, major companies around the world have begun to take action. They will not miss the opportunity to seize the future market!

As for Emerald Island, it had no intention of swallowing up all the markets in the world at once!

We still have to leave space for these companies. Since we have already eaten the meat, we have to leave some bones for these partners to taste.

In addition, although Emerald Island dominates the world in terms of production capacity, it is still lacking in supply chain and sales chain capabilities. Therefore, it would be better for it to cooperate with these world-class companies to maximize Emerald Island's production capacity.

In this way, you can make more profits without losing your core interests. Why not do it

Therefore, during this period, the Emerald Island government and companies from various countries reached a series of long-term strategic agreements and signed a large number of production orders.

As a result, all major production factories in Emerald Island have entered full production!

Almost every day, a large number of transport cargo ships set sail from major ports along the coast of Emerald Island and head to all parts of the world.

As a result, Jiang's Shipping's performance has also achieved rapid improvement!

After solving the problem of pirate harassment, Jiang's shipping industry entered a stage of rapid expansion. Today, the number of Jiang's shipping ships has almost tripled, and all of them are high-speed transport ships equipped with new propulsion systems, further improving their transportation capacity.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang's Shipping has grown into a giant shipping company like an Asian unicorn, which is not inferior to the world's four largest shipping giants!

In just less than a year, Jiang's Shipping has achieved a level that other shipping companies would take decades to achieve. The expansion capability of Jiang's Shipping is enough to make people stunned!

However, the growth of Jiang's Shipping will inevitably be accompanied by the decline of other shipping companies!

Obviously the most affected are South Korea's Samsung Shipping and Yamato's Kawasaki Shipping. As the former dominant companies in Asia, they have now almost become third-rate shipping companies in Asia!

The direct reason is the transportation restriction order of Emerald Island!

According to the official export policy of Emerald Island, high-tech ships such as high-speed transport ships can only be exported to the four major shipping companies in Europe. As for other companies that want to purchase such ships, there is no way!

Faced with this technological invasion, Samsung Shipping and Kawasaki Shipping were naturally very dissatisfied. On the one hand, they continued to protest against the Emerald Island's discriminatory policies in various ways internationally. On the other hand, they secretly stepped up the imitation production project in an attempt to get rid of this unfavorable situation as quickly as possible.

But unfortunately, Emerald Island has very strict control over equipment such as high-speed thrusters, and it is very difficult for others to understand the various design parameters of the equipment.

Moreover, this kind of high-tech equipment cannot be copied in just a few months, and the technical barriers are very serious.

If there is any hope, it is Samsung Shipping.

With the support of Samsung Shipyard, it is said that it has been able to produce some small high-speed transport ships. The supercavitation propulsion technology has long been mastered by it, so with Emerald Island as a sample, the other party still managed to build a faster thruster. Although there is still a big gap in propulsion speed compared with Emerald Island's products, this has given him hope.

This is the general situation of the entire Asian shipping industry - one company is super strong and the rest can only get the leftovers.

This terrible situation not only occurs in the shipping industry. In fact, any market where Emerald Island intervenes tends to be dominated by it!

This situation makes major manufacturers around the world feel a little scared, but the problem is that Emerald Island’s products are too advanced, so even if they want to catch up, they are powerless!

The result is that some companies that are unable to catch up can only go bankrupt, while those with more flexible minds have begun to turn to another path.

That is, cooperate with Emerald Island!

Of course, although it is called cooperation, the essence is that it has become a foundry for Emerald Island, producing some parts for Emerald Island's high-end products to maintain the survival of the company!

In fact, this is basically the development trend of global enterprises.

When facing an opponent whose technological strength far exceeds that of their own, they can only start with OEM production, accumulate technical experience bit by bit, eventually develop the ability to imitate, and begin the process of gradually catching up!

Fortunately, Emerald Island had no intention of killing these companies with one blow from the beginning, but instead signed more reasonable agreements with them.

The specific content of the agreement is that in the initial stage of cooperation, we can only produce some minor spare parts on behalf of the other party. After a period of time, we can be involved in the production of core components. Of course, this is essentially technology transfer.

It is precisely based on this form of cooperation that the world's major companies did not unite to rebel, but instead embarked on the process of "learning from the master".

From a global perspective, the entire world is actually quietly carrying out this technological revolution, and the leader is undoubtedly Emerald Island!

Time is slowly passing by in this subtle technological revolution.

One month later.

Nanyao Island, combat command center.

Today, Jiang Cheng specially wore a military uniform that he rarely wore. He looked energetic and really looked like a senior military official.

At this moment, he was sitting in a seat in the center of the venue, staring closely at the projection image on the screen in front of him.

In the picture, dozens of experienced special warfare soldiers are wearing special equipment with wings and carrying out various training.

During the training process, one can magically discover that they can actually hover at low altitude or soar at high altitude like birds. These movements are very shocking on the screen!

All the senior military officials present showed expressions of disbelief!

Although they knew that Jiang Cheng was secretly developing a special military equipment, they could never have imagined that it would be such a winged equipment with the ability to fly.

They are all elites, so when they saw the flexible combat capabilities brought by this equipment, they immediately realized that from now on, Emerald Island will have a special warfare force that will be elusive and frighten the enemy!

(End of this chapter)