Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 128: Live broadcast worldwide!


early morning.

When the first ray of light passed over the horizon and fell over the Emerald Island, this pristine island, longed for by the world, was completely bathed in a sacred golden light, peaceful and elegant, just like the beautiful fantasy it had in people's hearts.

However, at this moment, the city of Laputa was in a state of turmoil.

Laputa City, Central CBD.

Today, it is not only home to the world's most well-known technology companies, but has also become the headquarters of many internationally renowned media.

As the international status of Emerald Island has rapidly increased in recent years, this beautiful island has become the focus of world attention. Based on this consideration, media from various countries have chosen to establish their office headquarters here so that they can obtain first-hand news information about Emerald Island and thus expand their own communication influence.

Every morning, these senior media reporters would rush to every corner of Emerald Island to report everything that happened in this technological paradise, and deliver the latest technological news and other reports to those netizens who could not come to the island but were always paying attention to the news here.

However, what was different from the past was that after the reporters from these media arrived at the office early, before they had time to go out to collect information, they received notifications from senior leaders from the official media of Emerald Island!

The content of the notice was that the owner of Emerald Island would hold an emergency press conference in the high-rise banquet hall of the Endless Building and invite reporters from major media to attend.

As soon as these media received the notice, they took action.

For them, this was the biggest news ever!

You know, although they live on the same island with the most famous person in the world, the owner of Emerald Island, it is extremely difficult to see the true face of the owner.

In the past, they had sent interview invitations to the other party, but were all rejected without exception. However, this morning, they actually received an active invitation from the officials of Emerald Island. This is definitely big news!

Moreover, based on their keen sense of news, they instinctively believed that they would hear extremely explosive news at this press conference, otherwise the other party would not have invited so many media outlets so solemnly.

Therefore, not long after the invitation was sent out, many media reporters rushed to the Endless Building.

Endless Building.

As the Emerald Isle's iconic skyscraper and the building with the highest technological content, it has now become the office address of many technology companies.

Well-known start-ups from all over the world have rented office buildings here and started their entrepreneurial careers.

In addition, this place also brings together the world's most famous news and communication industries. Almost every day, a large amount of news is born here, and eventually presented to the world through the Internet.


On the top floor of the Endless Building, in a top-notch luxurious banquet hall, the lights are bright and the place is bustling with activity.

The banquet hall, which can accommodate a thousand people, has been packed with numerous media reporters, and numerous cameras are all aimed at the podium in front.

At the same time, all the LCD screens on the outer walls of the Endless Building also broadcast the live footage, allowing all ordinary people who were unable to attend the conference to see the scene of the press conference together.

The news of this official press conference held by Emerald Island has already been spread through various channels, and every corner of the world is paying close attention to this press conference.

For them, such public action by the Emerald Island authorities was extremely rare, so it inevitably aroused their strong curiosity.

There was a lot of heated discussion about this press conference on the Internet.

"Wow, Emerald Island is making another big move! Emerald Island seems to be making a lot of moves recently. Does any of you know what big news will be revealed at this press conference?"

"I agree. Emerald Island has now become the center of the world and is always under the spotlight. This kind of official press conference is indeed rare, but it should not be difficult to guess. I think the content of the press conference should be related to the recent Samsung ship collision dispute."

"Speaking of which, Samsung is really tough. They even dared to challenge Emerald Island. The most important thing is that now everyone knows that Samsung deliberately framed him, but he just refuses to admit it. I think Island Master Jiang should take action soon, right?"

"No matter what, for us spectators, there is a good show about to begin, so please wait patiently!"

Netizens from all over the world were letting their imagination run wild and making all kinds of speculations about this sudden press conference held by Emerald Island.

At the same time, this also greatly aroused their curiosity.

In their view, the possibility of a conflict between the two sides eventually breaking out is becoming increasingly greater, and the more this happens, the more they will pay attention to this press conference with a mentality of watching the fun.

Time passes slowly.

Arrived at seven in the morning.

At this moment, many netizens were watching the live broadcast in front of the computer, quietly waiting for Jiang Cheng to appear, but suddenly they found that the scene in the video screen suddenly changed.

This change in the picture also occurred simultaneously in every corner of the world, including the exterior wall of the Endless Building and the huge screen at the press conference.

The video shows a scene of a sea area covered with morning fog.

"What happened?"

"Hey, why did the live broadcast screen change?"

"Where is this, does anyone know?"

"I don't know, maybe it's some sea area?"

The sudden change in the picture caused netizens from all over the world who were watching the situation to raise a wave of questions.

They really didn't understand. Wasn't it clearly stated that Island Master Jiang would appear at the press conference? How come the picture suddenly changed to a scene of the sea

However, even though they had many doubts in their hearts, out of trust in Emerald Island, they still watched patiently.

Not long after, something unusual finally appeared in the scene on this turbulent sea.

At the end of the seashore covered with morning mist, there were faint shadows of huge ships, which broke through the morning mist and appeared in this sea area.

As the visual field gradually got closer, the true appearance of these ships finally became clear.

All of these ships had thick hulls covered with armor, and were loaded with dark cannons with their muzzles pointed toward the sky, which was quite intimidating.

This is clearly a fully armed fleet!

At the same time, from the flag hanging on the warship's tower, it can be clearly seen that this is actually a military ship from the Han country!

(End of this chapter)