Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 130: The mysterious fleet of Emerald Isle!


At this time, Jiang Cheng was wearing a tailored, fitted handmade suit, with a slightly serious expression, looking like a superior.

When Jiang Cheng officially walked to the podium, the media reporters who had been anxiously waiting in the banquet hall for a long time immediately began to adjust their cameras and all focused on Jiang Cheng.

For them, this moment has finally arrived!

This is huge news.

At this critical moment, how should the current owner of Emerald Island deal with the sudden attack of the Samsung fleet? Should he bow to the Samsung Empire as some people say on the Internet, or should he fight back with all his might

If it is the latter, will the conflict between the two sides drag the originally peaceful Emerald Island into the quagmire and never recover from it

Amid the concerns of these media reporters, Jiang Cheng finally faced the camera and started his press conference.

"I'm sure all of you journalists have seen that the peace-loving Emerald Island is now facing its greatest crisis in history!"

"We are being invaded!"

"According to the intelligence investigation, the first fleet from the Korean government has now invaded within 12 nautical miles of the Emerald Island Security Identification Zone. According to international law standards, this behavior of the Korean government has seriously violated the sovereignty of Emerald Island!"

In the huge banquet hall, Jiang Cheng had a solemn expression on his face, and made a statement about the invasion of the Korean fleet in a very official tone.

His words were transmitted to netizens in every corner of the world through the live broadcast of major media, and immediately caused a huge wave of public opinion around the world.

For any country in the world, territorial sovereignty is the highest right that must not be violated. Once violated, the most severe counterattack will be launched against the enemy.

And from Jiang Cheng’s statement, many netizens also realized that this person who was extremely admired by people was finally really angry!

“Roar, roar, roar! Island Master Jiang is so mighty! It seems that Island Master Jiang is really angry. Now we are going to have a good show to watch!”

"No matter what, infringing on the territorial sovereignty of another party is absolutely unacceptable. Samsung is courting death!"

"That's right. Samsung has seriously violated the sovereignty of Emerald Island. Any counterattack launched by Emerald Island now is legitimate. We support Island Master Jiang in starting the war!"

"Support Island Master Jiang!"

“Support Emerald Isle!”

As soon as Jiang Cheng made a statement on the Internet, it quickly resonated with the majority of netizens, who spoke out on the Internet, expressing their full support for Emerald Island and Jiang Cheng's counterattack against Samsung.

At the press conference, Jiang Cheng's solemn statement continued.

"Emerald Island has always been quietly contributing to world peace and development, which has a lot to do with the peace-loving nature of the people of Emerald Island."

"But what I want to say at this moment is that our love of peace does not mean that we dare not launch the most fierce counterattack against the enemies who invade us. If peace can only be achieved by using weapons, then we are willing to accept it!"

"And we will not show any mercy to those despicable invaders!"

"Finally, I want to say to all those who care about and love the sacred land of Emerald Island that Emerald Island will definitely use its utmost efforts to protect this land from any enemy. This is my eternal promise!"

After Jiang Cheng finished his statement, there was immediate round of applause from the audience.

This scene also happened simultaneously on the streets of Emerald Island and in every corner of the world.

Obviously, Emerald Island's current situation has won everyone's sympathy. Faced with such despicable invaders, they certainly all support Emerald Island in launching the necessary counterattack to protect this island that has made significant contributions to the world's development.

The next moment, under the witness of all netizens, Jiang Cheng in the video picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand and issued a counterattack order!

"Action begins!"

As soon as Jiang Cheng finished speaking, netizens immediately noticed that the scene in the video had changed.

What appeared in the camera was no longer the press conference site, but a scene of a military port.

In the picture, dozens of warships of various types were neatly arranged in front of the dock of a military port. The soldiers on them were all energetic and fully armed.

What is most noteworthy is that all these warships are very different from the conventional warships we have seen before. They all have a layer of dark blue paint on their surface, which looks very similar to the color of the nearby sea water.

The designs of these warships are also angular and very sci-fi.

Seeing this scene, netizens were immediately excited!

"Oh my god, is this the fleet of Emerald Island? It seems that it wasn't so large before."

"Oh my goodness, what kind of warships are these? They seem to be different from the regular warships we have seen. But they are so cool!"

"Island Master Jiang really has a backup plan. It seems that I really underestimated Emerald Island. This time, we are going to see something interesting."

"According to preliminary estimates, these should be Emerald Island's latest model of warships. The last time we raided the militants, we didn't use these warships. It seems that their weapon systems have been upgraded."

"That's right. With Emerald Island's technological strength, it shouldn't be a problem to build such a batch of warships. It's just that it has never been reported before."

"I really don't know what kind of terrifying attack firepower such a warship will have. I am really looking forward to it."

"Samsung Empire vs Emerald Island, well, the fun is about to begin!"

As the video showed a series of extremely shocking warships, they appeared before the eyes of netizens, which immediately caused a lot of discussion.

For a long time, the impression that Emerald Island has given to the outside world is its strong scientific and technological capabilities, but there is not much news about its military aspect, which also makes the outside world always feel that Emerald Island does not attach importance to military development.

However, when this huge fleet appeared before their eyes, people finally realized that their previous concerns about Emerald Island seemed to be really unnecessary.

at the same time.

On the sea 12 nautical miles north of Emerald Island, the First Fleet from Han Country was slowly heading towards Emerald Island.

Among them, on a flagship in the center, the commander of the First Fleet, Kim Jong-min, was looking anxious.

For him, this is definitely the worst moment in his military career.

Just now, he had seen the official press conference held by Emerald Island through the live broadcast, and of course, he had also seen the mysterious fleet displayed by the official Emerald Island.

To be honest, his first impression was that this fleet was extremely powerful!

The naval strength of Emerald Island does not seem to be as weak as imagined!

This is definitely a mistake made by the intelligence department, because in the previous investigation into the military strength of Emerald Island, there did not seem to be so many warships!

Realizing this, Kim Jong-min suddenly felt that he should discuss with Lee Zairong whether they should retreat first.

(End of this chapter)