Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 2: Tropico APP


Jiang Cheng remembered that when he looked at it yesterday, it was still 18.6 billion US dollars, but after just one day, it skyrocketed by 100 million US dollars out of thin air. If it continues like this, he wants to sell the island and live a peaceful life as a wealthy man.

But on second thought, this is normal.

The Age of Exploration on the blue planet is coming to an end, and the competition for islands among countries is intensifying. All kinds of new aircraft carriers, warships, and submarines are being launched like dumplings, heading for undiscovered islands in the deep sea. A passionate battle for islands that is sweeping the world is being staged.

Against this backdrop, the value of Emerald Island is bound to rise.

Moreover, in recent years, after achieving economic take-off and firmly sitting on the throne of the world's second largest economy, Yan State, as if belatedly, turned its attention from land to ocean, frequently sending fleets into the deep sea to plunder the remaining islands and reefs. This has caused great discomfort to He State and Magna, the two major overlords of the Pacific Ocean.

Therefore, the Emerald Island, which controls the throat of Yan State, has become an important target for the two countries. As long as the Emerald Island is captured, the main sea transportation routes of Yan State can be cut off, making it a beast in a cage!

From this, we can imagine how uneasy Jiang Cheng, the owner of the island, must have been.

This is no child's play, it concerns the life and death of him and the Jiang family!

"Tropic" was Jiang Cheng's favorite simulation game when he was on Earth. It combined exploration, management, combat, and adventure. It came along with Jiang Cheng after he crossed over to the Blue Star.

This game is very distinctive, with multiple independent branch systems such as construction, talent, treasure, combat, and training. It also has a rich library of up to 500 professions, such as adventurers, captains, merchants, pirates, etc. Players can enjoy the lives of many different characters in the game.

You can drive a warship, conquer the world and experience thrilling sea battles, or lead a fleet to explore unknown waters and dig up precious relics and treasures. You can also cross the vast ocean and seize endless wealth from all over the world.

In short, this is a passionate simulation game where players can build their own island empire!

It is precisely because of this golden finger that Jiang Cheng has the courage to fight against the world.

It can be said that if he is given enough time and money, he can build an invincible fleet to dominate the world.

However, time and money are what Jiang Cheng needs most right now. Judging from the current situation, it is very difficult to protect himself, let alone build an invincible fleet.

The United States and Magna have been eyeing him covetously. If there were not undiscovered islands in the deep sea that they could not spare, the two major countries would have taken action against him long ago. How could they let a weak island owner like him live here at ease

Jiang Cheng had no doubt that once the islands in the deep sea were divided up, the two countries would definitely turn around and be the first to deal with him!

The situation is pressing!

Jiang Cheng cannot afford to waste time. He must use the Tropico system to strengthen himself as quickly as possible and build a powerful fleet to deal with the devastating blow that may be encountered soon.

Speaking of this, what makes Jiang Cheng feel relieved is that compared to the technologically advanced Earth, the technology tree of Blue Planet seems to have been distorted by some great god!

Although here, we also have the most cutting-edge computer technology and Internet technology, the development of military technology is not as rapid as that on Earth. There are no super weapons such as long-range strategic bombers, intercontinental ballistic missiles, nuclear warheads, etc. that can cross thousands of miles of ocean to destroy the opponent. Even the first artificial satellite has not been launched!

Otherwise, countries would not have to work so hard to send fleets to cast nets and search for islands and reefs in the sea.

According to Jiang Cheng's understanding, the current level of technological development on Blue Star is probably only equivalent to the level of Earth at the beginning of World War II, and it mainly focuses on naval warfare weapons. Heavy gunboats such as battleships, which have long been eliminated on Earth, are still the main warships on Blue Star and are being developed by major countries.

In this way, Jiang Cheng can rest assured. Otherwise, no matter how impregnable he builds his island, it will never be able to withstand the attack of a nuclear warhead from the opponent.

Although there is a BUG-level system like Tropico, building an island or creating a fleet requires huge funds, and these funds are directly linked to his real account.

In other words, Jiang Cheng must earn enough money in reality before he can borrow the system's capabilities to build his own island and fleet.

This was a bit of a pain for Jiang Cheng.

Although he has a wealthy grandfather, most of the Jiang family's money is used to run businesses. Moreover, in recent years, with the continuous pressure from the Philippine government, the Jiang family's business has become increasingly difficult. The money that can be allocated to Jiang Cheng is currently limited.

Moreover, building islands and creating fleets are not something that a wealthy family can afford. The cost of building a heavy battleship is more than 100 million US dollars!

Even if Mr. Jiang emptied his family fortune, it would not be enough for Jiang Cheng to build a fleet. After all, these things still depended on him.

However, when Jiang Cheng first arrived here, there was still 10 billion US dollars given to him by the system in his account as start-up capital.

To protect your island, you certainly need an invincible fleet.

But Jiang Cheng knew that if he used these funds immediately to build a fleet, it would undoubtedly be killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Although 10 billion US dollars is enough to build a powerful fleet, it is still not enough if it encounters the super fleets of the United States and Magna. At most, it can only allow him to survive for a while.

Ultimately, Jiang Cheng must take the path of sustainable development and find ways to continue to make money. Only in this way can he support his dream of building more warships and creating his own powerful fleet in the future.

Fortunately, the current strategic focus of the two major countries is still on the deep sea, which gives Jiang Cheng a chance to catch his breath.

The only way Jiang Cheng could think of to make money was commercial trade.

The Jiang family started out as an industrial family. Grandpa Jiang went through a lot of ups and downs in his life, and the Jiang Group he built with great effort has always been an important international enterprise in the Philippines. With such good genes, how could Jiang Cheng miss the opportunity!

The foundation of his wealth is naturally the Emerald Island in his hands.

However, the current Emerald Island is still a virgin land, and the only building is the villa given by the system.

Therefore, whether for the purpose of attracting investment or expanding the business circle, he must have a decent city.

The area of Emerald Island is large enough, almost twice the size of Jeju Island in South Korea and five times the size of Singapore. Such a large island is enough for him to build several international cities integrating entertainment, leisure, commerce, technology and logistics.

These cities are the core of Jiang Cheng's future business empire, and will continuously generate wealth for him.

For any country, it would be impossible to build such a group of cities without decades. However, for Jiang Cheng, who has the system in hand, it is as easy as pie.

Of course, the prerequisite is that he must have money!

The Island Tropico APP has a dedicated construction system, including military factories, shipyards, airports, military bases, giant ports, cross-sea bridges, skyscrapers, subway networks, artificial satellites, space shuttles, space stations, lunar bases...

There is nothing in heaven and on earth that he does not create!

As long as you spend enough money, these super projects can be built out of the ground like magic, without exception!

Building a modern city is actually not simple, because it requires a complete transportation and shipping system, as well as various infrastructure such as electricity, energy, communications, and medical care. Other daily facilities such as living and entertainment are also indispensable.

From this perspective, the money spent on building a city is no cheaper than building a super fleet.

Of course, building a city should be a process of continuous improvement and perfection, and Jiang Cheng does not intend to achieve it all at once.

His current idea is to take advantage of the Emerald Island's volcanic wonders and island scenery to first develop a resort area, develop its tourism industry, and then transform it into industrial, commercial, and technological industries, and ultimately create a comprehensive international metropolis.

If you want to develop the tourism industry of Emerald Island, you must be fully aware of the island’s conditions, such as its natural landscapes and topography.

Fortunately, the Tycoon APP has the ability to plan independently. It can automatically generate a complete planning plan based on the actual situation of the island and the special requirements of the island owner. Jiang Cheng only needs to take this plan, make some appropriate adjustments, and then proceed with the construction step by step.

After thinking about it, Jiang Cheng returned to his villa and began intensive preparations...

(End of this chapter)