Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 21: Su Qianqian


However, it would seem very impolite to just keep dragging it out like this.

So after some hesitation, she gritted her teeth and opened the private message list, and began to patiently reply to them one by one.

These people are stars no matter what. Even though they are a little out of date now, there is no guarantee that they will not become popular again in the future. So she could only try to reply in a tactful tone and make a promise that she would send them an invitation when Emerald Island opens the second batch of invitation list.

Awkward but polite!

"Sister Zhao Wei, I've always liked you. I still watch the TV series starring you every summer, hehe! But I'm really sorry, Emerald Island can only offer a few places this time, and they are all booked in advance. Let's wait until next time, hehe! I will definitely invite you next time. Love you, three flying kisses."

"Sister Bingbing, I saw your recent news. You've made 800 million. You're really famous now, hehe! But I'm really sorry, Emerald Island can only offer a few places this time, and they are all booked in advance. Let's wait until next time, hehe! I will definitely invite you next time. Love you, three flying kisses."

"Brother Wang Feng, I'm sorry for stealing your headlines, hehe! But I'm really sorry, Emerald Island can only offer a few places this time, and they are all booked in advance. Let's wait until next time, hehe! Next time I will definitely invite you, love you, three flying kisses emoji."

"Brother Fa, you should just stay at home when you are old. I was just kidding, hehe! But I am really sorry, Emerald Island can only offer a few places this time, and they are all booked in advance. Let's wait until next time, hehe! I will definitely invite you next time, love you, three flying kisses emoji."

In this way, Guan Xiaofei patiently and politely replied to the private messages in her inbox.

At this moment, there was a sudden "ding dong" sound, and another private message came.

Hearing the familiar prompt, Guan Xiaofei frowned slightly.

These days, she received thousands of private messages and was almost overwhelmed, so when she heard this voice, she felt helpless.

If this continues, she won't be able to do anything else these days.

But in the end, she still opened the private message.

As a result, when she saw the name in the private message, an expression of extreme joy first appeared on her face, but then it turned into a complicated expression.

"Hmph, you stinky Feifei, I'm not going to be with you anymore! Why do others have invitations but I don't? Three angry expressions."

at the same time…

Yangon, Myanmar.

The Peninsula Hotel was the filming location for the youth art film "The Rainy Season Is Coming".

Su Qianqian was holding a cell phone, lying on the big bed in the luxurious suite, with her two tender white feet raised up and swaying back and forth. She looked very playful and cute, not like an artistic goddess at all.

Su Qianqian, a graduate of Kyoto Film Academy, made her screen debut in the movie "Scent of Love" when she was a junior. With her pure appearance and natural acting skills, she won the Best Newcomer Award of the Chinese Film Critics Association that year.

Since then, she has starred in the pure love movies "Summer Whispers" and "Saying I Love You in the Sound of Rain" directed by the famous director Zhang Qin, which achieved impressive box office results, establishing her position in the domestic film industry. Last year, she won the Best Actress Award at the 51st Asia Pacific Film Festival.

People in the industry have a very high opinion of her, and some even compare her to China's Sophie Marceau!

The movies that Su Qianqian starred in are unconsciously full of a unique temperament. Even if the movie has flaws, people will unconsciously ignore them. — Douban movie review

Su Qianqian has a pair of charming big eyes, a gentle appearance, and a charming expression. —Entertainment Weekly

Qianqian doesn’t look like a real person at all. In my eyes, she looks like someone who walked out of a movie! —Famous film critic Zhou Liming

Superb acting, natural, and sweet smile. - "Asia Film News"

Although Su Qianqian has produced only a few works since entering the industry, each one is a masterpiece. The youth literary film "The Rainy Season Is Coming" that she just took on at the beginning of the year has not yet been released, but it has been rated as the best film of the year by many film websites.

This time I came to Yangon specifically to take pictures here.

Being in a foreign country, life was full of inconveniences. When Su Qianqian was bored during filming, she could only stay in the hotel.

Moreover, it is the rainy season in Yangon now, and it rained heavily for seven whole days. Director Zhang Qin is known for her strictness, and all scenes had to be completed in the rain.

Look, Su Qianqian, who had just been baptized by the rain, immediately returned to the hotel accompanied by her assistant. After drinking a cup of strong ginger tea, she had time to relax and check Weibo.

However, as soon as she opened Weibo, she found that Emerald Island was all the rage on the Internet, so she specially looked for some photos of Emerald Island and browsed through them.

I have to say, this emerald island embedded in the blue sea is so beautiful, like a paradise!

She has been filming at home and abroad for many years and has visited many well-known islands, but compared with Emerald Island, there is undoubtedly a huge difference.

So, when browsing the photos of Emerald Island, she had already decided in her mind that when she left Yangon after taking pictures in a few days, she would definitely go there to relax.

However, after some searching, she was shocked to find that she actually needed an invitation letter to go to Emerald Island!

What shocked her even more was that all the invitations came from her best friend, Guan Xiaofei, but she never received any invitation from beginning to end, and the other party didn't even mention it to her.

When she saw that a bunch of Weibo celebrities were showing off their invitation letters in various ways, Su Qianqian felt extremely depressed.

What a great Guan Xiaofei!

The two have been best friends since junior high school. Later, because of their different ambitions, one was admitted to Yenching University and the other was admitted to Kyoto Film Academy.

Although they have different hobbies, it does not hinder their deep friendship. Even because of a certain man, their friendship is not affected in the slightest and they are still as good as one person.

However, the incident on Emerald Island made her feel that her young heart was betrayed, so she sent a private message angrily.

On the other side, Guan Xiaofei, who was looking at Su Qianqian's private message, looked embarrassed.

Qianqian was her best friend, so how could she not invite her? The reason she didn't do so was because there was an unspeakable relationship between her and Jiang Cheng.

Unlike the ambiguous relationship between her and Jiang Cheng, Qianqian and Jiang Cheng were once a couple that caused a sensation.

But later, for some unknown reason, this relationship in which both of them had invested huge emotions ended in failure, and Jiang Cheng seemed to be greatly affected. He simply agreed to drop out of school and returned to the Philippines.

Therefore, she really couldn't imagine what kind of reaction her best friend would have when she found out that the owner of Emerald Island was actually Jiang Cheng.

It was because of this uncertainty that she automatically ignored Su Qianqian when planning the invitations.

But unexpectedly, the other party finally found out.

The recommendation will be posted in the afternoon! Please give more support and vote for me~~ I will try to publish the second chapter as soon as possible today~~

(End of this chapter)