Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 56: The political influence of the Emerald Isle!


For the world, the official commercial use of flying cars is a landmark event, representing that mankind has officially entered the era of flying transportation.

However, its impact is by no means limited to the transformation of transportation.

The automobile industry has a series of supporting upstream and downstream industrial chains, and automobiles are the integrated works of all upstream and downstream industrial chains.

As the saying goes, when one prospers, all prosper; when one suffers, all suffer.

The profound changes in transportation will inevitably lead to top-down innovation of the entire industrial chain!

Therefore, as early as the birth of flying cars, they have caused a huge impact on the traditional automobile industry, and stocks of major automobile sectors have fallen one after another.

After flying cars were officially put into commercial use in five Middle Eastern countries, stocks in the entire automotive industry fell to the bottom, a miserable green scene!

Such a tragic result was unexpected by major automobile manufacturers.

In fact, they had been paying close attention to this product as early as the first day when the flying car was unveiled in Emerald Island. However, although they were amazed at the powerful performance of this epoch-making technological product, they still had a trace of doubt in their hearts.

This suspicion comes from their inertia.

According to their fixed mindset, they take it for granted that the birth of a groundbreaking product is not a matter of overnight, but requires years or even decades of polishing before it can be officially put into commercial use.

It is precisely because of this inertial mentality that they failed to realize the crisis of industry development in a timely manner, thus bringing painful lessons to the company.

Therefore, at this moment, although they are gnashing their teeth at Emerald Island’s technological products, they have to beg for cooperation, hoping that they will not capsize and be eliminated by the times in this unexpected wave of changes in the automobile industry.

Against this backdrop, Emerald Island’s flying cars have become extremely popular!

All major automobile manufacturers, and even companies related to the upstream and downstream industrial chains of the entire automobile industry, have all sent invitations to cooperation and even mergers and acquisitions to the official website of Emerald Island!

While the outside world was in chaos over the official commercial use of flying cars, the situation on Emerald Island was calm and orderly.

Jiang Cheng, Uncle Li and other senior executives of Emerald Island did not completely ignore the cooperation requests from thousands of companies. On the contrary, they also attached great importance to cooperation with these upstream and downstream industry chain related companies.

Because the product of flying cars is just in its infancy, and any technological product has to face the problem of upgrading from the very beginning!

The development of contemporary science and technology has fully demonstrated this process.

Therefore, even though he has mature technological products in his hands, Jiang Cheng is not self-satisfied. On the contrary, he deeply realizes the importance of constantly accelerating innovation in technological development.

If you want to upgrade your products, you have to cooperate with a large number of companies.

Therefore, cooperating with companies in these industrial chains is an inevitable choice for Emerald Island. However, as for which companies to choose to cooperate with, they still need to screen carefully.

However, Jiang Chengshi was not interested in these boring things, so after expressing his own development ideas, he once again acted as a hands-off boss and left it to Uncle Li and the others to handle...

Emerald Island, Laputa City.

The city of Laputa today has undergone tremendous changes compared to a few months ago.

In the city, various building supporting facilities are becoming increasingly complete, the population is gradually increasing, and the economy is booming.

In short, everything is progressing in an orderly manner under the management of Uncle Li and other senior managers.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng was standing in a luxurious office on the top floor of the "Endless Building", overlooking everything in Laputa City.

This office was specially reserved for himself. It had a wide view and could be said to be the highest point in the entire Emerald Island, from where one could have a panoramic view of all the scenery.

Seeing that everything on Emerald Island was developing in a good direction, Jiang Cheng's eyes flashed with strong ambition.

Who could have imagined that this prosperous city was once a primeval forest just a few months ago!

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a satisfied smile.

Then, Jiang Cheng took out his mobile phone and opened the Island Tycoon system.

After several months of hard work and construction, the entire appearance of Emerald Island has been completely renewed, and the basic information columns have all undergone earth-shaking changes.

[Name]:Emerald Island

[Location]: Western Pacific (N23°26′, E126°48′)

[Ownership]: Private territory

[Nature]:Livable island

Area: 3620 square kilometers

Population: 56,982

[Politics]: 1

[Economy]: 3

Military: 0

[Comprehensive Development Index]: 3.5 (very low) (full score 100)

Valuation: US$325 billion

Jiang Cheng's attention was mainly focused on several parameters.

Demographic, political, and comprehensive development index.

After observing for such a long time, Jiang Cheng has already had a very intuitive feeling about the impact of these indexes.

First, population.

Population can be said to be the most important parameter on an island, because it represents the vitality of the island in some ways. Without sufficient population, the island will become rootless water and nothing on the island will be able to function.

Fortunately, Jiang Cheng had noticed this a long time ago and implemented a talent recruitment plan from the beginning, attracting a large number of high-tech talents to Emerald Island.

At present, these talents have entered into normal working conditions in all aspects. Some of them have joined the management of Emerald Island and become the right-hand men of Uncle Li and others, while others are running various industries on Emerald Island, bringing a lot of tax revenue to Emerald Island.

In short, it is because of their existence that the economy of Emerald Island is booming.

Then there’s politics.

In Jiang Cheng's view, the so-called politics actually refers to political influence.

Its improvement mainly comes from several reasons.

First, Emerald Island has just established formal organizational management agencies, such as the Immigration Planning Bureau, which allows Emerald Island to have the first batch of political organizations capable of handling political affairs with the outside world.

Second, Emerald Island has successfully reached cooperation intentions with two major chaebol families in the United States and some international organizations, which has invisibly greatly enhanced the political influence of Emerald Island.

Third, the export of epoch-making technological products such as flying cars has earned Emerald Island a large amount of foreign exchange income, and the significant improvement in its economic strength has naturally expanded its political influence.

It is under the influence of this series of factors that the political parameters of Emerald Island jumped from 0 to 1.

However, this also shows how difficult it is to improve political parameters.

At present, Emerald Island cannot be considered a complete region, so it cannot demonstrate its influence in the world.

However, the impact of political factors on the valuation of Emerald Island is still huge, even far greater than the economy!

Therefore, in order to increase the valuation, the political parameters of Emerald Island must be improved at a faster rate.

You know, according to Jiang Cheng's estimation, it will become increasingly difficult to upgrade the level of the island owner in the future, and it may even cost more than one trillion US dollars.

Such a huge amount is obviously not enough to rely solely on economic improvement. Therefore, in order to unlock more black technologies, Jiang Cheng must try his best to enhance the influence of Emerald Island.

This is also the top priority in Jiang Cheng’s future development plan!

I'm late~~

(End of this chapter)