Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 77: Crazy pirates!


(Thanks to XingYI for the 200 starting coins reward, thank you very much~~)

The decline of Samsung Heavy Industries is actually just a microcosm of the world's current shipbuilding companies.

In fact, after the emergence of high-speed transport ships, the world's shipbuilding industry has been forced to undergo a century-long change!

All major shipyards know very well that if they cannot develop the latest propulsion technology as quickly as possible and keep up with the pace of Emerald Island, they will gradually be eliminated by the times and become cannon fodder for industry change!

This is a matter of life and death!

So, all of a sudden, all the shipyards in the world started their own research and development plans, aiming directly at the Emerald Island's high-speed thrusters!

Of course, they also knew that if they wanted to develop such a groundbreaking technological product, they could not simply work behind closed doors. The quickest way was to find some clues from the speeding ships that the Emerald Isle had revealed in Leicestershire, and then conduct targeted in-depth research.

Therefore, engineers from major shipyards all gathered together and began to discuss the Emerald Island high-speed transport ship through images of ships in videos or photos, hoping to dig up some useful information from these clues to help their thruster research.

While these shipyards were working secretly, Emerald Island began to make great strides forward. Its extremely high work efficiency attracted the attention of the whole world!

Since Emerald Island officially announced that Jiang's Shipping had officially entered the operation stage, Jiang's Shipping has been favored by major ports and logistics companies around the world, and has frequently invited it to cooperate.

For them, high-speed maritime transport services will inevitably become the mainstream choice for the future transportation industry. Therefore, major logistics companies and ports are also willing to try this fast shipping service.

Against this background, Jiangshi Shipping quickly took over a number of international transportation projects involving logistics transportation such as natural gas, oil, and containers.

Moreover, as the number of transport ships continues to increase, Jiang's Shipping's business scope and service range are also expanding, and it seems to be on the verge of swallowing up the entire Asian market in one fell swoop.

Such amazing transportation capacity has left the whole world dumbfounded and deeply shocked by the terrifying expansion power of Jiang’s Shipping.

Of course, Jiang Shipping's move will inevitably provoke resentment from its Asian peers.

Especially the shipping giants who have been operating in the shipping industry for a long time, such as Samsung Shipping, Kawasaki Shipping, and Mitsui Shipping, hate Jiang's Shipping very much.

These three shipping companies have always been the largest shipping giants in Asia.

However, with the intervention of Jiang's Shipping, a disruptor, these three giants have completely lost their competitiveness. Not only has the order volume plummeted, but there is even a crisis of being squeezed out of the industry by Jiang's Shipping.

However, Jiang Shipping didn't care about this at all. Under Jiang Cheng's instructions, it stepped up the pace of acquiring Asian business, and seemed to have no intention of giving its peers any way to survive!

Perhaps they were pushed too hard by Jiang Cheng, and the three major shipping giants in Asia, including Samsung Shipping, could no longer tolerate it and began to launch a series of actions, either overt or covert, against Jiang Shipping!

White Sand Bay.

The gentle breeze is refreshing.

Compared to a few months ago, Baisha Bay today has undergone tremendous changes!

At the beginning, there was only one lonely villa on this white sandy beach.

But now, there are many more leisure and entertainment facilities here for people to have fun.

At the beach, in a steaming hot spring overlooking the sea, Jiang Cheng was lying on his back with his upper body naked, resting his eyes.

Just then, hurried footsteps were heard behind me.

"Mr. Island Master, there is a difficult matter that I think you need to handle personally."

Along with the footsteps came Monica's slightly anxious voice.


Hearing the voice, Jiang Cheng frowned slightly, then opened his eyes, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

According to Jiang Cheng's understanding, Monica is a very steady and competent secretary. No matter what emergency situation he encountered in the past, she was able to handle it for him, and she never asked him to handle it personally.

Hearing her slightly anxious voice just now, Jiang Cheng knew that she might have really encountered some difficulties this time.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng immediately turned around and asked, "What's wrong? Monica."

Today, Monica is wearing a chiffon blazer with a pink vest underneath, which perfectly outlines her beautiful figure.

"It's like this, Mr. Island Owner, a medium-sized transport ship of our Jiang Shipping was attacked by pirates in the Aparri Sea today!" Monica reported to Jiang Cheng in a serious tone.


Hearing Monica's words, Jiang Cheng stood up suddenly with a look of slight shock in his eyes.

Jiang Cheng has always been in Emerald Island and has been living in peace with the surrounding forces. Of course, let’s not talk about those hostile countries that are secretly eyeing him.

However, this is enough to show from another perspective that since its development, Emerald Island's strong scientific and technological strength has been recognized by the world, and no blind criminal forces dare to take action against them.

But today is different. After hearing Monica's report, Jiang Cheng instinctively felt that this matter was by no means as simple as he had imagined.

What's more, he had never heard of such a group of rampant pirates in the waters surrounding Emerald Island who dared to attack a cargo ship!

In addition, considering Emerald Island’s recent series of more radical actions, which are bound to have touched other people’s cheese, such retaliatory behaviors do not seem so surprising.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng frowned slightly.

The current situation of Emerald Island is quite delicate.

First of all, it cannot be considered a complete political system and lacks political and military influence in the international arena. This is not because Jiang Cheng does not want to expand his political and military influence, but because he has unspeakable difficulties!

Some hostile forces around him were secretly observing him. Unless he made any move, he would not be able to escape their surveillance. And extremely sensitive actions such as political and military actions would inevitably arouse the vigilance of other forces.

By that time, it would be unlikely for him to develop science and technology and economy as smoothly as he does now.

Therefore, in order to create a good environment for the initial development stage of Emerald Island, Jiang Cheng has not carried out any political or military action in order to avoid alerting the enemy!

However, after hearing what happened today, Jiang Cheng suddenly realized that blindly keeping a low profile and hiding one's edge did not seem so reasonable.

Because, without our own military force, how can we protect everything we have worked so hard to build

Today's pirate attack was definitely not an accident, it must have been carefully planned!

Jiang Cheng even dared to conclude that if he did not take effective action, then from now on, the safety of all Jiang Shipping’s transport ships, and even Emerald Island, could not be guaranteed!

Well, here comes the military force you asked for!

(End of this chapter)