Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 79: Proposal to establish a Department of Territorial Security!


(Thanks to the two book friends, 13148889, for the 100 starting coins reward~~)

After the Jiang shipping transport ship was attacked by pirates, the world's public opinion on Emerald Island changed subtly.

In the past, when people mentioned Emerald Island, the first thing that came to mind was the dreamy and pristine natural scenery and the high-tech products that were ahead of the times. However, now, the topic that people are paying more attention to has become the safety of Emerald Island!

Not long after the attack, the news spread around the world like a whirlwind, just as Jiang Cheng had expected!

Major newspapers around the world published this news on their front pages, but the reporting angles were different.

Some are more objective and neutral, and will start from the perspective of combating piracy, denouncing the barbaric acts of these pirates. At the end of the article, they will kindly remind the officials of Emerald Island to strengthen protective measures in this regard to protect the interests of their customers from loss.

Of course, some newspapers expressed deep concern about this.

Because for a long time, Emerald Island has been seen by the world as a tourist island without any defensive capabilities. In this case, how can it resist the attacks of these pirates

The most troublesome thing about pirates is their mobility and flexibility. They often move to another location after firing a shot. It is not easy even for the regular navies of some countries to catch them. It is even more difficult for the Emerald Island, which has extremely weak defense capabilities.

Therefore, these media generally did not look favorably upon Emerald Island's ability to respond, and even suggested that Jiang Cheng hire foreign navies to handle these matters.

In short, among the various reports, most are not optimistic about Emerald Island.

The negative impact brought about by this is that ordinary people have all developed deep doubts about the safety of this beautiful island.

Against this background, Samsung Group, which had been hit hard by Jiang Cheng before, jumped out at the right time and issued an official statement!

The main content of the statement is that unlike Jiang's Shipping's weak defense capabilities, Samsung Group can provide the most reliable security protection measures for all customers to ensure that their interests are not harmed in the slightest.

The hidden meaning in the statement is obvious, Jiang's Shipping cannot guarantee the safety of its customers, but Samsung can!

It has to be said that Samsung's counterattack this time was very appropriate, and it did have an impact on Jiang's Shipping. Some customers who pay more attention to safety have once again turned to Samsung.

In addition, after this incident, the news that a group of extremely vicious pirates appeared near the coast of Emerald Island was exaggerated by media in various countries, triggering widespread discussion among people in various countries.

Suddenly, the safety issue of the waters near Emerald Island replaced Jiang’s Shipping as the hot topic on the Internet.

With the whole world paying attention, it is impossible for Emerald Island to say that it will not be affected in any way.

Safety can be said to be the issue that people are most concerned about. If even the most basic safety cannot be guaranteed, I am afraid no one will be willing to visit Emerald Island.

Affected by this, the tourism industry in Emerald Island has declined. Some high-end tourists have canceled their trips to Emerald Island. As for other tourists, they have been calling the Emerald Island officials to ask whether they can provide safety guarantees.

In short, Emerald Island is now at the center of controversy and is being deeply questioned by the outside world!

While the outside world was full of doubts, a highly confidential meeting was taking place inside Emerald Island!

All participants were managers who had passed layers of tests during this period of time, and most of them were former senior executives of the Jiang Group and were loyal to the group.

The meeting was chaired by Jiang Cheng himself, and there was only one agenda item!

That is, to establish the Ministry of Territorial Security!

At the meeting, Jiang Cheng reported to the senior officials of Emerald Island on some serious incidents that had occurred in the waters around Emerald Island in recent days, and mentioned two things in particular.

The first thing was that Jiang’s Shipping’s transport ship was attacked by unknown pirates.

The pirates were riding on a small-tonnage speedboat with a high speed, generally exceeding 50 knots and up to over 60 knots. It was also equipped with a 20mm ship-type machine gun.

Therefore, even though the transport ships under Jiang Shipping are equipped with high-speed thrusters, they are still inferior to these speedboats.

It is obvious that the actions of these pirates were carefully planned, and their target was directly Jiang’s Shipping!

In this way, the actions of these pirates can no longer be simply regarded as robbery, but rather as acts of aggression!

Their ultimate goal is Emerald Island!

The second thing was that after the pirate attack, a number of unidentified ships appeared in the waters around Emerald Island.

These ships, carrying various detection equipment, frequently approached the waters around Emerald Island, suspected of conducting covert reconnaissance activities.

This situation is even more serious than the first one because it is a blatant act of aggression.

This shows that external hostile forces can no longer resist launching sovereignty attacks on Emerald Island.

After Jiang Cheng reported these two things to the Jade Island executives present, everyone's faces became solemn.

Obviously, Emerald Island is now in a dangerous situation, which is completely different from the good situation before. On the surface, these hostile forces are just maliciously harassing Emerald Island, but the message hidden behind it is that if Emerald Island cannot launch a counterattack in time, then this kind of aggressive behavior will become more and more severe in the future, and may even evolve into an invasion one day!

To put it more seriously, these incidents have already affected the life and death of Emerald Island!

So, at this moment, Emerald Island must respond!

For a long time, Emerald Island has only established one official agency, the Immigration Planning Bureau, which is responsible for most of the administrative affairs within the island, including assuming certain territorial patrol responsibilities.

However, because there are so many things to take into account, some confusion is inevitable in management.

However, under the current severe situation, they can no longer afford to be so negligent, and it is imperative to establish a special territorial patrol agency!

Therefore, under the chairmanship of Jiang Cheng, all the senior executives present had a heated discussion on this proposal. The content of the discussion included all aspects of this organization, the merger and splitting of some subordinate institutions, the responsibilities to be assumed, the development of some military forces, etc.

Because there were so many things involved, this meeting lasted for a full seven days!

This can be said to be the longest internal confidential meeting since Emerald Island got on track.

(End of this chapter)