Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 80: Create a Coast Guard!


Seven days later, the largest internal emergency meeting of the Emerald Island political system since its establishment ended in a solemn atmosphere.

The content of this meeting was classified as top secret in Emerald Island and was only known to a dozen or so senior managers who attended the meeting.

Soon after the meeting, a series of emergency actions were implemented in an orderly manner within Emerald Island, including the transfer of some important personnel, the integration of organizational structures, the establishment of relevant systems, etc.

However, although these actions were very low-key and not overly publicized, as the actions progressed, some people with ulterior motives gradually discovered some anomalies.

For example, the Immigration Planning Bureau, which used to have a rather bloated organizational structure, has suddenly become much more streamlined, and has added many higher-level agencies of the same level, such as the Department of Homeland Security, the General Administration of Customs, and so on.

Everyone who knows about this matter is sensitively aware that this time, Emerald Island may really have to carry out institutional reforms to cope with the challenges of the new external situation!

While Emerald Island was carrying out a series of reform measures, Jiang Cheng, the current top leader, was not idle either, but was busy with another big thing!

Octopus Island.

102 meters below the sea, the future ship laboratory.

In a highly confidential office, a dozen scientific researchers in white military uniforms were sitting upright in their chairs, staring intently at the three-dimensional projection image on the conference room screen.

What is shown on the screen is a huge three-dimensional warship model.

The entire warship is streamlined like a shuttle, full of science fiction. The deck is densely loaded with various artillery tubes, and the base of the ship is also covered with various advanced torpedo launchers!

In short, this is a combat warship with multi-functional and powerful firepower output capabilities.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng, with a solemn face, was standing in front of the three-dimensional projection, explaining something to a dozen scientific researchers present.

As Jiang Cheng explained, the expressions on the faces of these senior researchers began to change significantly, from confusion at the beginning, gradually turning into slight shock, and finally, to completely excited and ecstatic expressions!

Obviously, what Jiang Cheng talked about were advanced ideas that they had never heard of before.

They learned from Jiang Cheng that the warship in front of them, although not very large in tonnage, has multiple uses, including air defense, anti-submarine, sea defense, and ground defense functions. It can be said to be a groundbreaking super warship.

Its powerful comprehensive performance far surpasses the most powerful heavy battleships in the world today!

It represents the development direction of future ships!

In today's world, the most powerful warship recognized is the battleship that was developed very early.

The so-called battleship is a high-tonnage naval combat ship that mainly relies on large-caliber artillery attacks and heavy armor protection. It is the main warship in today's ocean warfare.

At present, the research, development and manufacturing direction of battleships in various countries are moving towards large tonnage and high firepower.

However, Jiang Cheng knew that with the gradual development of aircraft carriers and the advent of the missile era, battleships, which are huge and slow-moving "live targets at sea", would sooner or later be eliminated!

The current internal and external situation necessitates that Emerald Island must develop its own military strength, but the direction of development must be clear and forward-looking, so as to avoid detours.

It was based on this consideration that the destroyer, a multi-functional ship, came to Jiang Cheng's mind.

On Earth, destroyers are the most important warships of our time. They are multi-purpose warships with missiles, torpedoes, naval guns and other weapons as their main weapons. They are medium-sized warships with multiple combat capabilities. They are used to attack submarines and surface ships, fleet air defense, as well as escort, reconnaissance, patrol and surveillance, mine laying, and attacking shore targets. They are the most widely used and largest ships in modern naval ships.

In some respects, it was an adequate replacement for battleships and cruisers.

When Jiang Cheng shared this set of ideas with the scientific researchers present, they were naturally inspired.

In the following period of time, Jiang Cheng arranged some specific research and development plans, and then left in a hurry.

There's no way, he has too many things to do.

After leaving the Future Ship Laboratory, Jiang Cheng went straight back to his villa in Baisha Bay, and then without a moment's delay called up the construction system of the Tropico APP.

Then, various construction projects came into view.

Jiang Cheng slid his finger and found the military facilities section.

In order to better protect Emerald Island, Jiang Cheng and other senior officials of Emerald Island held a series of consultations at an internal meeting a few days ago, and finally decided to establish the Department of Territorial Security.

And under it, the most important subsidiary agency was established at the same time - the Coast Guard!

The Coast Guard can be said to be the most important achievement of this meeting, and the destroyer designed previously will be the most powerful equipment and weapon belonging to the Coast Guard in the future.

As agreed upon at the meeting, the main responsibilities of the Coast Guard are to be responsible for law enforcement, water safety, and rescue of distressed ships in the territorial waters and waterways of Emerald Island.

Jiang Cheng has given serious consideration to the establishment of a coast guard.

First of all, nominally speaking, the Coast Guard cannot be considered a complete military organization, but only a paramilitary organization.

The reason why Jiang Cheng did not directly establish a naval fleet, such a military organization, was to avoid causing overreactions from surrounding forces.

Secondly, although the Coast Guard cannot have the same accurate positioning as the naval fleet, its military strength does not mean that it will be weakened.

In other words, Jiang Cheng plans to develop his naval strength under the name of the Coast Guard.

In name, the Coast Guard only protects the coast, but in reality, it can still be equipped with advanced warships and boats. If necessary, it can be transformed directly into a powerful fleet!

In this way, it can avoid political targeting from other countries and secretly develop its own military strength.

You know, making a fleet combat-ready is by no means a simple matter. It requires constant training and practical experience before it can finally take shape!

Therefore, the Coast Guard, a paramilitary organization, can be used for training purposes.

In the coming period of time, the warships produced by Jiang Cheng’s shipyard will be equipped to the Coast Guard first, and they will be allowed to conduct practical exercises and eventually take shape.

It can be said that the current Coast Guard is the prototype of the Emerald Island’s powerful fleet in the future!

(End of this chapter)