Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 81: Island-building artifact!


The Coast Guard, after all, is a paramilitary force.

In order to accommodate such an army, Jiang Cheng needs to build a proper military base for it.

This military base not only needs a port for stationing ships, but also military facilities such as training grounds, shooting ranges, military camps, and airports, so it requires a considerable amount of space.

Jiang Cheng carefully browsed the military facilities section. After he had a rough idea of what was about to be built, he walked out of the villa and drove Xiao Hei directly to the surrounding waters of Emerald Island.

That’s right, the Coast Guard is Emerald Island’s unique military force, and Jiang Cheng doesn’t want it to be overly exposed to the eyes of ordinary people.

Therefore, according to Jiang Cheng’s inner plan, he needed a secret island to place this military base.

Driving Xiao Hei, it didn't take Jiang Cheng much time to arrive near the outlying islands of Emerald Island.

The outlying islands before us were all lush green, like pieces of jade. Although the farthest one, Octopus Island, was now covered by a large number of buildings and facilities, it still could not conceal its beauty.

Looking at the beautiful islands in front of him, Jiang Cheng frowned slightly.

To be honest, according to his original idea, these islands were to be developed into tourist destinations, and he really couldn't bear to destroy their original scenery.

However, buildings like military facilities were destined to be out of the sight of ordinary people, and he couldn't find a more suitable place.

Just when Jiang Cheng was feeling troubled, a flash of inspiration passed through his mind, making Jiang Cheng suddenly extremely excited.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng could no longer bear it and directly pressed the "super acceleration" button in front of him!

Suddenly, a string of deep blue flames came out from Xiao Hei's tail, and then he rushed forward at an extremely fast speed.

Twenty minutes later.

Southwest of Emerald Island, about 60 nautical miles from Octopus Island.

Jiang Cheng, who was driving Xiao Hei, was flying slowly in the air.

At this time, Jiang Cheng focused all his attention and kept scanning the sea in front of him, as if he was searching for something.

As time passed and Jiang Cheng kept changing his position, something strange finally appeared on the endless blue sea in front of him.

In the pure blue tone, there was a hint of gray and black "land" color.

Of course, this cannot be considered land, but a reef.

The so-called reef is a huge reef body formed by the accumulation of a large number of reef-building corals and calcium carbonate skeletons of other organisms, that is, a coral reef!

The reef in front of us is oval in shape. Although the rocky part exposed on the sea surface is only a few hundred square meters, the part hidden below the sea surface is still very large.

Jiang Cheng, who was sitting in the flying car, saw this most clearly.

In fact, in Jiang Cheng's opinion, this huge reef, if the underwater part is counted, is much larger than Octopus Island, at least several square kilometers.

However, since most of it is hidden underwater, it loses a lot of its value.

Jiang Cheng had discovered this island a long time ago when he was surveying the waters around Emerald Island, but he gave up on it because it had no practical value.

But just in a moment, Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of a possibility!

Under the premise of this possibility, Jiang Cheng even felt that the opportunity to expand his territory and territorial waters had come!

Reclamation and island building!

The so-called land reclamation and island building is to turn the original sea areas and reefs into land through artificial technical means!

This is an important development method for coastal countries or cities with limited land!

On the parallel Earth, Jiang Cheng knew that many countries and cities were using this method to create land or artificial islands.

Like the Netherlands, they have been reclaiming land on a large scale since a very early time. Now 20% of the Netherlands’ land is artificially reclaimed!

However, as far as Jiang Cheng knows, on the current Blue Planet, because the land area is much larger, it seems that no country has taken the lead in starting this kind of land creation action.

At the same time, the act of land reclamation is not just a simple "filling" of soil. It also requires a lot of mechanical manufacturing technology support, and consumes a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources.

Therefore, the difficulty can be imagined.

And things like land reclamation and island building are even more difficult!

After all, there is no such "island-building artifact" as the cutter suction dredger in the world right now!

The so-called cutter suction dredger is a special large-scale functional ship that can use a rotating auger to loosen the seabed soil, mix it with cement into mud, and finally suck it into the pump body through the mud suction pipe and send it to the designated location through the mud discharge pipe.

It can be said that with this kind of island-building artifact, as long as you can find a shallow area like a reef, you can create an island out of thin air!

On Earth, China has strong research and development capabilities in cutter-suction dredgers. In just a few years, it has successively developed three types of cutter-suction dredgers, namely Tianqi, Tianjing and Tiankun, and its filling capacity has also increased linearly.

The newly developed Tiankun has a cutter power of 6,600 kilowatts and can dredge 6,000 cubic meters of mud per hour, which is extremely abnormal!

What is the concept

This means that the Tiankun can dig a volume as large as a one-meter-deep football field in one hour, which means that a small island can be built in one day!

When he thought of this, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but get excited.

With this kind of island-building artifact, in this vast ocean, as long as Jiang Cheng finds a reef as big as a rock, he can turn it into an island in just one day!

This is simply robbery!

You know, the current situation in the world is that all coastal countries are using various means to compete for islands in the sea, but they are powerless against those ultra-small islands and reefs.

This is because these small islands and reefs are simply not suitable for human settlement and it is even difficult to approach them.

Against this background, major countries have rushed to occupy the large islands and selectively abandoned the small islands and reefs.

And doing so would leave Jiang Cheng with an opportunity!

After all, there is no such powerful island-building device as the cutter suction dredger in the world right now.

Perhaps to others, these small islands and reefs are dispensable and useless, but in Jiang Cheng's eyes, they are no different from large islands!

As long as Jiang Cheng can be the first to manufacture the cutter suction dredger, all the small islands and reefs in the sea will fall into Jiang Cheng's hands!

In this way, Jiang Cheng's territory and territorial waters can be expanded without limits!

Then, the location for building the military base has been decided!

(End of this chapter)