Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 82: Tianpeng cutter suction dredger!


(Thanks to "小冬g1" for the 500 starting point reward. I'm on a business trip for training recently. I can't update twice a day from morning to night. I can only find time to write one chapter every night. I'm really sorry. I will resume updating twice a day after the business trip. Thank you for your daily voting support. Thank you!)

Driving Xiao Hei, Jiang Cheng circled the reef several times and used the auxiliary functions of the Island Tycoon system to survey the hydrological, geological and other natural conditions here.

After the system collected all the information, Jiang Cheng left with satisfaction.

I have to say that this unnamed reef is very good in terms of both its geographical location and natural environment.

The waters here are calm and the area is vast. Within hundreds of nautical miles, there is only one island, Emerald Island, and it is also far enough away from the coastlines of other countries.

Such a superior geographical location is destined to make it a strategic location in the future.

It can be said that its future value is not necessarily worse than Emerald Island!

However, the current situation is that this reef is almost entirely submerged under the sea, making it impossible for anyone to occupy it even if they want to.

However, this does not mean it will always be like this!

Jiang Cheng is sure that with the development of science and technology, when some neighboring countries have sufficient land reclamation technology, they will definitely be the first to incorporate it into their own territory.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng also felt a little fortunate.

Fortunately, this world has not yet seen the emergence of cutter suction dredging and shipbuilding, and the technology of land reclamation and island building has not yet been developed, otherwise there would be no place for him!

Driving Xiao Hei, it didn't take Jiang Cheng long to get back to his residence on Emerald Island.

As soon as he returned to his residence, he began his busy and intense work.

Three days later, the scientific research and production personnel at the No. 2 Dock on Octopus Island received a ship manufacturing blueprint from Jiang Cheng and accepted the highest-level secret instructions from Emerald Island, requiring them to manufacture this large, functional ship with a unique style as quickly as possible.

After receiving this order, the entire Dock No. 2 temporarily put the production of other ships on hold and devoted all its efforts to the manufacturing of this new ship.

While the entire Emerald Island was busy building ships, something happened outside Emerald Island.

These conditions are not too big, but not small either.

In short, it did have some impact on Emerald Island, which had been on an upward trend.

During this period, Emerald Island's appeasement policy had some effect, and it continuously dispatched ships to patrol the coast and search for ships with suspicious behavior. This had a certain deterrent effect on the ships that had previously approached Emerald Island without any scruples.

Under this circumstance, those suspicious ships rarely appeared in the waters around Emerald Island. This made some tourists who were originally worried about the safety of Emerald Island regain their trust in Emerald Island, and the number of tourists gradually recovered.

However, compared with the recovering tourism industry, the situation of Jiang's Shipping is slightly not good.

Recently, following the last pirate attack, some unknown ships have been wandering around the routes of Jiang's shipping transport ships. Although no serious shooting incidents like the last time have occurred, these unknown ships are not easy to deal with.

Often, when they saw Jiang's shipping transport ships, they would suddenly change course and directly cut into the route of Jiang's shipping transport ships. The distance was very close, and serious consequences of a collision almost occurred several times.

You know, Jiang's Shipping's transport ships are loaded with valuable materials. If a collision occurs, causing the transport ship to sink, the loss of these goods is still a minor matter. The most serious impact is that in the eyes of outsiders, the reputation of Jiang's Shipping will be greatly reduced!

When faced with such a situation, Emerald Island was naturally very angry and began to send staff to investigate the whereabouts of these unknown ships.

However, the ocean is vast, and it is extremely difficult to track these ships. After some investigation, we only knew that these ships set sail from some remote waters of Mindanao Island in the Philippines, and we knew nothing else.

With this result, Emerald Island is naturally helpless, because at present, there is very little they can do.

Although they have advanced technology, their military strength is too weak, which makes them unable to deter those villains, resulting in this situation developing in an increasingly uncontrollable direction.

And it is obvious that such a thing cannot be concealed.

Before long, news reports from the outside world began to show that Jiang's shipping transport ship was almost hit by an unknown ship.

As a result, Jiang Shipping’s customers couldn’t sit still anymore!

For them, the most important thing is obviously the safety of the goods, and speed is secondary.

Therefore, for a while, Jiang's Shipping was under great doubts from customers, which put them under tremendous pressure.

And all of this pressure obviously eventually fed back to Jiang Cheng.

Fortunately, Jiang Cheng was mentally prepared for these situations.

In fact, after the first attack, Jiang Cheng had anticipated that such harassment would never stop unless Emerald Island could demonstrate its true strength and defeat the brutal acts of these hostile forces in one fell swoop.

After all, the current Emerald Island is really a cause for envy, and the surrounding forces and competitors are probably really unable to sit still.

With this in mind, Jiang Cheng was not too anxious. He was just waiting patiently, waiting for the final opportunity to counterattack. If he could seize the opportunity, he would make all these people pay a heavy price.

Otherwise, it will not be enough to quell the outside world's doubts about Emerald Island.

Time slowly passed in this terrible atmosphere.

Three months later, when the whole world remained the same as before, a drastic change quietly took place inside Emerald Island.

Octopus Island, second dock.

Taking advantage of the darkness of the night, three identical super-large ships slowly left the port of Octopus Island and sailed towards the deep sea in the southwest.

Its sailing speed is much slower than that of all the ships on Emerald Island.

Therefore, even by daybreak, it had only sailed a distance of a few dozen nautical miles.

But at this time, its huge body has already been revealed.

These are three ships of very peculiar designs. At the stern of the ships, they have long tubular facilities. From a distance, they look like a thick black dragon, which is shocking.

In addition, at the front of it, there are two huge crab-leg-like cutters, reflecting a cold light under the sunlight.

These three ships are the cutter suction dredgers that Jiang Cheng has just developed!

Moreover, Jiang Cheng also gave them a domineering name - Tianpeng!

The Tianpeng dredger is more powerful than the Tiankun, the most powerful dredger in China on Earth. In terms of dredging capacity alone, it is almost three times that of the Tiankun!

In other words, the Tiankun can dig an island the size of a football field in one day, while the Tianpeng can dig an island the size of three football fields!

This digging ability is extremely abnormal!

(End of this chapter)