Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 83: Ambition of territorial expansion!


Two hours later, three Tianpeng dredgers, sailing side by side, slowly entered the light blue sea.

The depth of the sea here is shallower than the sea we passed before.

Obviously, the sea is a little calmer here.

Just like that, not long after, the scenery ahead changed, and a group of coral reefs appeared exposed above the sea surface.

Seeing this, the three ships received the order at the same time and slowed down.

At this time, a roar was heard from the three ships at the same time. Various flying cars slowly rose into the air and flew towards the coral reefs ahead.

And on one of the flying cars, Jiang Cheng was also there.

Today’s actions are very important!

No room for error!

Therefore, Jiang Cheng must come and supervise in person.

Although, for this day, he had held dozens of discussions with the engineers and technicians who came to the construction site, and finally determined the final island filling plan from hundreds of plans, but when this day came, Jiang Cheng was still a little worried.

After all, this kind of thing is by no means a trivial matter.

The impact it will have is difficult to judge.

Therefore, in order to avoid construction failure due to external doubts in the future, Jiang Cheng and other senior executives of Emerald Island discussed and unanimously decided to incorporate this potential strategic location into their territory as quickly as possible.

There is no precedent for "land reclamation and island building" in the current international community, so no matter what Jiang Cheng does, he can stand in a position where he will not be criticized.

After all, all countries are now scrambling to occupy islands, and Jiang Cheng is just building an artificial island for himself, which is nothing.

However, what Jiang Cheng is more worried about is that after he builds an artificial island using a cutter suction dredger, such behavior is bound to cause heated discussions internationally.

The impact it would bring was beyond his expectations. Perhaps, the act of island building would become popular all over the world!

All major countries will certainly use the same method to seize those strategic locations.

However, Jiang Cheng was not too worried about this.

Because, the cutter suction dredger is still considered a "black technology" in the world today, and major countries may not have heard of this shipbuilding technology.

Therefore, as long as Jiang Cheng protects this technology and implements a technological blockade against the outside world, for a long time, the artificial island construction technology will be exclusive to Emerald Island.

In other words, during this period of time, Jiang Cheng can make mad use of this island-building technology to plunder small islands and reefs around the world and incorporate them all into his own territory!

This is a way to quickly expand territory and territorial waters!

Of course, this method can be considered a double-edged sword. Although it can greatly expand the territory and territorial waters controlled by Jiang Cheng in a short period of time, it will also inevitably attract fierce opposition from major countries!

At that time, the pressure faced by Jiang Cheng will also increase dramatically.

Therefore, if Jiang Cheng really wants to expand his territory, he must make the most thorough preparations. Without the corresponding military strength, he will only bring disaster upon himself!

After all, the Pacific Ocean is still dominated by Yamato and the United States.

Not to mention future expansion plans, but Jiang Cheng must take over the island and reef in front of him.

This place is only a few dozen nautical miles away from Emerald Island and is also the closest strategic location to Emerald Island. If this place is taken away by other countries in the future, it means that the strategic depth of Emerald Island will be greatly compressed, which is extremely unfavorable to the future development of Emerald Island.

So, even for this reason, Jiang Cheng will do his best to get it.

Taking over this island and reef not only means preserving the strategic depth of Emerald Island, but also means correspondingly expanding the sphere of influence of Emerald Island.

Although Jiang Cheng did not make an estimate, it is clear that the territorial waters that Jiang Cheng can control have expanded several times.

It is even possible to draw a straight line between Emerald Island and the island and reef area. From then on, the sea area within dozens of nautical miles centered on this straight line will be controlled by Jiang Cheng!

What a vast territorial sea this is!

Just thinking about this made Jiang Cheng so excited that he couldn't sleep for several days and nights!

It can be said that taking over this unnamed island reef is definitely the most important strategic event in the development of Emerald Island so far!

The benefits it brings are far from immeasurable!

It is even enough to raise Emerald Island’s international status by several levels!

The sea area that can be controlled by a point and the sea area that can be controlled by a line are completely on a different scale!

From now on, the strategic position of Emerald Island will be enhanced exponentially, and any country surrounding the Pacific Ocean will no longer be able to ignore the existence of Emerald Island!

Of course, the prerequisite for all of this is to build this island reef first and be able to cope with the fierce opposition from the international community that will follow!

However, Jiang Cheng still has some confidence in this. The destroyer design drawings he gave to the scientific researchers at Octopus Island No. 1 Shipyard are currently in the intensive production and manufacturing stage. He believes that the world will soon see the power of this epoch-making warship!

Battleships and cruisers, these warships that should have been eliminated long ago, have no time to exert their power in front of the destroyer's missiles and will sink to the bottom of the sea first.

Of course, Jiang Cheng was not sure whether this island-building incident would trigger military action from surrounding forces, but he had to be prepared.

Because even if those hostile forces do not dare to actually launch military operations against him, some harassment and provocations will certainly be more violent, so he must fight back in order to curb this harmful phenomenon.

And these new destroyers are the best means of counterattack.

After going over these thoughts in his mind, Jiang Cheng shook his head and refocused his attention on the unnamed island reef below.

This time, he brought with him a large number of scientific researchers and three Tianpeng suction dredgers that had been put into use in advance, in order to complete the island-building plan as quickly as possible, build the island before the outside world noticed their actions, and arm it with sufficient military force to deal with possible challenges in the future.

Long before coming here, they had conducted sufficient research and experiments on the use of the Tianpeng dredger.

So, when they come here today, they just need to conduct an on-site inspection, and once they feel there are no problems, they can start the construction plan!

(End of this chapter)