Super Male God System

Chapter 111: The Metamorphosis of Rural Boys


On the first night following the Chen family's departure, Xiao Zikun found Xiao Qingrong. The relationship between the two was not very good, and even people who were suspected of competing for favor because of the existence of the aunt finally sat together.

"You know what? I've always envied you."

Xiao Zikun spoke first, and turned his head to look at Xiao Qingrong who no longer loved Xiao Qingrong, who was their Xiao family. Maybe what was said in the book was right, the ugly duckling turned into a swan, that was because they were swans, and the Xiao family had relatively ordinary looks, but Xiao Qingrong, it was not obvious when it was dark, but now when it is white, it is really like a swan, handsome and dazzling, like a luminous body.

Xiao Qingrong didn't speak, but at this moment he was free to listen to the appeal of this person who might come from the future.

"From childhood to adulthood, I was obviously only two years younger than you, but my parents always told me to let you go, obviously you are not my parents' biological child, but my parents are always the first to eat something delicious. Thinking of you, as well as grandparents, are partial to you, Qingrong, do you know? When I was young, I even thought that I was not my parents' biological child, but you were my parents' biological child. If it wasn't like this, why would Dad Mom treats you better than me?"

He seemed to be asking his former self, but at this moment, knowing all the truth, he no longer cared.

Anything that was taken away by godfather and godmother is all fake, it is really his own.

Blood relationship is probably the most perfect bond in this world, which can make the elders give everything to the younger generation.

Although Xiao Zikun envied Xiao Qingrong being taken away by rich people at the beginning, and envied and hated him in his heart, he never thought that he would be able to abandon his parents. Even this time, he just wanted to take his parents over after becoming rich first. Out of life, after meeting the Chen family, Xiao Zikun suddenly understood what was going on with the development of his village back then.

Who would develop such a poor village when they are free? That is, the Chen family invested here in order to repay the kindness of adopting Qingrong. Seeing that the village has a road, a head, and a new life, But he was still not reconciled. Thinking about it now, he was probably blind at the time.

At that time, although the cousin left, everyone in the family seemed to have lived a better life because of the cousin's departure...

It's not that he didn't feel all this, it's just that he saw his cousin's better life, so he was envious and jealous. He was like a despicable villain, thinking about everything that didn't belong to him.

"Now, I finally understand why your parents are so kind to you. It turns out that they feel sorry for you. Qingrong, I know you are leaving tomorrow, and your family will definitely be rich or expensive in the future. It's like the name that the great monk gave you back then, but... If you have time, please call back more often, whether it's uncle and aunt, or my parents, they don't say anything, but they are actually very reluctant to part with you. Same goes for grandparents."

At this moment, Xiao Zikun finally let go of the attachment in his heart. He was glad that even though he participated in the show and took away his cousin's spot, he didn't take away his cousin's life. If that was the case, how uncomfortable he would be.

Now that everything has come to the best result, Xiao Zikun is no longer greedy, and he doesn't want to chase after any rich people. Perhaps the future will always be in his hands. As long as he works hard, he will have a better future.

Xiao Zikun said a lot of things that day, including being sorry for Xiao Qingrong, asking Xiao Qingrong to call more, and being jealous of Xiao Qingrong for so many years. Probably very little.

Strolling back to his room, 618 did not understand Xiao Zikun's thinking.

[Host, Xiao Zikun obviously took your spot before, why is he apologizing now? This is not again...] It sensibly stopped the swear words it was about to utter.

Xiao Qingrong was already lying on the bed, looking at the roof through the dim light.

"618, you mean why did he suddenly change his mind?"

Man is such a wonderful creature, with all kinds of thoughts in this world, that's why there are collisions, inventions, and progress. Xiao Qingrong lay there, but raised his lips.

"He changed his mind because he knew that everything was irreversible and that he couldn't replace me, so he came to me to gain favor with him. It has nothing to do with his sincere thoughts. Besides, I am also willing to give him this face, after all The Xiao family is still good to me."

That constant care and love is what he wants most.

[Is it? Anyway... I still don't like him.]

618 hates this kind of person who steals other people's things by virtue of rebirth. You already know that it belongs to someone else, but you still have the cheek to steal it. 618 can't like this kind of person.

"Then don't like it. Living in this world, being liked is always happier than liking others. Isn't it exciting to get the supreme love of others?"

The excitement that flashed in Xiao Qingrong's eyes made 618 silent. It didn't know why, but it always felt that the current Xiao Qingrong was so different from its own host. In short, 618 was very suspicious.

Anyway, the next day came, Xiao Qingrong bid farewell to the relatives of the Xiao family, and as the Chen family got into the car, the NDA has come out in the past few days, confirming the identities of Xiao Qingrong and Chen Anhui, and also proving that Xiao Qingrong is Xia Yong's son.

Sitting in the car, Chen Mingze was excited. The Chen family had only one child in his generation, and now suddenly there was a boy, and he was his favorite, Xiao Qingrong. Of course, it made him very happy, and he kept following along the way. Xiao Qingrong spoke so that everyone could feel Chen Mingze's liking for this cousin.

Seeing how good the relationship between her son and Chen Mingze was, Chen Anhui planned to go live with her husband with her parents, and just happened to cultivate a relationship with the child. This idea was strongly supported by Xia Yong.

It took almost a day from arriving at the airport, getting on the plane, and arriving at the Chen family, but everyone was excited. In the evening, the Chen family prepared the most sumptuous meal to welcome Xiao Qingrong, especially because his name comes from For a master, there is no name change.

At the dinner table, everyone was having a good time, but 618 hurried over to talk after finding out that this person was a glutton.

[Greedy ghost, can I ask you something?]

When Gluttony Ghost heard this, he immediately looked a little bad, on the surface he was calm, but where 618 could hear him, he had already lost his temper.

"Who are you calling a glutton? Uncle, my name is Taotie. Does Taotie know? Uneducated broken system!"

He complained, making 618 speechless after hearing this, obviously before the host said that the other party was a glutton, but now it's better and he offended someone after shouting.

[Alright, Taotie, I really have something very important to ask you. Do you feel that there is something wrong with the host, that is, your personality?]

As a system, 618 is very uncertain whether its thinking is correct. After all, it has never encountered schizophrenia, so at this moment, it can only turn to Taotie for help.

Taotie was eating seafood. Surrounded by everyone, even the lobsters and crabs were peeled with the help of others, so that Taotie could eat them happily.

"What's wrong? When you picked us, did you think it was right? Schizophrenia at every turn? It's just that sometimes you can't control your personality, just like me, do you think... When will I appear?"

He said with a sneering smile, in fact, in the eyes of the Chen family, Xiao Qingrong was eating happily.

618 didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only ask.

[Then, when did you show up?]

These words made Taotie pause for a moment with the hand holding the food, and then laughed.

"My name is Taotie. Of course I only come out when I'm eating. I won't let your stupid system guess. Let's put it this way, the environment in the orphanage looks calm on the surface, but it's actually someone's fist. Don’t listen to anyone. At that time, the main character was young, and he didn’t know how to snatch food from others. I was hungry, so I had to come out to find food. Anyway, I would eat everything I could see and eat. If it wasn’t for me , do you think the main character is still alive?"

I don't know why, but when 618 heard that sentence, "I'll eat everything I can eat," he felt a little shivering for no reason. This feeling was so terrifying that he didn't even dare to ask Taotie what he ate.

"Don't look at the superficial and spotless appearance of the master's personality. If we hadn't helped him carry the bill, he would have died a long time ago. Although Dr. Xiao is a villain, what he does is for the sake of the master's personality. It’s useless. He only knows how to eat when he comes out. You know what I told you about Rongrong before? He is an imitative personality, and he is extremely lacking in love. He once occupied the body of the main personality for three years. If it weren’t for us people It's easy to lock him up, I'm afraid we'll be dead long ago, and it's even more impossible for the master personality to exist, it's okay for me to come out and say, if you meet Rongrong, you probably can only be played around by him."

Taotie complained while eating, but these words caused a huge wave in the 618 system!

Imitation personality... extremely lack of love...

At this moment, it seemed that anything that could not be figured out before could be figured out.

Why did the host wake up in this world, on the surface he couldn’t accept it because of his obsession with cleanliness, but his body didn’t reject it much. He spent a million dollars to buy cheats, but he bought this kind of cheat cheats, and the host never I love to laugh, almost every world laughs very little, but this person, this person is always smiling.

He is obsessed with other people's love and trust for him, he likes others to touch him with love, and he is even so close to the four children who have a good impression.

You know, the host has never had such close contact with humans.

At this moment, 618 felt that as a system, it was cold all over.

In the next second, Xiao Qingrong, who was eating happily, suddenly stopped, with a gentle smile on his face, and declined everyone's feeding.

"Sorry, I'm full."

The author has something to say: So did anyone guess? In the beginning, all the gentleness and all the ailments were all because Mr. Xiao was not Mr. Xiao! [Don't worry, Mr. Xiao will appear in this story, and he will end this world coolly.]