Super Male God System

Chapter 115: Murdered educated youth


On the road leading to Zhengjia Village in Anhe County, a donkey cart wobbled on the road, and there were seven or eight clean boys and girls sitting on it. The youngest was seventeen years old, and the oldest was twenty-two years old. , and the person driving the car is Zheng Chong, the captain of Zhengjia Village, and the people sitting behind him are educated youths from big cities.

The policy has changed these years. The higher authorities require the educated youths to go to the countryside. These children from the city have come to the village one after another. I don’t know how many batches it is. Anyway, after these educated youths came, they couldn’t bear the life here and ran away. Yes, some died of illness, and some started a family in the village. In any case, Cheng Chong, the captain of the brigade, saw so many people coming. Now that this group of new educated youths have come to the village, they don’t know what they will bring to the village. Change.

Thinking back to a few years ago, many girls in the village liked to marry educated youths, and some married educated youths, but how did life go after that? Not as good as their ordinary people, so now, these educated youths are worthless, Zheng Chong secretly glanced behind while driving the donkey, not to mention, the educated youths who came this time are really older than each other She looks good, especially the one with a cold face who never smiles, and this one is so good-looking that people can't take their eyes away just by looking at it.

Xiao Qingrong sat there indifferently, with calm eyes, it didn't look like the educated youths around were looking aside, as if they were looking at the new place he was going to, a face that was too handsome, made these educated youths who came here together very excited I was so surprised, especially the female educated youths who came here this time, they kept wanting to ask about Xiao Qingrong's news on the road before, but Xiao Qingrong always kept silent and ignored them, which made these female educated youths rest their minds.

Ding Xuanxuan secretly looked at the man in front of her, she couldn't suppress her excitement, because the man in front of her was more handsome than many celebrities she had seen in her previous life! With sword eyebrows and star eyes, firm eyes, and meticulous clothes, he is simply a living abstinent male god!

That's right, Ding Xuanxuan is a time traveler, and she never thought that she would time travel to a book, a novel in the 1970s called "Rebirth of Regret". Unfortunately, the protagonist of the novel is not her, but them The daughter of the village chief of Zhengjia Village who is going to go, she is just a soy sauce character in the novel...

Not long after transmigrating, Ding Xuanxuan already knew that there was no way to change the matter of her going to the countryside, so she could only accept all of this. When she came here, she hoped to have a good relationship with everyone. Anyway, this year is already 75 years Well, in two years, the college entrance examination will come, and as long as she is admitted to university, she will be able to go home! As a top student, Ding Xuanxuan still has this ability!

At this moment, Ding Xuanxuan looked at the person in front of her. In fact, even if this person had a cold face and said nothing, Ding Xuanxuan knew who the other party was. The other party was called Xiao Qingrong. The Lord divorced her fiancé because she fell in love with Xiao Qingrong. It's a pity that although she divorced, Xiao Qingrong didn't fall in love with her, which made her embarrassing. What a good thing, I was very decadent afterwards, and when I got older, I knew that Xiao Qingrong not only went back to school, but also became a professor of biology in the end, and he was the kind of professor who could meet the leaders of the country!

She knew this and didn't regret it, because she knew that Xiao Qingrong didn't like her, but she later saw her ex-fiancé returning home in fine clothes. The Lord was stimulated and regenerated.

This time, she knew that Xiao Qingrong would not look at her differently just because she was the daughter of the village chief, but instead blamed Xiao Qingrong for what happened in her previous life, and asked her father to arrange a lot of tiring work for him, while she waited wholeheartedly for her fiancé , I hope to make up for my fiancé and get rid of my problem of being so ambitious.

When Ding Xuanxuan read this book before, she thought it was very cool, but now when she saw Xiao Qingrong with her own eyes, she understood the heroine's desire for sex. In the novel, the heroine was reborn, so Xiao Qingrong will be miserable. Not only will he not be able to enter the university, but he may not even be able to go back...

Thinking of the heroine's framing of Xiao Qingrong, Ding Xuanxuan really felt that it was a pity for the handsome man in front of her.

Her gaze was actually not very well concealed, Xiao Qingrong easily noticed Ding Xuanxuan's gaze, the strange change in that gaze made Xiao Qingrong pay more attention to this woman, this woman's name was Ding Xuanxuan. Also an educated youth.

[Host, this time, you were supposed to become a biological scientist serving the country, but your future and future were forcibly ruined by others, so this time, the host must work hard to protect your future!]

618 has checked all the source codes from this world, and he knows why he brought the host to this world. After a long time, it is because there is a lack of a biological scientist in this world...

But to the host, it shouldn't be...well, it's nothing, right

Thinking of the pitiful 100,000 god value of the host in the previous world, 618 really didn't know what to say.


Xiao Qingrong gave a word very indifferently, but he was a little curious about the so-called 1970s. You must know that in the world he knew, there were still prosperous places in China in the 1970s, especially in areas like Hong Kong. The prosperity of the world, cars, light industries, movies and entertainment industries have also begun to develop. This is a chaotic era, and it is also an era where it is easiest to make money in a haystack. Xiao Qingrong also likes this era very much.

618 doesn't know if his host has listened to it, but judging from the situation, he knows that his host is definitely his own host, so he doesn't say any more. I hope this time, the host can live a more comfortable life in this world.

The donkey cart came to Zhengjia Village staggeringly. Compared with the grand occasion when the educated youths came to the village in the past few years, no one came to watch. How can I have time to see these educated youths with thin skin and tender flesh.

After tying the donkey to the big tree at the entrance of the village, Zheng Chong spoke after watching all the educated youth get off the car.

"Now I will take you to the place where you live in the village! After the arrangements are made, you can rest today, but you will go to work tomorrow."

As he said, seeing these educated youths reluctantly holding things one by one, their eyes still fell on Xiao Qingrong's face involuntarily. There was no way, people always liked people with good looks more. Other educated youths along the way Awkward aside, only this one is the best and the most obedient, so Zheng Chong is very satisfied.

The leader quickly found a place in their village for the educated youth to live in. In the past, the village must have given the best house to the educated youth, but after so many things happened, the villagers also understood that these The educated youths from the city don't look down on them digging the soil at all, so they don't hold the educated youths so much when they come and go.

The house doesn't look very good, it's a bit dilapidated, four of the male educated youths are in one room, which made Xiao Qingrong frown at the beginning, thinking about the college entrance examination two years later, if he endured it here for two years...

Oh, is this something tolerable

Zheng Chong took the female educated youths to show them the room, and the male educated youths in the room began to talk, and everyone tacitly did not talk to Xiao Qingrong. Xiao Qingrong's aloofness in the car before had successfully made everyone feel uncomfortable. Take care of him.

Such invisible rejection was nothing to Xiao Qingrong.

After he made the bed, he put his things away and walked outside the house. He needed to make a quiet plan about what to do next.

But as soon as Xiao Qingrong came out, he saw a girl standing outside the yard who seemed to be peeking. The girl was tied with double braids. She was taken aback when she saw Xiao Qingrong, and then turned her head and ran outside...

If Ding Xuanxuan was here, she would definitely recognize that the person who ran away wanted to take a last look at Xiao Qingrong's heroine because of reluctance.

People are like this, they like to eat what is in the bowl and look at what is in the pot. Before the heroine in the book is reborn, she likes to eat what is in the bowl and look at what is in the pot. Knock it over and don't let others eat it.

This is the selfishness of human nature.

Xiao Qingrong was not very interested in the girl who ran away. Although the other girl looked at him with a look that seemed to recognize him, there was no such person in his plan.

When Xiao Qingrong was standing in the yard, Ding Xuanxuan, who had made the bed and came out, hurried over and spoke to Xiao Qingrong.

"Xiao Qingrong! Have you tidied everything up?"

She was unabashedly excited, looking at Xiao Qingrong as if she was looking at someone she admired, such glowing eyes Xiao Qingrong had seen in the eyes of fans before.

"Why do you know my name?"

Earlier, Xiao Qingrong hadn't introduced his name at all.

Ding Xuanxuan was taken aback for a moment, she was a little embarrassed at first, then she seemed to have a flash of inspiration, and said hastily.

"Yes, Captain Zheng told me. I saw that you hadn't talked to us before, so I was a little curious, so I asked."

She found a good reason for herself, but she looked very lame, because her eyes didn't seem to be looking at a stranger at all.

"Ding Xuanxuan, look into my eyes, tell me now, you knew me before, right?"

Xiao Qingrong's words made Ding Xuanxuan couldn't help but meet the other's pupils, but at that moment her whole body was stiff, as if she was about to be seen through, and the smile on her face froze.

"No, no... I, I don't know you..."