Super Male God System

Chapter 120: Murdered educated youth


After all, this matter was finally settled, or in other words, it was settled after Zheng Jiaojiao ran away.

Because of being forced to question by Xiao Qingrong, Zheng Jiaojiao suddenly thought of Xiao Qingrong from her previous life, and she was so frightened that she directly left the courtyard of the educated youths, leaving the rest of the educated youths looking at each other.

"I'm sorry, it's all me, if it wasn't for me..."

In the end, Wang Chenglei felt that Xiao Qingrong felt uncomfortable because he had suffered such an injustice. After all, there was only one special medicine that could save people. Now his girlfriend is in good health. Thinking of the death of Zheng Chong's child, Wang Chenglei I also feel sorry for it.

Xiao Qingrong glanced at the man who was always silent in front of him. Except for the first time he saw this man kneeling in front of him crying bitterly, he had always been very silent. He would only show a happy smile when he saw his girlfriend. Now , The appearance of his repentance must be that he regarded this matter as his mistake.

"It's not your fault. I gave medicine to your girlfriend willingly. Besides, none of us knew that someone needed medicine after we came to the village. Other people's life is one life, and so is your girlfriend's life. Did you Will you be willing to watch your girlfriend die?"

Speaking of which, Wang Chenglei is 20 years old this year, and he was going to marry his girlfriend before, and they were engaged. The two families have met each other, but later they need to go to the countryside. Wang Chenglei's younger brother is only 16 years old. I was willing to let my younger brother come, so I came here by myself. I didn't expect my girlfriend to go to the countryside together. When he was on the train, he almost went crazy. You know, no matter what time it is, the illness on one person is enough It takes a person's life.

"No, even if I do it all over again, I'll beg you to give me medicine, I... I can't let my girlfriend die."

This man who had been silent before but was made a little guilty by Zheng Jiaojiao's words was now more firm than ever. He actually knew in his heart that without Xiao Qingrong's medicine, his girlfriend might not have survived that day at all, so from the bottom of his heart, Wang Chenglei I am very grateful to Xiao Qingrong.

When Xiao Qingrong heard this, his lips curled up, and for the first time, he stretched out his hand to pat this man who could kneel down and beg for his beloved.

"Isn't that enough? Life is like this. Faced with what happened, it is impossible to regret it. You don't have to feel guilty because of that woman's words, because you asked me for the special medicine first, and it was your girlfriend's fate." Absolutely."

Fate is sometimes such a wonderful thing. In Wang Chenglei's last life, his girlfriend died, and he died within two years. Now his girlfriend is still alive, and he is still in the next village. He is very grateful to Xiao Qingrong for saving his life. Grateful to the other party, I have been thinking about how to repay Xiao Qingrong in the future, and I have no will to die at all. If it is really counted, Xiao Qingrong should have saved two people.

Ding Xuanxuan on the side already understood the ins and outs of the matter, and sighed in her heart, thinking that Dongdong was really pitiful, but then she thought, since the heroine has been reborn now, why didn't she stop this from happening? Ding Xuanxuan felt that if this happened to her, she would definitely prevent it from happening.

It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. These days, even Bodhisattvas can hardly protect themselves, let alone put all expectations on others

"Let's eat, I just saw that you didn't eat well."

Handing the newly prepared meals to Xiao Qingrong, Ding Xuanxuan looked curiously at the last man who died lonely in the book. In fact, from the contact of these few days, Ding Xuanxuan felt that Xiao Qingrong was not as indifferent as in the novel Qingjun, even, she always felt that under this man's indifferent skin, there must be a crazy heart, but now, these have not been released.

Xiao Qingrong took Ding Xuanxuan's food, and the two looked at each other. At this moment, Ding Xuanxuan suddenly didn't dodge, just looked at the man in front of her so straightforwardly, she wanted to explore, or she wanted to know, the person in front of her , Is it the beautiful, calm and wise future great scientist in the book, or the person I see in my own eyes, who looks like a skin even if he sits here.

The gazes between the two were full of inquiry, but Xiao Qingrong still didn't talk too much to Ding Xuanxuan, and started to eat after sitting down, and everyone else understood that it was that fair and beautiful girl who knew about Xiao Qingrong. When I came here, I brought special medicine, so my relative's child died, so I blamed Xiao Qingrong for not taking out the special medicine, but now I know that the special medicine has been eaten by Wang Chenglei's girlfriend on the train...

In fact, according to everyone's thinking, not to mention anything else, the special medicine is for life-saving. Since it was taken, it must have put a lot of thought into it. Let's not talk about whether Xiao Qingrong gave the medicine to the other party out of sympathy. It's too arrogant to say that the girl who came over is too arrogant, they are just ordinary people, why should they so confidently ask others to donate life-saving medicine to their family

You can't be so selfish...

After Zheng Jiaojiao went out, she even met the villagers. Seeing her distressed appearance, the villagers hurried over to take care of her. After all, Zheng Jiaojiao is the daughter of the village chief, and she is a very beloved daughter...

So Zheng Jiaojiao immediately had an idea in her heart, and she told Dongdong that Xiao Qingrong had special medicine but didn't give it to Dongdong. She knew that the medicine was gone, but as long as she thought of Dongdong, she would die like this Now, I feel more irritable than ever before, and I can't help but bring my own subjective consciousness when I speak.

Xiao Qingrong didn't know that Zheng Jiaojiao was still talking about these things, but some people in the village knew about Zheng Jiaojiao's visit to the educated youth before. Resting in the shade, the other educated youths told me what happened, which made the people who came to ask suddenly understand.

It can be predicted that a rumor will spread in Zhengjia Village, but now these have nothing to do with Xiao Qingrong, he is doing other things.

Xiao Qingrong, who was alone at the back of the mountain, opened his system mall and browsed the things in the system again. However, these things are huge cheats. Although they are of great use in this era, they are already too big. It is unacceptable.

That is to say, Xiao Qingrong doesn't like these things very much. What he needs is knowledge, knowledge that surpasses this era.

After viewing the mall, Xiao Qingrong directly entered the simulated learning space. God bestowed him with the best skills, and it was time to learn!

In the 1970s, all kinds of wastes were flourishing. The fastest development in this era is to make electronic products, whether it is MP3, mobile phones, or computer watches, which will bring huge benefits. Of course, if you want to make For these, a certain amount of knowledge must be stored.

The simulated learning space of the system is full of any information you want, even if you want to learn how to make an airplane, it is completely possible, the premise of course is that you have to learn it!

Because of the system upgrade before 618, there are corresponding teachers in the current simulation learning system. After Xiao Qingrong learned how to make clocks and watches, soon, an Englishman dressed as a craftsman appeared, and he began to lead Xiao Qingrong to learn how to make clocks and watches. .

In the system space, the flow of time is very fast. A day outside is equivalent to a month inside. Although Xiao Qingrong cannot stay inside all day, these times are enough. After he is admitted to university... or , before he goes abroad, as long as he has these.

But for the first time learning, Xiao Qingrong didn't stay in the learning space for too long, but found a very amazing thing from the database, that is... the most deficient and most needed thing in China in the 70s and 80s—fighter fighter data .

After looking up the information about fighter jets of this era, Xiao Qingrong discovered that they were not being suppressed and beaten at the moment, but that they had no ability to fight with others. Until the early 1980s, the fighter jets used in China were all imitated from the Soviet Union. The fighter jets of the 1950s, just these, are enough to know the backwardness of this country.

If the Soviet Union had not disintegrated in the early 1990s, I am afraid that the history of the world would have to be rewritten.

Summoning his omnipotent letter, Xiao Qingrong used the pen attached to the omnipotent letter. He wanted to write something, but in the end he didn't write anything, letting the envelope burn out in his hands.

This country is really riddled with holes. Even with so much information now, I'm afraid it can't be done. Xiao Qingrong still decided to do it by himself. Anyway...he has already come, hasn't he

Xiao Qingrong returned to the educated youth's room and fell asleep. In fact, he was studying continuously in the virtual learning space. On the second day, there were already rumors in the village. After all, the special medicine is a life-saving medicine these days. Yes, and they were desperate, many villagers looked at Xiao Qingrong differently.

Ding Xuanxuan felt a little strange, and only found out about the situation when she was doing farm work, but Wang Chenglei was suddenly called out by the village leaders, and did not come back until noon.

Everyone knew who the person calling him was and what they might ask, but Xiao Qingrong didn't seem to care about it at all.

Village head Zheng questioned Wang Chenglei carefully, and after confirming that Xiao Qingrong really didn't have any special medicine, only one special medicine, he gave his daughter a hard look, then looked at Zheng Chong, thinking that her daughter shouldn't have caused such a thing.

Even if this matter did not give any results in the end, Ding Xuanxuan still felt wronged for Xiao Qingrong when she thought of the pointing and pointing of the people around her. Finally, she couldn't help but went to the back mountain secretly to find a person sitting there after eating. Xiao Qingrong.

"Hey, Xiao Qingrong, are you not angry when they frame you so badly?"