Super Male God System

Chapter 122: Murdered educated youth


Zheng Jiaojiao brought this letter belonging to the educated youth, but Zheng Tiantian struggled for a long time after receiving the letter but did not open it.

Although she is young this year, she has reached the age of marriage in the countryside. Unlike Zheng Jiaojiao, who has arranged for her marriage very early, because she is loved, Deputy Village Chief Zheng just wants to keep her daughter at home for a while If it doesn't work, it is also possible to recruit a daughter for her daughter. Although the Zheng family has taken care of this girl in every possible way because Zheng Tiantian has brought good luck to the family, they have really loved her for so many years, without a trace of falsehood.

Deputy Village Chief Zheng is actually a cultural person, and he has learned a lot. No matter what happens to his sons, they have found wives to live a good life. Only this daughter has always worried him. He has been carefully taught since he was a child. I only saw Zheng Tiantian's appearance, but I didn't know that Zheng Tiantian was not in the sun with his fingers, but he was also taught by the deputy village head Zheng very hard.

Zheng Tiantian has understood a lot of truths since she was a child. Now that she is about to find a partner, she naturally knows that people in the village don't like her because of her appearance and hate her. She is anxious and helpless, and even wants to lose weight, but always It couldn't be done, because of this, Zheng Tiantian would cry at night, but the comfort of her parents made Zheng Tiantian cheer up again.

Leaving aside the fact that relatives need to be well-matched, let’s just say that the educated youths in the village have married the villagers these years. It’s really not too good. Most of the male educated youths can’t work, even if they are married to the girls in the village. , That was also Yilai stretching out her hands and opening her mouth. She has seen too many such things, so naturally she doesn't have a good impression of the educated youths. Even when she saw Xiao Qingrong's astonished face, she never had any thoughts.

People always pursue beautiful things, and it is precisely because of their pursuit that they observe and discover beauty.

Now that this letter is in Zheng Tiantian's hands, it is like that Pandora's box. If it is opened, it seems to release a man-eating devil, which makes Zheng Tiantian at a loss.

After such entanglement, after two or three days, Zheng Tiantian finally decided to open the letter. She knew that she would definitely have no future with the educated youths who came to the village, but she still had to respect their ideas, if it really didn’t work out. , I can also make it clear to the other party face to face.

Zheng Tiantian, who has always been seeking truth from facts, never thought that starting from this letter, everything was a trap, a trap that made her fall into the mud.

Zheng Jiaojiao imitated Xiao Qingrong's handwriting and sent two letters a month. After Zheng Tiantian got these letters, she was very helpless. Although she was moved by the other party's talent, she knew the difference between them in her heart. , so she never replied, and even went to the field to deliver meals to her parents before, but now she doesn't go. She hopes that after she doesn't go to the field, the other party can give up such an idea.

Xiao Qingrong didn't know what Zheng Jiaojiao had done, and he didn't have the time to worry about it. Apart from work, he devoted himself to research every day, and it was November in a flash. In the general environment, he didn't hear any news, but he thought, his letter... someone must have read it, right

Xiao Qingrong, who was far away in a small village, did not know that after he sent the letter and it arrived on the table in the most secure room in the capital, it was quickly opened, and the time was getting closer and closer. It was the first time that November became a city-wide martial law. Although I don’t know what’s strange about the date on the envelope, since it was able to appear on that person’s desk out of thin air, it naturally attracted the attention of all relevant departments. Throughout November, it is almost impossible to come and go in and out of the capital at will, and check the ten allowances.

As time passed, the day mentioned on the envelope soon arrived. Everyone was on high alert, thinking that something big would happen, and nothing happened until night, but everyone was still nervous. The news came out, saying that the first returnable remote sensing satellite developed by China was successfully launched, thus becoming the third country in the world that can have such a returnable remote sensing satellite.

"Could it be... the date on the envelope is talking about the satellite?"

An official who participated in this operation couldn't help guessing, but this guess, placed in another person's mind, was a flash of inspiration, and instantly understood what the letter wanted to express.

"It's the future! This letter... it's talking about the future!!!"

A group of special investigators investigating the letter frantically guessed the true meaning of the envelope. As a result, on the same night, another new letter appeared where everyone was caught off guard.

The prime minister saw the letter appear out of thin air while the ward was eating. As one of the insiders, the prime minister was not afraid of the envelope, and even thought that the envelope might have great significance. After notifying the special investigator, Only then did he open the letter in front of everyone, and saw the shocking contents inside.

Everyone couldn't believe what the letter said. If the contents of the letter were true, it would be the most unacceptable thing in this world...

On the contrary, after the prime minister saw the content of the letter, he was very curious about the person who wrote the letter, and the mysterious origin of the letter. Did it come from the future? Is it reminding me of something? And... what will the future country look like

The Special Investigation Department once again started a frenzied investigation. This time, even though the content of the letter was kept secret, there were quite a few people who knew about it. It was just that the content conveyed in this letter was content that no one wanted to accept.

In December, Zhengjia Village ushered in the first heavy snowfall in 1975, and it will be the last year. Next year will usher in 1976. The village no longer needs to do any farm work. Instead, the educated youths have time to visit To learn some things, even though they have gone to the countryside, there are still educated youths who bring books. It is normal for everyone to learn from each other.

Ding Xuanxuan looked at the heavy snow flying all over the sky, and never thought that she would live in this era for such a long time, and even survived such a painful half a year. She has darkened a lot, looks healthier, and has her own Something to hold on to.

She wants to go to university, go back, study hard, and make some contributions to this country!

She didn't come to this book voluntarily, but since she came, she had to do something. In that world, Ding Xuanxuan was a doctor. Although she was just an intern, Ding Xuanxuan felt that what she knew was always useful However, if she is admitted to university at that time, she wants to become a doctor again, hoping to save more people.

Although Xiao Qingrong still lives with the educated youths, these educated youths are very clean, and Wang Chenglei seems to have discovered Xiao Qingrong's obsession with cleanliness, secretly helping to clean up every day, Xiao Qingrong's life is considered comfortable.

Now that it's snowing heavily, Xiao Qingrong went to the back mountain alone. He dug a trap in the back mountain. Since September, he has been hunting secretly to supplement his nutrition. The food in this village is very hungry, and it's nothing. Yes, Xiao Qingrong occasionally catches a rabbit or a pheasant to eat.

Heavy snow fell down one after another. Xiao Qingrong was wearing a thick padded jacket, but it wasn't too cold. When he arrived at the place where he made the trap, he saw the mess inside the trap. He squatted down and stretched out his hand to clear the snow from it. , exposing the prey inside.

I thought it would be a rabbit or something, but I didn't expect it to be a little white fox.

The little fox seemed to be very hungry, so he came to steal food in the trap prepared by Xiao Qingrong. This trap was not a trap or something, but a small cage that could trap animals, which Xiao Qingrong woven himself.

Lifting up the small cage, the little white fox made a weak cry inside, it must have just come in not long ago, otherwise, he might have died.

Xiao Qingrong glanced at the little fox inside through the cage. This fox looked like it was not weaned, but now it came out to steal food. The only possibility is that it lost its mother. Otherwise, the mother fox would not let the little fox be alone. Came out looking for something.

He took out the jerky he had prepared and put it in the cage, and the little fox really happily ate it, and he looked very cute in his small appearance.

Between letting go of the little fox and raising it, Xiao Qingrong struggled for a while, but still carried the fox up the mountain. He set up several traps, and he could eat them for a long time after each hunt.

Later on the mountain, Xiao Qingrong harvested a pheasant, a dozen eggs, and a gray rabbit. In fact, it seemed that there should be no animals on the mountain in this cold weather, but it might be because of this The weather was not so cold before the first snowfall, so the animals were still there.

He found some firewood he had stored and lit the fire. Xiao Qingrong processed the meat one by one. Otherwise, it would spoil if one person couldn't finish it. If 618 didn't help save it, Xiao Qingrong wouldn't do this either.

It has been three or four months since I ate alone, and now no one has discovered that this is a very lucky thing for Xiao Qingrong. It is probably because Xiao Qingrong is too indifferent, so most people dare not approach him, even though they know he likes to go But no one asked much about the back mountain. After all, the back mountain is relatively rugged, and even people from the village come here often.

After handling the meat, Xiao Qingrong finally couldn't bear it, and took the little fox in the cage down the mountain. As soon as he returned to the educated youth's residence, the little fox attracted everyone's attention.

This is a real fox, and it is a white purebred fox. Even a man would be a little curious about his cute appearance, let alone those educated youths.

Ding Xuanxuan stared blankly at the little fox, thinking constantly in her mind.

Did she really time travel to the book "Repentance of Rebirth"? Why is this little fox not written in the plot? When did this little fox appear