Super Male God System

Chapter 18: Hacker's creed 7


Whether Internet addiction is a disease or not, these grown-ups actually know in their hearts, especially people like Wan Xu, after advanced education, can they not know what Internet addiction is? The so-called Internet addiction is to find a reason for them, a reason for the parents to feel at ease, and the children can't control it, so they think of sending it to the school for management. Isn't this irresponsible? Anyway, someone is responsible for them, isn't there

And this school, didn't it exist to make money from the beginning? Then needless to say those useless, he should be responsible for his actions.

The person in front of him is the one who created this magic lair.

Wan Xu squinted at Xiao Qingrong's sarcastic eyes, and the fear in his heart spread infinitely. Recently, he has been having nightmares, dreaming about those children who were abused and beaten by the instructors. In his dream, there were scars all over his body. They accused him, saying that he was wrong, but he was obviously not wrong, and he was not the one who did it. Those children were also sent by their parents. If it weren't for those parents There is no way to educate children well, so how can they be sent to school? Their school is also teaching and educating people...

"No, it's not me, yes, it's because they are too disobedient... They were punished for being disobedient... And I didn't hit those students, let me go, let me go, okay?"

He pleaded hard, his eyeballs were already popping out, full of fear, and the hand that was pressed on the ground wanted to struggle away, but being held down by the two children, he couldn't move at all.

"At this point, you still shirk these responsibilities? If you didn't create this school, how could so many children enter here? In 21 years, this school has accepted so many children, how do you treat these things? Children? You said that with the money given by these children’s parents, do you feel that your life is very nourishing? Do you think that those children will never seek revenge from you? "

The real executioner was never the one who used the knife himself. Although this Wan Xu had no human life in his hands, he was the one who controlled countless knives, so it was impossible for Xiao Qingrong to let him go.

Standing up from the ground, Xiao Qingrong spoke.

"Take him to the icehouse with me."

This icehouse is really a good place to store chemicals, it is impossible to be discovered by others, and it also allows him to do some experiments. The chemicals Xiao Qingrong bought from the Internet have already been placed next to the icehouse. room, and now, Xiao Qingrong wants to show this Wan Xu what those who have done things to the students have become.

Both Yang Fan and Qi Yue knew that Xiao Qingrong had put a lot of chemicals in the freezer. Although they didn't know what it was for, they both believed in Xiao Qingrong. When they said they were going to the freezer, the two even dragged him away. Get up, dragged and walked forward, because in the hearts of both of them, this principal is also an unpardonable person!

Although they just learned that so many students have entered Mengzhang Academy since its establishment, what they have seen in the past few years is just the tip of the iceberg of this school. No one understands better than them that Mengzhang Academy What kind of devil's lair is this school, and this devil's lair was created by the person in hand now.

"Don't kill me... don't kill me, please, don't kill me, okay..."

Wan Xu was taken aback by the word "ice store", and his legs went limp after being dragged up, but he was still being dragged forward. His frantic cries for help spread to other people in the confinement room. In people's ears, those in the confinement room are even more frightened, because they have seen these crazy children's unscrupulous appearances, so their end seems to be in sight, and they can't imagine whose turn it will be in the future... Suddenly, all the people in the confinement room regretted like never before, regretting why they chose to work in such a Mengzhang Academy, but regretting it now is useless.

He shouldn't be so greedy, wanting money, and shouldn't treat the future flowers of the motherland like this. In the near future, he will also pay the price for it.

Soon, Wan Xu was brought to the freezer. Xiao Qingrong opened the door of the freezer, and the cold air rushed out, making several people shiver. Wan Xu was even more afraid. He wanted to escape countless times, but after being locked up for seven days, his limbs were weak, and he couldn't defy Yang Fan and Qi Yue at all. These two were half-children at first, but their food has improved recently, and their strength is so great that Wan Xu Struggled away at all.

Xiao Qingrong liked the feeling of this icehouse very much. When he walked in, Wan Xu was also dragged in behind him. As a result, he saw what was thrown on the ground at a glance, and now it had been frozen into ice cubes. human shape.

Almost immediately, Wan Xu's legs softened, even if Yang Fan and Qi Yue grabbed him together, he also softened, and water stains flowed from his pants, it can be seen that, He was frightened by the horrible scene in front of him, so he peed his pants in fright.

Yang Fan and Qi Yue also saw the things on the ground, and they were a little surprised. They didn't understand why Xiao Qingrong bought those chemical materials, but now they saw this kind of 'corpse' made of chemical materials. Isn't this the best thing for scary people? Even Yang Fan and Qi Yue were taken aback when they saw it, not to mention Wan Xu, who had a ghost in his heart, wouldn't he be scared to death seeing this thing? Now, both of them felt a little bit amused in their hearts.

"Okay, leave the person behind, you two go out first, close the door, leave a gap, and wait for me at the door."

Xiao Qingrong didn't want these ordinary children to come into contact with chemicals. After all, people who don't like to study medicine probably don't like these things, and they are highly toxic.

Yang Fan and Qi Yue nodded, and they let go of Wan Xu. Wan Xu's body had already softened, but now he fell directly on the ground. The cold ground made him lie there instantly, looking at Xiao Qingrong like a devil. When Yang Fan wanted to leave, he tried to grab Yang Fan's trouser leg in vain.

"Don't go, take me away, okay? Take me away...don't leave me to this killer..."

That's right, in Wan Xu's eyes, Xiao Qingrong is already a murderer, otherwise, how could he remain so unmoved in front of such a terrifying 'corpse'

But Yang Fan smiled ironically, kicked Wan Xu's hand away, and sneered like Xiao Qingrong before.

"Killer? Who is the real murderer, don't you know?"

After speaking and taking Qi Yue out, the two of them closed the door, leaving a gap, and stood outside the door. Although they didn't know what Xiao Qingrong would do to the principal, they knew that Xiao Qingrong would not let the principal go.

Only Xiao Qingrong and Wan Xu were left in the ice storage, as well as the remaining 'corpses' that had been frozen into ice cubes, at least they looked alike.

Wan Xu huddled and looked at Xiao Qingrong who was standing there extremely calmly. He already knew that no matter how much he begged at this time, it seemed that it would be useless. He could only try to fight desperately...

He tried his best to adjust his posture, and decided to rush over to throw Xiao Qingrong, who looked a little thin, on the ground, but he suddenly saw the other party laughing at him.

That's right, his every move is within Xiao Qingrong's sight, whether it's his fear, or his calculation of wanting to fight to the death, these are nothing to Xiao Qingrong.

He reached out his hand and took out a scalpel from his left pocket. This kind of scalpel was not the small one before. It was 20 centimeters long and very sharp. Wan Xu, when he saw the other party take out the scalpel, At that time, I was so scared that I didn't dare to move...

The silver scalpel on his left hand was spinning rapidly. Even in such a cold environment, Xiao Qingrong's fingers were still the most nimble in the world. His eyes fell on Wan Xu's body, and he suddenly felt that these chemical substances were just like this. It was a pity that it was corroded in the ice bank. Now, he has found a new way to use these things, so it is not a waste, how good

Slowly walked towards Wan Xu, and because of Xiao Qingrong's approach, Wan Xu was quietly moving backwards, his pants were already soaked, in such an icehouse, it would freeze quickly, and his fingers touched The place he arrived was icy cold, knowing that his fingers had already turned red, and his nose looked extremely embarrassed at this moment.

Just like that, people were pushed into a corner, Wan Xu had nowhere to go, and there was nothing in this icehouse, not even the ability to make him fight back. Wan Xu was hopeless, and looked at Xiao Qingrong full of After losing fear and fear, trembling at this moment, he finally spoke again.

"Please, please don't kill me, I can give you all my money! My family is very rich! I have tens of millions! And there is still 50 million in my secret account... all Here you are, as long as you let me go, these are all yours... "

Wan Xu got up and knelt down on the ground, and then frantically kowtowed to Xiao Qingrong who was standing there, even though there was already blood on his head, which was excruciatingly painful, but in order to live, Wan Xu couldn't care less.

Seeing this man kneeling and kowtowing in embarrassment, Xiao Qingrong not only did not sympathize with him, but also felt even more disgusted.

This person's life is his life, and he can buy it with money. Isn't the life of those poor students his life? Should it be trampled on so easily, and then buried silently

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. I just want you to live in the Meng Zhang Academy created by yourself, and feel the feelings of these students. As long as you are obedient, you can live well, understand? "

Xiao Qingrong looked at Wan Xu, and decided to go back and re-investigate Wan Xu's account. After all, it would be good to have an extra 50 million...

"Please let me go, please let me go..." Wan Xu was still kowtowing, but Xiao Qingrong had no patience.

Originally bringing the other party here was to let him feel the feeling of death, but now, Xiao Qingrong has found a new use for the other party, it doesn't matter whether he scares the other party or not.

Called Yang Fan and Qi Yue to come in, told them to take Wan Xu away and close it, and then let out a female teacher who could cook in the confinement room.

Although Yang Fan and Qi Yue didn't understand why, they still obediently took him away.

Xiao Qingrong was left alone in the freezer. Although the door was open, no one came from the freezer.

The scalpel in his hand was already pinched, and he came to these chemical materials. Xiao Qingrong looked at the material that had already been covered with a thin layer of ice, squatted down, and gently cut the thin ice on one of the surfaces with the scalpel. Then the chaotic color that has not deteriorated at this time was revealed, the scalpel slid down shallowly, the frozen chemical material burst open, but no juice flowed out, at such a cold temperature, everything was already stiff.

618 looked at his host curiously. Although he only saw the host holding a scalpel, everything else was dark red. Some of them didn't know these chemical materials well, but they were still a little curious.

Then look at the host actually went to get a basin, and then started to get busy, making 618 look at the chemical materials in the basin, a little curious.

[Host, what are you doing? What is the use of these chemical raw materials? Still use frozen?]

A small system that knows nothing about many things, but it doesn't know what the chemical raw material is. I thought the host would just use a scalpel, but now I didn't expect the host to know a lot, and it also understands chemical things. This is it It can't understand what it's used for, so I can only look at it. The 618 just now didn't expect how the principal was scared like that.

618 knows that using violence to control violence is not a good thing, but it can't stop Xiao Qingrong, it can only comfort itself, if the host is not strong, it will be abused!

"Well, I suddenly had a good idea. These chemical raw materials have better uses. After their temperature drops, an element will be produced, which will make people hallucinate."

While answering 618, Xiao Qingrong used the scalpel to continue the movements in his hands. Compared with chemical elements that many people don't understand very well, Xiao Qingrong understands them very well. After all, Xiao Qingrong used to have been in contact with these things for a long time. The role of this chemical feedstock is all too well understood.

[Oh...] 618 didn't ask too many questions. It was rejected by the host when it asked before, but it wants to be a system that the host likes!

Xiao Qingrong's movements were quick, and after a while, he came out of the cold storage and closed the door of the cold storage.

Mengzhang Academy also has a canteen, which is the kind of canteen specially used for teachers and instructors to eat, so Yang Fan and Qi Yue quickly took people to the kitchen behind the canteen.

The woman who was brought here was a woman in her forties. She was a little scared when she saw Xiao Qingrong. The appearance of Xiao Qingrong before was still imprinted in her mind. To her, Xiao Qingrong was simply like a devil.

"Didn't you teachers and principals like to eat alone before? Now I can't lower your treatment. Starting today, you will cook for all the principals and teachers who are locked in the confinement room. I believe you can do it, right? ?”

The woman nodded quickly, as long as she didn't have to die, she was willing to do anything.

Yang Fan and Qi Yue didn't understand the reason behind this, but they didn't ask much. After the teachers and instructors of Mengzhang College were locked up for seven days, they finally had their first hearty meal in the confinement room— There is meat and rice.

Of course, there was something else that thrilled them.

The instructors and teachers, who were already hungry and dazzled, ate the food in a hurry. They only thought that the food was more delicious than ever. Maybe it was because of the long time in the prison, and they felt that this little food was delicious in the world.

"Did they eat it?"

Sitting in the principal's office, Xiao Qingrong asked Qi Yue with great interest, this matter has been handed over to Qi Yue.

"Well, I've already eaten." Qi Yue heard from Xiao Qingrong that he couldn't touch the teachers' meals, especially the crystals inside. Although he didn't understand why, Qi Yue was very obedient.

"Well, that's fine, Lele, how are you doing? How are your classmates doing with my homework?"

Two days have passed, these students should also know what to do, blindly addicted to online games or social networking, that is impossible...

Rong Lele and Tang Jiayu glanced at each other. The two of them are responsible for this matter. Although they have divided the students into groups, not all of them are talented in the field of the Internet. During the past two days, many people Some are confused, but they are smart and have already found a way.

"There are 240 students who have started to engage in online game leveling, and 32 students have chosen to live broadcast, and other students are still groping..."

Rong Lele spoke, and then Tang Jiayu hurriedly spoke.

"Principal, the day after tomorrow there will be an official public beta test of an online game called "Jianghu Order". After two days of investigation by the students, many students think that this game is very playable. The game client is free. All the equipment in it can be obtained in the game. When the new game is launched, we will have the most resources. I recommend all students who don’t know what to do to enter this game together. Even if you want to make money for the boss, it will be very fast. .”

Tang Jiayu was obsessed with games at the beginning. He discussed the matter of "Jiang Hu Ling" with a few boys who played the game together. When the new game opens, what those local tyrants need most is gold coins. There are so many of them, even if they are just a group The team has gone to missions to earn gold, and there is also a lot of money. In addition to playing dungeons, there are so many people in their school, it is a natural studio. It can be said that according to the plan of Tang Jiayu and other children who play games, after one day, they can earn a lot of money. 20,000 is always fine...

Two thousand people swipe gold at the same time, plus the purple equipment dropped by the dungeon, or the orange and red equipment that have a chance to drop, you can earn money no matter what!

Xiao Qingrong also remembered it now. He was busy making money recently, but he saw an advertisement pop-up window, which indeed recommended this game, and felt that these children's brains were very fast.

"Okay, just do as you said, this month is just a test for you, if our school can make profits independently, then your life will be better in the future, and our school will be better, I think You all understand."

Although Xiao Qingrong couldn't see the money, for these young children, this method was already a very fast way to make money.

"By the way, bring Tao Ziyi to me after you go out later."

Compared with those ordinary people, Xiao Qingrong cares more about hidden geniuses.

This Tao Ziyi is only sixteen years old this year. It has been three years since he was sent in at the age of thirteen. He was sent in by his stepmother. ID card.

After the four of them reported the situation of the school, they went out. After a while, Tao Ziyi was brought over. He was a child who looked a little pale. He was only 1.5 meters tall at the age of sixteen, and his body was very thin. , not like a boy at all, the skin is very fair.

When he saw Xiao Qingrong, he was a little uneasy, and secretly mixed his hands behind his back, not knowing why he was called over by the newly appointed principal.

Xiao Qingrong looked at the other party, and laughed when he thought of the other party's amazing operations after he started surfing the Internet.

"Tao Ziyi, right? Are you good? The computer language you learned is for you to open the cheat?"