Super Male God System

Chapter 21: hacker's creed 10


The first to notice something is wrong are those players who like to indulge in games. With the development of the times, many young people are obsessed with online games, and the most popular game is "Heroes Confrontation". It is a grand event in the game circle. It can be said that there are at least 100 million players in the country who are paying attention to this kind of game. After all, this is a world league!

Even as early as eight years ago, the game "Heroes Confrontation" had formed a professional circle around the world, and it was also a circle of competitive players that many Chinese people didn't know very well. In the eyes of many parents, these children who like to play games are simply I'm messing around, I can only play, I don't know anything, but in fact, as early as three years ago in the fifth world league of the game "Heroes vs. Heroes", the team that won the championship won the championship all over the world. $10 million prize money! That's right! Not soft sister coins, but real dollars!

The prize money for the first place has gone from the fifth World League to now, and the officially opened ninth Dream Cup World League champion prize has reached an unprecedented 50 million US dollars! It also made this year's team even more popular. The rich teams all over the world are not only aiming at such bonuses, but also because of the fame they have gained from becoming world champions!

The prize money for the second place is 10 million U.S. dollars, and the third place is 5 million U.S. dollars. The same is true for competitive competitions. Except for the top three, no one will remember the performance of the others no matter how good they are .

And this year, in the Dream Cup World League of "Heroes Against", a dark horse team was born! Or not just one, but a super rich team!

The name of this wealthy family is a bit strange, it is called Mengzhang Club. It sounds like Mengzhang is a person's name, but they can't find out the origin of these people.

Because "Hero Confrontation" can sign up for every team with more than five people, and it is not limited to the situation that there is only one team in a club, so other wealthy teams will also prepare two or three teams, although these teams will eventually decide. The winners and losers, and what really attracted everyone was the Mengzhang Club, which was born out of nowhere, because this club has a total of twenty-five teams, and each team has an average of nine main players plus substitutes, and the online competition At the time, five of the twenty-five teams entered the offline competition! Got the top 20 domestic tickets!

After the top 20 players in each country are selected, they have to compete with players from other parts of the world. In the hot August, all fans saw players from the Meng Zhang Club offline. The average age of the contestants is no more than eighteen years old! One by one looks full of vigor, which makes people feel unbelievable.

The ones who came to lead the team this time were Rong Lele and Tang Jiayu. Now these two people have long been able to take charge of their own affairs, and they have their own unique status in Meng Zhang Academy. Therefore, after the establishment of the club, the two are also the club's managers. In charge of these contestants, this offline competition, some students have returned to school, and some stayed here to help run errands, because the 9th Dream Cup was extremely popular this time, and many fans came to support the offline competition , Many players have accepted interviews from the media, only the children of Mengzhang Club refused to be interviewed, and even said that they are only willing to accept interviews if they win the championship!

As soon as these words came out, compared with the players who were interviewed, Meng Zhang Club, a new club, attracted everyone's attention.

The competition in full swing has been going on for more than a month. During this period, offline players can directly see the scene, and there are major online video sites that broadcast the live broadcast of this competition. The 9th Dream Cup World League has never been more intense! From the very beginning when the powerful domestic teams withdrew, to the subsequent defeat of several veteran foreign teams, the Mengzhang Academy team fully proved that although they are young, they are not easy to bully.

In the end, the top six were chosen by the competition to compete in the Bird's Nest in the capital. The scene was very grand, and the tickets were sold out as soon as the show opened. Many scalpers' tickets have increased from the initial 300 yuan to 30,000 yuan a piece! No way, who made this year's top six teams in the world have three domestic teams, and two of them are from the same team—Meng Zhang Club! The other is a well-known veteran team.

The remaining three teams are from foreign countries. Anyway, Chinese people don’t want to see foreigners win the championship. Last year’s champion was a Korean team, so everyone saw that there were three domestic teams entering the finals this year. Of course, they think this has the least chance Halfway there! So the tickets for the Bird's Nest are extraordinarily expensive!

Xiao Qingrong also saw the hard work of the children, so before selling the tickets for the Bird's Nest, he had already asked the students of the school if they wanted to watch the competition live, because the children in the school were very obedient in the past two years, which saved Xiao Qingrong a lot Things, so when Xiao Qingrong mentioned this, everyone became extremely excited. Even if there were 15,000 people in the school including teachers, Xiao Qingrong still cheated and bought 15,000 tickets through hacking techniques. Because the Bird's Nest has 80,000 fixed seats and 11,000 temporary seats, the 15,000 tickets are relatively easy to buy.

These children in the school also tacitly handed over the money they bought for the tickets, which made Xiao Qingrong dumbfounded, and finally chartered a plane to Beijing together, and finally arrived at the scene on the eve of the competition.

In order to support the contestants of their own school, they even put on uniform clothes with the four characters of Mengzhang Academy written on it. All the students are full of youth, and even the teachers are happy, as if they are young Not a lot.

The competition inside the Bird’s Nest was surrounded by big screens. Xiao Qingrong also sat with so many people after a long time. The children of Mengzhang Academy were all sitting in the same seat. After the game started, the cameras couldn't resist scanning these students...

Compared with other young people, these youthful students don't look like people who can come to this kind of place. After all, parents in today's society are unwilling to let their children play computers, let alone play games. …

Jiang Mengmeng is 20 years old this year. She goes to a university not far from her home and has a boyfriend. But recently, because of the "Heroes Confrontation" competition, her boyfriend stopped dating, which made Jiang Mengmeng angry. Looking for a boyfriend in her boyfriend's rental house, only to find that her boyfriend is watching the game!

"Just watch the game. Is this game as important as me?"

She reached out to cover her boyfriend's computer, but was pushed away by him.

"My aunt~ Today is the real final. The champion of the 9th Dream Cup will come out today. If you go shopping, I will accompany you tomorrow, okay? The day after tomorrow! Don't bother me to watch the game, okay? "

Jiang Mengmeng's boyfriend didn't know what Zhu Gusheng was. He focused on watching the game. After pushing Jiang Mengmeng's hand away, he stared at the screen and moved away... Jiang Mengmeng was angry, but this was him My boyfriend, even if he was angry, could only bear it, so he sat aside and played with his mobile phone, intending to complain to his best friend about his boyfriend's liking for games and disliking her, but after a while, the boyfriend on the side seemed to be crazy He also picked her up and turned her around in a circle.

"Meng Zhang's team won again!! Our country's team won again!!!"

This frenzied appearance made Jiang Mengmeng helpless. After her boyfriend calmed down, she went over to watch the game. After each game, there were real people interviewing her. Now, the picture is just right. Cut to the children of Meng Zhang's team.

"The next thing we are going to interview is Mengzhang, the biggest super dark horse team in this year's Dream Cup. Standing next to me is Jiang Haohui, the captain of Mengzhang's small team, who is also the shining knight in the game. Then the shining knight, for you today Are you satisfied with your performance on the field?"

The boy standing next to the host had a handsome face. When he laughed, he had two dimples, and his eyes seemed to be shining.

"I am very satisfied. Our Mengzhang team will achieve better results. Our goal is to be the champion!"

His words are so firm. At the age of sixteen, he has already been hailed as a genius jungler in the e-sports world. If he really wins the world championship this time, then his personal worth will be greatly reduced. It will reach more than one billion...

"Okay, let's congratulate Meng Zhang's team in advance for their better results. Next to the captain is our god-level ADC. He is the same age as the captain this year, and he is only sixteen years old..."

Jiang Mengmeng's boyfriend watched the video with relish, but Jiang Mengmeng was already confused, because in this video, Jiang Mengmeng knew the child with two dimples when he laughed! Not only do they know each other, but this person is also Jiang Mengmeng's cousin! Dear kind! ! !

Because Jiang Mengmeng went to college and didn't go home much in the past two years. When I went home last year, I only knew that my cousin's grades had dropped drastically because he played games at home for a long time. He even quarreled with his uncle, and finally got angry They were sent to a closed school outside. Jiang Mengmeng heard about this during the Chinese New Year, and protested with her parents for a long time. After all, those schools outside the Internet are all deceitful, and some not only beat people, but also electric shock! ! ! As a result, after talking to my parents, my parents also tried to communicate with my uncle and aunt, but my uncle and aunt didn't listen to them at all, but listened to my cousin! Only then did Jiang Mengmeng know that her cousin was actually sent to Jiewang College by her cousin!

Later, Jiang Mengmeng secretly inquired several times, wanting to know where her cousin was sent to, but she only knew that it was a school in another city, 60,000 yuan a year. See cousin here! ! !

Yes... Yes, what is the name of the school that parents mentioned? Is... Is it Mengzhang Academy

The sudden shock made Jiang Mengmeng stunned. Looking at the well-behaved cousin standing by the side in the video, the cousin smiled just like his father, with two cute dimples. Thinking of the big brother getting married this year, uncle and aunt Bought a house for her cousin, and thinking about her cousin being sent to the Internet Rehabilitation Center, Jiang Mengmeng's eyes turned red...

Jiang Mengmeng's boyfriend realized that something was wrong with his girlfriend at this moment, so he hurriedly hugged her.

"Mengmeng, don't be angry, I promise I will only watch the last day of the game today, and I won't watch it after the final..."

But Jiang Mengmeng didn't care about her boyfriend watching the game anymore, she pointed to her cousin in her boyfriend's computer and said.

"Is this boy called Jiang Haohui? Does he play games? Do you know him?"

Jiang Mengmeng's boyfriend happened to be a fan of Mengzhang's team. When he heard that his girlfriend was interested in this, he hurriedly said.

"Yes, he is Jiang Haohui. He is the super dark horse in this year's "Heroes Confrontation" Dream Cup National League. They are the team of Mengzhang Club. This Jiang Haohui is the jungler and the captain of the first team. He is only sixteen years old this year. He is now The hottest talented e-sports player on the Internet, if he can win the championship in the ninth competition this time, he will become famous in the competitive world! At that time, he will easily be worth over 100 million... "

Introduced these to her girlfriend, but Jiang Mengmeng was even more surprised when she heard it, because she knew that the person above was definitely her cousin, but thinking of how her uncle and aunt treated her cousin, Jiang Mengmeng was anxious, But I didn't dare to tell my uncle and aunt about this. I planned to watch the competition myself first. If my cousin really won the championship, there would definitely be an interview. Wouldn't I know by then

"I'll watch the game with you..."

Without saying anything, Jiang Mengmeng sat down. She expected that what she saw was her cousin, but she was not sure, because wasn't her cousin sent to the rehabilitation school by her uncle and aunt? How can you participate in the competition

In addition, in all parts of the world, anyone who has seen this competition and knows these children is also a little shocked, because the children who can be sent to the school for quitting the Internet are very obsessed with the Internet. I know a lot of people, but now, seeing that the other party is on the world's big stage, it is really confusing...

After the game, when passing the advertisement, the camera scanned the people from Mengzhang Academy. Looking at the uniform children of Mengzhang Academy and the same clothes as these people, some reporters came to interview, of course for Interview them if they have something to do with the Mengzhang club...

The reporter who interviewed this time was also very fun, he was a beauty control person, and he specially found a beautiful young lady to interview. This person happened to be An Xianxian, who is the best online celebrity Xiaoxianxian among the current first-line Internet celebrities.

I came here today to cheer up my classmates, so An Xianxian didn't have too much makeup, but she was still very beautiful and very photogenic.

"Hello, classmate, can I interview you?"

An Xianxian has been facing the camera. Facing millions of viewers, he is no stranger to the camera. He smiled sweetly at the camera and nodded.


The reporter saw that the little girl in front of her was not only beautiful, but also well-behaved, so she was even happier, and hurriedly interviewed Dao.

"I see the name of Mengzhang Academy is printed on the clothes worn by a group of people on your side. Are you all from the same school? What does it have to do with our seed team Mengzhang?"

His tongue is very sharp, so he quickly grasped the point.

After An Xianxian heard this, the smile on his face was even more proud, and his voice was even sweeter.

"Yes, we are all from the same school. The Meng Zhang team was also created by our principal's club. This time, the students from our Meng Zhang Academy came together to cheer for the Meng Zhang team. I believe they will be able to win the championship. !!!”

As she said, she raised her fist and made a victorious appearance, she was so cute! The reporter couldn't help laughing too.

"Then I'll congratulate your classmates for winning the championship!" The reporter's little brother also likes the Chinese to win the championship. Now that one foreign team has been eliminated, the chances of the remaining ones are even greater, so he stopped interviewing. Looking forward to the start of the next race.

Sitting in the crowd, after the game restarted, following the manipulation of the game characters on the big screen, the people around burst into cheers, making Xiao Qingrong, who had lived for many years, couldn't help feeling a little bit more excited, Looking at the stable performance of everyone on the screen, I am also happy for them, because they will create a new era and save countless children whose parents think there is no cure!

[Host, the kids in our team are excellent, and they will definitely win the championship this time! ! !]

618 has also become a game fan now. 618 was the one who accompanied these children to train before. Because 618 is not human, it is easier to control the overall situation. Therefore, without cheating, 618 has practiced with these children until now. Enough to make these kids amazing.

"Well, I think so too."

Because... these students are the first brick he knocked on the door of this world.

The competition on the field became more tense, and more and more people watched the live broadcast online, and everyone was very curious about what this Mengzhang Academy was! As a result, fans couldn't help but search for it! Unexpectedly, such a search turned out to be Jiewang School! This simply made many fans frightened by such a situation, thinking that this was a joke made by God.

Jiewang Academy has built a club, is it about to win the world championship in game competition

No matter what the fans think, the game is still at the end. No one expected that when they entered the top three, the domestic giants were eliminated, leaving only two teams of Meng Zhang's team, and A South Korean team, in the final final, Meng Zhang's first team won the championship! South Korea is the runner-up, and the third runner-up belongs to Team Meng Zhang!

This dark horse club that was born out of nowhere has successfully counterattacked all the rich and powerful teams in the country!

Afterwards came the awards ceremony, and everyone wanted to find out what was going on in this dark horse club. When all the children of Meng Zhang's team cheered together with their trophies, their personal post-match announcements followed.

The first one to stand up was Jiang Haohui, a talented player who is now hailed as the number one jungler in the competitive circle.

"To be able to win this championship today, I am really grateful to my principal, to all my classmates, and to Mengzhang College for allowing me to find my dream! Speaking of it, you may not believe it, but a year and a half ago, I was sent to Jiewang College by my biological parents... "

The author has something to say: Mr. Xiao said: Hurry up and send all the children who quit the Internet to my school! I will cultivate! !