Super Male God System

Chapter 43: Only dad is good in the world


In fact, there is no problem with what Xiao Qingrong said. Since the children were found to be swapped, it is the last word that the families of both parties discuss with each other and then switch back together.

It's a pity that this hard truth only exists in two well-matched families, such as the family of Xiao Qingrong and the boss in front of me, can it be the same? Before Secretary Fang came, he knew that the boss meant to take the second young master back, but the eldest young master was also a child that the boss and his wife loved dearly, so why would he send him back just by giving it back to this man? Besides, the Eldest Young Master is weak, if he is really in such a remote place, his life may not be guaranteed.

Thinking of this, Secretary Fang didn't hide anything, and said directly.

"Mr. Xiao, I can also tell you about the young master. The young master has not been in good health since he was born. He has been weak and sick all these years, so the boss and the boss's wife love the young master very much. Now The young master is not yet an adult, and his health is not good. It will be better for the young master to stay with the boss and his wife. I believe that as the father of the child, Mr. Xiao, you must know what I mean. Our Longcheng Group is the world's largest A Fortune 500 company, growing up in such a family, will have a better future for the young master... "

He tried his best to think about the child from the perspective of a loving father. Secretary Fang knew that these poor people didn't work hard, but they just kept giving birth to children. When they had children, they insisted on making them work hard. To become a swan is because the parents are swans. If the parents are ducks, they will definitely be ugly for the rest of their lives.

He has seen too many poor people who are greedy for wealth and honor, and maybe they really want their son to be well, and want the child to live a good life, but that has nothing to do with him. Secretary Fang knows that according to the boss's personality, he will never treat him The young master returned it.

Sitting beside Xiao Qingrong, Xiao Ming also listened carefully to Secretary Fang's words, but also summed up the news from Secretary Fang's mouth. It was nothing more than that the biological son who might be his father was not in good health, so he didn't come. He probably didn't intend to recognize his father either. This kind of thinking made Xiao Ming very unhappy. His father is so good, why wouldn't he recognize his father

And what about Xiao Qingrong? Hearing Secretary Fang's high-sounding words, the corners of his lips curled up, and he looked at the Secretary Fang who was bound to win this time.

"My son doesn't think his mother is ugly, so naturally he won't think my father is poor. Besides, Ming'er has grown up with me since he was a child. Now he is in good health and is so good. If you say a word, you will take him away, but you don't like me. Well thought out, let me tell you, I won't accept the money, and Ming'er won't let you take it away. If you insist on taking Ming'er away, then send back my so-called biological son and let me see, he Is it my own son!"

What he said was not at all like what a person from a remote country could say. He was so sensible. He was neither tempted nor frightened by Secretary Fang's money. He just had his own views on this matter.

When Secretary Fang heard this, she put away the smile on her face. She originally thought that the people here should be easy to deal with, but she didn't want to encounter a hard problem.

"Mr. Xiao, I advise you not to toast or eat fine wine. If you are not satisfied with half a million, I can give you two million. The second young master is the boss's child, not yours. I hope you can understand."

The ferocious sneer had already torn off the mask of hypocrisy at this time, Secretary Fang no longer pretended, Xiao Ming was taken aback by this change of face.

What Xiao Qingrong hated most in his life was being threatened. Now he looked at Secretary Fang and snorted coldly, but got up and walked towards the kitchen. Even Xiao Ming didn't know what his father was going to do. When I didn't know why, I saw Xiao Qingrong came over with a kitchen knife, and directly chopped the kitchen knife on the table, making a roar.

"Secretary Fang, right? I don't know any laws, but if someone takes my life from me, I don't mind fighting him. You say you guys should leave my house sooner, or my kitchen knife faster?"

He was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the kitchen knife, especially Xiao Qingrong's look of killing people, and his cold eyes made Secretary Fang and the others dare not move for a moment, so they could only stiffen their bodies and speak.

"Mr. Xiao, please speak up if you have something to say."

They came here to negotiate, but they didn't bring anything. If it was really chopped up, it would be too late even if it was sent to the hospital in a remote area. Secretary Fang still cherishes his body. .

"There's nothing to say, you can go now, if you can bring that young master, I can still consider letting Ming'er be taken away by you."

Xiao Qingrong held the kitchen knife with callused hands, and really missed his scalpel, but it was in the space, and it took 618 to take it out, Xiao Qingrong couldn't use it now...

In the end, Secretary Fang and the others fled in despair and left the Xiao family. As for whether they left or not, that had nothing to do with Xiao Qingrong.

It was the first time Xiao Ming saw his father so angry, and he even took out a kitchen knife to threaten him. Now that everyone was gone, he hurriedly pulled his father's hand away, and promised.

"Dad, don't worry, I will definitely not go with them. I only have you as a father. I don't believe that my own is not your own. If I were not your own, would you treat me so well?"

Ever since he was a child, Xiao Ming was really loved and loved. Although he only had one father, there was no shortage of love. Don't look at people outside, Xiao Ming is as tall as a wolf cub. Fear, but at home, at best, it is a little puppy.

Ever since he became sensible, he learned to cook by himself because he knew that his father was not good at cooking. For so many years, it was Xiao Ming who cooked for his father and himself, and he also liked the feeling of cooking.

Only now did Xiao Qingrong set his sights on this cheap son. He was not interested in women, and he was naturally not interested in men. Although he is tall and big, his clean eyes are full of flattery, like a puppy who is afraid of being abandoned, he also thinks it is a little cute.

He stretched out his hand and pinched the child's face until his face turned red before he spoke.

"Have you made a decision? Won't you go with those people?"

Now the conditions at home, think about what Secretary Fang said about the top 500 in the world. Anyone with a brain should know what a good condition is. If this child makes a promise now, who knows if he will regret it in the future

Xiao Ming blushed when his father pinched him. Although it hurt a little, he still had a playful smile. In front of his father, an elder, he was just a child who could act like a baby.

"Why go with them, Dad, I am your son, besides, even if these people are not human traffickers, what they said is true, my so-called rich parents didn't come to me, they just sent someone Come and pick me up, you can tell at a glance that you don’t like me very much, and I’m not stupid, but I’m going to stick to them to please them? Don’t they just have money? When I grow up, I will earn more money and spend it with my father. Take Dad to travel around the world! Make them mad!"

After all, he was only fourteen years old, and he was still a child. Regardless of his size, he was already the same as an adult, but his speech was still childish. The immaturity and innocence between his eyebrows and eyes flattered Xiao Qingrong.

"Okay, Dad has you, it's not in vain to raise you. I think the same as you. In my heart, you are Dad's only son, and there is no one else."

These words successfully made Xiao Ming happy. He was a little worried that the so-called father's biological son was real, but now seeing that his father didn't recognize this matter at all, he smiled all over his face, looking a little silly of.

"Okay, you go and change your clothes, we will sneak away from the back mountain later, I don't think those people are idle people, maybe there is going to be trouble, we two are weak, and we are afraid that we will be bullied. "

Xiao Qingrong saw Secretary Fang's gaze when he left just now, and knew that the other party was a person who would use any means to achieve his goals. Since the peace talks did not succeed, he would definitely use special means...

Xiao Ming was also taken aback, looking at his father, he couldn't believe it.

"Are they going to deal with us?"

It's just that he didn't follow them back, so are they going to deal with him and his father? Xiao Ming couldn't figure out what was going on.

"It's not against you, it's against me. If I die, you can be taken away in a fair manner."

Xiao Qingrong sneered. As a businessman, he understands the thoughts of those superior people best. In the eyes of these people, ordinary people are not as good as a treasure in their hands. In order to achieve a certain goal, any means have become a necessary means. Secretary Fang knew at a glance that it was not a fuel-efficient lamp. Xiao Qingrong believed that the other party would definitely not give up on taking Xiao Ming back, so if he, a father, did not compromise, he would definitely resort to means.

The easiest way... Isn't it to kill him

Xiao Ming looked at Xiao Qingrong in fright now, he couldn't believe what he heard, and then his eyes were full of fear.

"He, they dare to kill?"

If so, it would be too scary... This is something Xiao Ming never thought of.

"Oh, what are these people afraid of? The people in the village are not too close to our family. I haven't had much contact with the people in the village these years. If I die, I just need to spend money to seal the people in the village. mouth, and take you away again, who would know what they did?"

Xiao Qingrong knew that his current physical condition was not suitable for confronting people head-on, so the best way was to leave first.

Now Xiao Ming was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he was even a little scared. He wanted to say something, but Xiao Qingrong arranged for a change of clothes. Afterwards, Xiao Qingrong also went to his room, and took the money that his body had been saving for a long time. This money is nearly 300,000 yuan. It is money that this body has saved for a lifetime, just to buy a house for his son in the city to take root in the future, and now, it just happens to be used to escape.

The father and son quickly changed their clothes, put on masks, and walked out through the back door towards the back mountain.

It was once rumored in the village that Xiao Qingrong was a lone star of evil spirits, so the house of the Xiao family had been occupied long ago. Nian Xiao Qingrong made so much money by going to the back mountain to collect medicine, and he is most familiar with the road in the back mountain.

The father and son had already hurriedly walked away from the back mountain, while Secretary Fang and the others came to the village chief's house and brought good wine that the village chief had never drunk.

"My uncle said that Mingwazi didn't look like Lao Xiao at all. His wife was so sick back then, even if he went to the city, the child would definitely not be able to keep. Many people said that the child was Lao Xiao. I bought it with money, I never thought Lao Xiao would be so dishonest that he would steal a child?"

The village chief couldn't believe it while drinking, while the secretary and the others sitting in front of him looked miserable.

"Our boss and the proprietress have been searching for the young master for many years. At the beginning, the child was stolen in the hospital. Now we finally found evidence to prove that the young master was taken away by Xiao Qingrong. Now we came here to bring the young master home. , but the young master has been deceived by the thieves, he doesn't believe us at all, and he doesn't want to go back... "

This is pitiful, the village chief shook his head when he heard it, and felt that Mingwazi had a great fortune, that his parents were so powerful, a president and a rich lady, it really was a match made in heaven, but he thought of the Xiao family's misfortune thing, he sighed.

"Hey~ It's no wonder that the child was deceived. Although Lao Xiao brought the child back and saw that the conditions in our village were not good, but Lao Xiao really took Xiao Ming into his heart. The whole village, I'm afraid So Xiao Ming had the best life, even though he didn't have a real mother, he was loved by the old Xiao, and he had new clothes every year... "

The village chief who drank a little too much chattered, Secretary Fang and the others had smiles on their faces, but they were still unrelenting.

"Village chief, even if he is kind to the young master, the young master should be born with gold and jade, and the proprietress and the boss have missed the young master for so many years. This place can be regarded as burying the young master. When you get older, Xiao Qingrong It's a personal trafficker, a criminal who stole a child. At a young age, the other party is not a good person. Now we went to the village to pick up the young master, but he threatened us with a kitchen knife, saying that he would hack us all to death. In the village, we were really terrified, and we came to the village chief when we had no choice, and we wanted the village chief to help you... "

It's noon now, and the village head can naturally hear Secretary Fang's meaning. He just wants the villagers to help restrain Xiao Qingrong and let these people take the child away, but even after drinking so much wine, the village head He didn't let go until Secretary Fang took out a card.

"This is 200,000 yuan. I bought wine for the village head. It's not respectful. The village head is a good person and good deeds. He will help people to the end. Let our young master come home with us..."

Now, the village chief raised his eyebrows, knowing that these people were rich, but they were still a little stingy.

Secretary Fang continued to argue with the village chief. Xiao Qingrong had already led Xiao Ming down the mountain. Both of them grew up in the village here, so they were in good physical condition. They walked along the way, because it was noon. They didn't meet anyone, and they left Ping'an Village quickly, and then took a motorcycle on the side of the road, and within 20 minutes, they were sent to Jiangcheng County.

"I'm going to get the money. Let's take the county car and go to other places later."

It is definitely not acceptable to fly. If you need to use your ID card, you will be investigated soon. After all, there are still many private detectives these days. Xiao Qingrong has many ways to avoid these pursuits.

When they arrived at the ATM, Xiao Qingrong took out 20,000 yuan, and then dragged Xiao Ming to the passenger terminal.

Even if the economy is so prosperous and the country's verification is so strict, as long as you don't go to the station to take a bus, you don't need to check your ID card.

The two successfully found a black car from Jiangcheng County to Hanzhou City. If Jiangcheng County is still a small place, then Hanzhou City is the largest transportation hub in the country. Millions, arguably the best place to hide.

Sitting in the car, Xiao Ming was still a little nervous. For such an older child, his complexion was not very good. Xiao Qingrong fed him the motion sickness medicine, and he fell asleep immediately.

As for Ping'an Village, Jiangcheng County, Secretary Fang finally negotiated the price with the village chief, one million, and without anyone knowing it, causing an accident and letting Xiao Qingrong, the damn human trafficker, die, as long as the village chief is willing, Fang The secretary is also willing to compensate each family in the village with 20,000 yuan.

Of course, the village chief would not miss such a good deed. The Xiao family had no relatives in the village, and besides, they had the name of the lone star of the evil spirit, so the village chief felt that he was killing harm for the people!

Today's villages are all related to the nearby Public Security Bureau, so it is easy to deal with a person's unnatural death.

For example, it is rare for a dead person to report for investigation and be verified by a forensic doctor.

The village chief gathered the people in the village and planned to do it together. After all, it was agreed that it was an accident, and everyone should see what happened if they were not careful. Only in this way can we explain it clearly in the future.

He didn't think it was a terrible thing to murder a person for a million.

After hearing what the village chief said, the people in the village realized that Xiao Ming's child was really not Xiao Qingrong's own, not only was it not his own, but Xiao Qingrong was actually a human trafficker! Now rich people come to the village just to get their children back, and now they want to catch the traffickers with their own hands. As long as they all help, each family can get 20,000 yuan!

This year, 20,000 yuan is not something that villagers can easily earn, so naturally they were very excited. Many people gathered at the door of Xiao Qingrong's house immediately, but they didn't expect that after rushing in, they discovered that .

There is no one in this room...