Super Male God System

Chapter 435: A substitute wants to take over


After Mr. Xiao was angry with Boss Xiao for a while, he went out angrily to invite someone to play chess, leaving Father Xiao and Boss Xiao behind. Father Xiao respected this brother very much, and what outsiders saw was This elder brother is unrestrained, but Father Xiao knows that his elder brother is the smartest.

Boss Xiao used to be a storyteller, why did he say that? Because he was a young man who was crazy about love back then, but unfortunately, that girl was not Boss Xiao’s true destiny, not only that, but the girl even deceived Boss Xiao’s feelings, after that, Boss Xiao changed, Lingering in the flowers has become synonymous with him, and the doctrine of unmarriage has also made him what he is today.

For children, Boss Xiao never liked them, so he liked his younger brother's son Xiao Qingrong very much.

"Little brother, I read the news recently, but there is a person who looks a lot like Qingrong, sister-in-law didn't make things difficult for you, right?"

Although he knew that his younger brother and his younger sister-in-law had a good relationship, Boss Xiao was also a person who cared about entertainment news. Naturally, he had seen the news that Xiao Yitong might be the illegitimate son of Xiao's father, so he had time to tease him now.

"Brother, from what you said, Arui is the one who believes in me the most. Besides, Ari is the only one I love in my life. How can I have other children? But I have an idea. Are the things in the hospital really safe?"

In fact, if it wasn't for this news, Xiao's father would not have suspected his brother. After all, it had been a long time since his brother had frozen the thing. He wanted the best, so after Xiao's father saw Xiao Yitong, he always felt that this person was similar in some way, not with himself, but with his elder brother.

"How could it be unsafe? That was a private hospital. How much money did I spend to keep my things? Anyway, I'm not like you. I guess it's impossible for me to get married in this life. It's not certain when I will have children. , I think it is enough for our family to have Qingrong, he is just playing around in the entertainment circle, anyway, sooner or later he will go home and inherit the family business."

He didn't have a lot of ideas about heirs. Boss Xiao always regarded Xiao Qingrong as his own son, so he didn't feel that it would be bad if he left his things to Xiao Qingrong in the future.

Xiao's father also sighed when he heard this, and said that his elder brother is really open-minded, if he were to say it, he probably wouldn't be able to be so open-minded.

"Brother... you really don't plan to get married?"

Eldest brother also has a lot of lovers outside. If there are people who want to give birth to elder brother, they may be able to line up, but elder brother has always had the idea of getting married, no wonder his father is angry.

Boss Xiao was really calm. Hearing Father Xiao's words, he nodded calmly.

"Of course, what's the meaning of marriage? Haven't you heard of it? Marriage is the tomb of love. I'm destined to go farther and farther in the pursuit of love in this life. It's absolutely impossible for me to enter the tomb of marriage." , if you are worried about my pension, then you are worrying in vain, I have money, and this child Qingrong is also filial, how can you treat me badly?"

When a person is open-minded enough, he will probably be happier, and Boss Xiao is like this.

Father Xiao felt even more indescribably sour. Seeing that his elder brother's hair had turned gray, he didn't say any words of admonition in the end, knowing that his elder brother didn't like to hear his words.

"Brother, Qing Rong will definitely be very filial to you."

The two brothers were in harmony, and in the entertainment circle, a new turmoil had begun.

At the beginning of September, the most surprising thing for everyone was that the TV series "One Sword and Frost Fourteen States" was about to be broadcast. The time for this drama, which was touching the tail of the summer vacation, was actually not very good, but the previous summer vacation was broadcast. Other powerful TV dramas have taken their place, and now they can only keep up with the end of early September.

Fortunately, this is the case. The update method of "One Sword and Frost Fourteen States" did not follow the way of broadcasting every other day or on weekends like summer vacation. Instead, it became a broadcast method of two episodes a day. It can be said that such a continuous The broadcast method also has a great impact on this TV series.

Since it was broadcast that night, "One Sword and Frost Fourteen States" has been on the hot search directly. There are fans of Xiao Qingrong scolding, but it is a good signal anyway.

The number of Xiao Yitong's fans gradually began to climb, and some fans called Brother Yitong, thinking that Xiao Yitong's acting skills were much better than Xiao Qingrong.

Almost a week has passed, "One Sword of Frost Fourteen States" has been hotly searched all day long, and its ratings have even broken two, which is already a very good result among idol dramas. Acting skills became a trending search, and it was the first time a trending search that had nothing to do with Xiao Qingrong made the popularity of passers-by a lot better.

After all, many people lick Xiao Qingrong's appearance, but essentially think that idols can't act. Although Xiao Yitong's appearance is not as high as Xiao Qingrong's, but his acting skills are good. He played the male second very well. The show was robbed, but the second male lead was still very good, so Xiao Yitong, who was originally an idler, finally got a new entertainment company to sign.

As a reborn person, Xiao Yitong was very careful in choosing the company, and finally chose the most powerful entertainment company besides Xiao Qingrong's company. He hoped that he could put Xiao Qingrong under his feet, and he had been acting as a substitute for Xiao Qingrong in his previous life. , had a great impact on Xiao Yitong.

After Xiao Yitong signed the contract with the company, it proved that he had his own team. The team planned to set up a personality for Xiao Yitong. Since the good-looking personality can't be set up, it can only position Xiao Yitong as an acting school. , so there is a comparison between Xiao Yitong's acting screenshots and Xiao Qingrong's acting screenshots on the Internet.

#Xiao Yitong Xiao Qingrong Acting Skills Competition#

#Xiao Yitong hangs and beats Xiao Qingrong#

This kind of very eye-catching and hot search was arranged immediately. Although Xiao Yitong felt a little bad, he also knew that he and Xiao Qingrong were destined to be incompatible, so there was no plan to resist the company's arrangement, just looking at himself There are more and more fans, and I am very happy.

When watching hot searches at night, Xiao Yitong had a smile on his face. In his sleep, he saw that he finally recognized his ancestors and returned to his ancestors. everything, seeing himself standing at the pinnacle of the entertainment industry.

In the dream, he was not Xiao Qingrong's substitute, nor was he the child whose father was unknown. He was Xiao Yitong, the son of that person, and he was a more beloved existence than Xiao Qingrong! !

A month of continuous broadcast is enough to bring this TV series to an end. In the coming end, "One Sword and Frost Fourteen States" is indeed very popular, and even the TV series' network broadcast volume and ratings even It has reached around 3:8. All the people who performed well in this TV series have their own enthusiasm, but what about Xiao Qingrong? Although it was stepped on, the company believes that soon, netizens will be slapped in the face.

During the Golden Week on October 1st, after an early road show, the movie "Black and White" finally officially met with everyone in theaters. Xiao Qingrong even updated Weibo on that day to promote the movie he participated in for the first time.

Just two months ago, when the trailer of "Black and White" was released, fans were already shocked by Xiao Qingrong's gorgeous attire, and they all speculated what kind of movie it was. Some thought it was suspenseful, some thought it was criminal investigation, Some people think it's scary. Anyway, everyone has their own guesses. After all, the licking dogs still have to go to the cinema to watch.

Of course, judging from the exposed trailer, the homicide cases are enough for fans who like criminal investigation to ask for money to buy tickets.

On October 1st, apart from "Black and White", three films were released overseas, while eight were released domestically. In such a prime time, "Black and White" did not have any advantages. It could even be said that except for Xiao Qingrong, almost is nothing.

Through the pre-sales on the Internet, you can see the intuitive results. Compared with other films with box office pre-sales of 20 to 30 million, the pre-sale tickets of "Black and White" are only a little over 10 million. It can be said that in such a big The era of data flow is really miserable.

However, this has nothing to do with Xiao Qingrong. Compared to the nervousness of director Wang and the screenwriter, Xiao Qingrong took his family to the movies at the expense of money. Although there is a private theater at home, it is better to go out and watch movies that he acts in. .

Although Mr. Xiao didn't support Xiao Qingrong's going to the entertainment industry earlier, he thought it was very messy, but he didn't expect his grandson to become famous overnight, so Mr. Xiao could also enjoy the feeling of a celebrity grandpa, which is not exclusive.

This time Xiao Qingrong please watch the movie, that is Mr. Xiao, Mr. Xiao, and Mr. and Mrs. Xiao, all the other tickets are given to his cronies, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Xiao, Mr. Xiao and Mr. Xiao also secretly reserved the show for their friends to support. Take a look at Xiao Qingrong's movies. You know, you can watch TV dramas when you turn on the TV, but movies are different. Movies are relatively high-end when you listen to them. Therefore, everyone is very supportive of grandson's first movie.

The box office statistics for October 1st came out soon. After the first day, "Black and White" only got 50 million box office excluding the pre-sales, which is far from the box office of other tens of millions. Even so, Director Wang was very relieved.

After all, according to Director Wang's plan, "Black and White" relies on the plot to win, so there must be many fans who will go to the second time after watching the first time, and the box office will rise by then.

After seeing such achievements, the media even thought that "Black and White" was a fan movie, because it seemed that the only thing boasted on Weibo was Xiao Qingrong's beauty in the prosperous age, and no one talked about the plot at all. There is no plot, but the evaluation of Tudou is particularly high, making people wonder if Xiao Qingrong's fans deliberately brushed the evaluation.

Of course Xiao Yitong paid close attention to Xiao Qingrong, not only because of their special concern, but also because Xiao Yitong had always been Xiao Qingrong's stand-in in his previous life. He remembered that Xiao Qingrong never filmed "Black and White", so he also bought a movie ticket that day Went to the cinema to watch this movie.

Compared with the reaction of the outside media, Xiao Yitong thinks that the movie "Black and White" is really exciting. Even Xiao Qingrong's performance is unique. You can't say how good his acting skills are, but in this movie, he appeared Just right, exaggerated, and bright, as if all the good things fell on him, but it made people feel that such good things were so false.

He had a hunch that the movie would eventually be a hit.

As the first time the popular Little Fresh Meat starred in a movie, it actually looks like this kind of fan movie. Most of them will hit the street. Even if it is relying on fans, it can get a score of 100 million or 200 million, and it has come to an end. All media people Everyone thought that "Black and White" would soon become Xiao Qingrong's first blockbuster work in film history.

It's a pity that everything didn't go as they expected. On the first day, the box office of "Black and White" was more than 50 million, but the box office on the second day became more than 80 million. On the third day, it unexpectedly rose to One hundred million! Compared with the continuous decline in the box office of other movies, the movie "Black and White" has become a dark horse in this 11th Golden Week with its strange rise.

By October 4th, the evaluations of professional film critics on the Internet were already flying all over the sky. They were all from the audience and everyone's tap water. Most of them would not mention Xiao Qingrong or acting skills. Instead, they were discussing the plot intensely. The most critical plot is whether the person captured in "Black and White" is the real murderer, and is the murderer the character played by Xiao Qingrong

If so, how terrifying and seamless is all this case? If not, then what kind of person is Xiao Qingrong playing in the role

With the gradual decline of the fan economy these years, the public does not blindly pursue the star lineup and special effects when watching movies, but instead begins to pursue the plot in the movie. "Black and White" uses a unique and wonderful script to make the audience feel twice. Even walked into the cinema three times, which resulted in the box office not only not falling but even increasing.

The president of Xiao's enterprise and Xiao Qingrong's father even gave out movie ticket stubs, making people joke why they didn't rent a few movie theaters for Xiao Qingrong.

When Director Wang saw this result, tears filled his eyes with excitement. After the 11th Golden Week passed, the box office statistics finally came out. Unprecedented excellence, and with the attitude of a dark horse, he won a box office of 700 million. It can be said that Xiao Qingrong's investment has all been returned, and he can also earn a lot of money.

Judging from the total investment of "Black and White", in fact, as long as the box office is 500 million, it is very profitable.

#《黑白》年黑马电影# also quickly became a hot search, Xiao Qingrong, as a popular traffic idol, also officially made his first brilliant achievement in the film circle...