Super Male God System

Chapter 438: A substitute wants to take over


For a while, Xiao Yitong didn't expect to hear this sentence, and couldn't help looking at Xiao Qingrong in front of him, but found that the other person's eyes were full of sarcasm. At this moment, he felt as if he had been stripped naked General feeling.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yitong believed that his mother would never deceive him. In his mother's eyes, he was the most important person. Besides, his mother was about to die at that time, so how could he deceive himself

"What do I mean? The outside world only knows that my father is the heir of the Xiao family business, so many people think that the Xiao family has only one son, my father, and there are very few media reports, but are the facts you see the real facts? ?You are in the entertainment industry, so you should understand better that the so-called media information is just the result of filtering out a lot of big data, so... We are not biological brothers. If your father is really the young master of the Xiao family, Then you and I should be cousins, but my uncle is still unmarried and has no idea about children, so you are looking for me today because you want to recognize your ancestors?"

It's not that Xiao Qingrong is talking nonsense, but he is like an uncle, but he doesn't look like someone who would take children seriously. If it is said that Boss Xiao had a little love for children before, then these loves were all given to Xiao Qingrong. Not for anyone else.

After all, there are only so many human emotions, if you give them this one, that one will be gone.

Xiao Yitong didn't know what the look on his face was like at this time, seeing Xiao Qingrong's calm look in front of him, he couldn't believe what the other party said.

"Isn't your father the young master of the Xiao family?"

The mother's last words at the time were that his father was the young master of the Xiao family, so after Xiao Yitong's investigation, he felt that he and Xiao Qingrong were brothers, and the two had many similarities before his plastic surgery, otherwise, Xiao Yitong would not undergo plastic surgery after rebirth, and then want to return to the Xiao family in this way.

No matter where the Xiao family is, it is like a giant, a huge gold mine, attracting him.

"Yes, I have an uncle above me. My uncle is an unmarriageist. He may have left his own sperm in the hospital... But how did you get here, so you have to explore it carefully, after all My uncle didn't donate for free, how your mother gave birth to you seems to need to be investigated carefully."

Sitting there, Xiao Yitong held his hand tightly. He really didn't expect that after he came to find Xiao Qingrong, he would know such a result. The heir of the Xiao family he thought was not his father, and the Xiao family was not like As the news said, there was only Xiao Qingrong's father as a child, but there were other people. This made Xiao Yitong feel that his rebirth was like a joke, and his carefully calculated recognition of his relatives was also like a joke.

"... Before my mother passed away, she only told me that my father was the young master of the Xiao family, so I didn't know much."

Looking for a reason for himself, Xiao Yitong can almost guess how his mother got him, but it was many years ago, and his mother has passed away. Is it possible that these people still want to pursue it

Xiao Qingrong saw Xiao Yitong's evasion, but laughed.

"Seeing that we are cousins, I won't let people release the news tomorrow, but I will tell my uncle about this matter. What happens after that has nothing to do with me."

People are greedy, and it is impossible not to be moved by huge interests. In this world, money, beauty, and power are all things that people pursue throughout their lives. Xiao Qingrong doesn't care about Xiao Yitong's greed.

No one knows what the two of them talked about in this room, not even the managers of the two, especially when Zheng Ge saw that Xiao Yitong came out of the private room, his expression was not very good, and he suddenly had a feeling I can't feel it, could it be that I didn't talk about success

Also, how can a legitimate child have a good impression of an illegitimate child

It is true that Xiao Yitong has been regarded as an illegitimate child. After all, Xiao Qingrong's parents are very loving, and that is something that many people know.

But even so, after confirming that Xiao Qingrong would not cause trouble in a short period of time, Brother Zheng felt relieved a lot.

Sister Wang was not happy about stopping targeting Xiao Yitong.

"Why? Everything has been arranged."

Sister Wang was the most annoyed when Xiao Yitong trampled on her own artists before, so at this time, she finally had a chance to ruin Xiao Yitong's reputation, and Sister Wang was the last person she wanted to let go.

"He may be my uncle's son. How to deal with this matter, you have to say hello to my uncle."

Xiao Qingrong didn't hide it from his manager. After all, the manager and the artist are almost on the same boat. A proper mutual understanding can also make the work more comfortable.

"Ah?" Sister Wang was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect this to happen, and then she remembered Xiao Yitong's appearance similar to her own artist, and thought that the other party was a fake, but now it seems that it is not. It's because of the blood relationship.

"Let's leave it like this for the time being. I have already told my parents about it. I believe my uncle will deal with it soon."

Xiao Qingrong was very calm, and left the handling of this matter to others, but Xiao Qingrong was also looking forward to how his unmarried uncle would treat this son who appeared suddenly.

Here Xiao Yitong was tossed and turned because of the news he just received, and Xiao's father and Xiao mother who suddenly received a call from their son at night were also a little confused. After hanging up the phone, the two looked at each other and did not speak for a long time.

"... Big brother suddenly has a son, this... this father will be very happy?"

Xiao's mother spoke after a long time, but when she thought of Xiao Yitong's behavior of stepping on her son's position, she was a little unhappy, and there was no smile on her face. If it was the past, knowing that Xiao Boss has a child, Xiao's mother must be happy .

"...I don't know about it, why don't you call my brother?"

Xiao's father was also full of inconceivable thoughts. After all, it sounded strange to have a son who suddenly jumped out of his elder brother, but what he found out from his son was that the child thought he was his father, so he probably targeted his son in this way. The son took the blame for his elder brother, so Father Xiao felt that he must tell his elder brother about this matter, he must!

"That's fine, let's call, anyway, I won't be able to sleep tonight, big brother hasn't slept yet, right?"

Xiao's mother secretly came up with a bad idea. After all, thinking of her son being touched so much, she thought she was just a low-grade starlet, but it turned out that she had such a relationship with her family. Xiao's mother could not wait to tell Xiao about it immediately. boss.

So, did Boss Xiao who was called by them fall asleep

No, of course he hasn't slept yet. Not only did he not sleep, but he also has an appointment with a beauty. After all, although Boss Xiao is not young this year, he pays attention to maintenance and sells cosmetics. In her early teens, any woman would be willing to get along with such a man who is rich, talented and has a good personality.

So after receiving the call from his younger brother and younger siblings, he was stunned at first, and then looked at the little beauty who was only 20 years old next to him. When he thought that he suddenly had such a big child, his mood was like a roller coaster. Anyway, Is not happy.

"You go back first."

It was the first time that he was so rude to the little beauty because what happened was so strange that it simply exceeded his imagination.

However, after hearing the news, Boss Xiao immediately called the private hospital. After all, all the things left in the past were in the private hospital. Boss Xiao is not a fatherly person.

As for that child... Well, it's called Xiao Yitong, right

How do you feel that this name has been heard before

This night is destined to be a sleepless night, whether it is for Xiao Yitong or for the Xiao family.

Xiao Yitong couldn't believe that his father was not Xiao Qingrong's father at all, so who was the young master of the Xiao family? Who is his father

Thinking of the other party's silence when asking about Xiao Qingrong's situation, Xiao Yitong didn't know what to do.

When the hospital heard that the unmarried Boss Xiao suddenly had a child, he was a little confused. In addition, Boss Xiao said that the person belonged to their hospital, which made the hospital confused and started a thorough investigation overnight.

Of course, the people who eat melons on the Internet can't sleep, waiting for the latest melons to come.

Until the time when the gossip was not circulated, many people were a little nervous, thinking that it was about Xiao Qingrong and Xiao Yitong, but they didn't expect it to be exposed. The female star's touch of porcelain left the melon-eaters a little speechless.

Xiao Yitong's company felt relieved seeing this situation, but Xiao Yitong was a little nervous because he received a call about three days later.

Someone came to take his blood sample, and he was from the Xiao family. After the DNA results came out, Xiao Yitong would probably meet with the people from the Xiao family. Of course Xiao Yitong was terrified.

Because originally everything was aimed at the understandable Xiao father, but now his father has someone else, which is not a good thing for Xiao Yitong, and why has no outside world heard the name of the young master of the Xiao family? Is the other party just a dude? Otherwise, why did Xiao's enterprise skip this young master and choose Xiao's father

All kinds of thoughts filled his mind, Xiao Yitong was trembling, and Boss Xiao already had all the information about Xiao Yitong in his hands, especially after seeing this child's plastic surgery, he specially followed Xiao Qingrong's plastic surgery At the time, Boss Xiao frowned tightly...