Super Male God System

Chapter 78: Music spirit


There is a musician on the front line of the army, and the news that this musician has a ninth-level sound spirit quickly spread among the troops. After all, because of this ninth-level sound spirit, there are so many people who have advanced, almost accounting for the entire military camp. Twenty percent, don't underestimate this 20 percent, these people's advanced abilities alone can already exert the best effect on the battlefield.

Zhan Rui did not expect to meet Chu Yunyi. After confirming the other party's identity, he even sent someone to protect Chu Yunyi. After all, in Zhan Rui's eyes, Chu Yunyi is not only a musician, but also his The junior, who had lost the other party for ten years before, now that he finally saw the other party come back, of course he paid great attention to Chu Yunyi's safety.

Chu Yunyi didn't expect that he just went to see Uncle Zhan, and there were two more supernatural beings guarding him, and he couldn't refuse if he wanted to, but the two supernatural beings were very willing to guard Chu Yunyi, you know , Chu Yunyi is a person with a ninth-level sound spirit. As long as he creates music, it can upgrade people's abilities...

On the army side, many people know about Chu Yunyi, but few people have seen Chu Yunyi. In order to protect Chu Yunyi, Zhan Rui also worked hard.

Compared to Chu Yunyi, who was like a fish in water in the army, Huo Tiancheng was already going crazy. After all, he had to rely on Yinling's ability to hold a concert. Now that Yinling suddenly went on strike, the most difficult person was Huo Tiancheng.

Before Yinling disappeared, Huo Tiancheng had no choice but to ask the company to collect a lot of songs, intending to use these songs to please Yinling. In the past, when Yinling was unhappy, Huo Tiancheng would use this method to To please the Yinling, as a Yinling born out of music, it still likes all kinds of tunes.

But this time, Huo Tiancheng was about to miscalculate. Recently, Shadow has been in a very bad mood. It can be said that he is very depressed. The missing of Zitong makes Shadow not want to do anything, let alone the concert. Although he likes to be on the gorgeous stage Show yourself online, but right now, I'm really not in the mood...

Anxious Huo Tiancheng contacted his mother. Mrs. Huo couldn't believe it when she heard the news. Yinling, who had been obedient for so many years, suddenly stopped listening to her son. This made Mrs. Huo fly here overnight. Huo Tiancheng.

"Tiancheng, tell me, what's going on?"

This voice is good, why is it so disobedient? Even if she is coaxed with good music, she is still disobedient, and Mrs. Huo can't believe it.

"Mom, I don't know. The company has been urging me about the concert, but the sound spirit is completely uncooperative, and doesn't even show up. I can't help it. Mom, can you force him out? ?”

Huo Tiancheng looked very depressed. It has been more than half a month since the announcement of the concert. If this matter does not come to fruition, it will affect Huo Tiancheng's acting career. It has never appeared before. Huo Tiancheng really couldn't accept such a thing, and now it suddenly happened.

Mrs. Huo also frowned when she heard this, as if she was thinking about something, but Chu Yunyi's parents discovered the idea of taking other people's voices back then. They could only take other people's voices as their own, but music On the surface, the relationship between people and Yinling is master-servant, but in fact it needs careful management.

Over the years, Mrs. Huo knew that her son had always felt that the Yinling was not his. In addition, the Yinling was very smart and knew that her son was not its first owner, so she was not close to her son, even after so many years. The relationship between his son and Yinling has not been very good, and now something like this suddenly happened, Yinling is disobedient, Huo Tiancheng, as the master, has nothing to do...

"Otherwise, would you find some more tunes to please it?"

Knowing that everything about her son now comes from Yinling, Mrs. Huo has no choice. According to her thinking, the Huo family has a big business now, and it is okay to do anything wrong, even doing business, but her son insists on standing on the stage. It is really incomprehensible.

"I've been looking for it, Mom, I just want a way to make it obedient. You were able to snatch it from Chu Yunyi back then, so there must be a way to make it obedient, right?"

Looking at his mother expectantly, Huo Tiancheng also knew that he didn't have any talent in music, but this didn't mean he didn't like the cool stage. In order to stand on the stage, he took away Chu Yunyi's music spirit , He has never regretted it. In his opinion, Chu Yunyi has been taken care of by their Huo family for so many years. What happened to giving him Yinling? In the end, he didn't expect Chu Yunyi to run away from home and still disappear. Huo Tiancheng would be lying if he said that he didn't have any resentment in his heart.

Mrs. Huo was also helpless at this time, with a helpless expression on her face.

"Tiancheng, taking Chu Yunyi's Yinling back to you was already going against the sky. The Yinling and the master are mutual. If you treat him well, he will naturally treat you well. I have never supported it." What kind of star are you? Although you are famous now, it is the strength of Yinling. You can't write songs that Yinling likes. Sooner or later, this Yinling will leave you. Listen to what your mother said , That's it, okay? Let's go home and take over the family business, isn't it good?"

She stretched out her hand to hold her son. Mrs. Huo had a good intention. She betrayed her best friend for her son. Countless times in midnight dreams, she would feel ashamed to face her former friend. Now her son has enjoyed standing on stage for ten years. I'm so happy, this should be the end, right

If he announces his withdrawal from the entertainment circle now, he can still have a good reputation. If Yinling really disappears one day, wouldn't it make his son even more sad

The ninth-order sound spirit is powerful, but it doesn't mean that the ninth-order sound spirit will not die.

Huo Tiancheng never thought that his mother would say such a thing, he shook off his mother's hand, looked at his mother in disbelief, and asked.

"Mom! How could you do this? It's fine if you don't help me, but you want me to quit the entertainment industry. Do you know how much I love this stage? Do you know how much I like this stage? Go home and take over the family business? There are What's so good about it? Can I be like I am now, where everyone hugs and is sought after by everyone?"

His face was a bit ferocious, and it fell into Mrs. Huo's eyes, but he didn't know why he regretted it. If he hadn't done such a thing for his son back then, his son would not have been like this...

The so-called love of the stage is just to enjoy the vanity that is sought after by thousands of people, to enjoy everything that is now high above, but these things were originally stolen, and they will not last long. This Yinling is now on strike. If one day dies, then What will the son do

Could it be possible to snatch other people's voices again

The sound spirit in this world is unique and has never been similar. Mrs. Huo thought of the child who always smiled and called her aunt, and her eyes seemed to be full of stars. The sound spirit created by that child is also the same, azure blue His eyes look like angels...

"Tiancheng, it's been ten years, you should have woken up a long time ago. I came here this time not to tell you, but to inform you. Since the concert happens to be unable to be held, I'll ask someone from your company to notify you. The sound spirit has died, so you can return to a normal life."

The stolen things are not your own after all, and it is not a long-term solution.

"No! No! I still want to sing and have a concert. Mom, can you help me? Help me, I know you can. Back then you were able to make this spirit follow me, and you must have There is a way to make Yinling listen to me, right?"

Holding his mother's hand, Huo Tiancheng looked at his mother pleadingly, he didn't want to lose everything now, this was simply too cruel for him, after enjoying so much starlight and pursuit, he suddenly became an ordinary person. How can it be

Mrs. Huo did not speak, and broke away her son's hand. The owner of Yinling is a musician, but Yinling is alive and thinking. It is not a pet or a dog that can be domesticated casually. Now that this sound spirit is out of control, the best way is to give up everything you have now.

"Come here, look at the young master, no matter what happens, the young master is not allowed to touch any electronic products, and the young master is not allowed to go out!"

Madam Huo gave an order, and soon someone took action. Huo Tiancheng was controlled by someone. Although he wanted to struggle, he had no choice but to look at his mother pleadingly. He used to think that his mother could solve everything for him of.

"Tiancheng, mom, this is all for your own good, you should understand."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left, leaving behind Huo Tiancheng who looked like a madman.

Mrs. Huo has already calculated this matter. Regarding the matter of her son entering the entertainment industry, Mrs. Huo is actually not very optimistic about it. If she didn't love her son, she would not let her son stay in the entertainment industry for ten years. In the past ten years, Yinling was someone else's Yinling, and he was not used by his son at all. In this case, it will be very unfavorable to his son's development in the future. Just like this time, after Yinling's strike, all his son's jobs will be exhausted. Being affected, this made Mrs. Huo understand many things.

The sound spirit does not belong to the son, no matter how much the son pleases him, he will not be obedient. Instead, it is better not to use this sound spirit anymore. Without music, what about the ninth-level sound spirit? Isn't there only one end of death

And that brat Chu Yunyi, who fled to nowhere. For so many years, she has never found the whereabouts of this person. In addition, the members of the Zhan family are still eyeing him, which makes Mrs. Huo feel that this is the end of the matter. it's over.

If the members of Zhan's family knew that they had taken away Chu Yunyi's voice for their son, it might be bad for Huo's family...