Super Mothership

Chapter 105: professional


Hu Junchang thought about it in his heart for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and called Nie Yun.

In the last nuclear fuel transaction, in order to facilitate communication between the two sides, he and Nie Yun left each other contact information.

"Hello! Commander Hu?" Nie Yun's voice came from there.

"Yes, it's me! Haha! What is Brother Nie busy with recently?"

"Well... I recently got a piece of land and I'm about to start a farm!" Nie Yun said casually.

"Eh? Raising... a farm?" Hu Junchang was completely speechless.

Nuclear fuel, arms, iron ore... Now they are engaged in farming? ! Your business scope is too broad! Can it be a bit of a normal core business

"That... what are you raising?" Hu Junchang asked curiously.

"Oh, nothing, just some...!"

"What did you just say? What?"

"Don't you hear Commander Hu? I said, I only have some...!" Nie Yun raised his voice.

Hu Junchang: "..."

Is this a bad signal? probably? I really want to beat him up!

Hu Junchang rubbed his forehead. He realized that it was definitely a mistake to talk to Nie Yun! So he went straight to the point!

"Brother Nie, look, the day after tomorrow, cough, cough!... It's a traditional festival in our country. Do you have any big discounts there? I wonder if there are any 'gifts' like last time?" Commander Hu insisted. The scalp is finished!

"The day after tomorrow? What festival the day after tomorrow?" Does this question seem familiar

"Love... Valentine's Day..." Hu Junchang said that his old face was hot!

Nie Yun: "..."

"Commander Hu, do you have a holiday on Valentine's Day?" Nie Yun asked.

"Uh... don't let it go?"

"Are you free on the highway on Valentine's Day?"

"This... Of course it's not free..." Hu Junchang thought to himself, don't talk about it, what's the problem!

"Since it's not a national holiday, not even a holiday, how can we offer a big discount!" Nie Yun looked for granted.

Hello! Which merchants must offer big discounts on national statutory holidays! Did 618 ask for a holiday? Did Singles' Day require highways to be free? !

"Cough! In that case, don't you know that your 'bonus gift' is sold to the outside world? We want to buy some." Hu Junchang said with a solemn expression.

"Sorry, the production of this kind of gift is conditional. Only if you provide the goods, we can provide the corresponding improvement drawings!" Nie Yun finally revealed his true purpose!

small book booth

His meaning is very obvious. I just want your high-tech products. If you give me good things, I will give you better ones. Just ask if you are excited

Those two drawings are both bait and sincerity. Even if you know that I want your technology exchange, can you resist this temptation? !

And from the point of view of value, what they give is definitely more than what they pay, and the old man is not deceived to trade the old for the new! Where can I find such a good thing

"Sure enough!" Hu Junchang, who had already guessed for a long time, secretly said in his heart!

He didn't believe that pie would fall from the sky! If the other party really wants nothing else, it will make people doubt the purpose of the other party!

Trade your own technology for better technology? Hu Junchang was naturally moved!

Although I clearly know that with the reverse engineering ability of the other party, this kind of transaction will undoubtedly expose a lot of my own technological heritage, but this is like taking drugs, it will become addictive!

"Brother Nie, I can't decide this matter. I need to ask the above for instructions. Can you reply later?"

"Of course, welcome anytime!"

Hanging up the phone, Nie Yun showed a smile on the corner of his mouth. The bait had already been put down, and it was time to see if the fish would bite or not!

On the other hand, Neon has been furious lately.

First, his spy was caught by accident, leaving a big handle in the hands of the rabbit.

Then he was inexplicably noticed by Captain Ghost!

Although the account is not registered by himself, it is obvious that this is targeted by the ghost captain!

For the mysterious and unpredictable ghost captain, Neon is afraid!

Now many countries are staring at the ghost sea, in fact, they are staring at the other party's strange and unpredictable means of attack.

This advanced stealth and electromagnetic weapon is terrifying to think about! The technological generation difference is almost crushed! Almost all countries that have the strength to intervene have set up a ghost captain investigation team, trying to find out the clues of these two technologies.

However, now that he is inexplicably being noticed by Captain Ghost, why is this!

Soon after that, news broke out in the rabbit country that the spies of the Neon family not only killed the only Han family who might know the clue, but one of them also stole something from the Han family who was suspected of being the "Ghost Captain's Heart". Item escaped, whereabouts unknown at present!

Add in the indiscriminate attention of Captain Ghost, and it's only natural... all nations turn their heads to Neon at once.

This so-called "heart" is definitely in your hands!

Almost all countries have unanimously issued a request to immediately disclose the item and find out the clues of the ghost captain!

The United States even secretly sent a private letter to Neon: Oh, if you find something good and hide it secretly, Dad is not happy!

Neon wants to cry without tears! I don't even care if the thing is in my hand, but I haven't even seen the hair on that thing! I suddenly felt so heavy on my body and so heavy on my back!

Neon's first reaction was that the rogue rabbit took the opportunity to throw the blame on him, but according to the news from the rabbit's country, the elite agent Mao Lijun on his side was indeed missing!

How does this explain itself? Said that others ran away, but did not return to China? Maybe it was taken back by Rabbit's urban management team

I can't even believe this reason!

But where have people gone? This is the crux of the whole thing!

Could it be that after Maori got the treasure, he saw the money and ran away with it? How did your sister pass the political trial? !

"Ah!" Maori sneezed, exiting from the state of forgetting both things and me.

who? Who is talking about me

But these are small problems, the big problem is... I'm so hungry...

Maori looked up listlessly and looked around, wondering what time it was

How long have you been practicing? Three or four hours? Or seven or eight hours

In order to complete the task, I haven't eaten since last night, okay!

ah... so hungry...

"Hey! You don't care about food? According to the Geneva Convention, I demand the proper treatment of prisoners!" Maori shouted loudly to the surroundings.

Ten minutes later, there was no response from the empty surroundings...

gross profit:"… "

What are they trying to do? starve me

You went all out to catch me just to starve me to death

Maori has a cold sweat on his forehead!

No, no, this is definitely not what a "professional" should do! They must have a purpose!

Will starvation kill my will to resist? At the same time make my body weaker and less dangerous

I have to say, this trick... how useful he really is! Mao Li felt that he was too hungry to have any strength, and his combat power dropped by at least 50%!

However, there is no problem in dealing with the ordinary war five scum! All I have to do now is to save my energy and wait for the moment to turn around!

He closed his eyes again, wanting to enter the cultivation state again.


gross profit:"… "