Super Mothership

Chapter 111: Almighty haha


Captain Ghost's "hehe" suddenly made the captain of the Izumo feel a little drum in his heart. Could it be that those people in DYZ lied to us, and the "heart" was really snatched by our Neon

Haven't you seen the ghost captain scolding me? It must be a sarcastic laughter of distrust, right? Surely? !

Just when he was uneasy, "Captain! It's not good! Our No. 1 torpedo was launched!"

"What!?" The captain was shocked.

"Izumo! What are you doing? Why are you firing torpedoes at our ship?! We can't avoid it..." The captain of the crippled frigate exclaimed in the communication!

"Boom!" Even inside the bridge, this loud and clear explosion could be heard.

Captain Izumo turned to look at Captain Ghost in disbelief, however, the image of the skull on the monitor had disappeared.

"Captain! Our sea valve has been opened! Izu... The Izumo is sinking!" the monitoring personnel panicked.

"Is it possible to regain control of the battleship?" the captain asked eagerly.

"This... Our connection with the host has been physically cut off, it should be the Ghost Rider... Unless the computer room is broken, but even if the host is recaptured, it is conservatively estimated that it will take more than half an hour to restore the system!"

Captain: "..."

He looked around with a pale face, and after a long time he was unable to say: "All... Abandon the ship!"

After giving the final order, the captain of the Izumo always had a question in his heart.

As the source of this battle, the "heart", is it in our hands

On the deck of the Izumo, the two brothers looked at the frigate that was slowly sinking with thick smoke not far away.

"Tsk tsk, the boss's skill in making up the knife is useless!" The third child sighed.

However, the boss looked around and suddenly frowned, "Yeah! But before feeling emotional, I think we need to solve a very serious problem first!"

"Huh? What?"

"The silver shuttle was taken over by the boss and I don't know where it flew, so the question is, what should we do now..."

The third child looked at the sinking Izumo under his feet, and was stunned for a while before he realized it!

Although the two's jetpacks can fly short distances, but if you want to cross the ocean and return to the base, uh, let's wash and sink...

He was dumbfounded!

"Then let's call the boss and let him send Yin Shuo back to pick us up?"

"Alas! I tried it, the boss doesn't know what he's doing, there is no response to the communication at all..." The boss sighed!

This feeling of being forgotten is so sad...

"Uh... what do we do now?"

The boss looked around for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

The third child followed the boss's gaze and saw that not far from the two of them, a lifeboat was slowly leaving the Izumo...

"Boom boom boom!" Yin Shuo's engine made a low roar and flew towards the target at a supersonic speed of Mach 6! And the speed keeps increasing!

Although the two silver shuttles look identical in appearance, the one slightly ahead is obviously a bit unusual!

From time to time, it will do some strange and meaningless maneuvers such as continuous roller somersaults, climbs, dives, etc. It is like a naughty boy who just got a toy is playing naughty, giving people a strange feeling that this silver shuttle is alive!

This feeling is not wrong, because this is - "Nie Yun"!

To be precise, it was Nie Yun's consciousness that completely descended on this silver shuttle! It's a clone of him!

This is another way Nie Yun just developed to control the mechanical bugs! Nie Yun called it "arrival"!

The name is very coquettish, but the meaning is expressed very well! It's like playing a virtual game and getting a 100% virtual experience!

The function of this control mode is to improve the experience and flexibility of operation, but it requires a considerable part of Nie Yun's energy!

In a fashionable phrase, this skill requires mental energy!

The larger the group of mechanical insects descends, the faster the mental power consumed! After using it for a long time, Nie Yun will feel exhausted from his soul. Even if he replenishes energy, he can not eliminate this exhaustion. He can only recover through rest and sleep.

He didn't know why he suddenly awakened such a skill, but his intuition told him that it had something to do with the growing number of mechanical bugs.

The first experience of ultra-high-speed flight made Nie Yun a little excited. This feeling is completely different from sitting in the cockpit!

Then soon, he "sees" the goal of his trip. Yes, look! instead of radar!

Nie Yun, who has accurate location data of the opponent, needs to use radar to lock the enemy

As long as the other party is equipped with satellite GPS, believe it or not, Nie Yun can accurately locate it even with Baidu Maps! The error is still within 3 meters!

He was using the optical detection equipment on the silver shuttle at the moment, and directly locked the other party!

Those were 4 wide-wing single-engine single-seat fighters painted in silver-gray, flying at a speed of over Mach 1, and they were flying in combat formation towards the ghost sea.

The corner of Nie Yun's mouth twitched, wanting to try the feeling of an eagle hitting the sky for himself, he ordered another silver shuttle to turn around and circle around for cover.

And he directly turned off the plasma stealth system, leaving only the optical stealth.

"Di Di!" The fighter radars of all the neon pilots of the four-man fighter squad sounded an alarm almost simultaneously!

They looked at the sign of the enemy plane that was less than 5 kilometers away from them and was rapidly approaching on the radar, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat!

It was only when the enemy plane approached this distance that they discovered the opponent! And the other party is obviously coming for this self, and he should have discovered himself long ago!

You must know that modern fighter jets are basically over-the-horizon combat. Radar found that missile shooting down is the conventional air combat mode!

Talk about a concept, a short-range air-to-air missile with a range of less than 10 kilometers!

Then you can imagine what the concept of being approached within 5 kilometers is, that is to say, people can launch a few missiles long ago, and even if they can't shoot you down, they can make you directly exhausted!

The two are still facing each other, and the distance is rapidly approaching! It's too late for them to attack!

"Disperse!" The leader of the neon fighter team had only time to shout out such a sentence, and the four fighter planes were scattered a little embarrassingly!

"Whoosh!" The "Nie Yun Brand" Silver Shuttle swept past the captain plane at a relative speed close to Mach 7!

"呲!" A very short voice sounded, and the two machines passed by staggered.

Then the captain stared at a striking white mark on the center of his hatch cover in astonishment! He was sure that this was just left by the other party with his own wingtip air knife!

Precisely using a wingtip air knife to leave a white mark on your own cockpit canopy at a relative speed close to Mach 7? !

I must be hallucinating!

Izumo lifeboat.

The captain was sitting stiffly on the lifeboat at the moment. He looked to his left, a ghost rider was posing as a thinker, and sighed from time to time, as if he was in a very depressed mood.

Looking to the right, another Ghost Rider is looking bored at him and the rest of the neon soldiers on board.

All the neon people didn't dare to act rashly, and looked at the two with cold sweat on their faces.

The captain felt a grief in his heart at this moment!

your sister! I sank my Izumo, are you not going to let us go now? ! It's so bullying!

"Two... two? What are you trying to do? We have already been defeated, are you still unwilling to let us go?" He bit the bullet and said.

The two brothers sighed in unison when they heard this!

What can we say

Can we say that we were collectively forgotten here by our own boss? If you don't come to rub the boat, you have to go into the sea to feed the fish

What can we do when we encounter such a boss, we are also very desperate!

This is so embarrassing, I can't say it at all!

So the two could only helplessly look at each other.

Boss: "Hehe..."

The third child: "Hehe..."

There is absolutely no obstacle to the communication between the three of them, because "Haha" does not distinguish between national borders and languages.

Captain: "..."