Super Mothership

Chapter 112: Elders


The ghost sea is high in the sky!

"Mad!" This was the only thought in the captain's mind, he was just scared out of white sweat!

Under this kind of high-speed flight, the speed of human neural reflexes is completely impossible to respond to what is in sight, and the other party was in close contact with him just now! Even the turbulent shock wave caused by the air caused his fighter to shake significantly.

It is conceivable that as long as there is a slight deviation, the two planes are the thrilling scene of Mars hitting the earth!

"I can't see it! The other party is an optical stealth fighter! It should be a 'ghost in the sky'! It is small in size and has a speed of over Mach 5. The preliminary judgment should be a drone!

All planes cover me! I am the main attack! Wait for it to enter the battle, and then attack with missiles after the speed has slowed down!

While you cover me, pay attention to the movements around you. According to the information, there should be two of them! "The captain quickly gave the order, while manipulating the fighter to roll at a large angle, turning around and chasing in the direction where Nie Yun was gone.

"Yes, Captain!" A reply came in the communication.

Of course, the premise of launching a battle is that the other party wants to fight them. The speed of manned fighter jets is absolutely incomparable to this kind of unmanned fighter jets. You must know that the maximum design flight speed of the F-35A is only Mach 1.6!

If the other party wants to run, then the four of them will definitely not be able to catch up!

At this moment, there are two more questions in the captain's mind.

Isn't the opponent's aircraft radar stealth? Why can it be detected by its own radar

In addition, his own fighter jet is also stealthed by radar. Why can the other party clearly know his own flight path and rush straight towards him? It can't be a coincidence, can it

The four F-35As fought in a diamond-shaped battle formation, led by the captain, chasing Nie Yun.

Naturally, Nie Yun wouldn't just let these four preys go! However, if Yin Shuo activates all his abilities, it will be too bullying, and the other party has no chance at all!

He also wants to let Yinsuo collect some air combat data through actual combat! For the smart chip inside the Silver Shuttle, battle data equals battle experience!

Want to train an ace pilot? too easy! Let it fight!

In order to obtain some more combat data, Nie Yun turned off the optical stealth of Yinshuo again and used another camouflage template.

Then the Neon pilots discovered from the radar that the speed of the ghost in the sky dropped suddenly, Mach 4... Mach 3... Mach 2... The other party exited supersonic speed! Then the small-angle loopback completes the turn, and rushes to the 4 fighters again, the action is fast and smooth!

As the distance between the two sides narrowed, the four pilots looked in the direction of the radar positioning, and then they were all stunned!

It's not that there is nothing in the imagination, but there is a strange-mosaic in the airspace ahead? !

Everyone's eyes suddenly twitched! This painting style is a little curious, right

That's right, this is another camouflage template designed by Nie Yun - a mosaic template!

As the name suggests, although you can see the silver shuttle, it looks like a mosaic of various colors, which is specially used for camouflage in a non-stealth state. It can not only hide the details of the silver shuttle, but also very hot!

The air battle between a group of mosaics is definitely a unique experience in the lives of these 4 fighter pilots!

Although it was a group of mosaics, the captain was quite excited about the first observation of the specific form of the ghost in the sky. He immediately used high-definition camera equipment to capture the image data of the ghost in the sky, and then sent it back to the Neon headquarters synchronously!

Then, the captain turned his attention to the battle in front of him!

If they don't know what the other party wants to do now, that's stupid! Turn off radar stealth, turn off optical stealth! The other party is properly writing a gauntlet!

At this time, Nie Yun was very arrogant and did a few roller maneuvers and rapid lightning changes, and the meaning of the other party couldn't be more obvious!

When the 4 pilots saw this scene, their eyelids jumped!

The combat direction and acceleration and deceleration of drones are really both fearful and enviable, because they can completely ignore the overload caused by ultra-high acceleration on the human body, and make various amazing large-angle direction changes and accelerations and decelerations!

And the maximum acceptable overload of the average fighter pilot is below 9g! There is simply no way to make a maneuver like the opponent just now!

If the overload exceeds the maximum capacity of the pilot, the brain will either not get enough blood supply, or the blood will be excessively congested, which will cause problems such as black vision. If the overload continues, the pilot may eventually become coma!

Therefore, in the future, it must be a military development trend for unmanned fighter jets to replace manned fighter jets!

More and more facts are proving that the physical quality of human beings has become less and less able to keep up with the rapid development of technology!

Just as scientists predicted, in the future, human beings will either rely on artificial intelligence or use computer chips to assist the human brain, otherwise they will inevitably be eliminated by the development of the world.

From the battle between the two brothers today, it can be seen that the "new human beings" with the assistance of computer chips have an advantage in the face of natural people, and it is not an exaggeration to call it crushing!

At this moment, the confrontation between manned fighter jets and unmanned fighter jets is about to start at an altitude of 30,000 feet above the ground!

"Yeah! Confirm that the other party has fighting intentions, spread the distance, maintain a siege situation, and aircraft B will follow me on the flanks to cover! Aircraft C and D flank left and right, and at the same time launch an AIM-9X air-to-air missile to test the other party! Wait for the opportunity, I will use special missiles!" the captain commanded, tightening the joystick.


Although Nie Yun was obviously suspected of releasing water, the captain still decided to fight in groups and not give the opponent any chance!

snort! You will pay for your arrogance and arrogance! The corner of the captain's mouth evoked a sneer!

Neon DYZ.

The team leader of DYZ has been having a headache recently. The intelligence gathering operation in Rabbit country failed, and the spy was captured! Even his own competent general, Maori, has disappeared from the world, and his whereabouts are unknown! DYZ's ability has been questioned from all walks of life in China!

Externally, he also needs to explain to various countries why Neon is concerned by Captain Ghost, even though he swears and swears, rolling all over the floor to ensure that he will never grab the "heart" of Captain Ghost.

But countries naturally do not believe it! If you didn't grab it, what did you do to silence the Han family? You didn't grab it, why did the ghost captain suddenly @you

Then countries continued to press them non-stop to reveal the so-called "heart" of the ghost captain!

Even the United States sent an observer to stay in DYZ, in fact, to monitor DYZ's actions!

Everything went quite badly! This is all thanks to Captain Ghost! The team leader is now gnashing his teeth against Captain Ghost!

Everyone is an elder, so why bother your teammates!

"Team Leader! There is news from the Ghost Sea!" Hattori rushed in to report, his face a little heavy.

"Oh! Come on!" The team leader had a bad feeling in his heart when he saw Hattori's expression.

When Hattori was about to finish the information, the team leader almost rolled his eyes and didn't faint!

Two Ghost Riders Appear? The combat power broke the table and directly overturned almost all the armed forces on the Izumo? Then the ghost captain appeared, and the frigate was sunk by his own torpedoes? In the end, even the Izumo aircraft carrier was sunk by itself

That is to say, there is only one frigate left in the helicopter carrier formation that went out to perform the mission

"Are you sure the news is reliable?" the team leader asked in disbelief.

"Yes, this is what Captain Izumo personally reported to the headquarters before the sinking of the aircraft carrier, and..." Hattori hesitated.

"And what?" the team leader asked hastily.

"And... Captain Izumo finally cried and questioned DYZ in the name of the entire ship's officers and soldiers, whether Captain Ghost's 'heart' is in our hands..."

Team leader: "… "