Super Mothership

Chapter 124: The door is locked


Two-flying accounting method

Chu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and said that I believe in you!

While recording income and expenses, you have eaten up the utilization rate of funds? Does the money need to be turned around? !

"Then what, if you need money in the future, just take it directly. As long as it doesn't affect the steel purchase plan, the rest doesn't matter!" Nie Yun said indifferently.

"Nie Yun, putting your money in the bank to earn interest is a huge waste. I think so, why don't you consider taking the money to invest in the Chu family?" Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly suggested.

"Huh? Become a shareholder of the Chu family? Why do you want to do this?" Nie Yun wondered.

"Money makes money! This is a reasonable investment! If you put money in the bank, the interest will not be enough to beat inflation! Moreover, the Chu family is in a period of rapid development, and the annual growth is considerable!" Chu Xiaoxiao explained.

Nie Yun thought about it seriously and nodded, "Okay! I agree! I will buy shares!"

"You haven't even listened to my plan to buy shares, why did you agree!" Chu Xiaoxiao said speechlessly.

"You won't trick me! I believe in you!"

Chu Xiaoxiao blushed when she heard this.

Naturally, Nie Yun didn't really want to make that kind of money, but he considered that as the trade volume of iron ore grows, the benefits here will become larger and larger. Although the Chu family is his own agent, But the identity is a domestic private enterprise!

The benefits are proportional to the risks! With such a big piece of cake, it is difficult to guarantee that some major domestic forces will not use their brains!

But if Nie Yun owns the shares, then the Chu family is a "joint venture". Even if someone wants to use their brains, the state will not allow it, because to move the Chu family is to move Nie Yun, and it is to move the ghost captain! At that time, who will be counted by @

After discussing the matter of buying shares, Nie Yun hung up the phone and frowned at the holographic image in front of him.

As his eyes fell on the moon, the moon was enlarged by itself, slowly turning and appearing in front of Nie Yun.

Since the mechanical worm established a base on the surface of the moon, Nie Yun naturally made a comprehensive geological exploration of the surrounding environment of the base, but the data of the detection shocked Nie Yun.

Judging from the existing data collected by Nie Yun, the moon is obviously a relatively special satellite in the solar system!

First of all, the diameter of the earth is 12,756 kilometers, and the moon is 3,467 kilometers, which is 27% of the diameter of the earth.

However, the diameter of the satellites of other planets in the solar system does not exceed 5% of the planet, and no satellite is only a little smaller than the parent star!

In addition, scientists have used uranium-lead dating to analyze rock samples brought back from the moon by the Apollo spacecraft, and calculated that the moon's formation age is much older than the earth!

Therefore, some scientists in the world put forward the theory of lunar capture, thinking that the moon is a planet wandering from outside the solar system, and was captured by the earth when it passed through the solar system, and finally formed the current earth-moon system.

And another strange place is the density of the moon!

The volume of the moon is one-forty-ninth that of the earth, and its mass is about one-eighty-one of that of the earth, which means that the average density of the moon is much smaller than that of the earth! After calculation, the average density of the moon is only about 3 times that of water.

However, the analysis of Nie Yun's sampling data from the lunar surface shows that the density of rocks on the lunar surface is not low. Generally speaking, the closer to the core of a satellite or a planet, the denser its material will be!

Therefore, according to normal inference, the average density of the moon should not be so small!

Then Nie Yun made a seismic topography survey, and the shock wave lasted for a full 15 minutes!

For example, the humming vibration is only likely to last long when you hit a hollow iron ball.

In order to determine the most accurate results, Nie Yun conducted many experiments, but the experimental data were exactly the same!

This means... the moon is likely to be hollow!

Although the moon hollow hypothesis has long been proposed by scientists, it has never reached a conclusion. Today, Nie Yun finally proved this hypothesis through a large amount of experimental data!

This made Nie Yun very stunned, knowing that no naturally formed satellite or planet would be hollow!

"It's weird!" Nie Yun thought while looking at the image of the moon.

If it is not calculated that the hollow layer of the moon is too close to the core, excavation requires a lot of mechanical insects and consumes a lot of time, Nie Yun really wants to excavate now to see what is inside the moon!

Maybe you can find an underground world like "Journey to the Center of the Earth"? Are there aliens living in it

However, with the current scale of Nie Yun's mechanical worms on the moon, even if he is very curious, he is currently unable to dig and explore, and can only list this issue as an issue to be explored.

Kennedy Space Center.

Tom, Jerry, and Butch sat in the Soyuz manned spacecraft, waiting for the launch order.

Since the "Woodpecker" incident, NASA has made plans to return to the space station at a speed that has surprised the outside world! And it also generously covered a series of expenses from the launch of the spacecraft to the maintenance parts of the space station, which made all the participating countries of the space station very happy to give a thumbs up to the United States and praise the atmosphere!

Due to the strong request of Tom and other three astronauts, NASA decided to still carry out this mission by the three of them!

"What did you say? Get up where you fall! This task is very easy, just go up and change the oxygen tank!" Jerry cheered the two around him.

"Yeah! That's right! Let that woodpecker taste Tom's power this time!" Tom sneered while clenching his fists.

Jerry rests his forehead.

Soon, all launch conditions were ready, and in the deafening sound of jets, the Soyuz took three astronauts into the sky!

After a full day or so of flight time, the Soyuz arrived at the intended orbit, and the three astronauts could see the space station not far from the spacecraft from the display screen!

It looks the same as when they left! Of course, it just looks like...

When the United States disclosed the plan to return to the space station, Nie Yun had already received the news! What they saw at the moment was naturally a space station that had been cyborgized!

In order to eat these more than 300 tons of space station, Nie Yun mobilized almost all the "space spies" in space, and this place has become Nie Yun's "mechanical insect distribution center"!

Although limited by the number of mechanical insects, the full mechanical insectization has not been completed, but it is not far from this step.

"Hey! Guys! We're back! Everyone is ready to connect!" Jerry said excitedly.

Under the control of everyone, the Soyuz's small jet thrusters "chichi" intermittently sprayed gas, adjusted its orientation and slowly approached the docking port of the space station, and the spacecraft also extended a docking port at the same time, through the laser alignment device to ensure the two Docking accuracy.

It is not the first time for them to operate the docking work, they are very skilled, and various parameters are running very normal!

"Hey!" After a soft sound, the interfaces were exactly aligned.

"Phew! It's going well... OK! The air pressure on both sides has been balanced too! Tom, control the space station to match the interface, we're ready to go!" Jerry exhaled with a relaxed smile.

But after waiting for a while, there was no answer from Tom.

"Tom?" Jerry looked around suspiciously.

"Uh... Jerry, the space station isn't responding! I... I can't turn it on!" Tom continued to operate the control panel with sweat on his forehead.

"What?" Jerry was startled.

After the other two checked it out, all three were dumbfounded.

The docking port of the space station can't be opened!

"This... this is impossible! The monitoring equipment shows that everything is normal, why can't it be turned on? This is unscientific!" Butch said in amazement.

Tom looked strangely in the direction of the space station.

"You said... Could it be the woodpecker that locked the door?"

Jerry: "… "

Butch: "… "