Super Mothership

Chapter 13: People and guns are one


7am, South Bay Pier.

At this time, fishermen have been sailing out to sea one after another, and the sea that has been calm for a night has regained its popularity and vitality.

In front of a warehouse not far from the dock, a middle-aged woman in a professional suit was pacing back and forth anxiously, followed by four bodyguards, looking around vigilantly.

Although the years have carved some crow's feet on the woman's face, you can vaguely see how beautiful she was when she was young. She is Chu Feng, the chairman of the Chu Group.

"Mom!" A girl's call made Chu Feng's body stiff.

She turned her head and saw that her daughter, who had been missing for two days, was wearing a jacket, standing pretty in a corner not far away. Under the sun, the girl was smiling like a flower. Except for her hair that was a little messy, there seemed to be nothing wrong with her.

Chu Feng quickly ran two steps and hugged Chu Xiaoxiao tightly in her arms. "Xiaoxiao, you scared your mother to death, how is it, are you hurt?"

At the same time, four bodyguards guarded the mother and daughter in a square shape, while several police cars and dozens of police officers drove out of the surrounding area to surround the area.

The movement here surprised the fishermen around, and they all looked over, not knowing what happened in such a big battle.

Chu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and said that there were no more gangsters.

At this time, a square-faced middle-aged man in full armor and body armor walked out of the police, "Hello, Miss Chu, I'm Liu Guodong. How did you get out, where are the gangsters?"

"As I said, someone rescued me, and we got rid of those gangsters." Chu Xiaoxiao said angrily.

"Miss Chu, please cooperate and tell me the details. We suspect that the famous outlaw 'Desperate Saburo' kidnapped you nearby. They probably have firearms in their hands, which is very dangerous. Maybe you were rescued because of them. One of the means to an end, please also…”

"Mom, I want to go home..." Chu Xiaoxiao hid in Chu Feng's arms and said coquettishly.

"Okay, we won't ask anymore, go home immediately, go home!" Chu Feng glared at Liu Guodong, but the other party didn't dare to say anything.

Chu Xiaoxiao was lying in Chu Feng's arms, but her eyes turned to the sea not far away, where a dilapidated fishing boat was sailing out to sea...

——I am the dividing line of evil————

"Hey, Dad, look, is that the Sea Wolf over there?" The bald man stood at the bow of the boat and looked at it, pointing to a fishing boat in the distance.

Uncle Liu put down the cable in his hand and went over to take a look, "It looks really similar, but how is it possible, the keel is broken, let alone sailing, it is easy to not sink on the water, it should only be somewhat similar.

Alas, I don't know where this kid Nie Yun has gone, this kid just doesn't make people worry! "

"Don't worry, Dad, that guy is smarter than the sea monkey, and nothing will happen!"

"Well, hopefully!"

——I am the dividing line of evil————

"Ah, little ones! Get moving! A day's plan lies in the morning, and life lies in exercise! Those who should be in the sun and those who should be maintained should be maintained, don't be idle! Those new arrivals over there are all Get moving, go! Eat the mast!

Pay attention, eat as much as you eat, don't break it! "

On the Sea Wolf, Nie Yun shouted and directed the mechanical bugs to execute the "Sea Wolf Completion Plan"!

After sending Miss Chu away, Nie Yun can finally unscrupulously transform and strengthen the Sea Wolf. Last night, the mechanical bugs ate the speedboat, but they greatly expanded the group, and the number directly tripled. Now it is almost It can directly fill the skeleton of the Sea Wolf!

When he had breakfast in the morning, he suddenly thought, since the mechanical worm can transform into almost all substances, what if the mechanical worm is used to replace all the materials of the Sea Wolf

He has roughly tested it, and the strength of the items composed of mechanical insects is extremely high, which should be no less than special alloys, or even exceed.

A fishing boat built entirely out of special alloys! Thinking about it makes Nie Yun tremble with excitement!

As for why fishing boats? Nie Yun said that he was a glorious fisherman, did he really want to build an aircraft carrier

The Sea Wolf has already sailed away from the offshore sea and headed for the farther sea. There are no ships here, so the mechanical bugs can play freely.

At this time, the mechanical worms have turned back to silvery white. As the days go by after the fusion, the connection between Nie Yun and the mechanical worms seems to be gradually strengthening, and now they can observe the surrounding environment through the mechanical worms.

Now he can perceive that the mechanical bugs maintain this original state, and their efficiency in absorbing energy is the highest, and changing colors will affect their work efficiency.

Therefore, if a boat passes by, you will find a fishing boat on the sea that is full of silver light and full of the taste of local tyrants.

Endless light and heat bring plenty of energy, at least in terms of the current working state of the mechanical bugs, these energy sources are enough, but Nie Yun doesn't need to spend more money on fuel.

The mechanical worms tirelessly continue to "mechanize" the main body of the Sea Wolf. Whenever a component is eaten, the mechanical worm will use itself to rebuild a component to replace. If you use the words of a martial arts novel , the Sea Wolf is "reborn"!

Nie Yun was not idle either. He was digesting the spoils. The Swiss Army Knife and two pistols he obtained last night have been eaten up by mechanical bugs.

Nie Yun just tried the saber, and the strength has more than doubled. In addition, he personally commanded the mechanical worm and improved the sharpness. Now it can be said to cut iron like mud, and it can be called a magic weapon!

What surprised Nie Yun even more was that the pistols found from the second and third children had been strengthened, and when they were held in their hands, they suddenly felt connected by flesh and blood, which was the same as when he wanted to shoot the head for the first time yesterday. The rusty feeling of being shot in the chest is completely different.

He closed his eyes and connected his consciousness to the mechanical worm in his hand, and a magical scene appeared!

He seemed to be able to clearly sense the internal structure of the pistol in his hand, down to every texture.

"Crack!" Nie Yun still closed his eyes, loaded the pistol, opened the safety, and he could sense that with his movements, the bullet slipped into the barrel of the gun, and there was no obstruction in front of him.

"Bang!" He fired a random shot towards the sea.

The striker hits the bottom of the bullet, igniting the flammable paper inside the bullet, the bottom of the bullet explodes, pushes the bullet, and rotates to wipe out a spark from the gun chamber, which whizzes out!

"Huh!" Nie Yun opened his eyes, and his heart was extremely shocked. To be able to achieve this level, isn't this the legendary unity of man and gun

Since the fusion, his memory and comprehension ability have also soared. After feeling the ballistic trajectory of the bullet and his posture, he raised his gun and aimed at the cable on the mast.

"Bang!" Another shot, this shot... Naturally, it flew away.

"Bang!" Second shot! "Hey!" The bullet collided with the cable, creating a dazzling spark, and the ricochet flew into the sky.

And the cable was unscathed, leaving only a scratch, which was immediately restored by the mechanical bug, and no traces were seen again.

"Cool!" Nie Yun touched the gun body happily. Then he muttered, "It's just that this gun has no effect, it's a bit of a fly in the ointment!"

"Bah!" The cable broke directly at the spot where it had just been hit, and the entire sail fell with a clatter.

Looking at this scene, Nie Yun nodded with satisfaction, blew the muzzle, and spun the gun twice in a coquettish manner, and then the pistol suddenly changed into a ring and was placed on Nie Yun's hand.

As long as he wants, he can use this ring to transform into a pistol at any time.

He whistled and continued fiddling with the spoils, and behind him, the cables and sails scrambled up the mast and reconnected to the break.

Mechanical bug: "..." (This master is really hard to serve!)