Super Mothership

Chapter 41: Nuclear fishermen


secret base

After Nie Yun sent away the "Desperate Erlang" who was pale and sweaty, he lay leisurely on the reclining chair on the beach, closed his eyes and fell asleep. The afternoon sun shone on Nie Yun's body, making him feel so comfortable. To moan.

On the table beside him was the military laptop contributed by the mercenary, with an oversized signal receiving pot standing beside him, and invisible radio waves connected the computer to the satellites in space.

The development of the base was proceeding in an orderly manner, and Nie Yun, who had been stealing half a day of leisure, decided to participate in a current national entertainment activity—surfing the Internet.

It was definitely a novel experience for him.

"Oh, so that's what the Internet means, fun and interesting, connecting the world? Great technology!"

"Physical address, IP, it turns out that this is the ID card for the Internet. If you do something bad, you may be caught? So, do you lock the location of the network terminal? Global positioning! This is amazing!"

"Uh, hacking technology, learn a little bit, after all, the intention to harm people is indispensable, and the intention to guard against people is indispensable!"

"This... what is this! Ah! It's just irritating! It turns out that the human body can still be so exquisite, and the technology of human reproduction is really a profound knowledge! Study and study! You must study in depth!"

Nie Yun quickly flipped through a lot of basic knowledge about the Internet on the Internet, exclaiming and sighing from time to time, uh, of course there are some clips that are not suitable for children, minors under the age of 18 please do not watch and learn!

Countless data streams flashed through Nie Yun's eyes, absorbing knowledge from the Internet at an eye-popping speed.

As time went on, the cooperation between Nie Yun and the mechanical insect became more and more tacit, and it was almost approaching the highest level of unity between humans and insects.

Ahem, speaking in human words is that Nie Yun's control over the ability of the mechanical worm is getting stronger and stronger, and the mechanical worm has been completely used by Nie Yun.

For example, today's mechanical worms are equivalent to Nie Yun's external organs, which can function as a brain and a torso at the same time.

This naturally includes their storage and computing power. Storage and computing are originally what robots are best at!

It can be said that as long as it is recorded by the body of the mechanical worm, whether it is the information in the storage device such as the hard disk swallowed by the mechanical worm, or directly downloaded from the network to the local memory, it can be instantly remembered by Nie Yun, and through the super Strong computing power will digest it and learn.

Expressed with a relatively simple formula, network download speed = Nie Yun's learning speed!

He couldn't explain the source of this ability, he could only attribute it to his miraculous companionship with the Mecha-worm.

I am afraid that even the Ayres Civilization, the maker of the mechanical worm, never thought that there is a living body that can establish a soul connection with the mechanical worm.

The original intention of Iris Civilization to design the mechanical bugs is just to give them the ability to repair the damaged spaceship, so it only has the functions of storing spaceship models and deforming, disassembling, and recasting, and does not give them too much intelligence, and in order to Prevent the infinite replication of mechanical insects from causing flooding, and also limit their reproduction generations.

However, all this, under the baptism of various cosmic rays, extreme environments and a long time, the mechanical bug itself began to mutate.

In the end, it was completely broken by the fusion with Nie Yun. It can be said that after the fusion, Nie Yun and the mechanical worm have both evolved into a new life form and combined into a magical companion relationship.

If artificial intelligence is a special life with biological attributes born from machinery, then the companionship of Nie Yun and mechanical insects can be defined as the perfect symbiosis born from the perfect fusion of biology and machinery!

Not only have the infinite replication of mechanical bodies, super computing power, but also the characteristics of self-judgment and continuous evolution of living organisms, they can be said to be more perfect mechanical creatures than artificial intelligence!

But now, such a monster-like existence has begun to test the Internet access to the earth, like a hungry dragon, gently licking the shivering prey in front of him, and when he opens his bloody mouth, it will be a piece of Bloody storm!

"Hey, what is this? Damn it! There are even nuclear weapons structures and basic principles on the encyclopedia?!" Nie Yun, who was browsing the vast sea of knowledge, suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed!

No wonder Nie Yun makes a fuss. It's like the formula of gunpowder can be found on the Internet. The structure and principle of nuclear weapons can be said to have no confidentiality. High school physics has its basic interpretation.

However, knowing it is of no use. The difficulty of nuclear weapons lies in its nuclear raw materials, raw material purification and long-distance delivery capabilities, such as intercontinental missiles and strategic bombers. At present, only the five major countries have complete nuclear capabilities. These things are strictly confidential.

At the same time, the mining and trading of nuclear fuel is strictly controlled by the state, and it is impossible to allow private ownership.

So even if someone has studied nuclear technology in depth, they can only end up with a sentence of "Oh, so it is!".

But this was different for Nie Yun.

According to the information obtained by Nie Yun after "being popularized", there are currently two ways for mankind to develop nuclear energy.

One is the fission of heavy elements, such as uranium, and the other is the fusion of light elements, such as deuterium and tritium.

The fission technology of uranium element has been relatively mature, and it has become a commonly used technology in atomic bombs and nuclear power plants.

However, the reserves of uranium on land do not exceed 5 million tons, which is only enough to be mined for decades at current consumption.

However, the amount of uranium dissolved in seawater can reach 4.5 billion tons, which is thousands of times more than land reserves, but the concentration of uranium in seawater is very low, and 1,000 tons of seawater only contains 3 grams of uranium.

To extract uranium from seawater, it is necessary to process a large amount of seawater, and the technical process is very complicated. Of course, this is based on the current human technology.

However, Nie Yun's eyes lit up and separated the elements. This is the strength of the mechanical bug! His interest has been thoroughly mobilized!

And as he continued to learn more about the public technical literature on nuclear fission reactions, Nie Yun's forehead was sweating.

It seems... probably... maybe... maybe... these are not difficult for me...

Uranium seawater extraction technology? There's no need for that kind of stuff at all, take a moment, and the mechaworm can easily separate the uranium element.

High-concentration uranium purification? Centrifuge separation technology? Need large-scale power supply

No need anymore! Elements extracted by mechanical bugs can still have 998K? Absolutely 999K pure uranium!

Nie Yun was stunned for a while.

Uh... It seems that I just got bored and surfed the net, so I became a nuclear fisherman? !