Super Mothership

Chapter 53: malicious


Southeast Military Region Command.

"Yes! It's the chief! I will do my best to complete the tasks assigned to me by the organization! Please rest assured, chief!"

Hu Junchang put down the red phone in his hand and let out a long sigh.

"Old Hu, how is it, did the chief agree?" Professor Fang asked eagerly.

"Well, the chief has agreed to this transaction, and told us that we must maintain this channel well, and don't try to test the other party's details for the time being. Everything is the first priority to get nuclear resources! Our Southeast Military Region has the right to deal with this matter. autonomy!"

"Okay! That's great!" Professor Fang was a little excited.

"Well, not only that, their orders can also activate several of our military enterprises and consume a large number of decommissioned equipment that we have replaced, which is also very profitable for us! Lao Fang, this time You have done a great job!"

"Hey, luck, it's all luck! Oh right, I have to remind you that you have to deal with the Chu Group carefully. Whether this channel can be done, and what it can be done, depends on them 80% to 90%. !"

"Huh? How important is the Chu Group? Eighty or ninety percent? How much decision-making power can a spokesperson have? In the end, it's not the forces behind them who have the final say!" Commander Hu disagreed.

In his opinion, the Chu family is just an agent placed on the table by the other party, just like many celebrity spokespersons, how to shoot an advertisement, don't you have to look at the director

"Humph! I was present throughout the previous transaction, do you know what the person who made the connection said?" Professor Fang sold out.

"How to say?"

"He said, Chu Xiaoxiao's words are his words, and even if all these goods are given away, he has no problem!"

"Hey! He really said that?" Hu Junchang's eyes widened. If he said that he would give it away

"Then there is still a fake, and I see that the person who joins is clearly young, just a teenager, but he acts mysteriously, is very low-key, and drives a broken fishing boat!

Although Chu said that he is only the spokesperson of the supplier, I don't see it. From the tone of his speech and his casual attitude, it is as if he is the owner of these goods and has the right to dispose of them at will! "Professor Fang is mature and sophisticated, with an old-fashioned eye!

"Hey! Weird! It's really weird. Why would a foreign state power find someone from our country as a middleman and give him so much autonomy? I can't figure it out!"

"It's useless to think so much. Make the first order first. If the other party can really provide goods in the future, you don't care why! When the cooperation is stable, find a chance to check the other party's details. !"

"Well, that's what I said. I'll have my people make a list of transactions and give it to the Chu family! I will arrange for the Chu family's request to be resolved as soon as possible!"

"Well, that's good! Hey, old Hu, look, I've helped you so much, and I've made such a big contribution, don't you feel proud?"

"Well, what do you want?"

"Our research institute wants 5 grams of highly enriched uranium!"

"Well... This request is not too much, okay! When the time comes, I will explain it!"

"Okay! Old Hu, you are funny! That's it!"

Chu Xiaoxiao slept very comfortably until the third day. Yes, she skipped class again today.

Wearing pajamas, she came to the living room yawning, and saw Chu Feng sitting on the sofa watching financial news, she greeted awkwardly, "Mom, good morning!"

Seeing her like this, Chu Feng rolled her eyes helplessly, willing to admit defeat, she can't control this girl!

Chu Xiaoxiao sat proudly beside Chu Feng, picked up an apple on the table and gnawed it.

"The latest news received by this station is that around 11:00 last night, the Aquarius, a 10,000-ton cargo ship owned by the Riyao Group, went missing in the high seas in the eastern part of our province. Fortunately, there were no casualties, and all the crew members have been taken in by rescue vessels.

The cause of the incident is currently under further investigation. Affected by this, the stock price of RI Group dropped by the limit after the market opened today. It is estimated that the loss of RI Group in this accident will exceed 1 billion soft sister coins…”

A news was suddenly broadcast on the TV, and then the screen changed to a marine rescue ship, and medical staff were examining the injuries of several crew members.

One of them, a man in a white captain's suit, was clearly frightened and kept talking nonsense.

"You... ghost ship! It's a ghost ship! And Niutou Mamen! It's here to pick up Niutou Mamen! They're not passengers at all! By the way! I'm not charging money! It's ghost coins! They... they've all disappeared too. …”

"Uh..." Chu Xiaoxiao still had a small piece of apple in her mouth, she forgot to chew it, her small mouth opened into an O shape.

The mother and daughter were dumbfounded at this scene.

The two looked at each other, and then both burst out laughing.

Is there anything more pleasing than seeing the bad luck of the enemy early in the morning

Have! That's when he's even more unlucky!

"Mom, do you think that the Riyao Group has done too much bad things, how can he be so unlucky, giggle!"

Chu Feng laughed for a while, and then straightened his face, "Although this is a big blow to them, their family has a big business, but it's not too bad.

But this thing is strange, ghost ship? The ship is gone, but everyone is fine, this seems a little weird! "

Chu Xiaoxiao felt a sudden movement in her heart.

Could it be that guy

Shouldn't it? How could he possibly do it? Could it be that the warship was called again

But the last time he attacked mercenaries was enough. This time he hijacked a domestic freighter. Which navy would dare to help him do such a thing? Shouldn't be possible!

So what's going on

Sunrise Group Building.

"Bang!" Han Xiangsheng slapped his hand on the table.

"What the hell is going on! Why did the Aquarius disappear for no reason!"

In front of him, the vice president of Solaris is standing.

"Chairman, the matter is still under investigation. According to the crew, it is very likely that we encountered a 'ghost ship'!" The middle-aged bald vice president said uncertainly.

"Fuck! Do you believe this kind of thing? Give me an in-depth investigation, and make sure to find out about this matter! What did the Haixun say?"

"They said that since the incident happened on the high seas, they could only try to search in that area, but they couldn't guarantee the results."

"Humph! Keep watching, and report the results as soon as there is a result! This time the Aquarius is missing, how is our loss?"

"The chairman reported that the loss of ships and goods was around 500 million. In addition, the group's share price plummeted, which wiped out nearly 500 million of our market value. In addition, the tens of thousands of tons of steel on board could not be delivered in time. According to the contract, We need to compensate the buyer for a large amount of liquidated damages, and this incident has also caused a certain impact on our reputation!"

"Immediately ask the public relations department to urgently refute the rumors, restore market confidence, and invest funds to stabilize the stock price if necessary! On the buyer's side, pay as much as you want, and restore your reputation!"

"Yes, Chairman!"

The vice president went out and backed out.

Han Xiangsheng was frowning and thinking about the follow-up impact of this incident, when the phone rang.

He took it over and took a look, his expression changed, it was the head of Fujian Customs!

"Hello! Hello, Guan Chang!"

"Old Han! You've stabbed a big basket this time!" Wu Guanchang said this as soon as he came up, which startled Han Xiangsheng.

"Master Wu, what's going on?" he asked anxiously.

"Today, the superiors asked me to immediately release the import and export qualification restrictions on the Chu Group, and in the future, as long as it is the Chu Group's business, the customs must fully cooperate, and there must be no difficulties!"

"Fairy Wood"

"What!" Han Xiangsheng was stunned.

Wu Guanchang is already the head of Fujian Customs, and now it's up to you...

"Master Wu, do you know who gave the order?" he asked cautiously.

"This matter was not stated clearly, but it seems to have something to do with the military!"

military! The Chu family really has something to do with the military! Han Xiangsheng lamented in his heart, he was really afraid of what to do!

"Old Han, for this matter, I was reprimanded by the superiors, and then you should proceed with caution, I will not interfere in this matter again!"

Hanging up the phone, Han Xiangsheng frowned.

The matter of the Aquarius has not yet subsided, and there is a military force behind the Chu Group. It is really a wave of unrest!

He felt a little uneasy in his heart, as if there were a pair of malicious eyes staring at the sun behind him...