Super Mothership

Chapter 62: such as the heart


When Captain Ghost, who can play Weibo, brought out a lot of unscrupulous jokes on the Internet, someone finally found the abnormality seriously.

"Have any of you read the personal homepage of Weibo bloggers? Come and tell me that I am blinded?"

Such an inconspicuous comment caught the attention of some people, who then opened the (angry) Captain's Weibo page.

Read it one by one in the data column.

(Angry) Captain (VIP Verified Account)

Follow: 39879; Followers: 1567889

Location: Earth, Ghost Sea

Birthday: February 6, 1352

Introduction: I want my heart...

Character Tag: Captain

His concern (1): RI Yao Group (VIP certified account)

"I'm going! What's going on with this homepage? The Weibo official is very powerful! Can Captain Ghost be certified?! I beg for his contact information!"

"There are millions of fans in an instant! He is definitely the fastest big V, but what happened to that position? Is there an option for Earth? Did I register a fake Weibo?"

"You're all focusing on the wrong things, haven't you seen it? His only concern is the RIYA Group! The RIYA Group, you are being followed by Captain Ghost, please let me know the area of your psychological shadow?"

"Fairy Wood"

"Bronze ball!"

"One hundred thousand tons of copper balls!"

"He wants his heart? Could it be that the Sunshine Group stole Captain Ghost's heart? Hey, does this plot seem familiar?!"

"Ri Yao Group, you are wrong, the ghost captain didn't invite you to provoke you, and the earth has been peaceful for hundreds of years under his rule. You steal other people's hearts like this and take the initiative to provoke trouble, which will lead to a world war. do you know?"

"Hey, haven't you found out yet, look at his date of birth, this is the key point!"

"1352? There is a fuss upstairs, which ghost is not a hundred-year-old monster! It's not strange at all!"

"It's February 6, 1352, so today is Captain Ghost's... birthday?"

"Let's give birth to Captain Clippers! Happy Posada Tuyu~"

"Captain's life is fast!"

"No, let's do the math, how old is the captain this year?"

"Fuck! 666!"

"Upstairs, they asked you to count the age of the captain, not to call 666!"

"2018-1352=? You count!"

"Fuck! 666!"

The news of Captain Ghost on Weibo spread quickly across Xiacheng, then Rabbit Country, and then abroad.

The media are madly scrambling to report this incident, but some people have already fried the pot!

Weibo headquarters.

"CTO, what the hell is going on? Why is this account verified, is it you or I?!" The president of Weibo roared at the chief technology officer.

"President, our entire technical team has launched a technical investigation as soon as we got the news, and found that our background data has been tampered with by hackers!"

"Hackers tampered with?! Then why don't you restore the data immediately and fix the loopholes?"

"This... We tried it, but after restoring the data, as long as the data is connected to the network, it will be tampered with again by the other party, even if the account is deleted! The hacking ability of the other party is beyond our imagination, and we are no opponent at all!" sweating a lot.

"What? Are you saying that one of our technical departments can't defend against the other's hacker attack?"

"Yes... that's true!" the technical officer said with some shame.

"Is the other party a top hacker team?" the president asked incredulously. His technical department can be said to be a group of top IT talents in Rabbit Country. Even they are not opponents at all. Could it be a foreign hacker group? But is one account data worth their effort

"No! No!" The technical officer shook his head with certainty.

"The unity and coordination of the opponent's shot is definitely not the effect that many people can achieve by cooperating with each other. I am sure that the opponent must be alone!

And it seems... it seems that the other party's learning speed is amazing!

At the beginning, the other party's hacking skills were still a little immature, and they made a lot of low-level mistakes that only newbies make. At that time, we could still go back and forth with each other and attack each other, but after just three or four confrontations... we are no longer opponents. ! "

"Hey!" The president gasped, how could there be such a speed of learning

"Do you think there is such a person?" The president asked hesitantly.

"It should be impossible for humans to reach this level. If it is a fantasy artificial intelligence, it may be able to achieve this level, so although it is incredible, I would rather believe that he is really a ghost..."

President: "..."

At this time, an employee outside ran in.

"President, a lot of media have called and asked us to explain the account '(angry) captain', how should we respond?"

The president pondered for a long time, then raised his head and instructed: "Let the company's official website publish an announcement saying that this account is a technical failure. We have not authenticated its 'person', but in view of the huge social attention, its data is temporarily Don't make changes!"

"Good president!"

The president and the technical officer looked at each other and saw helplessness in each other's eyes. Now this method of handling has become their only choice...

secret base.

Nie Yun opened his eyes, "Oh, did you give up so soon? I still want to learn more, it's boring! Find a stronger opponent next time!

By the way, aren't many secret laboratories also connected to external networks? There is a lot of non-public confidential technical information in it, which is also very useful to me! At my current level, next time I will find a company to try and see if I can steal it... Cough! Share a little technology out! "

Han family.

"At 4 o'clock this afternoon, a photo of a sunken ship on Weibo aroused huge attention in the society. The mysterious blogger named '(angry) captain'..."

The Han family's father and son looked very ugly as they watched the news being reported overwhelmingly on TV!

"Man-made! This must be man-made! Someone wants to use this method to attack our Riyao Group!" Han Yi said angrily.

Although Han Xiangsheng's face was ugly, he quickly calmed down. He sneered: "The other party doesn't care what grudges he has with us, but he is just self-defeating! It helped us!"

"Oh, Dad, what's your opinion?" Han Yi hurriedly asked after hearing this.

"Humph! He thought that letting a fictitious ghost captain jump out would give us a bigger reputational blow to the sun, but he was actually setting himself on fire.

We are also a large domestic company. The Aquarius is missing on the high seas. At most, the National Coast Guard is a routine investigation and will not take it too seriously. But now that the matter is known to the whole country, you say, will the government still sit back and watch

If the other party is allowed to loot the ships of domestic enterprises, who would dare to go out to sea for trade, and what is the majesty of the country? So the country will definitely take action! Even sent the military directly to investigate the matter!

At that time, even if the other party is cunning and hidden, can they still compete with the power of the state? Moreover, the ghost sea is located in the east of the South China Sea. This is a sensitive sea area between many countries, and even other countries may hear the wind!

The more realistic they make Captain Ghost! The interest of various forces in it will only increase, and even if we do not take action, it will be prototyped by others!

With the size of the four cargo ships, it is impossible for them to have no clues. With the power of the country, I can't believe that they can't catch his tail!

snort! The other party really made a bad move! "

"Yes! I never thought that the other party was shooting himself in the foot!" Han Yi's eyes lit up.

"Well, so now, we only need to do a good job in crisis public relations and put on the appearance of a victim. After the investigation is clear, we will be able to win widespread sympathy from the society, and the group will even benefit from it! "

"Well, I understand!" Han Yi finally showed a relieved expression.

"By the way, there is one more thing..." Han Xiangsheng hesitated.

"Dad, you ordered!"

"That... You go to the group to investigate quietly to see if someone has taken something that shouldn't be taken!"

"Huh? What?" Han Yi's face was full of doubts.

"Cough! Just like the heart or something..."

Han Yi: "…"