Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 1: A girl from Japan


In front of the gate of a two-story building, a gloomy father had a dark face.

[Who is coming?]

A small speaker hidden in the corner emits electronic synthesized sounds.

"I'm your dad! Open the door for me!"

[Identity confirmation... Please raise your head 45 degrees for facial recognition]

Shen Deyou was confused and had no choice but to look up as instructed and saw a small camera at the top of the door edge.

My son, Shen Yu, is already in his second year of college this year. He never has to worry about his studies. He is known by neighbors as the kid next door and as a top student by his classmates.

Shen Yu's academic performance was good, and of course he was happy as a parent. But gradually, the couple felt that something was wrong. Their son seemed to be too smart, and simply learning textbook knowledge could no longer satisfy him. After going to college, he started to do it on his own. He was engaged in scientific research and spent all day thinking about tinkering with intelligent robots.

The children in the neighborhood are busy playing games, falling in love, and partying, but Shen Yu is not interested in these at all. He keeps talking about mathematics, algorithms, and programs in a vague manner all day long...

He doesn't look like a twenty-year-old young man. The old Shen family is a single generation of three generations. If this continues, Shen Deyou is afraid that his son will live like a robot in his life.

[There is currently no data for 'your father' in the database, please come back to 'your father', I'm very busy]

Shen Deyou: "?"

Listening to the electronic sound coming from the small speaker, Shen Deyou was so angry that his beard stood up. He took out his cell phone and called Shen Yu.

After three calls in a row, the call was finally connected, and then my son's voice came: "Dad? What are you doing?"

"What else do I want to ask you for! Why did you change the door lock? I can't get in now!"

"It's impossible. I've entered your data. You and mom can both come in."

"What did you say you were tinkering with all day? Come out and open the door!"

In the room, Shen Yu was listening to the phone. His attention was not on his father. Instead, he opened the database and rechecked Shen Deyou's data entry status.

"Don't worry, don't worry, dad, try again and I'll re-adjust it."

Shen Deyou was speechless, and the small speaker here sounded again: "Who is coming?"]

Shen Deyou: "I am your father!"

Shen Yu in the room immediately found the problem and said, "Give me your name."

"I am Shen Deyou."

[Identity Confirmation... Confirmed Successfully]


Then there was the sound of the door lock opening, and the door finally opened.

This two-story building is the old house of the family. After buying a new house, his parents lived in the new house, so Shen Yu lived here by himself. He usually slept on the second floor, and the room on the first floor was his scientific research base.

The room on the first floor has been cleared. Except for a few shelves stacked with various electronic parts, there are bookshelves lined with books. There is no extra furniture. The most expensive equipment is the computers here.

At this time, Shen Yu was typing codes in front of a big table. At his feet, a little white fat cat was sleeping on a sweeping robot. The sweeping robot was doing the cleaning work tirelessly, taking the little fat cat with him. The room was running around.

It happened to be at Shen Deyou's feet and was kicked by him. The robot carried the little fat cat and passed behind it.

"Okay, I've entered all the words like 'your dad', 'your dad', 'your father' and so on. Next time you come over, try again. If it doesn't work, tell me your name, or I'll take more pictures for you." The face recognition hardware here can’t keep up with the photos, so I have to use algorithms to make up the difference. The error is relatively large. It will be more accurate to get a few more photos... "

Shen Yu said enthusiastically that the janitor robot was a new gadget he had recently invented. It was loaded with the program's learning module. The robot would automatically learn based on the visitor's appearance, frequency of visits, voice recognition and other parameters, just like Shen Yu himself. The door to your home opens by itself without you having to say anything.

If he had more funds on hand, Shen Yu would also plan to upgrade the camera and sound detection hardware to make it safer.

Shen Deyou was confused by his son's words. He knew about AI and smart access control. Artificial intelligence was a popular project with broad prospects. He did not object to his son engaging in this, but he should have a certain limit!

This is like being obsessed. Is it possible that I will really live with robots in the future

"Dad, I want to borrow 100,000 yuan from you to upgrade some hardware. I will pay you back after the money for my project comes out in two weeks."

Hearing his son's words, Shen Deyou's face twitched.

"Son, listen to Dad, our family situation is not bad. Dad doesn't have many demands on you. Just finish your studies honestly and find a good wife. Then you can go home and inherit the company. Your mother and I will I will retire and help you take care of your children..."

"That's not possible! What's the point of such a life!"

Shen Yu resolutely objected, "Didn't we agree before that as long as my research yields results, you and my mother will let me make my own choice? It would be too boring to go home and inherit the company."

"I… "

Shen Deyou was holding back an old rant and didn't know how to spit it out. He was wondering if there was something wrong with the education at home...

"Don't you want to have a girlfriend? No matter how hard it is, you can go out with your friends to have fun. Don't you get bored staying at home all day?"

"Falling in love is something only fools do, life should be spent on scientific research!"

Chen Yu waved to the cat: "Bai Xiaomeng, come here!"

The little fat cat jumped into Shen Yu's arms, rubbed his chin affectionately with its big head, and meowed.

"Look, I'm not bored at all with Bai Xiaomeng by my side."


Shen Deyou was desperate: "Just go with the robot and the cat!"

Chen Yu's eyes lit up and he quickly confirmed with Shen Deyou: "Dad, are you telling the truth?"

"I did not say anything."

Shen Deyou still refused to give up. In order to get his son back on track and to return home with peace of mind and inherit the family business, he came here and specially prepared a big move this time.

On this side, Shen Yu was already sitting in front of the computer typing code again. Bai Xiaomeng jumped on the table and hugged his arm with her soft body, a natural cat hand warmer.

"Please stop for a moment and listen to me."


Chen Yu verbally agreed, but his work on his hands never stopped.

AI involves many and complex subjects, such as mathematics, logic, induction, statistics, computer science, etc. For others, the content that needs to be learned is overwhelming just looking at it, but Shen Yu enjoys it very much. The process of overcoming difficulties.

Isn’t it great to do scientific research? What about falling in love? Are girls more attractive than mathematics

"In the afternoon, I have a Japanese friend's daughter named Asaba Rika who wants to come here to study. He asked me to take care of her. She happens to go to your school, so I arranged for her to board with you..."


Seeing Shen Yu's bland reaction, Shen Deyou, who had already prepared his lines, suddenly didn't know what to say, so he had no choice but to say: "Did you hear clearly what I just said?"



Shen Deyou turned his chair around and told him again. This time his gloomy reaction finally became normal -


"Why not? There are two rooms on the second floor. She is a girl. She came here alone and there is no one to take care of her. She is beautiful. Your father will not cheat you."

Shen Deyou said cheerfully, the girl is indeed beautiful, and she is a very beautiful kind. She arranged to come and live with this brat. Unless Shen Yu likes men, she will definitely fall in love with him, and this is what will change his son from scientific research. The best way to get out of a possessed state!

Shen Yu's current state is very wrong. He only devotes himself to scientific research. It's not that this is bad, but after a long time, even Shen Yu himself didn't notice. He became more and more impersonal, like a working machine. Usually, If the couple hadn't come to visit him frequently, this brat wouldn't even have a phone number.

Sometimes in order to conquer a certain algorithm, Shen Yu even forgets to eat and works on the project all night long.

The family is not short of money. As a parent, Shen Deyou really doesn't want his son to be like this. There should be a limit in everything, and going too far is never enough.

"I'm very busy, so I don't have time to take care of her. Besides, I don't know Japanese. It will take me two weeks to learn Japanese, so I don't have time."

Shen Yu righteously refused. As for whether the girl was beautiful or not, was she more charming than a mathematical formula

"She knows Chinese!"

Shen Deyou said seriously: "Dad, I know you don't have time, but you have to agree no matter what this time. Her family is our company's largest customer in Japan, and the Japanese market is also our company's main battlefield. Affected by the epidemic this year, the company has suffered losses It’s very big. This customer cannot be lost under any circumstances, so this favor is not to help her, but to help your father and me.”

Shen Yu fell silent. From this point of view, there seems to be no reason to refuse...

Shen Deyou hit the stick and quickly threw a sweet date: "Asian Yulixiang's stay here is not in vain. Her father has paid the boarding fee for two years. Didn't you just say that there is a shortage of one hundred thousand? You are the landlord. This money I'll transfer you later."

Shen Yu's eyes lit up: "I'll go upstairs and clean up the room right now!"



(New book released, please collect it and recommend it~)

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