Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 101: Let me tease you~


"Let's talk about it via video."


Later, Jiang Ningle sent a video invitation to Asaba Rika.

After Li Xiang got through, she saw that Jiang Ningle was dressed beautifully, wearing a lavender knitted sweater, a small bag on her shoulder, and two beautiful small earrings on her earlobes.

"Wow, Lele, you look so beautiful today!"

"I can't see you. It's dark over there. Where are you?"

"I'm under the quilt."


Jiang Ningle was a little speechless. She pointed her earrings with her little hand and showed them to her: "This is the confession gift Li Jing gave me. Does it look good?"

Qian Yulixiang was extremely envious and felt sour in her heart. She also opened the quilt and showed Jiang Ningle the pile of dolls Shen Yu won for her last night: "These are the dolls Shen Yujun won for me last night, aren't they super cute? "

The two complimented each other, and each praised the gift the other received, feeling satisfied.

"Lele, are you outside now?"

"Hmm, I'm waiting for Li Jing. We made an appointment to go see a movie together today."

"It's a date! I'm so envious!"

"Are you at Shen Yu's home now?"

"Yeah... I live in his room... so I have to speak softly... for fear of being heard by him... "

"You're already living in his house, and I envy you even more!"

The two complimented each other again, each complimenting the other's current situation and feeling satisfied.

The only thing girls do when making videos is chatting about today’s makeup, telling them that they have gained weight recently, or showing each other what they are doing.

Boys, on the other hand, don’t open videos.

Finally getting back to business, Jiang Ning happily reminded Asaba Rika:

"Lixiang, you must be calm and control your emotions. Don't confess impulsively. You will be super passive!"

"I, I know, I also thought about it last night. In fact, based on my understanding of Shen Yujun, if I confess to him now, I will definitely be rejected, and I will be kicked out of the house..."

Rika Asaba said distressedly: "But I don't know what to do except for confessing."

Jiang Ningle comforted her and said, "It's okay. The fact that you can think of this means that you can still be saved. If you confessed impulsively last night, you would be hopeless. Shen Yu wouldn't agree to it if he didn't tell you. Even if he didn't let you move out, you two The relationship will also become very awkward, and there will be almost no chance for a second confession.”

Asaba Rika can imagine that kind of result. After all, if she confesses to her now, Shen Yu will definitely not agree to her, and will even start to alienate her, which basically means that all the previous efforts have been wasted. If the two of them are still living under the same roof by then, just thinking about it will make them roll on the floor in embarrassment.

Growing up, Asaba Rika had of course received confessions from other boys, but she always rejected them with fear, and then took a detour when she saw the boy. If she went to confess to Shen Yu, the result would probably be the same.

"Then what should I do..."

"Wait until he confesses to you. The initiative will be yours whether he agrees or not."

"Then how can Mr. Shen Yu confess to me?"

"Let's do an analysis first."

Jiang Ningle said clearly: "First of all, you have to have a clear judgment about Shen Yu. Now we know that he doesn't hate you 100%, so this is a very good start!"

"As long as he doesn't hate you, you will always have a chance to be with him!"

"So, you need to observe him carefully to see if he might like you. For example, you can use the questions I just asked you as a reference, or test him sideways to understand his thoughts on love. , think about his attitude."

"It's so profound..."

"Stupid, let me give you an example. For example, you can touch his hand secretly to see if he will avoid it, or ask him when he plans to get married and what kind of girl he likes. There are many ways to test him!"

"Oh! I understand!"

Looking at Asaba Rika's eyes shining on the screen, Jiang Ningle hesitated to speak. She always felt that what she said probably didn't mean the same thing as what she understood...

So I reminded you again: "Before you are sure that he likes you, you must not show it too obviously and let him realize that you like him. Unless he likes you, he will definitely alienate you silently! If you like it too obviously, It’s no different than a confession!”

"So that's it! I understand again!"

Asaba Rika nodded. It was indeed the right thing to learn from Jiang Ningle. She felt that she had learned a lot.

Jiang Ningle rolled her eyes, and Li Xiang just had to write a few big words with a brush on her face: Shen Yujun! Are you in love? I'm super sweet! For free! !

I had to ask her: "What do you know?"

"You just can't get too close to Shen Yujun!"

"Well, yes and no, you have to keep a good distance, that is, not too distant, nor too close."

"It's so complicated... Then since I can't let Mr. Shen Yu know that I like him, why do I still want to get close to him?"

"This is called teasing, my stupid sister."

Seeing Asaba Rika's confused look, Jiang Ningle had no choice but to explain: "It just makes him feel like there is a kitten scratching in his heart, so that he can focus his eyes and attention on you."

"for example?"

"Do you know which move of a girl is the most charming?"


Asaba Rika thought for a while, and then certain scenes from girls' comics appeared in her mind. She blushed and said quickly: "No! I, I'm so shy! And Shen Yu-kun must not like it!"

Jiang Ningle looked strange and asked her: "Where are you thinking? Stretching, biting your lips, and flipping your hair! The three most charming actions!"

Asaba Rika suddenly realized something and had an enlightenment, as if she had been enlightened!

Jiang Ningle also felt relieved to see her looking like a teachable child.

"Lele, how high do you think my chances of catching up with Mr. Shen Yu are?" Asaba Rika seemed a little unsure.

"Do you know there is an old saying in China, which is that love grows with time?"

"I know."

"So, you must not be impatient. There is an old saying, the road to Rome was not built in a day. You have to take your time."

"I know, I'm still anxious and can't eat hot tofu!"

"Yes, that's the truth."

Jiang Ningle recognized Asaba Rika's intelligence and cleverness and gave her confidence: "In my opinion, as long as you don't give up, the success rate is at least 90%!"

"So high!" Asaba Rika was a little happy again.

"You have to know your advantages. First, you are beautiful and cute, you can cook, you are gentle and caring, and you can also help him at work."

"Second, you eat and live with him! What an advantage! Even if it is a smelly stone, it will be soaked in water every day, sooner or later it will be soaked!"

"Third, Shen Yu doesn't have contact with other girls! In other words, you don't have any competitors! Do you understand what this is?"

Asaba Rika took a deep breath and said seriously: "So, Shen Yu-kun can only marry me!!"

"You started giving away for free again..."

"sorry… "

"Take your time first. I will always be by your side. Come on, Lixiang! My boyfriend is here. I won't tell you anymore. Bye~"

At the end of the video, Jiang Ningle specially showed her the scene of Li Jing walking towards her holding a bouquet of flowers. Lixiang looked at it with envy.

I don’t know how long it will be before Shen Yujun can give her flowers.

He couldn't wait until one hundred and eighty years later before he limped with a cane and held a wreath to her...

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Yu knocked on the door.

"Are you awake?"

"Wake up, wake up!"

Shen Yu came in, holding a freshly frozen ice pack, and asked her to stretch out her feet to show him.

Li Xiang was very good today. After a whole morning of cold compress and medicine, the redness and swelling had subsided a little, and Shen Yu looked a little relieved.

He gently held her feet, placed them on a small stool, gave her a cold compress, sprayed her with medicine, and then came out with a bottle of dark ointment.

"Shen Yujun, what is this..."

"My mother asked someone to buy it at noon, and the old doctor prepared the ointment himself. He said it was very useful."

"Will it hurt when you apply it..."

"You don't feel any pain now?"

"It hurts..."

Shen Yu stopped talking, opened the medicine jar, scraped a layer of ointment with a small piece of wood, and gently applied it to her ankles, like mud, which formed a sharp contrast with the color of her white and tender skin.

When Li Xiang didn't speak, he would not take the initiative to speak. He would help her apply the ointment carefully and attentively. After applying the ointment, he would bring gauze and wrap her up layer by layer.

It was difficult to wrap the gauze on the small stool, so he put her feet on his knees. When he lowered his head, he was only a short distance away from the tips of her tender lotus-like toes.

She didn't know if it was because her feet had just been iced, but she always felt that when Shen Yu's hands touched the skin on her feet, there was a blazing heat that made her little heart beat wildly.

Asaba Rika shyly curled up her toes, holding her hands on the edge of the bed, her face flushed, and her big eyes staring at him unblinkingly...

I remembered what I just mentioned in my chat with Jiang Ningle - the three tricks to seduce a man.

She gently flipped her hair, but Shen Yu didn't notice it.

Then she stretched again and was scolded by Shen Yu: "Can't you see I'm tying gauze? Don't move."

In the end, I had to sit obediently and bite my lip.

After much effort, Shen Yu finally tied the gauze. He raised his head and glanced at Asaba Rika.

I saw her biting her lip, revealing a few white and delicate little teeth, looking at him and blinking like an idiot...

As expected, Chen Yu was stunned.

Asaba Rika was ecstatic inside!

It seems that what Jiang Ningle said is indeed right! Shen Yujun was seduced by her! They have all become wooden people!

So she bit her lips harder, looked at him with a pair of big eyes, and lowered her head shyly...

Shen Yu stood up, looked at her solemnly, backed up and left the room quickly, and then heard him calling Zhang Xiaoru:

"Mom! Is this ointment of yours poisonous? It makes people stupid!!"

Asaba Rika: "?"

Ah... are you... talking about me...



(Thank you to the leader of Squirrel on the Cloud! Thank you to the leader of Qiyue Shuizhi!)

(Excluding the large rewards from one alliance leader and one leader, the cumulative rewards from book friends from last night to tonight are 816 yuan. Rounded up, I owe you two updates!)

(In total, I owe 2+2+1=5 chapters. Please give me a break... I will pay it off. Thank you again for your support!)