Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 104: The love game of Chen Yu Luo Yan


Of course, Li Xiang couldn't be pregnant. If she was pregnant because he touched her feet, that would be too fantasy.

Chen Yu was working downstairs, and the time came to six o'clock unknowingly. Usually, Li Xiang would have already started preparing dinner at this time.

Considering that her foot injury was not healed yet, Shen Yu put down the work at hand and went upstairs to take out the vegetables brought from home from the refrigerator.

My mother brought back a lot of packed food that had never been served on the table. When you want to eat, you can just heat it in the microwave and make a meal yourself.

While he was preparing dinner, Asaba Rika's door opened and she limped out, about to cook.

Seeing Shen Yu cooking, Li Xiang was stunned. She stood obediently at the door of the kitchen and looked at him, and touched her belly thoughtfully.

Chen Yu turned around and saw her movements, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

You are really addicted to pregnancy!

"What are you doing standing here?"

"I want to cook, Mr. Shen Yu, do you need my help?"

"Do you think I can't do anything? Go inside and sit down, don't get in the way."


Although Asaba Rika was driven away by him, the expression on her face was still cheerful.

She has always been the one cooking for Shen Yu, and it was Zhang Xiaoru who cooked for her during those days at his house. After she came back, Shen Yu cooked for her.

This feeling is very strange.

Asaba Rika went to sit on the sofa, but couldn't help turning around to see him busy in the kitchen.

Shen Yu looked a little clumsy. He took out the braised duck in a fresh-keeping bag and put it on a plate. Probably to take care of her, he tried to arrange it as nicely as possible, so he used chopsticks to place it bit by bit with a very serious expression.

Huh, Mr. Shen Yu really means what he says~

After the rice was cooked, Shen Yu came out with two plates of dishes.

"Have a meal."


Asaba Rika happily went to wash her hands. Shen Yu washed the dishes and took out the chopsticks, filling her with half a bowl of rice. Then he filled a large bowl of rice himself, and the two sat down facing each other and began to eat.

"It smells so good! Mr. Shen Yu, you really know how to cook!"


Shen Yu didn't dare to take credit, after all, he was just a tool for serving food.

However, Asaba Rika did not hesitate to praise him, and even praised him for his perfect timing for heating food in the microwave.

"Is it so exaggerated?"

"Anyway, I think it's super delicious, even better than what I had for lunch."

Although Shen Yu knew that she was flattering, it was still quite satisfying to hear it, because her expression looked like she really liked it. She usually wouldn't eat too much of braised duck and braised pork for fear of making herself fat. But tonight Li Xiang obviously had a few more pieces.

So half a bowl of rice was not enough. After eating, she held the bowl in both hands and handed it to Shen Yu, looking at him pitifully with her big eyes: "Mr. Shen Yu... I want to eat a little more..."

"Then just do it yourself..."

Before Shen Yu finished speaking, he remembered that this guy's sprained foot hadn't healed yet, and it took a lot of effort to get up and sit down.

"How much?"

"Just three bites!" Asaba Rika stretched out three fingers to show him.

“How much is three mouthfuls?”

"It's less than half of a bowl...probably..."

Shen Yu packed rice for her, but it was just that, not enough for him to eat in a big bite. A girl eats like a chicken pecking at rice. She eats snacks every day and is not afraid of getting fat, but she is afraid of getting fat if she eats some rice.

Asaba Rika took the rice bowl and continued eating happily.

When Chen Yu was eating, he basically didn't talk or play with his mobile phone. Before Li Xiang moved into the house, for him, eating was just a routine to fill his stomach. But after a month of eating with her, he started eating His speed has also slowed down a lot, and most of the time he is taking care of her speed.

Because he found that if he finished his meal very early, Lixiang would speed up involuntarily, and might even be busy clearing away the dishes before he was full.

Shen Yu had no choice but to follow her eating rhythm and eat slowly. Even if he was full first, he would leave two mouthfuls of rice and eat at an extremely slow speed. After she finished eating, he would clean the rice in one mouthful and put down the rice bowl.

He has never said these trivial things to Li Xiang, but Li Xiang, who always loves to observe him, has long discovered Shen Yu's care, so she especially likes to eat with him.

When the two of them eat together, they don't feel awkward even if they don't talk. Compared to the other person who always tries to find a topic, Li Xiang prefers the natural feeling when she is with Shen Yu.

"Shen Yujun."


"I plan to ask Lele to help me do the vertical painting, and she will be responsible for coloring and editing. This way our game progress can be much faster. What do you think?"

"It's up to you to decide. Regarding art matters, you make your own decisions."

Asaba Rika nodded, then thought of something again, and asked, "Have you thought about how to promote the game then, Mr. Shen Yu?"

"Not yet, mainly because I don't have money."

Shen Yu has learned about game promotion methods. Conventional methods include advertising alliances, search engines, media stations, players' guilds, etc. The capital investment is quite huge. For a prosperous game, the money spent on promotion will No less than development funds.

This is also a problem that gives Chen Yu a headache. He can do development things by himself, but promotion things are really difficult to do without money.

What to do? Go home and ask your dad for money? Definitely not, unless you have made some achievements to prove to Shen Deyou: Your son has come out of the obsessive state of computer science research, he has put his illusory research into practice, and he has begun to save money to marry a wife, so as to prepare for more work in the future. A good life requires hard work.

Thinking of 'saving money to marry a wife', Shen Yu felt his heart throb. This was such a waste of money!

If you have money, you must invest it in higher-level research!

Shen Deyou probably knew that he would think so, so he wouldn't give him a penny.

Unless Shen Yu holds Li Xiang's little hand tomorrow and runs home to tell Shen Deyou and Zhang Xiaoru: Mom and Dad, Li Xiang is pregnant with my child. I plan to make money to support the family. You can give me one million start-up capital.

Guaranteed to give money without saying a word.

By some strange coincidence, Shen Yu glanced at Asaba Rika and felt that she was pretty and pretty. Although she was a bit stupid, her children's IQ would definitely be inherited from him in the future, so it was not impossible for her to be his wife...

Before I could think about it carefully, I was shocked by my own thoughts. I quickly put aside my distracting thoughts, and all I could think of was the word "Zhan".

Asaba Rika didn't know what Shen Yu was thinking. Seeing his solemn expression, she comforted him: "It's okay, Shen Yu-kun! Although we don't have money now, I will work hard with you! We can just save a little!" I eat very little!"

"Then I can't starve you...don't interrupt! Where is this going?"

Shen Yu gave her a speechless look. It didn't matter to her that he didn't have money. He said it as if the two of them were going to get married.

Asaba Rika suggested: "I have a great idea!"

"Do you have any good ideas..."

"We don't have money to advertise, and the role of advertising is actually traffic, so why don't we find ways to get traffic ourselves?"

"... In this era, traffic is money. Is there any difference between getting traffic and getting money?"

"Well, we can open a video account and be the host of the upload. It's アップロード者, upload! It's very popular in our place!"

Up master is an Internet term from Japan, which refers to people who upload video and audio files on video websites, forums, and ftp sites. In the era of self-media, being an up master is indeed one of the best ways for individuals to obtain traffic. .

For Shen Yu who has no money or resources for promotion, this is a way to consider.

Shen Yu thought for a moment, frowned and said, "I don't have much experience in this, and what are we filming? There are just a few computers in the studio, and you and me."

For Shen Yu, who seems to live in the 20th century in terms of entertainment, the concept of these popular things is very vague, but for Rika, this is something that is very familiar.

"I'll do it! I'll do it! I've already thought of a name, it's called 'Shen Yu Luo Yan's Love Game Development Daily'!"

"...Can you change your name?"

"This is very important!"



(Thank you to the leader of Pi Yiye Piao Ling! I owe you an update~)