Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 112: Shen Yujun, please admit defeat!


At around one o'clock in the morning, Shen Yu put down his work and went upstairs to sleep.

Asaba Rika's little hands seemed to have magic power. Just pinching his cheek gently made him restless all night.

The light in the living room on the second floor was still on. Shen Yu walked up lightly and turned off the light. This time, he didn't see the light scattered under her door. Li Xiang had already gone to sleep obediently.

Chen Yu returned to the room and closed the door. Bai Xiaomeng jumped on the bed, crawled on his chest, yawned lazily, put her little paws around his neck and fell asleep.

The room was quiet with the lights off, only the windows were slightly illuminated by the moonlight. In the dim room, the gloomy eyes stared at the ceiling without blinking, while his right hand gently stroked the cat.

He was not a fool, so he could vaguely feel that Rika Asaba was special to him.

If I had been myself two months ago, I would have probably started to distance myself from her as soon as I noticed the signs of this special emotion, but now...

Shen Yu was sure that he didn't hate this feeling. Even though he was still arrogant, his heartbeat was honest.

The appearance of Li Xiang disrupted all his future life plans, making Shen Yu panicked.

For a while he started to wonder if she really liked him, and for a while he was wondering if he was really attracted by her, or what exactly he wanted in life. Then comparing the past two months, he found that I actually really like this kind of life...

This is a danger signal.

Shen Yu took a deep breath, immediately closed his eyes, and forced himself to memorize pi.

"3.14159265358979323846... Pear fragrance... 26433727... Pear fragrance... 8950288... Pear... "

Bastard! I can't sleep at all!

Shen Yu got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face. He used cold water and focused on washing the area where Asaba Rika just pinched his face. But no matter how he washed, the warmth from that finger still stubbornly remained on his face. face.

He gave up and went back to the room, covered himself with quilt and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

Bai Xiaomeng was also quite curious. She was still up in the middle of the night. What was she thinking about? So she nuzzled him again and snored to sleep.

In psychology, determining what you want is usually a more complicated matter. In comparison, determining what you don't want is much simpler.

Shen Yu changed his mind and began to imagine what he didn't want -

For example, Asaba Rika moved away.

Shen Yu didn't want this to happen, even if his brain kept telling him, 'You should be cheering! 'But I just feel like I don't want her to leave. Even if she is stupid, I have to take her to and from school every day. Anyway, I'm used to it. Sometimes he goes to the library first and Asaba Rika hasn't come yet, and he will subconsciously go to her. Look in the direction you came from.

Another example is that Asaba Rika married someone else.

When I thought of this, the image of her wearing a white wedding dress immediately appeared in my mind. She smiled happily, just like she usually smiled at him, but this time she didn't smile at him, but at another man, so her heart immediately She felt overwhelmingly uncomfortable, her thoughts were as fast as the speed of light, and fragments of her life kept flashing in her mind, such as the way she cooked, painted, mopped the floor, kept nagging, and collected things. Looking happy with the gift...

There was a feeling of weightlessness for an instant, and his eyes immediately became panicked.

Shen Yu calmed down and thought about what to do, while quickly analyzing the current situation.

Judging from the current situation, he is still skeptical about love. The view of love formed over more than ten years cannot be changed so easily. Isn't there a joke: I walk to the end of the world alone with my sword, and suddenly... There was a woman who wanted to be with her for a lifetime, so she threw away her sword and killed her horse. But when she looked back, she was gone, the horse was gone, and the sword was rusty.

Furthermore, I am currently in a state of insomnia. As we all know, people's emotions are more emotional late at night. If I play another sad love song, I might become depressed.

Not to mention that Rika never really expressed anything to him. Maybe it was because of her own shamelessness

According to Li Xiang's character, if she likes him, she will definitely confess her love immediately, and then he will reject her without hesitation, and his worries will disappear immediately.

Yes, that must be the case. Let's wait and see. The water temperature won't burn him to death anyway...

Maybe Rika was just impulsive and she was making a lot of noise now. After a while, she would behave.


Shen Yu closed his eyes and silently recited the words 'Sentimental' over and over again. After reciting it more than 900 times, he fell asleep in a daze.

Insomnia has become the norm these days, and he has experienced it all.

In Lixiang's room, she was sleeping soundly with Shen Yu's coat in her arms.

This jacket is a magical tool. As long as she sleeps with it in her arms, she will not suffer from insomnia. It also makes her more and more confident in boiling frogs.

Shen Yu didn't realize that he was being boiled in the pot. The water was very warm now. He didn't want to move from the bottom of his heart. He had already found the reason: because Li Xiang didn't confess to him, so there was no danger for the time being. Everything was just self-indulgence...

He didn't know that the resourceful and brave Rika didn't want to confess her love at all.

As long as there was no need to stir up the fire, the frog would have no reason to jump out of the warm water. She would use a slow fire to cook the frog slowly and slowly until the frog couldn't help but confess to her, and then serve it to the table. La.

In the first few days when she was confirming her inner feelings, Asaba Rika always wanted to run to him immediately and tell him: I like you, let's get married!

You can't eat hot tofu if you are in a hurry. The more you notice the subtle changes in depression, the more Li Xiang takes it easy. Anyway, she didn't confess, and Shen Yu had no reason to reject her. Even if he noticed something, she could deny it, but she was determined to torture him slowly until he couldn't help but mature.

Anyway, she was already acquainted first, so she had to get Shen Yu to get acquainted with her no matter what. She had already thought of the baby's name, and it was called Chen Xiangning.

She likes this name, and the baby must be called this name. Mother and daughter will depend on him for the rest of their lives! snort!

Today is the last day of October, the weekend, and the air is crisp and clear.

After the frost season, Sunan always looks a little misty in the morning, and the marigolds and snapdragons in the yard have grown so tall that they are green, like spring.

As the sun appears, the temperature begins to rise, and the frost on the leaves slowly evaporates in the sunlight.

Rika Asaba slept contentedly, and when she woke up, she put the heavy coat she was holding on her body. When a girl puts on the clothes of the boy she loves, she always has a different kind of feeling, such as holding his belt, Or wearing his white shirt with the top three buttons undone.

Li Xiang's skin is very white. She is the whitest girl Chen Yu has ever seen. This kind of white is not white like those in Europe and America. Her fair skin has a faint pink and greasy feeling, as if she can pinch it with a light pinch. Izuku is coming.

She opened the window, and her skin seemed to be able to feel the changes of the seasons. The cool wind brought the smell of autumn.

Li Xiang tiptoed in her slippers and opened the door. First she poked her little head out to see if Shen Yu was awake. His door was still closed, so she walked out gently, went to the bathroom to wash up, and then returned to the room gently. He changed clothes, put on makeup, and finally folded his gloomy coat, opened the quilt and hid it, pushed it to the other side of the wall, and then opened the door and came out to clean and prepare breakfast.

For breakfast today, Li Xiang took out the ingredients from the refrigerator, including lean meat, fresh shrimps, green onions, lettuce, shredded carrots, and eggs.

She cooked the noodles very quickly. She had prepared all the side dishes and was not in a hurry to cook them. Shen Yu hadn't woken up yet, so it wouldn't be too late to cook them after he woke up, otherwise it wouldn't taste good after soaking for a long time.

Lixiang took the empty bucket and went to the washing machine to take out all the clothes washed last night. There were her clothes and gloomy clothes in it, so she took them to the balcony to dry.

Hang them one by one on hangers, smooth out the wrinkles, and then use poles to hold them up.

Because she is not tall enough, if she is depressed, there is no need for a pole. He only needs to put his feet down a little and stretch his arms to hang the clothes.

The girl's soft body stretched with the action of hanging clothes, filled with moving vitality. Two little birds fluttered their wings and landed on a branch not far away, combing their feathers and looking at her curiously.

This is what Lixiang did before Shen Yu woke up. When she took the empty bucket and prepared to put it back in the bathroom, it was only half past eight.

The door to Shen Yu's room opened, and he blinked his dull eyelids and yawned as he walked out without seeing her immediately.

Li Xiang saw him first and smiled sweetly at him: "Shen Yujun~oh haha~!"

"morning… "

Shen Yu looked at her and saw that she was energetic and full of energy. She thought that your sleep quality was too good. Even though it was past twelve o'clock last night, you ran downstairs and pinched my face.

While he was brushing his teeth, Asaba Rika was also in the bathroom, taking a mop to clean and prepare to mop the floor.

"It's very clean, no need to mop it..."

"Yes, you have to do it once a week. Don't worry, Mr. Shen Yu, it will be done soon. I will cook noodles for you after you do it."

Shen Yu didn't say anything, brushing his teeth and looking at the mirror in front of him. From the mirror, he could see her behind him. She was not afraid of getting dirty. She was twisting the mop with her gloves on. Unfortunately, her hands were small, so she had to twist it bit by bit. .

"I come."

Shen Yu held a toothbrush in his mouth and helped her twist the mop. As soon as she exerted force, the water gushed out.

Seeing him helping, Asaba Rika felt warm in her heart, and suddenly asked him: "Shen Yu-kun, did you go to bed very late last night?"

Shen Yu was stunned for a moment, then remembered that she secretly pinched his face, so his cheeks still felt a little numb, obviously she didn't use any force.

"No, I went to bed very early. Do you think I'm sleepy?"

"Yeah… "

Li Xiang held the mop in one hand and tilted her head to look at him. A sly smile seemed to flash in her eyes: "But around twelve o'clock, I went downstairs and saw you sleeping. You looked so sleepy. …”

Chen Yu washed his hands and didn't look at her. He returned to the sink and continued brushing his teeth. But he still couldn't help but glance at her through the mirror: "Really? I didn't know you were coming down."

Asaba Rika came closer again, Shen Yu hated her so much, so he distanced himself.

She said: "Then I pinched your face secretly, and you didn't know it?"

What kind of trick is this? I'm just playing with the self-destructing truck here! You obviously ran upstairs after pinching last night, but you still dare to mention this now

Shen Yu's expression remained unchanged, but his mind changed rapidly. It took him a long time to answer, "Is this happening? I don't know about it at all."

"I lied to you!"

After saying that, Lixiang ran outside with a mop in her arms.

