Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 114: Shen Yu is not guilty at all


Ke Liangji was chased around the house by Zhao Yage with a clothes hanger. The scene can best be described as a chicken flying like a dog flying around. It was really like a chicken scurrying around with flapping wings.

"Don't think that I'll let you go just because you've had plastic surgery! Run! Run again!"

Zhao Yage panted heavily and finally forced Ke Liangji into a corner.

Ke Liangji held his head and squatted on the ground, motionless like a turtle.

Chen Yu and Qian Yu Lixiang also followed over to watch the fun while cracking melon seeds.

"What are you looking at! Haven't you seen killing a chicken?"

Zhao Yage roared, and both Shen Yu and Li Xiang shrank in fear.

Asaba Rika gently hit Shen Yu with her elbow, and said in wonder: "When Liangji came in just now, I didn't recognize him! Why has the change been so big..."

"Isn't it still him after his appearance has changed?" Shen Yu munched on melon seeds and didn't care. He never looked at people's faces.

"Then Mr. Shen Yu, if I get old and become ugly in the future, will you still look at me?" Asaba Rika thought for a while and asked.

"Look..." Shen Yu reacted, rolled his eyes at her, and asked her, "Am I looking at you now?"

"I'm just giving you an example!"

Li Xiang stuck out her little tongue playfully, looking very arrogant. Shen Yu wanted to pinch her pink little tongue with his fingers to prevent her from taking it back.

But after hearing what Chen Yu said, she felt relieved. After all, when she was chatting with Zhao Yage, she always said that men would always give up after getting into trouble, but Li Xiang felt that Shen Yu would definitely not, because she would still be cute even when she gets older.

Cuteness is a state of mind, the same as romance. Lixiang saw two grandparents in their 70s and 80s playing with children's building blocks in the park. Although the wrinkles on their faces were deep when they smiled, Inexplicably, I just find it very cute and romantic.

Here Chen Yu and Li Xiang are eating, but over there Ke Liangji is not feeling well.

He squatted in the corner, holding his head, not daring to look at Zhao Yage, and said in a muffled voice: "Brother Duck... I was just joking... How could I marry you... Aren't we good brothers?"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yage became even more furious after hearing this. She whipped him twice with a clothes hanger, making Ke Liangji squawk like a chicken.

"Don't think that if you cut your hair short, you'll be a man. Who are your good brothers?!"

"Zhao Yage, don't go too far. I've tolerated you for a long time. I'm going to..."

Ke Liangji stood up bravely. He was nearly 1.8 meters tall, a head taller than Zhao Yage. When standing up, Zhao Yage needed to look up at him.

Zhao Yage was like an angry male duck, holding his head high and staring at him with his big eyes: "What's going to happen? Huh?"

As she approached step by step, Ke Liangji clung to the wall, padded his feet, supported the wall with his hands, and rubbed his heels against the wall little by little. He looked at her in horror: "Don't come here! If you touch me, I will die." show you!"

"Aren't you immune to me? Didn't you come over here for me to touch after you washed your face? I will touch it for you today..."

With that said, Zhao Yage slowly stretched out her little hand.

Chen Yu and Qian Yulixiang's eyes widened, they even forgot to eat melon seeds, the ** was about to come! Brother Duck is finally taking action!

Because Li Xiang was nervous, she even held the corner of Shen Yu's clothes. She covered her eyes with one hand and looked through her fingers.

The moment Zhao Yage's hand was about to touch Ke Liangji, Ke Liangji burst out with a strong desire to survive:

"You, if you touch me! You just like me! I like you! I want to marry you!"

Zhao Yage was stunned. The hand was frozen in mid-air. It was not there even when he took it back, nor when he touched it.

And rarely, she blushed.

"Who wants to marry you? You are crazy!"

As she said that, she immediately withdrew her hand as fast as lightning, turned around and left.

Ke Liangji's eyes lit up, and he immediately started to counterattack. He chased her and kept saying shameless words to her. Until Zhao Yage's face turned red to the color of pig liver, he found a stick from the yard and chased him. .

Chen Yu and Asaha Rika were quite satisfied with what they saw. The twists and turns were so exciting.

It wasn't until the two of them finished quarreling that Shen Yu and Li Xiang came over, cracking melon seeds.

Actually, the four people present knew what happened. It was simply that when Zhao Yage touched Ke Liangji, he did not trigger the sudden death mechanism, and there was a bug in the phobia of women.

The emergence of the BUG may be accidental, or there may be some special circumstances, but if Ke Liangji wants to marry Zhao Yage, he must have close physical contact with her, so the experiment is to see if Zhao Yage is really not touching him when she touches him. Fear will arise, and it becomes the first problem to solve.

Shen Yu said: "So, you can repeat yesterday's actions and see if there is a reaction."

Zhao Yage and Ke Liangji also calmed down, looked at each other, and remained silent for a long time before speaking.

"are you ready?"

"You, you can touch it..."

Zhao Yage was about to touch it when he saw Shen Yu and Li Xiang, cracking melon seeds and observing carefully. Suddenly, he felt awkward from his hair to his toes.

"What are you two doing! What's there to see?"

"Then don't I have to help you control the experimental variables from a third party's perspective? You two are both samples, and you can't be sure of many things."

Zhao Yage and Ke Liangji felt strange and had nothing to say. At Shen Yu's urging, Zhao Yage held Ke Liangji's face, touched it, rubbed it, and pinched it with his fingers...

Chen Yu looked at it and felt that his cheeks had also reacted. The place where Li Xiang had pinched him last night was slightly hot again.

And Rika Asaba, like a girl watching an educational film for the first time, covered her mouth with her hand, stared at it with wide eyes, and quickly put the little hand that pinched Shen Yu's face into her pocket …

Ke Liangji and Zhao Yage's faces were as red as tomatoes, and they didn't dare to look at each other, just mechanically touching and rubbing...

"Why aren't you dead yet..."

"If you touch me again... I will really die..."

At the end of the first round of experiments, Ke Liangji successfully survived this test. Apart from blushing and his heart beating wildly, he had no adverse reactions such as foaming at the mouth or fainting.

Shen Yu didn't know how to conduct the next experiment, but Asaba Rika gave some suggestions:

"Then Yage-san and Liangji-san can have a more intimate contact and try it out!"

"How about more intimate contact?"

Zhao Yage had the most unhealthy thoughts and immediately blushed and sighed: "Then he'd better die!"

"I'll teach you! It's like this..."

Li Xiang took Shen Yu's hand, opened his palm, and then put her little hands together. The gaps between the fingers were compatible. Shen Yu subconsciously held her little hand...

The hot temperature from his palm instantly made Li Xiang's face turn red.

After successfully wiping the oil, before Shen Yu could react, she immediately withdrew her little hand in a panic, glanced at Shen Yu with an angry look, blushed and whispered: "Mr. Shen Yu, you, you … I’m just setting a demonstration!”

Shen Yu: "..."

What's going on? You were obviously the one here to take advantage of me, but in the end it was me who took advantage of you

Li Xiang's little hand only stayed on his for a while, but the soft and slightly cool feeling still made Shen Yu feel excited...

To a large extent, holding hands is more imaginative than simply touching faces. It is full of ambiguity and a wonderful wrapped experience, especially for men and women holding hands for the first time, in a secluded situation. , there will be certain physiological reactions...

Zhao Yage and Ke Liangji looked a little stunned...

"Don't you see clearly? Then let me demonstrate again..."

Li Xiang said, going to hold hands with the tool man again, but Chen Yu was smarter this time and pulled his hand away, preventing her from touching it.

"Impossible! There is no way I can hold hands with him!"

Zhao Yage punched away Ke Liangji's hand stretched out in front of her. This guy seemed to have rebounded from his phobia of women. For the first time, he met a girl who could touch him. He was somewhat addicted to being touched.

"Brother Duck, you have to save my life! I like you! I will chase you!"

"Okay, then if you catch me, I will marry you."

"you said."

"I said."

"Then, how can I chase you?"

"Delete all the photos of your wife on your phone and then talk to me again."

Zhao Yage said and turned back to school.

Ke Liangji dragged his desolate body and sat alone in the yard for a long time, looking at the photos of his wives one after another, gently touching the screen with his fingers, his eyes full of reluctance:

"I'm sorry Yukino..."

"Rem, I'm sorry..."

"Asuna, I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry, Mai..."

He had really made up his mind and planned to pursue Zhao Yage with all his heart. When he deleted his wives, his heart was bleeding. After all, this was his only spiritual sustenance for many years of phobia.

Oh, and there was also the person I had an online crush with in high school. When he abandoned her, he himself felt uncomfortable for several months. He was so decadent. After all, he couldn't touch women, so naturally he couldn't have anything to do with her, so he deleted her. It was also for her own good, at least that's what Ke Liangji thought.

When Ke Liangji stood up and left, Lixiang seemed to still be able to see the light in his eyes, so she encouraged him from a distance: "Liangji-san, come on!"

But I still couldn't help but remind him: "Classmate Liangji, classmate Yage said that if you dare to chase her, she will kill you... so are you really sure?"

"Zhao Yage, you bastard... I have no grudge against you..."

Ke Liangji gritted his teeth and became more determined to catch Zhao Yage.

"Shen Yu, we are the best, you have to help me!"

"Puff and I are the best, don't have a random relationship..."

Shen Yu has a weird look on his face, two good friends suddenly get together, what kind of experience is it like? He felt that he could write a 2,000-word essay on the Internet. At this time, when he looked at the group of three singles, he always felt that it was so dazzling.

When Zhao Yage and Ke Liangji really get together, won't he be the only one left single

Inexplicably, he felt that the world was full of malice toward him, an African chief...

Of course, African chieftains are not always the same. It may be that they have spent a lifetime of luck and will be lucky once. There is a saying that it took me a lifetime of luck to meet you.

Li Xiang was very interested in matching Ke Liangji and Zhao Yage, like a little matchmaker, and discussed with Shen Yu how to create opportunities for them.

"You ask me what I'm doing. I don't understand, and neither do you. Don't get involved..."

"It's actually not difficult!"

Asaba Rika said: "Shen Yu-kun, I thought of a good idea, that is, we can go out to play together, such as going to a resort or something, just you and me, and then classmates Yage and Liangji, and we can also make an appointment with Lele and her Boy friend!"

Lixiang Balabala gave a lot of reasons, that is, it could create more opportunities for Ke Liangji and Zhao Yage. Shen Yu was stunned by what she said.

"I take it you want to go out to play, right?" Shen Yu reacted.


Li Xiang said quickly: "We are not in love, and we don't need to cultivate feelings. Could it be that Mr. Shen Yu has a guilty conscience..."

Before she finished speaking, her gloomy tone immediately rose:

"What do I feel guilty about? What do I feel guilty about? We just happened to be hanging out together, so just prove it to them, so you don't have to spend the whole day saying that I'm not clear with you!"

"Yeah! Prove it to them!"

