Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 116: Li Xiang is not ready yet!


"husband… "

Li Xiang's voice was not loud, and was soft and waxy, as if she was talking with a piece of candy in her mouth.

But the words "husband" clearly penetrated into the ears of the other three people in the car. Zhao Yage and Ke Liangji immediately calmed down, closed their mouths, and did not dare to say a word. The main battlefield now has moved away from the car. The back seat was transferred to the front seat of the car.

Zhao Yage and Ke Liangji looked at the two people in the front seat of the car gossiping, wanting to see what kind of chain reaction Li Xiang's 'husband' would bring.

Shen Yu stared ahead, watching the seconds ticking at the traffic light. From Li Xiang's perspective, he could see that his right earlobe was obviously red, but he didn't move or say anything, so that Li Xiang and Zhao Yage , Ke Liangji all wondered if he hadn't heard it.

Of course Shen Yu heard it, and heard it very clearly.

The phrase 'husband' was still playing in his mind like a mantra.

Hearing this, he was a little intoxicated, a little scared, and a little overwhelmed. In short, he was completely confused.

I almost subconsciously asked Lixiang: 'Why are you calling me like that all of a sudden?'

And predictably, Rika will definitely answer: 'It's just a joke! Eh? How could Mr. Shen Yu think I was calling you? Are you... Oh! I understand! It turns out that Shen Yujun wants me to call you husband! So perverted! I didn’t expect Shen Yujun to be such a person! '

You will be at a disadvantage immediately! Completely put yourself in a passive state!

Fortunately, the play between Ke Liangji and Zhao Yage just now reminded him that as long as he didn't react or express anything, Li Xiang would be helpless.

The minute I waited for the traffic light to turn green seemed a bit long.


I'm coming! Here she comes again! !

This time, Li Xiang's voice was a few decibels louder than before. The car was quiet at the moment. If he might not have heard it because he was so depressed just now, then there was no way he couldn't hear it now!

Zhao Yage and Ke Liangji also held their breaths and wished they could crack a handful of melon seeds.

Chen Yu's mind was racing. Faced with such a killer move, whether he agreed or not, he was extremely passive and could never follow her train of thought.

So he looked to the left, then to the right, and even looked at the roof of the car. He looked at Rika Asaba with a puzzled look on his face and asked, "Who are you calling?"

Li Xiang was still secretly proud, but Shen Yu suddenly shot her back, and she was stunned.

Who do I call

If you say 'I call you', isn't it the same as confessing? Confession is a fatal situation!

Asaba Rika suppressed her blush, and then said coquettishly: "I just heard Ryoji-san and the two of them playing... I was a little curious about why they called my husband 'husband'. I tried shouting, but it didn't feel right. It sounds so good…”

She gave the steps, and Shen Yu immediately followed them down.

The green light turns on and the vehicle continues to move forward smoothly.

"Who knows, it seems that this kind of shouting has become popular more than a thousand years ago. In the past, there were also titles such as husband, husband, official, and master."

"I like my husband! My husband~ my husband~!"

Asaba Rika happily shouted to Shen Yu. After that, she still felt that it was not enough, so she shouted to him again: "Husband~Husband~"

"you are silly?"

"I want to ask Mr. Shen Yu which name sounds better to you?"

"Call Master."

Asaba Rika tried shouting twice: "Master~Master~"

This time Shen Yu agreed, humming in a low voice and telling her to be quiet and not to make too much noise.

It wasn't until this moment that Asaba Rika realized that the word 'Master' always sounded like a concubine or a maid. Then she thought of what Shen Yu said to him last time, that if he went back to the past, he would have to accept Jiu The concubine in the room groaned and became unhappy.

Ke Liangji and Zhao Yage, who were in the back seat of the car, also started to play, shouting "wife", "wife", "wife" and "wife" one by one, which made Zhao Yage blush and start beating again.

After nearly an hour's drive, Shen Yu and the others finally arrived at the resort.

The scenery here is still very good. There is a bicycle greenway around the lake, and you can see the vast lake. It is late autumn and the climate is pleasant. You can choose to rent a few electric bicycles and stroll around slowly. When you are tired, you can go to the nearby ancient town. Eat delicious food, wander through alleys, and experience the life of local fishermen. At night, you will stay in a B&B for one night. You will sleep until you wake up naturally. When you open the curtains, you can see a row of antique huts. There are distant mountain views.

Vacation and leisure are mostly like this.

Now that they are all here, Shen Yu naturally won't think about work. He works almost continuously. Even when he went home during the Mid-Autumn Festival, apart from taking care of the idiot who sprained his foot, most of the time It's rare to find two days at work to relax and unwind.

Jiang Ningle and her boyfriend Li Jing arrived a little earlier. After seeing Shen Yu and the others, they introduced each other.

Li Jing is from Singapore, and his Chinese level is acceptable. He wears glasses and looks shy. When they are together, Jiang Ningle’s opinion is the main one most of the time. Now they are in love, and their spirit The condition looks quite good.

"Hello, I'm Shen Yu, majoring in computer science."

Shen Yu stretched out his hand to shake his hand and briefly introduced himself.

"Hello! I have often heard Lele mention you. She said that you are very good at programming and are now making a game of your own. I admire you very much."

"I just messed around on my own, thanks to her help with the art."

If men want to get closer to each other, they basically rely on working together or having the same interests and hobbies. For example, if I work on computers and you also work on computers, then we have a topic, or if you like LOL and I also like LOL, then we still have something to talk about. topic.

Women rely on gossiping and sharing little secrets to get closer to each other. For example, my boss is so disgusting, eh? So does my boss! My mother-in-law scolded me for buying such an expensive bag. What a coincidence! My mother-in-law is also very stingy!

Shen Yu, Ke Liangji, and Li Jing, the three men chatted for a while, and then they didn't have much to talk about. The main reason was that Li Jing studied music and didn't have much to talk to them about.

On the other hand, Qian Yu Lixiang, Jiang Ningle, and Zhao Yage were chatting happily. One moment they were gossiping about Zhao Yage being chased by Ke Liangji, and the other moment they were talking about Jiang Ningle becoming rosy, or talking about Li Xiang.

Both of them have a daily routine of chasing Shen Yu and Li Xiang on the website. The more they watch, the more they feel that these two are a perfect match. Although Shen Yu refuses to admit it, the eyes of the audience are sharp. If you are honest, you will not have a guilty conscience. Well.

"Hey, you two are wearing couple's outfits today. They look like two brown furry bears."

"No way... I just happened to wear the same color clothes..."

Jiang Ningle whispered to Li Xiang: "Don't worry, I promise to arrange everything for you this time!"

Asaba Rika asked her nervously: "How to arrange it..."

"You'll find out later, I guarantee you'll be happy."

Asaba Rika's little head was nodding like a chicken pecking at rice, and she couldn't help but look forward to it.

After seeing the three women chatting, Li Jing and Ke Liangji each found their own place.

Li Jing naturally followed Jiang Ningle, while Ke Liangji still clung to Zhao Yage shamelessly, leaving Shen Yu standing there, as lonely as a dog.

So Lixiang ran towards him with her backpack and called him sweetly: "Shen Yujun!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Let's talk about you."

"Talk about what I do."

"They said they were following our daily routine, so I told them we weren't in that kind of relationship."

"We have a clear conscience."

"Yeah, we won't go with them."

As Lixiang stood beside him to accompany him, Shen Yu inexplicably felt that loneliness disappear, and subconsciously compared with the other two couples, she felt that Lixiang Qianba was better than Jiang Ningle and Zhao Yage in terms of appearance and personality. Then even his own chest puffed up a little unconsciously, and he couldn't tell where this little pride came from.

If he and Li Xiang were the only two people hanging out together, Chen Yu would take the initiative to distance himself if Li Xiang got too close to him. But now, with the other two couples in the background, Chen Yu didn't resent Li Xiang's approach at all.

"Let's rent some electric cars later! Take a walk along the greenway, and then we'll go to the nearby ancient town. In the afternoon, we'll go to the farm to cook and eat together, and we'll play games together when we return to the B&B in the evening. What do you think?"

Of course, there is no problem with a few homeboys and homegirls. It is enough for one person to bring his own brains when he goes out to play. If he brings too many brains, it is easy to have disagreements and affect the vacation experience.

"Then let's go to the B&B and put our luggage away now!"

Shen Yu and others followed Jiang Ning Le to the B&B they had booked. He was empty-handed, while Asa Yulixiang was carrying a bag. Looking at the other two pairs, the boy is wearing a backpack and the girl is empty-handed.

Shen Yu feels a little uncomfortable...

"Let me get it for you."

"Shen Yujun, you are so kind!"

Rika Asaba gave him her backpack, and with her hands free, she jumped up and down like a little bird.

After looking at Jiang Ningle and Zhao Yage, Li Xiang probably realized why Shen Yu suddenly wanted to help her carry her bag, and felt pleased that Shen Yu was very sensible.

When we arrived at the B&B, it was a three-story building that had been converted from a residential building into a commercial B&B. The environment was pretty good, and the rooms were fully equipped with independent bathrooms, just like a hotel.

"Li Jing and I live in this single room."

"Liangji and Yage, you stay in this double room."

Ke Liangji and Zhao Yage were stunned for a moment, hesitating to speak, hesitating to speak, and finally acquiesced...

Shen Yu blinked, didn't you two react

Even if there are two big beds, they are still living together! No reaction

Of course, it's normal not to give any reaction. After all, if Ke Liangji was given a hundred thousand courages, he wouldn't dare to do anything to Zhao Yage...

Before Shen Yu could finish thinking, Jiang Ningle walked to the door of another room with the last two.

"There are no single rooms anymore! You two can stay in this double room! Anyway, you have lived together for so long and are normal friends, so there is nothing to mind."

With that said, she pushed Shen Yu and Li Xiang in and slammed the door.

Shen Yu looked at the room. It was quite big. The most conspicuous ones were the two large beds in the middle, about one meter apart. There was a bedside table with a lamp in the middle. The white quilts had been laid out and looked very soft. look.

Looking at Li Xiang again, the red color on her face has not faded since she entered the room. She looked at the big bed in front of her, holding her hands nervously, not knowing whether it was a natural birth or a caesarean section, and her eyes were extremely complicated.

How could she have thought that Jiang Ningle would make proper arrangements for her, that is, let her sleep in the same room as Shen Yujun!

Pear fragrance, pear fragrance are not ready yet! !

After all, Shen Yu was a boy. In fact, he didn't care about this kind of thing. Anyway, he couldn't do anything to Li Xiang. He covered his head and slept until dawn. Seeing that Li Xiang seemed embarrassed, he had to say:

"I'll go and change with Yage."

"it does not matter!"

Asaba Rika stretched out her little hand and grabbed the corner of his clothes, lowered her head and whispered: "We... We are here to help Liangji and Yage improve their relationship... So Shen Yujun, please feel aggrieved... I... believe Shen Yujun..."

Shen Yu: "..."

But I don’t believe you!



(Thanks to the old devil boy for the 10,000-dollar reward! I’ve been so leisurely recently, so I’ll start reading soon.)