Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 12: Your wife is already so old


Finally returned home, lying on the chair depressed and exhausted, vowing never to go shopping with a girl again.

The dual fatigue brought about by the body and soul is more torturous than doing a whole set of high-level math papers.

Asaba Rika was still full of energy. She didn't feel tired after getting off the car and kept moving things back and forth by herself.

"Little bear~kawaii~!"

Asaba Rika liked the stuffed bear that she got as a gift with phone money, so she hugged it and put it on the bedside of her bed.

"Shen Yujun, I put the facial cleanser in the bathroom for you!"


Let it go, let it go, I won't use it anyway.

Shen Yu got up, moved the fish tank to the second floor, and then put in the three silly little goldfish in the red bucket.

Bai Xiaomeng also ran over, staring at the little goldfish through the glass.

He didn't buy the little goldfish. It was a gift from his neighbor Aunt Wang's little sister last year. Her name is Su Zhifu. She is six years old this year. Shen Yu calls her Puff.

This summer she went back to the countryside like every year, and I haven't seen her for more than a month.

Asaba Rika finally finished it and lay down on the sofa with a meow. Only then did she feel sore all over.

"It would be nice if someone could massage my legs. If I take a hot bath, I will definitely have a good sleep tonight..."

Shen Yu glanced at her suspiciously. Is there anyone else in this room besides him? Could it be that you want me to press the button for you? What a beautiful idea!

"Bai Xiaomeng, step on it for me."

Chen Yu shouted, and Bai Xiaomeng jumped on him and stepped on him.

Asaba Rika was extremely envious and said nicely: "Bai Xiaomeng, help me step on it too."


Bai Xiaomeng ignored her and even rolled his eyes at her, but Qianyu Li's fragrance was overwhelming.

"Ha ha."

Chen Yu was amused, petted the cat, and leaned on the side of the sofa with Asaba Rika.

The afternoon was pleasant, and before they knew it, Shen Yu and Asaba Lixiang fell asleep on the sofa. Bai Xiaomeng stopped stepping on it, made a nest in Shen Yu's arms, and lay down together to take a nap.

The fan in the living room is whirring, and there is a golden world outside the balcony. Occasionally, some cool breeze blows in, the curtains swing gently, and the shadows stretch long and long on the ground...

Shen Yu rarely took a nap, but now he slept a little deeply and had a medium-sized dream.

In the dream, he became an astronaut and successfully got the opportunity to go to the moon to investigate. As expected, he discovered something incredible and actually met a huge unknown thing!

Damn, why does this bathtub look like a spaceship

No... why does this spaceship look so like a bathtub

The spaceship was shaped like a bathtub. He didn't know why it was shaped like a bathtub, so he walked in curiously.

Then inside the spacecraft, she met Asaba Rika who was taking a bath in the bathtub.

"Shen Yujun, come here quickly!"


What was originally a good sci-fi adventure dream suddenly changed the script!

Shen Yu woke up. As a rational boy, he was also rational in his dream.

Once something too bizarre happens, Shen Yu immediately realizes that he is dreaming.

When he opened his eyes, he felt that his arms were a little heavy. When he lowered his head, he saw Asaba Rika curled up on the sofa like a little kitten, her head resting on his arm, her hands curled up into small fists in front of her, sleeping soundly. Heavy again.

Why are you still sleeping on me? Chen Yu thought it was Bai Xiaomeng!

Bai Xiaomeng was usurped for her position, and now she was struggling to use her big head to push the head of Qian Yulixiang, trying to push her away.

"Meow wow wow..."

Bai Xiaomeng felt extremely aggrieved and looked at Shen Yu, asking him to make the decision for the little cat.

The unique fragrance of a girl's hair penetrates into the nostrils, stimulating the depressed hormones. No wonder my sci-fi adventure dream suddenly changed its style and color.

Cut, cut, cut! !

"Hey! Hey!"

Shen Yu was not gentle at all. He patted Asaba Rika and woke her up.

Asaha Rika opened her eyes and was still a little confused. She couldn't find the focus. She didn't sleep well last night and slept too soundly during her nap. She didn't know where she was for a moment. Then she looked up and saw his gloomy chin and his sullen expression. eyes...

"Eh...? Ah! You! Why did you run into my room! Pervert!"

Rika Asaba was the first to complain. In her desperation, she still spoke in Japanese. She turned over and sat up as fast as lightning, with her hands in front of her to protect her.

Even if Chen Yu didn't understand, he could still roughly understand what she was talking about, especially the last sentence of perversion, which he understood.

"See for yourself where you are."


Asaba Rika thought she was sleeping in her room. When she finally woke up, she found herself lying on the sofa. Then she saw a patch of red pressed out of the skin of Shen Yu's arm. She finally figured it out.

"Why did you lie on top of me while you were asleep?!"

Chen Yu became a little angry when he thought of the bathtub-shaped spaceship, and his good dream was ruined.

For scientists, dreaming is an important means of obtaining inspiration. For example, the chemist Kekulé relied on dreaming to associate the benzene ring structure.

"Sorry… "

Asaba Rika's face turned red and she apologized awkwardly. She was really embarrassed.

"I just fell asleep while sitting... I thought you were in the room... I thought you were a bear that you gave me for free with phone credit..."

"Why don't you call me a pillow?"

You are indeed more comfortable than a pillow...

But Asaba Rika didn't dare to say this.

After receiving the scolding, Asaba Rika didn't dare to refute, her sleepiness also dissipated. She was now more awake than ever, looking down at her fingers and turning them around.

A childish shout from downstairs broke the awkwardness between the two -

"Bai Xiaomeng! Are you at home! Brother Shenyu! Are you at home!"

Hearing this, although Shen Yu didn't reply, Asaha Rika clearly saw his eyes fluctuate, as if he was smiling slightly.

Bai Xiaomeng had already ran downstairs.

"Who is it?" Asaba Rika asked curiously.

"A little brat, as stupid as you." Shen Yu said and walked downstairs to take a look.

Su Zhifu was outside the door, carrying a large black plastic bag, which seemed to contain a lot of heavy things. When she saw Bai Xiaomeng running out of the fence, she giggled and went to pet the cat.

Soon, Shen Yu also came over and opened the door. Seeing her dark appearance, he almost didn't recognize her.

"Puff, why are you so tanned that you look like charcoal?"

"You all say that about me!"

Su Zhifu was very unconvinced and seemed to have expected that Shen Yu would say this about her, so when she came over, she secretly took out a piece of black coal from the stove.

"Look, Heitan is so black and I'm so white, they don't look alike at all!"

Shen Yu: "..."

Reasonable and well-founded, it leaves people speechless.

Qian Yulixiang was also behind Shen Yu. It was the first time she saw him so depressed, so she had a good impression of Su Zhifu.

In addition to her tanned skin, the little girl looks super kawaii, with big and smart eyes, shoulder-length hair, and a waxy voice with a unique Jiangnan accent.


Asaba Rika had no resistance to cute things. She squatted down just about the same height as Su Zhifu, held her hand and asked her, "What's your name?"

Su Zhifu did not answer her immediately, but looked her up and down curiously, and then said to Shen Yu in a different tone like a young adult: "I have only been back to the country for two months, your My wife is already so old!”

Asaba Rika: "?"

Shen Yu: "..."

