Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 121: What to do if you can’t sleep! Two-in-one


Asaba Rika ran away, leaving five people on the field. Everyone had been punished once. Except for Shen Yu, everyone was satisfied with today's activities.

Shen Yu always likes to keep a straight face, but in fact, maybe he is also very happy.

"It's already ten o'clock, so that's it for today. Good night, everyone!"

With that said, Jiang Ningle took the lead and pulled Li Jing into their room. They lived in a single room.

Seeing the two of them leaving, Zhao Yage, Ke Liangji and Shen Yu felt a little uncomfortable staying where they were.

"What about you two? They have left, and the three of us are left, and we just happened to be fighting the Landlord..." Shen Yu said. He actually didn't want to enter the room yet. He always felt awkward.

"You can play by yourself, let's go to bed."

After Zhao Yage finished speaking, he pulled Ke Liangji: "Why are you still standing there?"

"Brother Duck, if you mess around tonight, I will call the police!" Ke Liangji said tremblingly.

"Who cares?" With that said, Zhao Yage and Ke Liangji also entered the room.

Everyone left, and Shen Yu was eating potato chips and drinking Coke alone in the living room.

He has a physique that is not prone to obesity, and Coke is his favorite drink. The caffeine in it can refresh himself, and the sugar can also supplement his mental energy. However, if he drinks too much, he will inevitably be unable to sleep.

I didn't know what I was thinking, so I sat alone like this for twenty minutes before getting up and walking to my room.

The door was closed, and Shen Yu didn't open the door immediately and go in. It would be embarrassing if he caught Li Xiang changing clothes or something.

"Who, who..."


Asaba Rika is not changing clothes, she is playing with her mobile phone, and there are still search records on the browser page: It is the first time to live outside with a boy, is there anything I should pay attention to

The more she checked, the more frightened she became, but she also felt a sense of unspeakable anticipation, so before Shen Yu came, she spent most of the day in her room thinking about it.

After confirming that it was him, Li Xiang quickly put down her phone and went to open the door for Shen Yu.

Shen Yu didn't realize how difficult it was to enter the girl's room. He just knocked on the door and got in smoothly.

After entering the room, Shen Yu closed the door, and Li Xiang immediately became nervous, leaning against the wall and not daring to speak.

The room is quite big. It feels more like home than a hotel room. It has a separate bathroom, dressing table and wardrobe, and a 40-inch TV. The most eye-catching thing is the two beds in the middle, one meter apart. The left and right are separated by a bedside table with a lamp in the middle.

Probably because she was still unsure about her accommodation tonight, Asaba Rika didn't rush to pack her things. Her backpack was still placed on the outermost bed, including her cosmetics, and she didn't rush to take them out.

It wasn't until Shen Yu came into the room that Li Xiang breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was a little nervous about living with him, relatively speaking, she was still looking forward to sleeping in the same room as Shen Yu.

"Shen Yujun, which bed do you want to sleep on?"

"It's your choice. I can sleep anywhere. If you feel uncomfortable, I can sleep on the sofa outside."

"It doesn't matter! I know Shen Yujun is a very upright boy! If you go to sleep on the sofa, classmates Ya Ge and others will definitely suspect that you are guilty..."

"What do I feel guilty about..."

Shen Yu really wanted to sleep on the sofa, but after hearing what she said, he slept in the room tonight.

"Then I'll sleep here..."

Asaba Rika chose the bed inside. As a girl, it would be safer to lean against the corners.


Shen Yu sat down on the bed next to the outside, turned on the TV with the remote control, browsed through the programs in boredom, turned off the TV again, got up and adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner.

"Will it be cold?"

"not cold… "

Li Xiang was also sitting on her bed, not talking as much as usual, probably because she was nervous, and most of the time she was secretly observing Shen Yu.

"Shen Yujun, where is my little stone?"

Girls have very strange minds. Sometimes they think that some strange things have deep commemorative meanings, such as cutting off red sheets and putting them away.

This extraordinary pebble had a different meaning because he had experienced it together.


"Ah! How can this be possible!"

Asaba Rika was anxious. Shen Yu thought she was just joking when she asked him to keep the broken stone at first, but he didn't expect that she cared so much.

So, like magic, he turned his hand and the brown pebble appeared in his hand.

"Give it back to me now!"

Li Xiang hurriedly ran over to grab it, but Chen Yu clenched the stone back into his palm, switching his hands back and forth to prevent her from grabbing it.

After fighting for a while, Shen Yu discovered that Li Xiang was not here to grab the stone at all, but was taking advantage of him!

For example, she would take the opportunity to grab his hand, get very close to him, and hug him. If Shen Yu wasn't paying attention, she would accidentally throw him on the bed.

"Back to you."

Shen Yu quickly returned the hot stone to her.

Li Xiang finally succeeded and proudly stuck out her tongue at him: "Hmph, look at you snatching my little stone..."

After saying that, she put the stone away like a treasure. She planned to take it home and make it another treasure for herself.

"Clean up and go to bed."

"Um… "

Chen Yu took off his shoes, put on his slippers, and threw his socks into the bathroom for washing later. There was nothing to make on the bed. He took Li Xiang's backpack and was about to open it, but Li Xiang quickly grabbed it.

Li Xiang was slightly disappointed when Shen Yu didn't fight with her.

"Shen Yujun, do you want to take a bath? I'll give it to you..."

In addition to Shen Yu's ** socks, there was also her underwear in the backpack. Shen Yu would be very shy to get it by himself.

"Then I'll go take a shower first."

Shen Yu took his pants and shorts. He was wearing a T-shirt, which could be used as pajamas. Boys were not so particular about it. In fact, if Li Xiang wasn't there, he could sleep without wearing a T-shirt.

"and this!"

Li Xiang stopped him and brought Chen Yu's facial cleanser from her backpack to him: "I brought it here for you."


Shen Yu felt warm in his heart, and without saying anything else, he went into the bathroom to wash up, and soon there was the sound of water dripping inside.

There was no bathtub here, they were all showers. Lixiang didn’t want to eavesdrop, but she always felt that the sound of the shower was so loud that it made her dreamy, so she began to think that when she took a shower later, Shen Yujun would also do it. Hear the sound of her bathing!

so shy! !

No, I have to do something else to divert my attention.

So Rika Asaba started to pack her things. There was nothing to tidy up the bed. She took out the underwear she wanted to change from her backpack. They were the cross-strap style, tender pink with lace, and looked pretty and cute when worn. , The touching feeling, if converted into domestic sizes, it would be B size, but because of Rika's slender figure, it is actually more material than it looks.

Of course, since I don’t have a boyfriend, I don’t wear underwear for others to see. Lixiang wears it for herself. Every time she changes underwear, she will always look pretty in front of the mirror for a while. If she pinches her belly, If you find yourself fat, you will feel uneasy eating all day long.

The underwear was placed on the bed like this. It would be okay if it was usually in her own room, but now she was living with Shen Yu. Lixiang was still very shy, so she opened the quilt and hid the underwear in it.

Other bottles and jars of cosmetics were used for daily makeup, so she took them out from her backpack and placed them neatly on the dressing table.

There were two cabinets on the table. She opened them and took a look. One of the cabinets also contained something like instant noodle seasoning packets. The outer packaging was cherry pink, and she didn't know what it was.

Fortunately, it had Chinese characters on it, so she took a closer look: "Sixth sense... ultra-thin... particles... avoid... pervert! Abnormal!!"

Lixiang threw away the three instant noodle seasoning packets as if she was electrocuted. She had never seen such things before!

Could it be that Mr. Shen Yu prepared it

abnormal! abnormal! !

Impossible, impossible... Shen Yujun seems to have never touched the cabinet, so it must have been placed thoughtfully by the boss.

How could Shen Yujun and I use such a thing!

No, no, we must not let Mr. Shen Yu see it!

Lixiang hurriedly picked up the three seasoning packets again, like a hide-and-seek game. She was so anxious that she looked for a place to hide them everywhere in the room, and finally put them under her mattress.

"It's so dangerous..."

Li Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, and Shen Yu just came out of the shower. Seeing her evasive eyes, he asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

"No, it's okay! I'm making the bed!"

Asaba Rika glanced at Shen Yu. The boy who had just taken a shower was very handsome. He was wiping his hair with a towel. His body exuded the fragrance of shower gel, and his eyes were much brighter than usual.

"You go and wash it."


Asaba Rika opened the quilt, hid the change of underwear in her arms at super speed, and ran to the bathroom.

"Hey, are you taking a shower like this?" Shen Yu stopped her.

Li Xiang was stunned, hugging the clothes and towels in her arms tightly, and asked him cautiously: "What's wrong..."

"Don't you even need to change your shoes?"

"sorry… "

Rika put a change of underwear in the bathroom, came out, sat on the bed and took off her shoes.

She was wearing a pair of small boots today. Naturally, she couldn't take off her pantyhose in front of Shen Yu. It didn't matter if she showed him her feet. She sprained her feet last time and Shen Yu even touched them.

After putting on slippers, she re-entered the bathroom.

Chen Yu was drying his hair and didn't even look at her.

"Shen Yujun... can you cover your ears later..."

"What kind of strange request is this?"

Don’t worry about you doing weird things! After all, Shen Yujun is a bad guy who uses her voice to do strange things!

Asaba Rika was naturally embarrassed to tell the specific reason, so she just begged: "Is it okay..."

"Okay, okay, I'm going to sleep, you can wash slowly."

Shen Yu dried his hair, lay down on the bed, pulled the quilt and covered his head.

Li Xiang then closed the door and locked it, and went to take a shower with peace of mind.

The room was quiet. Shen Yu stayed in the quilt for a while and finally lifted it.

So I clearly heard the sound of the shower coming from the bathroom, and the sound of water dripping, like spring rain. Just listening to the sound, pictures unconsciously appeared in my mind.

Chen Yu finally understood why Li Xiang asked him to cover his ears. Behind a thin frosted glass door was the girl's imaginative bathing scene. Any normal man would find the atmosphere charming at this moment.

The girl took a long bath, and about half an hour later, Lixiang opened the door and came out.

Her hair was wrapped in a shower cap, and she was wearing a loose pajamas with a big rabbit printed on it. As soon as the shower cap was opened, her hair fell to her shoulders like a waterfall, her cheeks were flushed, and the steam in the bathroom followed her when she opened the door. , also floated out together, like fairy energy.

Seeing Shen Yu still hiding under the quilt, Li Xiang breathed a sigh of relief. As expected, Shen Yu was an upright boy who wouldn't even eavesdrop.

She climbed up to her chest gently, with her two little feet still outside the bed. She shook her legs playfully, and the slippers fell down with two soft clicks.

Chen Yu opened the quilt, and Li Xiang screamed strangely. Like a frightened little rabbit, she immediately got into the quilt, covered herself tightly with the quilt, and pulled the four corners of the quilt in to grab it. Became a snail.

After waiting for a long time and there was no movement, Snail Lixiang secretly opened a small gap to take a peek. Shen Yu didn't look at her, and he leaned on the bedside to play with his mobile phone.

Probably sensing the movement, he turned to look at her, and Snail Lixiang immediately retracted into the quilt.

"Shen Yujun..."

Li Xiang was in the quilt and said in a muffled voice: "Can you turn off the light..."

"Are you going to sleep?"

"Because I don't wear makeup... I'm afraid that I will look ugly when Mr. Shen Yu sees me... "

"If you were ugly, other girls wouldn't have to live."

Chen Yu has seen Li Xiang's appearance without makeup. From his straight male aesthetic point of view, there is actually no difference from her appearance after makeup. The only thing that can be seen is that her eyebrows are much lighter than usual. Her skin quality is very Good, as soft and tender as a baby's skin.

However, in order to take care of her, Shen Yu turned off the light.

The room became dark and even quieter, and you could hear the other person's breathing if you listened carefully.

Then, like a shy little snail, Li Xiang quietly stuck her head out from the quilt in the dark.

Shen Yu stopped playing with his phone. He turned to the other side and slept under the quilt without saying a word.

"Shen Yujun..."


"good evening… "

"Lori, you're so angry, go to sleep!"

Shen Yu didn't reply, he was quiet and seemed to have really fallen asleep.

Li Xiang was very energetic now, lying on the bed and turning over and over, unable to fall asleep. She tried to turn over as gently as possible, but the broken bed always made a squeaking sound, which made her afraid to move.

Chen Yu slept with his back to her, and Li Xiang slept with her face.

In the darkness, he couldn't see her anyway, but from her position, with the backlight of the bathroom light, he could vaguely see him.

She curled up her legs and pulled the quilt to cover half of her head. She held the corner of the quilt with her little hands so that her nose and eyes could be exposed, and she watched him sleep quietly.

After watching it for a long time, I felt like I was alone with insomnia and no one could talk to me, so lonely.

And I really, really, really wanted to hold him to sleep, bury my head in his chest, and enjoy his scent.

So Li Xiang gently pulled down the corner of the quilt a little more, just enough to expose her mouth, and like a little maid, she shouted softly towards Shen Yu:

"Master... Master?"

"Are you asleep… "

Shen Yu: "..."

If you are naughty again, believe it or not, I will spank you!



(If this is a two-in-one, there will be a larger one tomorrow...)

(Thank you to the helmsman of SSGO for the 10,000 rewards~)