Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 122: Can you give me a home? Two in one


The late autumn night was as quiet as a pool of water. The temperature outside was a bit low, and a thin mist filled the sky, shrouding all the scenery. The moon, stars, and houses in the distance gave it a dreamlike feeling. .

The heating was on in the room. It was supposed to be time for a peaceful sleep, but now both Shen Yu and Li Xiang were a little unable to sleep.

"Master... Master? Are you asleep..."

Li Xiang hid under the quilt, poked her little head out and shouted softly at Shen Yu.

Shen Yu's back was turned to her. In fact, he was not asleep either. He kept his eyes open. After his vision gradually adapted to the darkness, he could roughly see the outline of the room clearly.

The girl behind her was tossing and turning, not sleeping obediently. Every time she twisted, her soft body would make a sound as it rubbed against the bed, which disturbed Shen Yu's mind even more.

Hearing her shouting, Shen Yu reached out his hand and turned on the bedside lamp with a click.

The dark room immediately became brighter and felt a bit dazzling.

Like a frightened rabbit, Li Xiang pulled up the quilt again and wrapped herself tightly, as if she wasn't the one who just called Shen Yu.

Chen Yu looked at the snail Li Xiang next door, ignored her, got up and went to the toilet.

When he came out, he saw Li Xiang peeking out her little head to look at him, but when she saw him, she retracted it again.

I have a weird idea in my heart. I want to pounce on her vagina, lift her quilt, break her snail shell, and see if she still dares to be naughty!

Shen Yu lay back on his bed, didn't turn off the desk lamp, and just closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Snail Lixiang was quiet for two minutes. She probably noticed that there was no movement outside, so she peeked out her little head again, still wrapped up in the quilt, and slowly squirmed to the bedside, stretched out her white hands, and clicked on the desk lamp. destroy.

The room returned to darkness, and Rika felt much more at ease.

She was lying on her side, with the quilt tucked on both sides of her neck. She also raised one leg and pressed the quilt on one side under her. Then she twisted the other side of her body and rolled the quilt on the other side under her. Covered tightly, like a meat roll.

After taking precautions and turning off the lights, she became arrogant again.


"I can't sleep... How about we talk..."

In fact, she wanted to call her husband or husband, but she always felt that it would be dangerous to call her husband.

With a heavy breath, he turned sideways and changed his direction so that he was sleeping on the side facing Lixiang.

Lixiang was a little nervous and pulled the edge of the quilt to her nose, only revealing a pair of big eyes staring at him nervously.

In the dimness, she could vaguely see the outline of his gloomy face, but he did not open his eyes.

After watching for a while, he opened his eyes, and their eyes met. Li Xiang's heart felt like a deer. This time, she didn't hide in the quilt again, but subconsciously tightened the quilt.

"What are you doing up so late at night?"

"I can not sleep… "

"I'm almost asleep!"

"You lied... you... your voice sounded energetic..."

"If you disturb my sleep again, I'll take off your quilt."

Li Xiang was startled and quickly closed her eyes and did not dare to speak.

Five minutes later.

"Shen Yujun, what do you think Yage and Liangji are doing?" Li Xiang couldn't sleep, so she couldn't help but talk to him.

Shen Yu didn't answer her for a long time. It wasn't until she thought Shen Yu was really going to fall asleep that he said in a deep voice, "What else can you do besides sleeping?"

"Then do you think they will be together?"

"have no idea."

After saying a few words, the two couldn't sleep even more, and both opened their eyes and looked at each other.

There is still a sense of understanding, and I feel that I can't see myself clearly from the other person's perspective.

In fact, she could see very clearly. Her eyes would gradually adapt to the weak light in the dark. Shen Yu looked at Li Xiang's small face and saw her light eyebrows when she didn't have eyebrows. He could even see the long, fan-like hair on her big eyes. Long eyelashes.

"Shen Yujun, can you see me?"

"It's so dark, no one can see you. Can you see me?"

"Yeah, I saw you were sleeping with your eyes closed."

After confirming that the other party couldn't see him, he looked at the other party even more wantonly.

In fact, Lixiang is really beautiful.

Her eyebrows are clear and bright, and she likes to laugh. When she smiles, she has a clever and mischievous energy. Probably because her skin is relatively thin, she blushes easily. For example, now, even in dim light, he can't see her clearly. She had a complexion on her face, but one guess was that her little face must be red, because from time to time she used two fingers to pull down a little of the edge of the quilt to cool her cheeks. Shen Yu had never seen a girl as cute as her.

"Shen Yujun..."


"You, what do you think of me?"

"I'm not looking at you."

"It's not this, it's just opinions."

Shen Yu looked at her quietly for a while, as if he could see the expectation in her eyes. After being silent for a while, he answered her question.

"The first time I picked you up at the airport, you were incredibly stupid."

"snort… "

"You said that you are a fool and stupid, but you dare to go to such a far place alone. What if no one takes care of you?"

"So Mr. Shen Yu is worried about me?"

"Who would worry about you... If dad hadn't told me, I wouldn't care about you..."

"My luck has always been very good. Fortunately, I met Mr. Shen Yu, so I was not sold into the mountains."

"You are so proud!"

After hearing what she said, Shen Yu really wanted to slap her on the butt with a small bamboo stick, but it didn't make her worry at all. However, he couldn't ignore her yet. She seemed to have some kind of magic power, which always baffled him. The ground will be concerned and worried that she will be hurt.

"You are different from other girls."

Shen Yu continued: "You don't understand anything. You are like a child. You just do it recklessly without thinking about the consequences. You are the same age as when you were a child and went out to buy your favorite doll and got lost. It’s the same, it hasn’t changed for so many years.”

Probably because she looks like a child, this simplicity is more precious and makes her different.

"Shen Yujun, do you still remember..."

Lixiang felt warm in her heart. Unexpectedly, he still remembered the childhood events that happened to be mentioned during the chat. It was obvious that he had never listened to her seriously.

"I just have a good memory, and I don't remember you specifically."


"What did you say?"

"No la!"

Li Xiang whispered: "Because I know Mr. Shen Yu will take care of me and you will not ignore me, so I feel relieved. My parents always say that I have no opinion. I want to change, but I can't. With Mr. Shen Yu If you are here, it won’t matter..."

"What if I'm not here?"

"I'll stick to you. You can't get rid of me."

"What if I suddenly disappear?"

"Then I will sit there and cry until you come back to me, and you will definitely come back to me."

She always has such wishful thinking, thinking that the doll she likes is the best, the place she wants to go is the most beautiful, and the person she likes is the best.

Her mind is simple and stubborn like a thread. If she hands the other end of the thread to Shen Yu and lets him lead her, she can close her eyes and not look at the road.

Even if Shen Yu abandons her and runs away, she will stand there obediently, firmly believing that he will come back to find her.

The initial task that Shen Yu received was to take care of her, but he never expected that it would be such a heavy care. Because she believed in him, her whole body was attached to him. This kind of stubborn trust and love made Shen Yu unable to be cruel at all. Regardless of her, she is like a blank piece of paper, and it is unbearable to live up to her unreserved trust and love.

At the beginning, Shen Yu thought that this kind of dependence was just because she had just arrived, was not familiar with the place, and her social circle was too narrow, so she could only rely on him. However, as they gradually got along, she discovered that Li Xiang not only did not reduce her dependence on him, but also became more and more dependent on him. The more I like to cling to him.

"Why don't you make more friends? Even if I don't have time to take you to play, you and your friends can go play, right?"

"I do not like… "

Li Xiang pursed her lips. The more people she came into contact with, the better she felt about Shen Yu. She couldn't tell the reason why Shen Yu was special, but compared to others, Shen Yu was special, and she couldn't help but want to get close to him. People who want to jump into his arms.

As long as she is with Shen Yu, she doesn't have to worry about other things at all. She seems to be surrounded by a strong sense of security. For her, who is like a child, this sense of security is simply too precious. She wants to stay with her all day long. It's good for him.

"I don't always have to go out to play. I'm very happy painting, doing housework, and cooking at home." As long as I'm with you.

Shen Yu was lying on his side, looking into her eyes and talking about these boring things. She was still happy and twisted around in the quilt, as if she wanted to get up immediately and cook for him.

"Shen Yujun is a very different person from me."

She lay on the bed obediently, pulled up the pillow and quilt, and leaned closer to the bed, so that she could look at his face more clearly.

In the dim light, she looked at her favorite boy opposite her unscrupulously.

"When I first met Mr. Shen Yu, I was actually very scared. You looked so fierce. I thought you were going to bully me and ignore me. But later I found out that Mr. Shen Yu never ignored me or treated me. It’s super good, and I also like it when it’s mean to me.”

"You and I are very different people. I am stupid, but you are very smart, and I have no opinion, so you are very independent. Mr. Shen Yu is a person with goals. My problems are actually very small, but You always put down your own things to take care of me.”

"I'm very afraid that I will cause you a lot of trouble, and I'm afraid that one day you will hate me, so I'm very good and don't go out by myself. In fact, I have memorized the route from home to school now. Shen Yujun doesn't need to do that. You are waiting for me. I can go home by myself. I am trying to remember the way to buy groceries now. When I get home, I can go shopping by myself. You like spring onions, so I will add more spring onions when cooking. , if you don’t eat coriander, I won’t add coriander. Fortunately, I can also draw. I just want to try my best to help you so that you don’t hate me. I feel really lucky to live with you. happy… "

She babbled about her feelings about Shen Yu, her voice was very soft, as if she was talking to herself, but in the quiet and dim room, Shen Yu could hear every word and every word very clearly.

For a moment, he really wanted to hug her and call her a fool.

She finished speaking for a long time without waiting for any response from Shen Yu. She asked in a low voice: "Is Mr. Shen Yu asleep..."

"I am listening."

Shen Yu didn't know how to respond. She just expressed her inner thoughts towards him, simply expressing them.

In a long paragraph, there was no word 'I like you' but every sentence vaguely said 'I like you'. Even if he wanted to take it as her confession, he didn't know where to reject it. There was no way to say no.

The frog in the pot noticed that the firepower was increasing, but he didn't make the effort to jump out. Moreover, the water temperature was so comfortable...

He was even thinking, if Rika suddenly confessed to him after saying these words, would he really be able to reject her without hesitation as he imagined

Similarly, Li Xiang is also restraining herself. She really wants to tell Chen Yu, "I like you," but she is not sure of winning. Shen Yu may still reject her. If she really wants to tell Chen Yu, she will not be able to turn back. Either 30% are together on the spot, or 70% are depressed and go to sleep in the living room now.

People are always emotional late at night, and any decision made at this time will appear impulsive.

Fortunately, the desperate situation of this confession did not happen. The two of them were silent for a while, each adjusting to the throbbing of love brought about by the late-night conversation.

Of course, the effect must be there. If the water temperature was 50 degrees before, then it is 60 degrees now. If Shen Yu didn't jump away, he would stay in the water temperature of 60 degrees. Warming up is a technology live.

Li Xiang rolled up the quilt, looked at him and asked:

"Is there anything Shen Yujun wanted to do when he was a child?"

"When you were a kid?"


Shen Yu thought for a while and said, "I want to build a house."

This answer surprised Lixiang. She originally thought that Shen Yu would be a scientist, an astronaut, or a computer worker like he is now, but she didn't expect that his childhood wish was to be an ordinary house builder.

"Do you want to build a very tall skyscraper?"

"No, I just built a home for myself. I built it brick by brick by myself. When I was a child, there were many construction projects around. After school, I often watched outside the construction site, watching the excavator grabbing the soil and watching the workers brick by brick. The earth was built, and I looked at it every day. Before I knew it, a big house came out. At that time, I thought it was so great, so I wanted to build a home for myself. I even drew a drawing. It was a three-story house. The building and attic must have a skylight so that I can watch the stars in the summer night. I used to like watching the stars and also thought about becoming an astronaut, but my parents refused. They even refused for me to study abroad. They thought flying into the sky would be a waste of time. I won’t come back.”

Li Xiang was amused by him, giggling while covering her quilt, and suddenly felt that Shen Yu was particularly cute.

"Isn't it funny?"

"Shen Yujun must have been very cute when he was a child."

"I don't think so."

Probably because I have been smart since I was a child and have a strong memory. I have the impression that when I am as old as Puff, I am like a little adult. I also think that my classmates are all stupid. I don’t know how many years 75+48 equals. I can't communicate with them at all, and I can't play with them. The teacher always treats him as a child and talks to him in a childish tone, and the communication efficiency is very low.

During his childhood, everyone commented that he was very sensible and smart, but Lixiang was the first to praise him for being cute.

"Do you still have the drawing drawn by Mr. Shen Yu?"


"Can you show it to me when you get back?"


Shen Yu looked at her and asked, "What about you? Don't you have any ideals? Are you just going to be a salty fish like this?"

"My ideal is to become a person like my mother."

Lixiang thought for a while and said: "My mother and father have a very good relationship. Every morning when my father goes to work, she gets up and makes him breakfast. When my father is not at home, she can always keep the house well organized and let him work outside. There is no need to worry about the family. Although compared with what dad does, what mom does every day is a very small thing, but year after year, it becomes a very big thing, just like building a house."

"So you want to focus on being a good wife."

"Hmm, aren't my ideals so small? Mr. Shen Yu, please don't laugh at me because I have no future..."


Shen Yu turned over and looked at the ceiling in a daze.

"What is Mr. Shen Yu thinking?"

"nothing… "

Rika also turned over, looking at the ceiling like him, and continued to talk about the ideals she had just finished.

"The life I want is actually very simple. I don't eat much. I can eat less because I want to lose weight. It's so expensive to buy a house now. We can go to a small city together and rent a shop every day. In the morning, you drive a pickup truck to buy goods, and I will be the boss lady. We will save money together and then build a small building by ourselves. There is a big skylight in the attic. When we are not busy at night, we will lie in the attic and watch the stars!"

With that said, she hugged the quilt and turned to Shen Yu's side, and asked him: "Mr. Shen Yu, do you think life like this is pretty good?"

Shen Yu almost said, "It's pretty good," but when he realized it, he felt something wasn't right.

He said speechlessly: "You talk about yourself, don't involve me."

Li Xiang defended: "I, I didn't say I would be with you..."

"The attic with the skylight is mine. You are not allowed to live with anyone else."

"I can build it myself."

"Go to sleep, I don't want to talk to you."

"Hmph...I don't want to talk to you either."

The two of them pulled the quilt and faced outside, back to back.

The room became quiet, and Shen Yu felt as if he could hear his own heartbeat. He closed his eyes, and a house appeared in his mind. It was a three-story building he built with his own hands. After many years, it was his childhood dream. Being mentioned tonight, it is still clear.

Then she thought of Lixiang’s dream, so she imagined Lixiang in this house. She became the hostess. Just as she hoped, she could always tidy up everything in the house when he was not at home. When people watch the stars together in the attic, the picture is so harmonious that there is no sense of disharmony.

Coincidentally, the two turned over again and fell asleep facing each other.

Chen Yu opened his eyes and watched her sleeping. She was peaceful and seemed to be sleeping well.

Lixiang was not good at sleeping. She couldn't sleep without a coat to hold her tonight.

After Shen Yu looked at her for a long time and thought she fell asleep, Li Xiang secretly opened her eyes and called him softly:

"Master... Master?"

"I can't sleep... Can we talk?"

"If your house is built, can I live in it? I just need to live in the small attic..."

Shen Yu: "..."

Are you going to sleep tonight



(It’s the end of the month. Basically, each chapter will have more than 3,000 words after it is released. There will be an additional chapter in the evening. For the first time since it was released, I would like to ask everyone for monthly votes! Please vote for support! I love you~!)