Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 14: You are the inner demon!


"If nothing happens, don't go out."

At seven o'clock in the evening, Shen Yu took his student card and electric car key, opened the courtyard door and prepared to go to school.

School is about to start tomorrow. There is a notice in the class group tonight that a class meeting will be held, mainly to distribute textbooks and announce the course schedule for the new semester.

"Yeah! I'll take care of my home!"

Asaba Rika obediently agreed. She was not familiar with the surrounding area, so naturally she had no idea of going out for a walk at night.

"Come back soon!"

Asaba Rika waved her little hand, and Shen Yu had already gone out on his electric bike.

Now that no one was at home, Asaba Rika was a little bored and cleaned the bathroom.

Not sure if it was safe here at night, Lixiang looked around the door with the garbage in her hand, ran out and threw it into the trash can, and then hurried back.

Back in the room, she prepared the materials she would bring to school tomorrow. She was from the liberal arts and arts department. International students are different from ordinary students. There are special international classes. Except for some professional courses, they will be taken together with ordinary students. , Chinese classes are all taken by international students.

Rika Asaba is a painting major, and there are only a few main courses, including sketching, color basics, Chinese art history, social practice, and compulsory Chinese courses.

Compared with ordinary students, her study tasks are actually not that heavy. She came to study in China because she is very interested in Chinese culture and wants to come out and experience life.

"Finally I can take a nice hot bath~"

Asaba Rika hummed a song, put on shorts and shorts, hugged her own toiletries, and ran happily to the bathroom.

September in Sunan is quite hot. Shen Yu usually takes cold showers, but Asaba Rika can't take cold showers because she will get stomachache.

After the hot water was put in, Asaba Rika took off her clothes, raised her white feet and stepped into the bathtub, then slowly lay down, the water temperature heated the blood all over her body, and her little face turned red.

"Taking in the bath is obviously very comfortable, why doesn't Mr. Shen Yu like it..."

Girls are naturally slow to take baths. When Asaba Rika came out of the shower, Shen Yu had not returned yet.

Being in an empty room is still a bit unaccustomed.

Bai Xiaomeng is quite used to it. When Shen Yu is not at home, he sleeps on the sofa by himself, or jumps to the fish tank to watch the little goldfish. Sometimes he even goes to the door of Asaba Rika's room to see what she is doing, but refuses to talk to her. close.

The message light on her mobile phone flashed, and Rika Asaba quickly picked it up and looked at it. She thought it was Shen Yu who was looking for her, but it turned out to be the editor of Matsushima who was looking for her.

Matsushima: "Tomorrow is September. Do you have your manuscript?"

Asaba Rika: "Sorry, sorry! I'm studying abroad in China now, so the manuscript needs to be sent to you a few days later!"

Songdao: "Surprised, when did you go to China?"

Asaba Rika: "Yes, so it will take a few days..."

Matsushima: "Don't break your promise. The response to your comic is pretty good. You need to work harder!"

Asaba Rika: "I will try my best!"

Because she has loved reading comics since she was a child and has good drawing skills, Rika Asaba has been submitting comics to the editorial department a long time ago, but like most street writers, she has basically not made any money.

In her latest work, the background structure of the world is based on the history of China as a template. It has fantasy elements and belongs to the genre of girls' comics.

The story takes place during the Qin Dynasty. A girl with a quiet personality, virtuous and beautiful girl who grew up in a long time ago meets a brave and skilled general.

The meeting and love between the two went smoothly at first, including the first time the heroine sent a token of love to the hero, held hands with him, and kissed him. However, a war changed everything.

The girl gained eternal life because of a strange encounter.

But the general she loved died on the battlefield. The girl found it difficult to accept the reality and began to embark on the road to resurrect her lover.

Of course, in Asaba Rika's outline design, there are still many twists and turns and difficulties in this process. From the Qin Dynasty to modern times, the girl lived alone for two thousand years. The world has undergone tremendous changes, but there are also things that have never changed. , the girl's feelings for the general, which is also the central theme of this girl's manga.

Since it is a manga about girls, sweet love and beautiful painting style are naturally indispensable.

But Rika Asaba was uncharacteristically different. After the comic ended, she started to abuse it, which made many young girl readers burst into tears.

It is said that people who have never been in love can write the most pure love. Rika Asaba is such an example. She is especially good at depicting ambiguous scenes and the inner monologue of young girls.

Of course, apart from herself, not even her father knew that she also drew shojo comics. After all, she felt embarrassed to tell anyone about it.

After receiving the urging message from editor Matsushima, Asaba Rika opened her notebook, took out her board, and lay on the table to start drawing.

She soon got into the mood, and sometimes when she painted some scenes with blushing and heartbeat, she would also blush along with it.

If she saw the male protagonist talking to the female protagonist, she would bite the end of her pen and snicker while feeding herself dog food.

At some point, Bai Xiaomeng also jumped on her desktop, patted her board, and urged her to draw faster. She had better draw ten or eight pictures in one second, otherwise she would not be given a recommendation vote.


What are you laughing at? Hurry up and draw, I want to see it!

Meetings have always been protracted and lengthy. Shen Yu thought that he could leave after coming over to get the textbooks and timetable, but it has been delayed until now.

The counselor enthusiastically organized everyone to activate the class atmosphere and strengthen the cohesion of the class, and asked several students to come up and share their summer life.

The response was mediocre. After all, they are all small groups based on dormitories. The boys want to go back to the dormitory to play games, and the girls want to go back to the dormitory to take a shower, wash clothes, and watch TV dramas.

It happened to hit Shen Yu.

"What did the top student do during the summer? Let me share it with you."

"Study." Shen Yu's answer was concise and clear.

"Um, what else did you do besides studying? For example, fell in love or something?"

The counselor is a senior senior student. There are many men in the computer department, but the number of handsome men is limited, and many students have a tendency to become bald. As we all know, the most handsome guy in the department is depressed, and the senior student can't help it. Just wanted to gossip about him.

The few girls in the class secretly pricked their ears when they heard this.

"I've been talking about books for two months." Shen Yu smiled.

Xiao Xiao answered this question humorously, which was considered as a way for the senior sister to step down and stop asking boring questions.

"It's so verbose..."

The one who spoke was a short-haired girl named Zhao Yage sitting on Shen Yu's right.

"Are these people controlled by hormones? Can't they think of other things in their minds?"

Different from ordinary female college students, Zhao Yage is a veritable top student, a boss in the programming department. She wears gray-blue baggy jeans and a plaid shirt. Her face is quite cute, but her temperament...

Like a man.

"Brother Duck, I think no one wants you."

The person who replied to Zhao Yage was a boy with shoulder-length hair named Ke Liangji sitting on the left side of Shen Yu.

Unlike ordinary male college students, Ke Liangji is also a veritable academic master and a master in data architecture, but he is unkempt. He wears a pair of headphones all the time without knowing what he is listening to. His beard is unkempt, and his hair is oily enough for cooking.

Ke Liangji suffers from gynophobia, which attacks when he is alone with women. His symptoms include feeling flustered and uncomfortable and wanting to run away, and he cannot have any physical contact.

"Who are you talking about, chicken girl? Do you believe I will touch you?"

"Don't mess around, be careful and kneel on the ground and beg me not to die."

Zhao Yage got angry when she saw Ke Liangji. A man with such long hair looks like a woman, but he is also phobic of women.

It is said that birds of a feather flock together, and Zhao Yage and Ke Liangji are considered to be the few good friends in Shenyu University.

Shen Yu's personality is a little bit weirder than that of normal people, but it is not as extreme as these two. Being caught between these two people feels like a big headache.

In their freshman year, Zhao Yage, Ke Liangji and Shen Yu were on the same ACM competition team, and Shen Yu was the captain.

The trio, who were still freshmen at the time, were not favored by others, but they did not expect to overcome obstacles all the way and win the ACMIC PCRegional gold medal.

"Chen Yu, are you still participating in this year's competition? The three of us together, maybe we can enter the global finals." Zhao Yage asked.

"Not interested." Shen Yu refused to form a team. It was enough to participate in the competition once, and the bonus was not too much. He did not learn algorithms for the competition, but to put his energy into practice. In comparison, He said he was more interested in the affective computing project at hand.

"Shen Yu, you've changed. It's only been one summer vacation, and you've changed." Ke Liangji said sadly.

"You're not really in love, are you?" Zhao Yage also distanced herself from Shen Yu in disgust. A noble single dog cannot be tarnished.

"How could I do such a waste of life?" Shen Yu was speechless.

"Brother Duck, I seem to smell the same disgusting odor on him as you." Ke Liangji was a little shocked. Sure enough, something was wrong with Shen Yu.

"Are you a dog?" Shen Yu pushed his face away, then wiped his oily hands on Ke Liangji's clothes disgustingly.

I spent a whole day with Asaba Rika today, maybe she really smells like her on my body.

"Then if you don't participate in the competition, what are you going to do this year?" Zhao Yage asked curiously.

"I'm working on algorithms related to AI intelligence, and I'll need your help when the time comes." Shen Yu didn't explain much. Before the things came out, any words he said were empty words.

Ke Liangji and Zhao Yage said in unison: "Okay, as long as you don't abandon us."

After saying that, Brother Duck and Sister Chicken looked at each other, feeling mutually disgusted again.

After receiving the textbooks and timetable, Shen Yu rode his electric bike home.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with him going home, and no one was waiting for him at home. He was just used to being alone, and then returned to a quiet house.

It's cool to ride a bicycle at night. The wind blows from the sleeves into the armpits, making it very cool and comfortable.

Shen Yu rode slowly, thinking he was relaxing. He looked at the pedestrians under the street lights and the bright windows in the houses opposite. He couldn't help but think of what his father had said to him.

In fact, people are happy enough if they have three meals a day, a light when it gets dark, an umbrella when it rains, and the person they love by their side. There is no need to deliberately pursue something too high or too far away, and lose the truly precious things.

"Have I always been... too immersed in my own world?"

Shen Yu came back to his senses, stop, stop, stop! I actually have the slightest idea of wavering in scientific research? !

Cut, cut, cut!

His expression became a little gentle and gloomy at first, but then returned to that cold face. Any thought that shakes his scientific research is the inner demon of decadence and depravity!

What's going on? Shen Yu, I usually don't think about these messy things at all, why do so many inner demons suddenly appear

When Shen Yu returned home, looking at the brightly lit home had a completely different feeling than looking at the pitch-black house.

Opening the door, Qian Yulixiang heard the sound and walked out of the room. Bai Xiaomeng was afraid of falling behind her, so he ran out super fast and was the first to bump into Shen Yu's arms.


"Shen Yujun! You are back!"

There was undisguised joy in his tone. At that moment, Shen Yu felt a little... warm in his heart

He seems to have found the source of his inner demons...

