Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 21: Want to make a game


When Shen Yu came to the classroom, he happened to be in the second period of class.

He walked in gently from the back door. In the corner of the last row, Ke Liangji was sitting alone.

There are very few girls in the computer department. There are two classes at the moment. The girls are basically concentrated in the front half of the classroom. Ke Liangji can't avoid this. Sitting at the back is an extremely safe choice.

"Where are you talking about?"

Shen Yu pulled up the chair and sat down next to Ke Liangji.

Ke Liangji looked back at him, his eyes naturally showing joy. He took off the headphones in the direction of Shen Yu and asked, "Why did you come here? I just called the roll call."

"Did you click on me?"

"Alright, I'll call for you."

"how about you?"

"I do not mind!"

Shen Yu was moved in his heart and subconsciously distanced himself from Ke Liangji.

This guy has gynophobia, and I don’t know if this disease will develop and he will start to have other terrible thoughts about men.

"Where are we now?"

"I didn't listen. They're all basic stuff and don't make much sense. It's better to brush up on the questions. It's just right. Please help me look at this question."

Ke Liangji pushed a question in front of Shen Yu.

It is an algorithm question about the Tower of Hanoi. When Brahma created the world, he made three diamond pillars. On one pillar, 64 gold discs were placed in order of size from bottom to top. Brahma ordered the Brahman to put the discs Rearrange on another pillar in order of size starting from below. And it is stipulated that the disk cannot be enlarged on the small disk, and only one disk can be moved between the three pillars at a time. Please use programming to achieve this.

"Why are you still writing competition questions? It's meaningless. What you are good at is architecture. Do you plan to continue participating in ACM this year?"

"If you don't participate, you won't even come. Brother Ya and I can't find suitable teammates, so we won't do it anymore. Give me some ideas. I'm just curious about how to solve it."

"Zhao Yage isn't going to participate either?" Shen Yu was still a little surprised. After all, she was a very rational girl.

"She said everyone else was a pig teammate."


Shen Yu took the question, thought about it for a while, and quickly came up with ideas for solving the problem.

"Wonderful, wonderful..."

Ke Liangji praised repeatedly, looked at Shen Yu and said, "As expected, you are still awesome. What project are you working on recently? What were you talking about last night, emotional computing of AI?"

"Well, I'm still testing the algorithm and trying to come up with an intelligent program."

Ke Liangji became excited: "Where do you want to put this program? On a robot? Or make an app or game?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. The core algorithm hasn't been worked out yet. Let's talk about it then."

Shen Yu thought for a moment and said, "Maybe it would be more appropriate to make it into a game."

Ke Liangji is a top student and a game fan. He has played countless games of all kinds. When he heard that Shen Yu wanted to play a game, he immediately got excited. He licked his greasy face with a beard and said, "What game?" ?I may be tired of playing other games, but I have to play all the games you make!"

"It's that kind of role-playing game."

Shenyu hasn't played many games, and has only played some small Buddhist games. Most of them are plot-oriented word games. When certain scenes are triggered, the corresponding plot will pop up.

This kind of game is quite interesting at first, but it soon becomes boring. After all, it is not intelligent, and the trigger conditions and plot results are too fixed. It is the kind of game that is lost after playing it once.

“Do players interact with players?”

"No, if it is made into a game, our advantage is the AI emotional intelligence algorithm built into the game."

Shen Yu explained: "Our game can be made into a stand-alone game. It does not require player-to-player interaction, only player-to-NPC interaction."

"First establish the world view of the game and let the game have certain rules. Let me give an analogy. For example, if we want to make a love game, then the player can set the appearance, personality, preferences, and even the past of the NPC girlfriend at the beginning of the game. Experience and some words said, this is when our AI emotion algorithm begins to show its advantages."

"Through the learning of big data through algorithms, this NPC girlfriend can become real. She will think for herself, will be angry, happy, shy, embarrassed... When the event scene is triggered, she will consider what to do in this situation. How to do it, every trigger feedback, is the development that is most consistent with the character's behavior."

"For example, your virtual girlfriend has just developed a crush on you, and you can't wait to take her to the hotel. However, this does not meet your expectations for the virtual girlfriend. Under the calculation of the algorithm, your girlfriend will be angry and even start talking to you. If you break up, you have to start thinking of ways to win her favor again."

"My idea is to make a role-playing game with a high degree of freedom. Our focus is not to design various fixed trigger scenarios, but to make NPCs more intelligent through algorithms. Under various circumstances, The behavior of NPCs can make players feel reasonable and able to continue playing."

Ke Liangji was a little entranced after hearing Shen Yu describe the blueprint of his vision. Although he had phobia of women, this was only in reality. As a member of the otaku, he loved his paper figurine wife very much.

"This is too difficult!"

Ke Liangji was still a little surprised. The biggest difficulty of this game is the core algorithm.

"So, it's just a hypothesis. Let's wait until I work out the algorithm."

Shen Yu said: "The program is already in the big data learning stage. Let's wait and see how it goes when it comes out. At the beginning, it will definitely be very rough, and the game is also very simple. Just make a form of text and pictures first. The most important thing is AI algorithm."

Hearing that Shen Yu had basically finished the algorithm and had even entered the big data learning stage, Ke Liangji just wanted to kneel down and call the boss at this moment.

"Shen Yu, I feel like you have changed a bit since you came back from the summer vacation."

Ke Liangji couldn't help but stare at Shen Yu. Now he thought about it calmly. According to Shen Yu's previous thinking, there was a high probability that he would apply this algorithm to a more ethereal robot or other app. However, he didn't expect that he would actually propose a virtual girlfriend. This concept of the game comes from.

Ke Liangji was really right. This idea came to Shen Yu only in the past two days. He had never thought about where to apply the algorithm after he figured it out. He didn't know if it was the inner demons at work. I came up with the idea of such a virtual girlfriend.

"Change to what?" Shen Yu was a little hairy as he stared at her, and moved away again.

"Have you started to secrete youthful hormones? It seems to me that your face is paler than before, like a pretty boy." Ke Liangji said.

"Go buy a bottle of facial cleanser. The oil on your face can be used for cooking."

Shen Yu Anli said: "It's really useful."

"What am I doing with that thing? Hey, do you want a paper wife? I'll introduce you to a few, they're super cute..."

"No, get out."

