Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 227: The last words written


Maybe the story is so beautiful that when the last word was pressed on the keyboard, the relief of the ending did not come, but instead there was a sense of loss and sadness that could not be let go.

Cat King writes a story about miracles, Doctor writes a story about redemption, and Girlfriend writes a story about fate.

A girl like Rika is probably every boy’s dream, right

She is well-behaved, beautiful, virtuous and gentle, and can love someone with all the energy in her little body.

The romantic cells in her bones allow her to say cute words innocently, and stubbornly believe that what she likes is the best in the world. She feels that she is the luckiest person blessed by God.

Even I am cautious for fear of hurting her. Such a girl, I think she deserves the best love in the world.

My writing power is limited and I cannot fully express her in my mind.

But I remember that she sprained her foot on the Mid-Autumn Festival night, and I felt sorry for her.

I remember that when she came home during the New Year and thought about her depressed day and night, I also felt uncomfortable.

I remember Shen Yu went to find her, and I was also very excited when the two met.

There are also the first time holding hands, the first kiss, the first time under the covers...

Even in the short paragraph mentioned in the extra chapter, when she entered the delivery room alone, when I wrote this, I felt indescribably uncomfortable. I couldn't imagine what she was thinking at that time.

That feeling of loneliness and fear reminds me of the power outage at home during a thunderstorm when I was a child, and I would hide in my room and cry helplessly.

I have written about many girls, such as Qiqi, Qing Ning, and Gardenia. Each of them has a clear impression in my mind.

But when it comes to being the bravest (for free), Rika ranks first. She understood her own feelings very quickly and devoted herself wholeheartedly to this fateful love.

In real life, most of these silly girls have been hurt. Perhaps it is because of this that everyone loves and cares about her in another world because she is so silly and stubborn.

Unlike many mainstream online novels, the protagonist Shen Yu was quite controversial when he first appeared. Why, because his character is flawed. Unlike mainstream online novels, the protagonist is perfect from the beginning. The psychology is also invincible.

His character is flawed, which means he is destined to grow up slowly. Of course, he is not flattering in today's online articles.

The main line of this article is actually the main line of gloomy emotional growth, from receiving her, accepting her, to detecting uneasiness, to understanding his heart, to working for her happiness... At each stage, his attitude towards Li Xiang, They all have different views on relationships. He keeps growing and becoming the best person he can be.

If he were the type of boy who speaks well and is interesting, I think this story about fate probably wouldn't happen, at least I wouldn't trust to hand over such a simple Rika to him.

There is a line in "Pumping Heart" that I particularly like, people are like rainbows, and you will know when you meet them. One day, you will meet a gorgeous person who makes you feel like everyone you have met before is just a cloud.

Just thinking about it is so beautiful.

It's a pity that humans and dogs have different paths, and I can't experience this feeling~~

I originally had a lot to say, but now I don’t know what to say. I’m very lucky that everyone likes the stories I write.

I know that everyone understands that the story has come to an end, but they are unwilling to let go of this beautiful attachment and reluctance.

As a philanthropic writer, one hundred of the two hundred chapters are free, and I have finished telling the story. I admit that it is short, and I admit that the rhythm is not well grasped, but when it comes to eunuchs, money traps, etc., I am going to make a fool of myself. Seventy Twenty thousand words of love! like! Small! explain! Already ahead of 80% of the female video peers~~

The song ends and everyone disperses. If we are destined to write another book, we will meet again.

I haven't thought about what to write for the time being. New book friends can read the old books "This Doctor Understands Me Too Well" and "I Am the King of Cats". They are both very sweet.

If you want to read books through other channels and want to subscribe, remember to lock in the 'Starting Point of Reading'. The full subscription is only about 20 yuan, so you can treat me to a cup of milk tea~

If a new book is to be opened, there is a 10% probability in mid-April and a 50% probability in mid-May...

It’s another battle of wits and courage with the editor, Ms. Huya. I’m sad...

See you in the summer and thank you for your company.

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