Super Scholar’s Japanese Girlfriend

Chapter 24: You really cried


Asaba Rika's meal is full of ritual.

First, place the plate in a straight position, then take the soup to the right, and say with full energy: I want to start!

Then he started eating.

Shen Yu was still a little embarrassed. After all, he agreed to eat the dishes she ordered for the two of them together. However, something unexpected happened just now and he had already eaten some first.

"Shen Yujun, try this, it's delicious!"

Asaba Rika brought two spoons, one for herself to eat, and the other for Shen Yu to pick up food. Although she knew that there was a tradition in China to pick up food for close people, she didn't know if Shen Yu would do it. Will dislike her.

Two Sixi meatballs, one of which was given to Shen Yu.

Chen Yu was already a little tasteless when eating, but under the influence of the delicious pear aroma, his appetite gradually improved.

In any case, today's misunderstanding cannot be blamed on Li Xiang. If I were to blame, I could only blame myself for being so unlucky.

But it's okay, anyway, if Asaba Rika stays at his house, Chicken Girl and Duck Brother will know about it sooner or later.

After a while, it will become clear to them that they are really not in a relationship anymore.

As for being kicked out of the small group of three, Shen Yu doesn't mind, they will definitely add him back, don't worry.

"Shen Yujun, can I eat yours if I want to?"

Asaba Rika pointed to the garlic chicken wings on his plate. There were three in total, and Shen Yu ate one.

"If you don't mind it, then eat it."

Shen Yu didn't care, he pushed the plate towards her and asked her to pick it up herself.

"I don't mind it."

Asaba Rika picked up a chicken wing and said, "I know you have a tradition of serving food to those close to you. I won't dislike it. You haven't eaten it before, so I have to do as the Romans do."

"You can use it as the Romans do."

"Hehe, I've been reading an idiom dictionary recently, but there are still many idioms that I don't know what they mean."

Shen Yu was already full first, holding the soup Asaba Rika gave him and sipping it in small sips.

After hearing this, he said with some satisfaction: "There are many idioms that only Chinese people know what they mean. Which of you doesn't understand? I can spend three minutes teaching you. It's a thank you for helping me make soup."

Asaba Rika asked: "Shen Yujun, do you know what 'cow clothes cry' means?"

Shen Yu's face was solemn, science students should not enter the muddy waters of liberal arts!

After thinking for a while, he said seriously: "It's about a cow being slaughtered and made into clothes. The owner looked at the cow clothes and cried sadly."

Rika Asaba was amused by him and couldn't stop giggling.

"Why are you laughing?" Shen Yu asked with a straight face.

Asaba Rika quickly stopped her smile, thinking that Lord Shen Yu was really overbearing, and he still wanted to hurt her even though she was wrong.

I still couldn't help but want to snicker, so I covered my mouth with the back of my hand and chuckled.

"No, I'm just laughing at myself. At first my answer was similar to that of Mr. Shen Yu. I thought it was two cows wearing clothes crying at each other. But after reading the analysis, it was not like this."

"What's that like?"

Lixiang recalled the allusion of this idiom and said: "Well, in ancient times, there was a minister who lived a very poor life with his wife when he was young. One day he was about to freeze to death and could only use cow clothes to keep warm. He cried and said to his wife that he He wanted to give up, but his wife scolded him later, and then he worked hard and finally became a useful person. This idiom refers to the poor living conditions."

Shen Yu didn't expect that she would actually educate him. The world today is really weird. Is it the wrong way to get up

"It seems you like idioms very much."

"Yes, I like to read short stories in idioms, and I can get a lot of inspiration..."

Rika Asaba was about to say that her current comic was based on Chinese history, and then she suddenly stopped. If Shen Yu knew that she was drawing a girl's comic, there were so many scenes that Bai Xiaomeng liked to see in it. So shameful.

"Inspiration? You're drawing comics, right?"

"No, no..." Asaba Rika waved her hand to deny.

"I saw it all last night, it's not a big deal."

"Shen Yujun... you must not misunderstand!"

"What's the misunderstanding?" Shen Yu felt a little strange.

Drawing comics is normal. She is an art major, and she seems to have a good understanding of the plot.

After all, comics are not just about good drawing skills, the main attraction is the plot.

Asaba Rika didn't know what Shen Yu saw on the screen last night. It happened to be a page where the male and female protagonists were kissing passionately and sticking out their tongues. However, the picture of the little tongues was probably blocked by Bai Xiaomeng.

"My hero and heroine only kiss because they have a deep relationship. They are not just casual people..." Asaba Rika explained hesitantly.

"Oh, I know, this is normal. It's not a drawing, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about." Shen Yu nodded and said.

"Well..." Asaba Rika blushed and lowered her head.

After both of them finished eating, Shen Yu cleared the dining table and carried the plates to the storage area. Rika Asaba followed suit and followed behind him.

School has just started today, and the students who have had a summer break seem to be extremely energetic, especially the major clubs.

In the playground and downstairs of the dormitory, small tents of various colors were sold, and the seniors and sisters enthusiastically solicited customers.

"Junior, do you want to join our roller skating club? You are so handsome, the girls who play roller skating scream when they see you."

A female student who didn't know whether she was a sophomore or a junior grabbed him. She was handsome and young, and freshmen were the most sought-after students in major societies.

"Did you scream in fear when you saw me fall?" Shen Yu asked.

"Junior, you really know how to joke. You look like a one-of-a-kind roller skating prodigy."

Shen Yu knew very well that he had no athletic talent, so roller skating would be a good choice, so he declined the enthusiastic senior sister.

Rika Asaba seemed very interested. After all, in Japan, clubs are an important part of school life.

"Shen Yu-kun, what club have you joined?" Asabara asked, tugging at the corner of his clothes.

"I didn't participate, I didn't have time."

"Like this..." Asaba Rika was a little disappointed. She originally wanted to sign up for a club with Shen Yu.

"Do you have classes in the afternoon?" Shen Yu asked.

"No, today is just the training in the morning. I also met a new friend from Malaysia. She told me that living in the dormitory is not good. She doesn't understand anything like me. But luckily I have depression. Jun you..."

Asaba Rika began to talk casually again, and Shen Yu didn't listen much. She would hum from time to time, and she could say that she was very happy.

Arriving at the electric vehicle parking area, Shen Yu quickly unlocked the door, put the big helmet on his head, and put the small helmet on Asaba Rika's head.

Rika Asaba also has a dream of being a motorcycle girl. She used to be a big fan of the anime "Boom Girl" and felt that she was driving a handsome motorcycle, and then she became very handsome.

Nowadays, there are no cool motorcycles anymore, but unpretentious electric motorcycles are also good. Asaba Rika likes the feeling of riding on the road with the wind blowing on her face and ruffling her hair.

Without waiting for Shen Yu's instructions, she sat down on the back seat of the electric car and hugged Shen Yu's waist with both hands. Her movements were as natural as possible.

She is natural, but being depressed is not natural.

Her soft waist was hugged by her little hands, and the muscles immediately tightened like an electric shock.

Rika Asaba thought it was fun, so she let go and hugged her again, then let go again and hugged her again...

"If you move your hands and feet again, I will throw you into the river!"

"It will not!"

Asaba Rika quickly hugged her and didn't dare to move.

The electric car started, and Shen Yu solemnly told her: "Please remember the route carefully."

"Okay, okay." Asaba Rika agreed obediently.

After memorizing a hundred meters, there was no storage space left in my brain.

So I gave up happily and became a happy salted fish, sitting behind the electric car, hugging Shen Yu's waist, and humming softly.

It would be nice if the car didn't fall over, so she could shake her calves while humming.

It was almost one o'clock when I got home, the yard door opened automatically, and Shen Yu saw Su Zhifu squatting in the yard pulling weeds.

While pulling weeds, I cried.

"Wuwu... I won't cry..."

"I just... don't want to go to school... I won't cry... wuwu..."

